{-# LANGUAGE StrictData #-}
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFoldable #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveTraversable #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module Citeproc.Types
  ( CiteprocOptions(..)
  , defaultCiteprocOptions
  , CiteprocOutput(..)
  , addFormatting
  , CiteprocError(..)
  , prettyCiteprocError
  , ItemId(..)
  , CitationItem(..)
  , CitationItemType(..)
  , Citation(..)
  , ElementType(..)
  , Element(..)
  , NumberForm(..)
  , Pluralize(..)
  , DateType(..)
  , Date(..)
  , rawDateEDTF
  , DateParts(..)
  , ShowDateParts(..)
  , DPName(..)
  , DPForm(..)
  , DP(..)
  , VariableForm(..)
  , TextType(..)
  , NameFormat(..)
  , defaultNameFormat
  , NameAsSortOrder(..)
  , NamesFormat(..)
  , NameForm(..)
  , Name(..)
  , extractParticles
  , isByzantineName
  , DelimiterPrecedes(..)
  , Condition(..)
  , Position(..)
  , Match(..)
  , Formatting(..)
  , FontStyle(..)
  , FontVariant(..)
  , FontWeight(..)
  , TextDecoration(..)
  , VerticalAlign(..)
  , DisplayStyle(..)
  , TextCase(..)
  , DemoteNonDroppingParticle(..)
  , StyleOptions(..)
  , SubsequentAuthorSubstitute(..)
  , SubsequentAuthorSubstituteRule(..)
  , SecondFieldAlign(..)
  , PageRangeFormat(..)
  , Style(..)
  , TermMatch(..)
  , TermGender(..)
  , TermNumber(..)
  , TermForm(..)
  , Term(..)
  , emptyTerm
  , SortDirection(..)
  , SortKey(..)
  , SortKeyValue(..)
  , LayoutOptions(..)
  , Collapsing(..)
  , Layout(..)
  , DisambiguationStrategy(..)
  , GivenNameDisambiguationRule(..)
  , Lang(..)
  , parseLang
  , renderLang
  , Locale(..)
  , DisambiguationData(..)
  , NameHints(..)
  , Reference(..)
  , ReferenceMap(..)
  , makeReferenceMap
  , lookupReference
  , Val(..)
  , valToText
  , Variable
  , toVariable
  , fromVariable
  , lookupVariable
  , Output(..)
  , Tag(..)
  , outputToText
  , renderOutput
  , grouped
  , formatted
  , readAsInt
  , variableType
  , VariableType(..)
  , Abbreviations
  , lookupAbbreviation
  , Result(..)
  , Inputs(..)
import qualified Data.Map as M
import qualified Data.Text.Read as TR
import qualified Data.Scientific as S
import qualified Data.CaseInsensitive as CI
import Data.Semigroup
import Control.Monad (foldM, guard, mzero)
import Control.Applicative ((<|>))
import Data.Char (isLower, isDigit, isLetter, isSpace)
import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Data.List (elemIndex)
import Data.Maybe
import qualified Data.Vector as V
import Data.Aeson (FromJSON (..), ToJSON (..), ToJSONKey (..),
                   FromJSONKey (..), FromJSONKeyFunction (..),
                   withArray, withObject, object, Value(..),
                   (.:), (.:?), (.!=))
import Data.Aeson.Types (typeMismatch, Parser, toJSONKeyText)
import Data.Coerce
import Data.Generics.Uniplate.Direct
import qualified Data.Attoparsec.Text as P
import Safe (readMay)
import Data.String (IsString)

#ifdef MIN_VERSION_text_icu
import qualified Data.Text.ICU as ICU
import qualified Data.RFC5051 as RFC5051

-- import Debug.Trace
-- import Text.Show.Pretty (ppShow)
-- ppTrace :: Show a => a -> a
-- ppTrace x = trace (ppShow x) x

-- | Options affecting the output in ways that go beyond
-- what can be specified in styles.
newtype CiteprocOptions =
  { linkCitations :: Bool
    -- ^ Create hyperlinks from citations to bibliography entries
  deriving (Show, Eq)

defaultCiteprocOptions :: CiteprocOptions
defaultCiteprocOptions =
  { linkCitations = False }

data CiteprocError =
    CiteprocXMLError Text
  | CiteprocParseError Text
  | CiteprocLocaleNotFound Text
  deriving (Show, Eq)

prettyCiteprocError :: CiteprocError -> Text
prettyCiteprocError (CiteprocXMLError t) =
  "CiteprocXMLError: " <> t
prettyCiteprocError (CiteprocParseError t) =
  "CiteprocParseError: " <> t
prettyCiteprocError (CiteprocLocaleNotFound t) =
  "CiteprocLocaleNotFound: " <> t

