chatter- A library of simple NLP algorithms.

Safe HaskellNone




data IOBChunk chunk tag Source

Data type to indicate IOB tags for chunking


BChunk (POS tag) chunk

Beging marker.

IChunk (POS tag) chunk

In chunk tag

OChunk (POS tag)

Not in a chunk.


(Eq chunk, Eq tag) => Eq (IOBChunk chunk tag) 
(Read chunk, Read tag) => Read (IOBChunk chunk tag) 
(Show chunk, Show tag) => Show (IOBChunk chunk tag) 
(ChunkTag c, Arbitrary c, Arbitrary t, Tag t) => Arbitrary (IOBChunk c t) 

getPOS :: (ChunkTag c, Tag t) => IOBChunk c t -> POS t Source

parseIOBLine :: (ChunkTag chunk, Tag tag) => Text -> Either Error (IOBChunk chunk tag) Source

Parse an IOB-chunk encoded line of text.

Assumes that the line has three space-delimeted entries, in the format: > token POSTag IOBChunk For example: > > parseIOBLine "We PRP B-NP" :: IOBChunk B.Chunk B.Tag > BChunk (POS B.PRP (Token We)) B.C_NP

toChunkTree :: (ChunkTag c, Tag t) => [IOBChunk c t] -> ChunkedSentence c t Source

Turn an IOB result into a tree.

parseIOB :: (ChunkTag chunk, Tag tag) => Text -> Either Error [[IOBChunk chunk tag]] Source

Parse an IOB-encoded corpus.

parseSentence :: (ChunkTag chunk, Tag tag) => [Text] -> Either Error [IOBChunk chunk tag] Source

getSentences :: Text -> [[Text]] Source

Just split a body of text into lines, and then into "paragraphs". Each resulting sub list is separated by empty lines in the original text.

e.g.; > > getSentences "Henjumpedn.nnShenjumpedn." > [[He, "jumped", "."], [She,"jumped", "."]]