{-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes #-}

-- |
-- Exposes subspecies types of Char.
-- e.g. [a-z], [A-Z], and [0-9].
module Data.Char.Cases where

import Cases.Megaparsec
import Control.Applicative
import Data.Map.Strict (Map)
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
import Data.Maybe (fromJust)
import Data.String.Here (i)
import Data.Tuple (swap)
import Language.Haskell.TH
import Language.Haskell.TH.Quote (QuasiQuoter(..))
import qualified Text.Megaparsec as P
import qualified Text.Megaparsec.Char as P

-- $setup
-- >>> :set -XQuasiQuotes

dual :: Ord a => Map k a -> Map a k
dual (Map.toList -> x) =
  Map.fromList $ map swap x

data AlphaNumChar = AlphaNumAlpha AlphaChar
                  | AlphaNumDigit DigitChar
  deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)

alphaNumToChar :: AlphaNumChar -> Char
alphaNumToChar (AlphaNumAlpha x) = alphaToChar x
alphaNumToChar (AlphaNumDigit x) = digitToChar x

alphaNumChar :: CodeParsing m => m AlphaNumChar
alphaNumChar =
  AlphaNumAlpha <$> alphaChar <|>
  AlphaNumDigit <$> digitChar

charToAlphaNum :: Char -> Maybe AlphaNumChar
charToAlphaNum x = P.parseMaybe alphaNumChar [x]

-- |
-- Simular to 'alphaCharQ' and 'digitCharQ'.
-- >>> [alphaNumCharQ|x|]
-- AlphaNumAlpha (AlphaLower X_)
-- >>> [alphaNumCharQ|X|]
-- AlphaNumAlpha (AlphaUpper X)
-- >>> [alphaNumCharQ|1|]
-- AlphaNumDigit D1
alphaNumCharQ :: QuasiQuoter
alphaNumCharQ = QuasiQuoter
  { quoteExp  = expQ
  , quotePat  = error "not supported"
  , quoteType = error "not supported"
  , quoteDec  = error "not supported"
    expQ :: String -> Q Exp
    expQ [] = fail "alphaNumCharQ required a Char, but nothign is specified."

    expQ (x : []) = case charToAlphaNum x of
      Nothing -> fail [i|'${x}' is not an AlphaNumChar.|]
      Just (AlphaNumAlpha _) ->
        (ConE (mkName "AlphaNumAlpha") `AppE`) <$> (quoteExp alphaCharQ) [x]
      Just (AlphaNumDigit _) ->
        (ConE (mkName "AlphaNumDigit") `AppE`) <$> (quoteExp digitCharQ) [x]

    expQ xs@(_ : _) = fail [i|alphaNumCharQ required a Char, but a String is specified: ${xs}|]

data AlphaChar = AlphaLower LowerChar
               | AlphaUpper UpperChar
  deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)

alphaToChar :: AlphaChar -> Char
alphaToChar (AlphaLower x) = lowerToChar x
alphaToChar (AlphaUpper x) = upperToChar x

charToAlpha :: Char -> Maybe AlphaChar
charToAlpha x = P.parseMaybe alphaChar [x]

alphaChar :: CodeParsing m => m AlphaChar
alphaChar =
  AlphaLower <$> lowerChar <|>
  AlphaUpper <$> upperChar

-- | Simular to 'lowerCharQ' and 'upperCharQ'.
alphaCharQ :: QuasiQuoter
alphaCharQ = QuasiQuoter
  { quoteExp  = expQ
  , quotePat  = error "not supported"
  , quoteType = error "not supported"
  , quoteDec  = error "not supported"
    expQ :: String -> Q Exp
    expQ [] = fail "alphaCharQ required a Char, but nothign is specified."

    expQ (x : []) = case charToAlpha x of
      Nothing -> fail [i|'${x}' is not an AlphaChar.|]
      Just (AlphaLower _) ->
        (ConE (mkName "AlphaLower") `AppE`) <$> (quoteExp lowerCharQ) [x]
      Just (AlphaUpper _) ->
        (ConE (mkName "AlphaUpper") `AppE`) <$> (quoteExp upperCharQ) [x]

    expQ xs@(_ : _) = fail [i|alphaCharQ required a Char, but a String is specified: ${xs}|]

data UpperChar = A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
  deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)

upperToChar :: UpperChar -> Char
upperToChar = fromJust . flip Map.lookup uppers

uppers :: Map UpperChar Char
uppers = Map.fromList
  [ (A, 'A'), (B, 'B'), (C, 'C')
  , (D, 'D'), (E, 'E'), (F, 'F')
  , (G, 'G'), (H, 'H'), (I, 'I')
  , (J, 'J'), (K, 'K'), (L, 'L')
  , (M, 'M'), (N, 'N'), (O, 'O')
  , (P, 'P'), (Q, 'Q'), (R, 'R')
  , (S, 'S'), (T, 'T'), (U, 'U')
  , (V, 'V'), (W, 'W'), (X, 'X')
  , (Y, 'Y'), (Z, 'Z')

upperChar :: CodeParsing m => m UpperChar
upperChar = do
  char <- P.upperChar
  let maybeUpper = Map.lookup char $ dual uppers
  case maybeUpper of
    Nothing -> fail "non upper char"
    Just x -> pure x

charToUpper :: Char -> Maybe UpperChar
charToUpper x = P.parseMaybe upperChar [x]

