{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeSynonymInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}

-- | Chell is a simple and intuitive library for automated testing. It natively
-- supports assertion-based testing, and can use companion libraries
-- such as @chell-quickcheck@ to support more complex testing strategies.
-- An example test suite, which verifies the behavior of artithmetic operators.
-- @
--{-\# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell \#-}
--import Test.Chell
--suite_Math :: Suite
--suite_Math = 'suite' \"math\"
--    [ test_Addition
--    , test_Subtraction
--    ]
--test_Addition :: Test
--test_Addition = 'assertions' \"addition\" $ do
--    $'expect' ('equal' (2 + 1) 3)
--    $'expect' ('equal' (1 + 2) 3)
--test_Subtraction :: Test
--test_Subtraction = 'assertions' \"subtraction\" $ do
--    $'expect' ('equal' (2 - 1) 1)
--    $'expect' ('equal' (1 - 2) (-1))
--main :: IO ()
--main = 'defaultMain' [suite_Math]
-- @
-- >$ ghc --make chell-example.hs
-- >$ ./chell-example
-- >PASS: 2 tests run, 2 tests passed
module Test.Chell

  -- * Main

  -- * Test suites
  , Suite
  , suite
  , suiteName
  , suiteTests

  -- ** Skipping some tests
  , SuiteOrTest
  , skipIf
  , skipWhen

  -- * Basic testing library
  , Assertions
  , assertions
  , IsAssertion
  , Assertion
  , assertionPassed
  , assertionFailed
  , assert
  , expect
  , die
  , trace
  , note
  , afterTest
  , requireLeft
  , requireRight

  -- ** Built-in assertions
  , equal
  , notEqual
  , equalWithin
  , just
  , nothing
  , left
  , right
  , throws
  , throwsEq
  , greater
  , greaterEqual
  , lesser
  , lesserEqual
  , sameItems
  , equalItems
  , IsText
  , equalLines
  , equalLinesWith

  -- * Custom test types
  , Test
  , test
  , testName
  , runTest

  -- ** Test results
  , TestResult (..)

  -- *** Failures
  , Failure
  , failure
  , failureLocation
  , failureMessage

  -- *** Failure locations
  , Location
  , location
  , locationFile
  , locationModule
  , locationLine

  -- ** Test options
  , TestOptions
  , defaultTestOptions
  , testOptionSeed
  , testOptionTimeout
  ) where

import qualified Control.Applicative
import qualified Control.Exception
import           Control.Exception (Exception)
import           Control.Monad (ap, liftM)
import           Control.Monad.IO.Class (MonadIO, liftIO)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8
import           Data.Foldable (Foldable, foldMap)
import           Data.List (foldl', intercalate, sort)
import           Data.Maybe (isJust, isNothing)
import           Data.IORef (IORef, newIORef, readIORef, modifyIORef)
import qualified Data.Text
import           Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy

import qualified Language.Haskell.TH as TH

import qualified Patience

import           Test.Chell.Main (defaultMain)
import           Test.Chell.Types

-- | A single pass/fail assertion. Failed assertions include an explanatory
-- message.
data Assertion
  = AssertionPassed
  | AssertionFailed String
  deriving (Eq, Show)

-- | See 'Assertion'.
assertionPassed :: Assertion
assertionPassed = AssertionPassed

-- | See 'Assertion'.
assertionFailed :: String -> Assertion
assertionFailed = AssertionFailed

-- | See 'assert' and 'expect'.
class IsAssertion a
    runAssertion :: a -> IO Assertion

instance IsAssertion Assertion
    runAssertion = return

instance IsAssertion Bool
    runAssertion x =
          if x
            then assertionPassed
            else assertionFailed "boolean assertion failed"

instance IsAssertion a => IsAssertion (IO a)
    runAssertion x = x >>= runAssertion

type TestState = (IORef [(String, String)], IORef [IO ()], [Failure])

-- | See 'assertions'.
newtype Assertions a =
    { unAssertions :: TestState -> IO (Maybe a, TestState) }

instance Functor Assertions
    fmap = liftM

instance Control.Applicative.Applicative Assertions
    pure = return
    (<*>) = ap

instance Monad Assertions
    return x =
        Assertions (\s -> return (Just x, s))

    m >>= f =
            (\s ->
                (maybe_a, s') <- unAssertions m s
                case maybe_a of
                    Nothing -> return (Nothing, s')
                    Just a -> unAssertions (f a) s'

instance MonadIO Assertions
    liftIO io =
            (\s ->
                x <- io
                return (Just x, s)