-- | CSL styles require certain formatting transformations to
-- be defined.  These are defined in the 'CiteprocOutput' class.
-- The library may be used with any structured format that defines
-- these operations.  See the 'Citeproc.CslJson' module for an instance
-- that corresponds to the markup allowed in CSL JSON. See
-- the 'Citeproc.Pandoc' module for an instance for Pandoc 'Inlines'.
class (Semigroup a, Monoid a, Show a, Eq a, Ord a) => CiteprocOutput a where
  toText                      :: a -> Text
  fromText                    :: Text -> a
  dropTextWhile               :: (Char -> Bool) -> a -> a
  dropTextWhileEnd            :: (Char -> Bool) -> a -> a
  addFontVariant              :: FontVariant -> a -> a
  addFontStyle                :: FontStyle -> a -> a
  addFontWeight               :: FontWeight -> a -> a
  addTextDecoration           :: TextDecoration -> a -> a
  addVerticalAlign            :: VerticalAlign -> a -> a
  addTextCase                 :: Maybe Lang -> TextCase -> a -> a
  addDisplay                  :: DisplayStyle -> a -> a
  addQuotes                   :: a -> a
  movePunctuationInsideQuotes :: a -> a
  inNote                      :: a -> a
  mapText                     :: (Text -> Text) -> a -> a
  addHyperlink                :: Text -> a -> a

addFormatting :: CiteprocOutput a => Formatting -> a -> a
addFormatting f x =
  if T.null (toText x)  -- TODO inefficient
     then mempty
       maybe id addDisplay (formatDisplay f) .
       (if affixesInside then id else addPrefix . addSuffix) .
       (if formatQuotes f then addQuotes else id) .
       maybe id addVerticalAlign (formatVerticalAlign f) .
       maybe id addTextDecoration (formatTextDecoration f) .
       maybe id addFontWeight (formatFontWeight f) .
       maybe id addFontVariant (formatFontVariant f) .
       maybe id (addTextCase (formatLang f)) (formatTextCase f) .
       maybe id addFontStyle (formatFontStyle f) .
       (if affixesInside then addPrefix . addSuffix else id) .
       (if formatStripPeriods f then mapText (T.filter (/='.')) else id)
       $ x
  addPrefix z = case formatPrefix f of
                  Just s   -> mconcat $ fixPunct [fromText s, z]
                  Nothing  -> z
  addSuffix z = case formatSuffix f of
                  Just s   -> mconcat $ fixPunct [z, fromText s]
                  Nothing  -> z
  affixesInside = formatAffixesInside f

-- | The identifier used to identify a work in a bibliographic
-- database.
newtype ItemId = ItemId { unItemId :: Text }
  deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Semigroup, Monoid, ToJSON, FromJSON)

data CitationItemType =
    AuthorOnly      -- ^ e.g., Smith
  | SuppressAuthor  -- ^ e.g., (2000, p. 30)
  | NormalCite      -- ^ e.g., (Smith 2000, p. 30)
  deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)

instance FromJSON CitationItemType where
  parseJSON x = parseJSON x >>=
      "author-only"     -> pure AuthorOnly
      "suppress-author" -> pure SuppressAuthor
      "normal-cite"     -> pure NormalCite
      t                 -> fail $ "Unknown type " ++ t

instance ToJSON CitationItemType where
  toJSON AuthorOnly     = "author-only"
  toJSON SuppressAuthor = "suppress-author"
  toJSON NormalCite     = "normal-cite"

-- | The part of a citation corresponding to a single work,
-- possibly including a label, locator, prefix and suffix.
data CitationItem a =
  { citationItemId             :: ItemId
  , citationItemLabel          :: Maybe Text
  , citationItemLocator        :: Maybe Text
  , citationItemType           :: CitationItemType
  , citationItemPrefix         :: Maybe a
  , citationItemSuffix         :: Maybe a
  } deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)

instance FromJSON a => FromJSON (CitationItem a) where
  parseJSON = withObject "CitationItem" $ \v -> CitationItem
    <$> (v .: "id" >>= fmap ItemId . asText)
    <*> v .:? "label"
    <*> (Just <$> (v .: "locator" >>= asText) <|> pure Nothing)
    <*> ( (v .: "type")
        <|> (do suppressAuth <- v .:? "suppress-author"
                authorOnly <- v .:? "author-only"
                return $
                  case suppressAuth of
                    Just True -> SuppressAuthor
                    _ -> case authorOnly of
                           Just True -> AuthorOnly
                           _ -> NormalCite) )
    <*> v .:? "prefix"
    <*> v .:? "suffix"

