chp-1.7.1: An implementation of concurrency ideas from Communicating Sequential Processes



A module of operators for connecting processes together.

This whole module was added in version 1.7.0.



class Connectable l r whereSource

Indicates that its two parameters can be joined together automatically.

Rather than use connect directly, you will want to use the operators such as '(=)'. There are different forms of this operator for in the middle of a pipeline (where you still need further parameters to each process), and at the ends. See also pipelineConnect and pipelineConnectComplete.


connect :: ((l, r) -> CHP ()) -> CHP ()Source

Runs the given code with the two items connected.


Connectable (Chanout a) (Chanin a) 
Connectable (Chanin a) (Chanout a) 
(Connectable al ar, Connectable bl br) => Connectable (al, bl) (ar, br) 
Connectable (Enrolled PhasedBarrier ()) (Enrolled PhasedBarrier ()) 
(Connectable al ar, Connectable bl br, Connectable cl cr) => Connectable (al, bl, cl) (ar, br, cr) 
(Connectable al ar, Connectable bl br, Connectable cl cr, Connectable dl dr) => Connectable (al, bl, cl, dl) (ar, br, cr, dr) 
(Connectable al ar, Connectable bl br, Connectable cl cr, Connectable dl dr, Connectable el er) => Connectable (al, bl, cl, dl, el) (ar, br, cr, dr, er) 

(<=>) :: Connectable l r => (a -> l -> CHP ()) -> (r -> b -> CHP ()) -> a -> b -> CHP ()Source

Joins together the given two processes and runs them in parallel.

(|<=>) :: Connectable l r => (l -> CHP ()) -> (r -> b -> CHP ()) -> b -> CHP ()Source

Joins together the given two processes and runs them in parallel.

(<=>|) :: Connectable l r => (a -> l -> CHP ()) -> (r -> CHP ()) -> a -> CHP ()Source

Joins together the given two processes and runs them in parallel.

(|<=>|) :: Connectable l r => (l -> CHP ()) -> (r -> CHP ()) -> CHP ()Source

Joins together the given two processes and runs them in parallel.

pipelineConnect :: Connectable l r => [r -> l -> CHP ()] -> r -> l -> CHP ()Source

Like foldl1 (=); connects a pipeline of processes together. If the list is empty, it returns a process that ignores both its arguments and returns instantly.

pipelineConnectComplete :: Connectable l r => (l -> CHP ()) -> [r -> l -> CHP ()] -> (r -> CHP ()) -> CHP ()Source

Connects the given beginning process, the list of middle processes, and the end process into a pipeline and runs them all in parallel. If the list is empty, it connects the beginning directly to the end.

cycleConnect :: Connectable l r => [r -> l -> CHP ()] -> CHP ()Source

Like pipelineConnect but also connects the last process into the first. If the list is empty, it returns immediately.

class ConnectableExtra l r whereSource

Like Connectable, but allows an extra parameter.

The API (and name) for this is still in flux, so do not rely on it just yet.

Associated Types

type ConnectableParam l Source


connectExtra :: ConnectableParam l -> ((l, r) -> CHP ()) -> CHP ()Source

Runs the given code with the two items connected.


ConnectableExtra (Chanout a) (Chanin a) 
ConnectableExtra (Chanin a) (Chanout a) 
(ConnectableExtra al ar, ConnectableExtra bl br) => ConnectableExtra (al, bl) (ar, br) 
ConnectableExtra (Enrolled PhasedBarrier ph) (Enrolled PhasedBarrier ph) 
(ConnectableExtra al ar, ConnectableExtra bl br, ConnectableExtra cl cr) => ConnectableExtra (al, bl, cl) (ar, br, cr) 
(ConnectableExtra al ar, ConnectableExtra bl br, ConnectableExtra cl cr, ConnectableExtra dl dr) => ConnectableExtra (al, bl, cl, dl) (ar, br, cr, dr) 
(ConnectableExtra al ar, ConnectableExtra bl br, ConnectableExtra cl cr, ConnectableExtra dl dr, ConnectableExtra el er) => ConnectableExtra (al, bl, cl, dl, el) (ar, br, cr, dr, er) 

connectWith :: ConnectableExtra l r => ConnectableParam l -> (a -> l -> CHP ()) -> (r -> b -> CHP ()) -> a -> b -> CHP ()Source

Like '(=)' but with ConnectableExtra