-- | Convert a sequence of pass/fail assertions into a runnable test.
-- @
-- test_Equality :: Test
-- test_Equality = assertions \"equality\" $ do
--     $assert (1 == 1)
--     $assert (equal 1 1)
-- @
assertions :: String -> Assertions a -> Test
assertions name testm =
    test name $ \opts ->
        noteRef <- newIORef []
        afterTestRef <- newIORef []

            getNotes = fmap reverse (readIORef noteRef)

            getResult =
                res <- unAssertions testm (noteRef, afterTestRef, [])
                case res of
                    (_, (_, _, [])) ->
                        notes <- getNotes
                        return (TestPassed notes)
                    (_, (_, _, fs)) ->
                        notes <- getNotes
                        return (TestFailed notes (reverse fs))

            (handleJankyIO opts getResult getNotes)
            (runAfterTest afterTestRef)

runAfterTest :: IORef [IO ()] -> IO ()
runAfterTest ref = readIORef ref >>= loop
    loop [] = return ()
    loop (io:ios) = Control.Exception.finally (loop ios) io

addFailure :: Maybe TH.Loc -> String -> Assertions ()
addFailure maybe_loc msg =
    Assertions $ \(notes, afterTestRef, fs) ->
            loc =
                th_loc <- maybe_loc
                return $ location
                    { locationFile = TH.loc_filename th_loc
                    , locationModule = TH.loc_module th_loc
                    , locationLine = Just (toInteger (fst (TH.loc_start th_loc)))
            f = failure
                { failureLocation = loc
                , failureMessage = msg
        return (Just (), (notes, afterTestRef, f : fs))

-- | Cause a test to immediately fail, with a message.
-- 'die' is a Template Haskell macro, to retain the source-file location from
-- which it was used. Its effective type is:
-- @
-- $die :: 'String' -> 'Assertions' a
-- @
die :: TH.Q TH.Exp
die =
    loc <- TH.location
        qloc = liftLoc loc
    [| \msg -> dieAt $qloc ("die: " ++ msg) |]

dieAt :: TH.Loc -> String -> Assertions a
dieAt loc msg =
    addFailure (Just loc) msg
    Assertions (\s -> return (Nothing, s))

-- | Print a message from within a test. This is just a helper for debugging,
-- so you don't have to import @Debug.Trace@. Messages will be prefixed with
-- the filename and line number where @$trace@ was called.
-- 'trace' is a Template Haskell macro, to retain the source-file location
-- from which it was used. Its effective type is:
-- @
-- $trace :: 'String' -> 'Assertions' ()
-- @
trace :: TH.Q TH.Exp
trace =
    loc <- TH.location
        qloc = liftLoc loc
    [| traceAt $qloc |]

traceAt :: TH.Loc -> String -> Assertions ()
traceAt loc msg =
  liftIO $
          file = TH.loc_filename loc
          line = fst (TH.loc_start loc)
      putStr ("[" ++ file ++ ":" ++ show line ++ "] ")
      putStrLn msg

-- | Attach a note to a test run. Notes will be printed to stdout and
-- included in reports, even if the test fails or aborts. Notes are useful for
-- debugging failing tests.
note :: String -> String -> Assertions ()
note key value =
    Assertions (\(notes, afterTestRef, fs) ->
        modifyIORef notes ((key, value) :)
        return (Just (), (notes, afterTestRef, fs)))

-- | Register an IO action to be run after the test completes. This action
-- will run even if the test failed or aborted.
afterTest :: IO () -> Assertions ()
afterTest io =
    Assertions (\(notes, ref, fs) ->
        modifyIORef ref (io :)
        return (Just (), (notes, ref, fs)))

-- | Require an 'Either' value to be 'Left', and return its contents. If
-- the value is 'Right', fail the test.
-- 'requireLeft' is a Template Haskell macro, to retain the source-file
-- location from which it was used. Its effective type is:
-- @
-- $requireLeft :: 'Show' b => 'Either' a b -> 'Assertions' a
-- @
requireLeft :: TH.Q TH.Exp
requireLeft =
    loc <- TH.location
        qloc = liftLoc loc
    [| requireLeftAt $qloc |]

requireLeftAt :: Show b => TH.Loc -> Either a b -> Assertions a
requireLeftAt loc val =
    case val of
        Left a -> return a
        Right b ->
                dummy = Right b `asTypeOf` Left ()
            dieAt loc ("requireLeft: received " ++ showsPrec 11 dummy "")