instance ToJSON a => ToJSON (CitationItem a) where
  toJSON i = object $
    [ ( "id", toJSON (citationItemId i) )
    , ("type", toJSON $ citationItemType i) ] ++
    [ ( "label", toJSON (citationItemLabel i) )
                  | isJust (citationItemLabel i) ] ++
    [ ("locator", toJSON (citationItemLocator i) )
                  | isJust (citationItemLocator i) ] ++
    [ ("prefix", toJSON (citationItemPrefix i))
                 | isJust (citationItemPrefix i) ] ++
    [ ("suffix", toJSON (citationItemSuffix i))
                 | isJust (citationItemSuffix i) ]

-- | A citation (which may include several items, e.g.
-- in @(Smith 2000; Jones 2010, p. 30)@).
data Citation a =
  Citation { citationId         :: Maybe Text
           , citationNoteNumber :: Maybe Int
           , citationItems      :: [CitationItem a] }
  deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)

instance FromJSON a => FromJSON (Citation a) where
 parseJSON v =
   withArray "Citation"
     (\ary ->
       case ary V.!? 0 of
         Just v' -> (withObject "Citation" $ \o
                      -> Citation <$> o .:? "citationID"
                                  <*> ((o .: "properties"
                                             >>= (.: "noteIndex"))
                                      <|> pure Nothing)
                                  <*> o .: "citationItems") v'
                  <|> Citation Nothing Nothing <$> parseJSON v'
         Nothing -> fail "Empty array") v
   withObject "Citation"
     (\o -> Citation <$> o .:? "citationID"
                     <*> o .:? "citationNoteNumber"
                     <*> o .: "citationItems") v
   (Citation Nothing Nothing <$> parseJSON v)

instance ToJSON a => ToJSON (Citation a) where
 toJSON c =
   object $
     [ ("citationID", toJSON $ citationId c) | isJust (citationId c) ] ++
     [ ("citationItems" , toJSON $ citationItems c) ] ++
     case citationNoteNumber c of
           Nothing -> []
           Just n  -> [ ("citationNoteNumber", toJSON n) ]

data Match =
  | MatchAny
  | MatchNone
  deriving (Show, Eq)

data Condition =
    HasVariable Variable
  | HasType Text
  | IsUncertainDate Variable
  | IsNumeric Variable
  | HasLocatorType Variable
  | HasPosition Position
  | WouldDisambiguate
  deriving (Show, Eq)

data Position =
  | IbidWithLocator
  | Ibid
  | NearNote
  | Subsequent
  deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)

data DateType =
  | LocalizedText
  | NonLocalized
  deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)

data ShowDateParts =
  | YearMonth
  | Year
  deriving (Show, Eq)

data DPName =
  | DPMonth
  | DPDay
  deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)

data DPForm =
  | DPNumericLeadingZeros
  | DPOrdinal
  | DPLong
  | DPShort
  deriving (Show, Eq)

data DP =
  { dpName           :: DPName
  , dpForm           :: DPForm
  , dpRangeDelimiter :: Text
  , dpFormatting     :: Formatting
  deriving (Show, Eq)

data VariableForm =
  | LongForm
  deriving (Show, Eq)

data TextType =
    TextVariable VariableForm Variable
  | TextMacro Text
  | TextTerm Term
  | TextValue Text
  deriving (Show, Eq)

data NumberForm =
  | NumberOrdinal
  | NumberLongOrdinal
  | NumberRoman
  deriving (Show, Eq)

data Pluralize =
  | AlwaysPluralize
  | NeverPluralize
  deriving (Show, Eq)

data NamesFormat =
    { namesLabel           :: Maybe (TermForm, Pluralize, Formatting)
    , namesEtAl            :: Maybe (Text, Formatting)
    , namesName            :: Maybe (NameFormat, Formatting)
    , namesLabelBeforeName :: Bool
    } deriving (Show, Eq)

data DelimiterPrecedes =
  | PrecedesAfterInvertedName
  | PrecedesAlways
  | PrecedesNever
  deriving (Show, Eq)

data NameForm =
  | ShortName
  | CountName
  deriving (Show, Eq)