-- |
-- Extracts a Char of [A-Z].
-- Also throws compile error if non [A-Z] is passed.
-- >>> [upperCharQ|X|]
-- X
-- >>> [upperCharQ|Y|]
-- Y
upperCharQ :: QuasiQuoter
upperCharQ = QuasiQuoter
  { quoteExp  = expQ
  , quotePat  = error "not supported"
  , quoteType = error "not supported"
  , quoteDec  = error "not supported"
    expQ :: String -> Q Exp
    expQ [] = fail "upperCharQ required a Char, but nothign is specified."

    expQ (x : []) = case charToUpper x of
      Nothing -> fail [i|'${x}' is not an UpperChar.|]
      Just z -> conE . mkName $ show z

    expQ xs@(_ : _) = fail [i|upperCharQ required a Char, but a String is specified: ${xs}|]

data LowerChar = A_ | B_ | C_ | D_ | E_ | F_ | G_ | H_ | I_ | J_ | K_ | L_ | M_ | N_ | O_ | P_ | Q_ | R_ | S_ | T_ | U_ | V_ | W_ | X_ | Y_ | Z_
  deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)

lowerToChar :: LowerChar -> Char
lowerToChar = fromJust . flip Map.lookup lowers

lowers :: Map LowerChar Char
lowers = Map.fromList
  [ (A_, 'a'), (B_, 'b'), (C_, 'c')
  , (D_, 'd'), (E_, 'e'), (F_, 'f')
  , (G_, 'g'), (H_, 'h'), (I_, 'i')
  , (J_, 'j'), (K_, 'k'), (L_, 'l')
  , (M_, 'm'), (N_, 'n'), (O_, 'o')
  , (P_, 'p'), (Q_, 'q'), (R_, 'r')
  , (S_, 's'), (T_, 't'), (U_, 'u')
  , (V_, 'v'), (W_, 'w'), (X_, 'x')
  , (Y_, 'y'), (Z_, 'z')

lowerChar :: CodeParsing m => m LowerChar
lowerChar = do
  char <- P.lowerChar
  let maybeLower = Map.lookup char $ dual lowers
  case maybeLower of
    Nothing -> fail "non lower char"
    Just x -> pure x

charToLower :: Char -> Maybe LowerChar
charToLower x = P.parseMaybe lowerChar [x]

-- |
-- Extracts a Char of [a-z].
-- Also throws compile error if non [a-z] is passed.
-- >>> [lowerCharQ|x|]
-- X_
-- >>> [lowerCharQ|y|]
-- Y_
lowerCharQ :: QuasiQuoter
lowerCharQ = QuasiQuoter
  { quoteExp  = expQ
  , quotePat  = error "not supported"
  , quoteType = error "not supported"
  , quoteDec  = error "not supported"
    expQ :: String -> Q Exp
    expQ [] = fail "lowerCharQ required a Char, but nothign is specified."

    expQ (x : []) = case charToLower x of
      Nothing -> fail [i|'${x}' is not a LowerChar.|]
      Just z -> conE . mkName $ show z

    expQ xs@(_ : _) = fail [i|lowerCharQ required a Char, but a String is specified: ${xs}|]

-- | [0-9]
data DigitChar = D0
               | D1
               | D2
               | D3
               | D4
               | D5
               | D6
               | D7
               | D8
               | D9
  deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)

digitToChar :: DigitChar -> Char
digitToChar = fromJust . flip Map.lookup digits

digits :: Map DigitChar Char
digits = Map.fromList
  [ (D0, '0')
  , (D1, '1'), (D2, '2'), (D3, '3')
  , (D4, '4'), (D5, '5'), (D6, '6')
  , (D4, '7'), (D8, '8'), (D9, '9')

digitChar :: CodeParsing m => m DigitChar
digitChar = do
  char <- P.digitChar
  let maybeNum = Map.lookup char $ dual digits
  case maybeNum of
    Nothing -> fail "non numeric char"
    Just x -> pure x

charToDigit :: Char -> Maybe DigitChar
charToDigit x = P.parseMaybe digitChar [x]

