cipher-aes-0.2.11: Fast AES cipher implementation with advanced mode of operations

MaintainerVincent Hanquez <>
Safe HaskellNone






block cipher data types

data AES Source

AES Context (pre-processed key)

data AES128 Source

AES with 128 bit key

data AES192 Source

AES with 192 bit key

data AES256 Source

AES with 256 bit key


data AESIV Source

AES IV is always 16 bytes

aesIV_ :: ByteString -> AESIV Source

convert a bytestring to an AESIV

Authenticated encryption block cipher types


initAES :: Byteable b => b -> AES Source

Initialize a new context with a key

Key need to be of length 16, 24 or 32 bytes. any other values will cause undefined behavior

initKey :: Byteable b => b -> AES Source

Deprecated: use initAES


genCTR Source


:: Byteable iv 
=> AES

Cipher Key.

-> iv

usually a 128 bit integer.

-> Int

length of bytes required.

-> ByteString 

generate a counter mode pad. this is generally xor-ed to an input to make the standard counter mode block operations.

if the length requested is not a multiple of the block cipher size, more data will be returned, so that the returned bytestring is a multiple of the block cipher size.

genCounter :: AES -> AESIV -> Int -> (ByteString, AESIV) Source

generate a counter mode pad. this is generally xor-ed to an input to make the standard counter mode block operations.

if the length requested is not a multiple of the block cipher size, more data will be returned, so that the returned bytestring is a multiple of the block cipher size.

Similiar to genCTR but also return the next IV for continuation


encryptECB :: AES -> ByteString -> ByteString Source

encrypt using Electronic Code Book (ECB)

encryptCBC Source


:: Byteable iv 
=> AES

AES Context

-> iv

Initial vector of AES block size

-> ByteString


-> ByteString


encrypt using Cipher Block Chaining (CBC)

encryptCTR Source


:: Byteable iv 
=> AES

AES Context

-> iv

initial vector of AES block size (usually representing a 128 bit integer)

-> ByteString

plaintext input

-> ByteString

ciphertext output

encrypt using Counter mode (CTR)

in CTR mode encryption and decryption is the same operation.

encryptXTS Source


:: Byteable iv 
=> (AES, AES)

AES cipher and tweak context

-> iv

a 128 bits IV, typically a sector or a block offset in XTS

-> Word32

number of rounds to skip, also seen a 16 byte offset in the sector or block.

-> ByteString

input to encrypt

-> ByteString

output encrypted

encrypt using XTS

the first key is the normal block encryption key the second key is used for the initial block tweak

encryptGCM Source


:: Byteable iv 
=> AES

AES Context

-> iv

IV initial vector of any size

-> ByteString

data to authenticate (AAD)

-> ByteString

data to encrypt

-> (ByteString, AuthTag)

ciphertext and tag

encrypt using Galois counter mode (GCM) return the encrypted bytestring and the tag associated

note: encrypted data is identical to CTR mode in GCM, however a tag is also computed.

encryptOCB Source


:: Byteable iv 
=> AES

AES Context

-> iv

IV initial vector of any size

-> ByteString

data to authenticate (AAD)

-> ByteString

data to encrypt

-> (ByteString, AuthTag)

ciphertext and tag

encrypt using OCB v3 return the encrypted bytestring and the tag associated


decryptECB :: AES -> ByteString -> ByteString Source

decrypt using Electronic Code Book (ECB)

decryptCBC :: Byteable iv => AES -> iv -> ByteString -> ByteString Source

decrypt using Cipher block chaining (CBC)

decryptCTR Source


:: Byteable iv 
=> AES

AES Context

-> iv

initial vector, usually representing a 128 bit integer

-> ByteString

ciphertext input

-> ByteString

plaintext output

decrypt using Counter mode (CTR).

in CTR mode encryption and decryption is the same operation.

decryptXTS Source


:: Byteable iv 
=> (AES, AES)

AES cipher and tweak context

-> iv

a 128 bits IV, typically a sector or a block offset in XTS

-> Word32

number of rounds to skip, also seen a 16 byte offset in the sector or block.

-> ByteString

input to decrypt

-> ByteString

output decrypted

decrypt using XTS

decryptGCM Source


:: Byteable iv 
=> AES


-> iv

IV initial vector of any size

-> ByteString

data to authenticate (AAD)

-> ByteString

data to decrypt

-> (ByteString, AuthTag)

plaintext and tag

decrypt using Galois Counter Mode (GCM)

decryptOCB Source


:: Byteable iv 
=> AES


-> iv

IV initial vector of any size

-> ByteString

data to authenticate (AAD)

-> ByteString

data to decrypt

-> (ByteString, AuthTag)

plaintext and tag

decrypt using Offset Codebook Mode (OCB)