chart-unit-0.5.1: Native haskell charts.

Safe HaskellNone



Glyphs are (typically) small shapes symbolically representing a data point.



data GlyphOptions b Source #

The actual shape of a glyph can be any Chart element


hline_ :: Double -> Double -> Chart b Source #

Horizontal line glyph shape with a reasonable thickness as "hline_ 1"

vline_ :: Double -> Double -> Chart b Source #

Vertical line glyph shape with a reasonable thickness at "vline_ 1"

glyph_ :: GlyphOptions b -> Chart b Source #

Create a glyph.

let glyph_Example = glyph_ def

glyphs :: (R2 r, Traversable f) => GlyphOptions b -> f (r Double) -> Chart b Source #

Create positioned glyphs.

let ps = [Pair (x/10) ((sin x)/10) | x<-[0..10]]
glyphs def ps

lglyphs :: (R2 r, Traversable f) => LabelOptions -> GlyphOptions b -> f (Text, r Double) -> Chart b Source #

Create labelled, positioned glyphs.

lglyphs def def $ zip (show <$> [0..]) ps

glyphChart :: Traversable f => [GlyphOptions b] -> Aspect -> Rect Double -> [f (Pair Double)] -> Chart b Source #

A chart of glyphs

glyphChart_ :: Traversable f => [GlyphOptions b] -> Aspect -> [f (Pair Double)] -> Chart b Source #

A chart of glyphs scaled to its own range

let gopts = [def,def {glyphBorderColor=withOpacity red 0.2, glyphShape=triangle}]
let p_1 = [Pair x (sin (x/10)) | x<-[0..100]]
let p_2 = [Pair x (cos (x/10)) | x<-[0..100]]
glyphChart_ gopts widescreen [p_1,p_2]

lglyphChart :: Traversable f => [LabelOptions] -> [GlyphOptions b] -> Aspect -> Rect Double -> [f (Text, Pair Double)] -> Chart b Source #

A chart of labelled glyphs

lglyphChart_ :: Traversable f => [LabelOptions] -> [GlyphOptions b] -> Aspect -> [f (Text, Pair Double)] -> Chart b Source #

A chart of labelled glyphs scaled to its own range

let g = Pair <$> [0..5] <*> [0..5] :: [Pair Int]
let xs = [(\(p@(Pair x y)) -> ((show x <> "," <> show y), fromIntegral <$> p)) <$> g]
lglyphChart_ [def {labelGap=0.01}] [def] sixbyfour xs

circle :: (TrailLike t, (~) (* -> *) (V t) V2, (~) * (N t) n, Transformable t) => n -> t #

A circle of the given radius, centered at the origin. As a path, it begins at (r,0).

square :: (InSpace V2 n t, TrailLike t) => n -> t #

A square with its center at the origin and sides of the given length, oriented parallel to the axes.

triangle :: (InSpace V2 n t, TrailLike t) => n -> t #

An equilateral triangle, with sides of the given length and base parallel to the x-axis.