-- | Require an 'Either' value to be 'Right', and return its contents. If
-- the value is 'Left', fail the test.
-- 'requireRight' is a Template Haskell macro, to retain the source-file
-- location from which it was used. Its effective type is:
-- @
-- $requireRight :: 'Show' a => 'Either' a b -> 'Assertions' b
-- @
requireRight :: TH.Q TH.Exp
requireRight =
    loc <- TH.location
        qloc = liftLoc loc
    [| requireRightAt $qloc |]

requireRightAt :: Show a => TH.Loc -> Either a b -> Assertions b
requireRightAt loc val =
    case val of
        Left a ->
                dummy = Left a `asTypeOf` Right ()
            dieAt loc ("requireRight: received " ++ showsPrec 11 dummy "")
        Right b -> return b

liftLoc :: TH.Loc -> TH.Q TH.Exp
liftLoc loc =
    [| TH.Loc filename package module_ start end |]
    filename = TH.loc_filename loc
    package = TH.loc_package loc
    module_ = TH.loc_module loc
    start = TH.loc_start loc
    end = TH.loc_end loc

assertAt :: IsAssertion assertion => TH.Loc -> Bool -> assertion -> Assertions ()
assertAt loc fatal assertion =
    result <- liftIO (runAssertion assertion)
    case result of
        AssertionPassed -> return ()
        AssertionFailed err ->
            if fatal
                then dieAt loc err
                else addFailure (Just loc) err

-- | Check an assertion. If the assertion fails, the test will immediately
-- fail.
-- The assertion to check can be a boolean value, an 'Assertion', or an IO
-- action returning one of the above.
-- 'assert' is a Template Haskell macro, to retain the source-file location
-- from which it was used. Its effective type is:
-- @
-- $assert :: 'IsAssertion' assertion => assertion -> 'Assertions' ()
-- @
assert :: TH.Q TH.Exp
assert =
    loc <- TH.location
        qloc = liftLoc loc
    [| assertAt $qloc True |]

-- | Check an assertion. If the assertion fails, the test will continue to
-- run until it finishes, a call to 'assert' fails, or the test runs 'die'.
-- The assertion to check can be a boolean value, an 'Assertion', or an IO
-- action returning one of the above.
-- 'expect' is a Template Haskell macro, to retain the source-file location
-- from which it was used. Its effective type is:
-- @
-- $expect :: 'IsAssertion' assertion => assertion -> 'Assertions' ()
-- @
expect :: TH.Q TH.Exp
expect =
    loc <- TH.location
        qloc = liftLoc loc
    [| assertAt $qloc False |]

assertBool :: Bool -> String -> Assertion
assertBool True  _   = assertionPassed
assertBool False err = AssertionFailed err

-- | Assert that two values are equal.
equal :: (Show a, Eq a) => a -> a -> Assertion
equal x y =
        (x == y)
        ("equal: " ++ show x ++ " is not equal to " ++ show y)

-- | Assert that two values are not equal.
notEqual :: (Eq a, Show a) => a -> a -> Assertion
notEqual x y =
        (x /= y)
        ("notEqual: " ++ show x ++ " is equal to " ++ show y)

-- | Assert that two values are within some delta of each other.
equalWithin :: (Real a, Show a) => a -> a
                                -> a -- ^ delta
                                -> Assertion
equalWithin x y delta =
        ((x - delta <= y) && (x + delta >= y))
        ("equalWithin: " ++ show x ++ " is not within " ++ show delta ++ " of " ++ show y)

-- | Assert that some value is @Just@.
just :: Maybe a -> Assertion
just x = assertBool (isJust x) ("just: received Nothing")

-- | Assert that some value is @Nothing@.
nothing :: Show a => Maybe a -> Assertion
nothing x =
        (isNothing x)
        ("nothing: received " ++ showsPrec 11 x "")

-- | Assert that some value is @Left@.
left :: Show b => Either a b -> Assertion
left (Left _) = assertionPassed
left (Right b) = assertionFailed ("left: received " ++ showsPrec 11 dummy "")
    dummy = Right b `asTypeOf` Left ()

-- | Assert that some value is @Right@.
right :: Show a => Either a b -> Assertion
right (Right _) = assertionPassed
right (Left a) = assertionFailed ("right: received " ++ showsPrec 11 dummy "")
    dummy = Left a `asTypeOf` Right ()

-- | Assert that some computation throws an exception matching the provided
-- predicate. This is mostly useful for exception types which do not have an
-- instance for @Eq@, such as @'Control.Exception.ErrorCall'@.
throws :: Exception err => (err -> Bool) -> IO a -> IO Assertion
throws p io =
    either_exc <- Control.Exception.try io
    return $
        case either_exc of
            Left exc ->
                if p exc
                    then assertionPassed
                    else assertionFailed ("throws: exception " ++ show exc ++
                                          " did not match predicate")
            Right _ -> assertionFailed "throws: no exception thrown"

