checkers-0.1.4: Check properties on standard classes and data structures.




Some QuickCheck properties for standard type classes



ordRel :: forall a. (Ord a, Show a, Arbitrary a, EqProp a) => BinRel a -> (a -> Gen a) -> TestBatchSource

Total ordering. gen a ought to generate values b satisfying a rel b fairly often.

ord :: forall a. (Ord a, Show a, Arbitrary a, EqProp a) => (a -> Gen a) -> TestBatchSource

Total ordering

ordMorphism :: (Ord a, Ord b, EqProp b, Show a, Arbitrary a) => (a -> b) -> TestBatchSource

Ord morphism properties. h is an Ord morphism iff:

    a <= b = h a <= h b

    h (a `min` b) = h a `min` h b
    h (a `max` b) = h a `max` h b

semanticOrd :: forall a b. (Model a b, Ord a, Ord b, Show a, Arbitrary a, EqProp b) => a -> TestBatchSource

The semantic function (model) for a is an ordMorphism.

monoid :: forall a. (Monoid a, Show a, Arbitrary a, EqProp a) => a -> TestBatchSource

Properties to check that the Monoid a satisfies the monoid properties. The argument value is ignored and is present only for its type.

monoidMorphism :: (Monoid a, Monoid b, EqProp b, Show a, Arbitrary a) => (a -> b) -> TestBatchSource

Monoid homomorphism properties. See also homomorphism.

semanticMonoid :: forall a b. (Model a b, Monoid a, Monoid b, Show a, Arbitrary a, EqProp b) => a -> TestBatchSource

functor :: forall m a b c. (Functor m, Arbitrary a, Arbitrary b, Arbitrary c, Show (m a), Arbitrary (m a), EqProp (m a), EqProp (m c)) => m (a, b, c) -> TestBatchSource

Properties to check that the Functor m satisfies the functor properties.

functorMorphism :: forall f g. (Functor f, Functor g, Arbitrary (f NumT), Show (f NumT), EqProp (g T)) => (forall a. f a -> g a) -> TestBatchSource

Functor morphism (natural transformation) properties

semanticFunctor :: forall f g. (Model1 f g, Functor f, Functor g, Arbitrary (f NumT), Show (f NumT), EqProp (g T)) => f () -> TestBatchSource

The semantic function (model1) for f is a functorMorphism.

functorMonoid :: forall m a b. (Functor m, Monoid (m a), Monoid (m b), Arbitrary (a -> b), Arbitrary (m a), Show (m a), EqProp (m b)) => m (a, b) -> TestBatchSource

The semantic function (model) for a is a monoidMorphism.

applicative :: forall m a b c. (Applicative m, Arbitrary a, Arbitrary b, Arbitrary (m a), Arbitrary (m (b -> c)), Show (m (b -> c)), Arbitrary (m (a -> b)), Show (m (a -> b)), Show a, Show (m a), EqProp (m a), EqProp (m b), EqProp (m c)) => m (a, b, c) -> TestBatchSource

Properties to check that the Applicative m satisfies the monad properties

applicativeMorphism :: forall f g. (Applicative f, Applicative g, Show (f NumT), Arbitrary (f NumT), EqProp (g NumT), EqProp (g T), Show (f (NumT -> T)), Arbitrary (f (NumT -> T))) => (forall a. f a -> g a) -> TestBatchSource

Applicative morphism properties

semanticApplicative :: forall f g. (Model1 f g, Applicative f, Applicative g, Arbitrary (f NumT), Arbitrary (f (NumT -> T)), EqProp (g NumT), EqProp (g T), Show (f NumT), Show (f (NumT -> T))) => f () -> TestBatchSource

The semantic function (model1) for f is an applicativeMorphism.

monad :: forall m a b c. (Monad m, Show a, Arbitrary a, Arbitrary b, Arbitrary (m a), EqProp (m a), Show (m a), Arbitrary (m b), EqProp (m b), Arbitrary (m c), EqProp (m c)) => m (a, b, c) -> TestBatchSource

Properties to check that the Monad m satisfies the monad properties

monadMorphism :: forall f g. (Monad f, Monad g, Functor g, Show (f NumT), Show (f (NumT -> T)), Show (f (f (NumT -> T))), Arbitrary (f NumT), Arbitrary (f T), Arbitrary (f (NumT -> T)), Arbitrary (f (f (NumT -> T))), EqProp (g NumT), EqProp (g T), EqProp (g (NumT -> T))) => (forall a. f a -> g a) -> TestBatchSource

Monad morphism properties

Applicative morphism properties

semanticMonad :: forall f g. (Model1 f g, Monad f, Monad g, EqProp (g T), EqProp (g NumT), EqProp (g (NumT -> T)), Arbitrary (f T), Arbitrary (f NumT), Arbitrary (f (f (NumT -> T))), Arbitrary (f (NumT -> T)), Show (f (f (NumT -> T))), Show (f (NumT -> T)), Show (f NumT), Functor g) => f () -> TestBatchSource

The semantic function (model1) for f is a monadMorphism.

monadFunctor :: forall m a b. (Functor m, Monad m, Arbitrary a, Arbitrary b, Arbitrary (m a), Show (m a), EqProp (m b)) => m (a, b) -> TestBatchSource

Law for monads that are also instances of Functor.

monadApplicative :: forall m a b. (Applicative m, Monad m, EqProp (m a), EqProp (m b), Show a, Arbitrary a, Show (m a), Arbitrary (m a), Show (m (a -> b)), Arbitrary (m (a -> b))) => m (a, b) -> TestBatchSource

arrow :: forall (~>) b c d e. (Arrow ~>, Show (d ~> e), Show (c ~> d), Show (b ~> c), Show b, Show c, Show d, Show e, Arbitrary (d ~> e), Arbitrary (c ~> d), Arbitrary (b ~> c), Arbitrary b, Arbitrary c, Arbitrary d, Arbitrary e, EqProp (b ~> e), EqProp (b ~> d), EqProp ((b, d) ~> c), EqProp ((b, d) ~> (c, d)), EqProp ((b, e) ~> (d, e)), EqProp ((b, d) ~> (c, e)), EqProp b, EqProp c, EqProp d, EqProp e) => (b ~> (c, d, e)) -> TestBatchSource

arrowChoice :: forall (~>) b c d e. (ArrowChoice ~>, Show (b ~> c), Arbitrary (b ~> c), Arbitrary b, Arbitrary c, Arbitrary d, Arbitrary e, EqProp (Either b d ~> Either c e), EqProp (Either b d ~> Either c d)) => (b ~> (c, d, e)) -> TestBatchSource

traversable :: forall f a b m. (Traversable f, Monoid m, Show (f a), Arbitrary (f a), Arbitrary b, Arbitrary a, Arbitrary m, EqProp (f b), EqProp m) => f (a, b, m) -> TestBatchSource

monadPlus :: forall m a b. (MonadPlus m, Show (m a), Arbitrary a, Arbitrary (m a), Arbitrary (m b), EqProp (m a), EqProp (m b)) => m (a, b) -> TestBatchSource

Laws for MonadPlus instances with left distribution.

monadOr :: forall m a b. (MonadPlus m, Show a, Show (m a), Arbitrary a, Arbitrary (m a), Arbitrary (m b), EqProp (m a), EqProp (m b)) => m (a, b) -> TestBatchSource

Laws for MonadPlus instances with left catch.