-- |
-- Extracts a Char of [0-9].
-- Also throws compile error if non [a-z] is passed.
-- >>> [digitCharQ|0|]
-- D0
-- >>> [digitCharQ|9|]
-- D9
digitCharQ :: QuasiQuoter
digitCharQ = QuasiQuoter
  { quoteExp  = expQ
  , quotePat  = error "not supported"
  , quoteType = error "not supported"
  , quoteDec  = error "not supported"
    expQ :: String -> Q Exp
    expQ [] = fail "digitCharQ required a Char, but nothign is specified."

    expQ (x : []) = case charToDigit x of
      Nothing -> fail [i|'${x}' is not a DigitChar.|]
      Just z -> conE . mkName $ show z

    expQ xs@(_ : _) = fail [i|digitCharQ required a Char, but a String is specified: ${xs}|]

-- |
-- [a-zA-Z0-9_]
-- Please see 'Sneak'.
data SneakChar = SneakUnderscore -- ^ _
               | SneakAlphaNum AlphaNumChar -- ^ [a-zA-Z0-9]
  deriving (Show, Eq)

unSneakChar :: SneakChar -> Char
unSneakChar SneakUnderscore = '_'
unSneakChar (SneakAlphaNum x) = alphaNumToChar x

sneakChar :: CodeParsing m => m SneakChar
sneakChar =
  SneakUnderscore <$ P.char '_' <|>
  SneakAlphaNum <$> alphaNumChar

charToSneak :: Char -> Maybe SneakChar
charToSneak x = P.parseMaybe sneakChar [x]

-- |
-- Extracts a Char of [a-zA-Z0-9_].
-- Also throws compile error if non [a-zA-Z0-9_] is passed.
-- >>> [sneakCharQ|x|]
-- SneakAlphaNum (AlphaNumAlpha (AlphaLower X_))
-- >>> [sneakCharQ|X|]
-- SneakAlphaNum (AlphaNumAlpha (AlphaUpper X))
-- >>> [sneakCharQ|_|]
-- SneakUnderscore
-- >>> [sneakCharQ|9|]
-- SneakAlphaNum (AlphaNumDigit D9)
sneakCharQ :: QuasiQuoter
sneakCharQ = QuasiQuoter
  { quoteExp  = expQ
  , quotePat  = error "not supported"
  , quoteType = error "not supported"
  , quoteDec  = error "not supported"
    expQ :: String -> Q Exp
    expQ [] = fail "sneakCharQ required a Char, but nothign is specified."

    expQ (x : []) = case charToSneak x of
      Nothing -> fail [i|'${x}' is not a SneakChar.|]
      Just SneakUnderscore ->
        conE $ mkName "SneakUnderscore"
      Just (SneakAlphaNum _) ->
        (ConE (mkName "SneakAlphaNum") `AppE`) <$> (quoteExp alphaNumCharQ) [x]

    expQ xs@(_ : _) = fail [i|sneakCharQ required a Char, but a String is specified: ${xs}|]

-- |
-- [a-zA-Z_]
-- Please see 'Sneak'.
data SneakHeadChar = SneakHeadUnderscore
                   | SneakHeadAlpha AlphaChar
  deriving (Show, Eq)

unSneakHeadChar :: SneakHeadChar -> Char
unSneakHeadChar SneakHeadUnderscore = '_'
unSneakHeadChar (SneakHeadAlpha x) = alphaToChar x

sneakHeadChar :: CodeParsing m => m SneakHeadChar
sneakHeadChar =
  SneakHeadUnderscore <$ P.char '_' <|>
  SneakHeadAlpha <$> alphaChar

charToSneakHead :: Char -> Maybe SneakHeadChar
charToSneakHead x = P.parseMaybe sneakHeadChar [x]

-- |
-- Extracts a Char of [a-zA-Z_].
-- Also throws compile error if non [a-zA-Z_] is passed.
-- >>> [sneakHeadCharQ|x|]
-- SneakHeadAlpha (AlphaLower X_)
-- >>> [sneakHeadCharQ|X|]
-- SneakHeadAlpha (AlphaUpper X)
-- >>> [sneakHeadCharQ|_|]
-- SneakHeadUnderscore
sneakHeadCharQ :: QuasiQuoter
sneakHeadCharQ = QuasiQuoter
  { quoteExp  = expQ
  , quotePat  = error "not supported"
  , quoteType = error "not supported"
  , quoteDec  = error "not supported"
    expQ :: String -> Q Exp
    expQ [] = fail "sneakHeadCharQ required a Char, but nothign is specified."

    expQ (x : []) = case charToSneakHead x of
      Nothing -> fail [i|'${x}' is not a SneakHeadChar.|]
      Just SneakHeadUnderscore ->
        conE $ mkName "SneakHeadUnderscore"
      Just (SneakHeadAlpha _) ->
        (ConE (mkName "SneakHeadAlpha") `AppE`) <$> (quoteExp alphaCharQ) [x]

    expQ xs@(_ : _) = fail [i|sneakHeadCharQ required a Char, but a String is specified: ${xs}|]