-- | Assert that some computation throws an exception equal to the given
-- exception. This is better than just checking that the correct type was
-- thrown, because the test can also verify the exception contains the correct
-- information.
throwsEq :: (Eq err, Exception err, Show err) => err -> IO a -> IO Assertion
throwsEq expected io =
    either_exc <- Control.Exception.try io
    return $
        case either_exc of
            Left exc ->
                if exc == expected
                    then assertionPassed
                    else assertionFailed ("throwsEq: exception " ++ show exc ++
                                          " is not equal to " ++ show expected)
            Right _ -> assertionFailed "throwsEq: no exception thrown"

-- | Assert a value is greater than another.
greater :: (Ord a, Show a) => a -> a -> Assertion
greater x y =
        (x > y)
        ("greater: " ++ show x ++ " is not greater than " ++ show y)

-- | Assert a value is greater than or equal to another.
greaterEqual :: (Ord a, Show a) => a -> a -> Assertion
greaterEqual x y =
        (x >= y)
        ("greaterEqual: " ++ show x ++ " is not greater than or equal to " ++ show y)

-- | Assert a value is less than another.
lesser :: (Ord a, Show a) => a -> a -> Assertion
lesser x y =
        (x < y)
        ("lesser: " ++ show x ++ " is not less than " ++ show y)

-- | Assert a value is less than or equal to another.
lesserEqual :: (Ord a, Show a) => a -> a -> Assertion
lesserEqual x y =
        (x <= y)
        ("lesserEqual: " ++ show x ++ " is not less than or equal to " ++ show y)

-- | Assert that two containers have the same items, in any order.
sameItems :: (Foldable container, Show item, Ord item) =>
    container item -> container item -> Assertion
sameItems x y = equalDiff' "sameItems" sort x y

-- | Assert that two containers have the same items, in the same order.
equalItems :: (Foldable container, Show item, Ord item) =>
    container item -> container item -> Assertion
equalItems x y = equalDiff' "equalItems" id x y

equalDiff' :: (Foldable container, Show item, Ord item)
           => String
           -> ([item]
           -> [item])
           -> container item
           -> container item
           -> Assertion
equalDiff' label norm x y = checkDiff (items x) (items y)
    items = norm . foldMap (:[])
    checkDiff xs ys =
        case checkItems (Patience.diff xs ys) of
            (same, diff) -> assertBool same diff

    checkItems diffItems =
        case foldl' checkItem (True, []) diffItems of
            (same, diff) -> (same, errorMsg (intercalate "\n" (reverse diff)))

    checkItem (same, acc) item =
        case item of
            Patience.Old t -> (False, ("\t- " ++ show t) : acc)
            Patience.New t -> (False, ("\t+ " ++ show t) : acc)
            Patience.Both t _-> (same, ("\t  " ++ show t) : acc)

    errorMsg diff = label ++ ": items differ\n" ++ diff

-- | Class for types which can be treated as text; see 'equalLines'.
class IsText a
    toLines :: a -> [a]
    unpack :: a -> String

instance IsText String
    toLines = lines
    unpack = id

instance IsText Text
    toLines = Data.Text.lines
    unpack = Data.Text.unpack

instance IsText Data.Text.Lazy.Text
    toLines = Data.Text.Lazy.lines
    unpack = Data.Text.Lazy.unpack

-- | Uses @Data.ByteString.Char8@
instance IsText Data.ByteString.Char8.ByteString
    toLines = Data.ByteString.Char8.lines
    unpack = Data.ByteString.Char8.unpack

-- | Uses @Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8@
instance IsText Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8.ByteString
    toLines = Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8.lines
    unpack = Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8.unpack

-- | Assert that two pieces of text are equal. This uses a diff algorithm
-- to check line-by-line, so the error message will be easier to read on
-- large inputs.
equalLines :: (Ord a, IsText a) => a -> a -> Assertion
equalLines x y = checkLinesDiff "equalLines" (toLines x) (toLines y)

-- | Variant of 'equalLines' which allows a user-specified line-splitting
-- predicate.
equalLinesWith :: Ord a => (a -> [String]) -> a -> a -> Assertion
equalLinesWith toStringLines x y = checkLinesDiff "equalLinesWith" (toStringLines x) (toStringLines y)

checkLinesDiff :: (Ord a, IsText a) => String -> [a] -> [a] -> Assertion
checkLinesDiff label = go
    go xs ys =
        case checkItems (Patience.diff xs ys) of
            (same, diff) -> assertBool same diff

    checkItems diffItems =
        case foldl' checkItem (True, []) diffItems of
            (same, diff) -> (same, errorMsg (intercalate "\n" (reverse diff)))

    checkItem (same, acc) item =
        case item of
            Patience.Old t -> (False, ("\t- " ++ unpack t) : acc)
            Patience.New t -> (False, ("\t+ " ++ unpack t) : acc)
            Patience.Both t _-> (same, ("\t  " ++ unpack t) : acc)

    errorMsg diff = label ++ ": lines differ\n" ++ diff