chart-unit- Native haskell charts.

Safe HaskellNone



Points on a chart connected by lines.



data LineOptions Source #

The main features of a line (that distinguish it from a glyph say) is that:

  • it exists over multiple points (a line can't exist at a single point)
  • line rendering is normalized to the eventual physical chart




oneline :: R2 r => LineOptions -> Pair (r Double) -> Chart b Source #

A single line connecting 2 points

lines :: (Traversable f, R2 r) => LineOptions -> f (r Double) -> Chart b Source #

A line connecting a series of points

linesExample :: Int -> Chart b
linesExample n =
  (#color .~ red `withOpacity` 0.5 $ def)
  (dataXY cos (Range 0 (4*pi)) n)

glines :: (Traversable f, R2 r) => LineOptions -> GlyphOptions -> f (r Double) -> Chart b Source #

Lines with glyphs atop eack point

lineChart :: Traversable f => [LineOptions] -> Rect Double -> Rect Double -> [f (Pair Double)] -> Chart b Source #

A chart of lines

lineChart_ :: Traversable f => [LineOptions] -> Rect Double -> [f (Pair Double)] -> Chart b Source #

A chart of lines scaled to its own range

ls :: [[Pair Double]]
ls =
  map (uncurry Pair) <$>
  [ [(0.0, 1.0), (1.0, 1.0), (2.0, 5.0)]
  , [(0.0, 0.0), (3.0, 3.0)]
  , [(0.5, 4.0), (0.5, 0)]

lopts :: [LineOptions]
lopts =
  (\x y -> LineOptions x (withOpacity (d3Colors1 y) 0.6))
  [0.01, 0.02, 0.005]

lineChart_Example :: Chart b
lineChart_Example = lineChart_ lopts sixbyfour ls

glineChart :: Traversable f => [LineOptions] -> [GlyphOptions] -> Rect Double -> Rect Double -> [f (Pair Double)] -> Chart b Source #

A chart of glines

glineChart_ :: Traversable f => [LineOptions] -> [GlyphOptions] -> Rect Double -> [f (Pair Double)] -> Chart b Source #

A chart of glyphs_lines scaled to its own range

gopts3 :: [GlyphOptions]
gopts3 =
  (\x y ->
     #color .~ withOpacity (d3Colors1 x) 0.2 $
     #borderColor .~ withOpacity (d3Colors1 x) 1 $
     #borderSize .~ 0.005 $
     #shape .~ y $
     #size .~ 0.08 $
  [Triangle, Square, Circle]

glineChart_Example :: Chart b
glineChart_Example = glineChart_ lopts gopts3 sixbyfour ls