data NameFormat =
  { nameGivenFormatting        :: Maybe Formatting
  , nameFamilyFormatting       :: Maybe Formatting
  , nameAndStyle               :: Maybe TermForm
  , nameDelimiter              :: Text
  , nameDelimiterPrecedesEtAl  :: DelimiterPrecedes
  , nameDelimiterPrecedesLast  :: DelimiterPrecedes
  , nameEtAlMin                :: Maybe Int
  , nameEtAlUseFirst           :: Maybe Int
  , nameEtAlSubsequentUseFirst :: Maybe Int
  , nameEtAlSubsequentMin      :: Maybe Int
  , nameEtAlUseLast            :: Bool
  , nameForm                   :: NameForm
  , nameInitialize             :: Bool
  , nameInitializeWith         :: Maybe Text
  , nameAsSortOrder            :: Maybe NameAsSortOrder
  , nameSortSeparator          :: Text
  } deriving (Show, Eq)

defaultNameFormat :: NameFormat
defaultNameFormat =
  { nameGivenFormatting          = Nothing
  , nameFamilyFormatting         =  Nothing
  , nameAndStyle                 = Nothing
  , nameDelimiter                = ", "
  , nameDelimiterPrecedesEtAl    = PrecedesContextual
  , nameDelimiterPrecedesLast    = PrecedesContextual
  , nameEtAlMin                  = Nothing
  , nameEtAlUseFirst             = Nothing
  , nameEtAlSubsequentUseFirst   = Nothing
  , nameEtAlSubsequentMin        = Nothing
  , nameEtAlUseLast              = False
  , nameForm                     = LongName
  , nameInitialize               = True
  , nameInitializeWith           = Nothing
  , nameAsSortOrder              = Nothing
  , nameSortSeparator            = ", "

data NameAsSortOrder =
   | NameAsSortOrderAll
   deriving (Show, Eq)

data ElementType a =
    EText TextType
  | EDate Variable DateType (Maybe ShowDateParts) [DP]
  | ENumber Variable NumberForm
  | ENames [Variable] NamesFormat [Element a] -- last part is substitutes if any
  | ELabel Variable TermForm Pluralize
  | EGroup Bool [Element a]  -- Bool is true if it's an expanded macro
  | EChoose [(Match, [Condition], [Element a])]
    -- 'else' can be represented by a final trivial match condition
  deriving (Show, Eq)

data Formatting =
  { formatLang           :: Maybe Lang
  , formatFontStyle      :: Maybe FontStyle
  , formatFontVariant    :: Maybe FontVariant
  , formatFontWeight     :: Maybe FontWeight
  , formatTextDecoration :: Maybe TextDecoration
  , formatVerticalAlign  :: Maybe VerticalAlign
  , formatPrefix         :: Maybe Text
  , formatSuffix         :: Maybe Text
  , formatDisplay        :: Maybe DisplayStyle
  , formatTextCase       :: Maybe TextCase
  , formatDelimiter      :: Maybe Text
  , formatStripPeriods   :: Bool
  , formatQuotes         :: Bool
  , formatAffixesInside  :: Bool  -- put affixes inside other formatting
  } deriving (Show, Eq)

defaultFormatting :: Formatting
defaultFormatting = Formatting Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing
  Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing False False False

combineFormatting :: Formatting -> Formatting -> Formatting
  (Formatting la1 a1 b1 c1 d1 e1 f1 g1 h1 i1 j1 k1 l1 m1)
  (Formatting la2 a2 b2 c2 d2 e2 f2 g2 h2 i2 j2 k2 l2 m2) =
     Formatting (la1 <|> la2) (a1 <|> a2) (b1 <|> b2) (c1 <|> c2)
                (d1 <|> d2) (e1 <|> e2) (f1 <|> f2)
                (g1 <|> g2) (h1 <|> h2) (i1 <|> i2)
                (j1 <|> j2) (k1 || k2) (l1 || l2) (m1 || m2)

instance Semigroup Formatting where
 (<>) = combineFormatting

instance Monoid Formatting where
 mempty = defaultFormatting
 mappend = (<>)

data TextCase =
   | Uppercase
   | CapitalizeFirst
   | CapitalizeAll
   | SentenceCase
   | TitleCase
   deriving (Show, Eq)

data DisplayStyle =
    | DisplayLeftMargin
    | DisplayRightInline
    | DisplayIndent
    deriving (Show, Eq)

data FontStyle =
    | ItalicFont
    | ObliqueFont
    deriving (Show, Eq)

data FontVariant =
    | SmallCapsVariant
    deriving (Show, Eq)

data FontWeight =
    | BoldWeight
    | LightWeight
    deriving (Show, Eq)

data TextDecoration =
    | UnderlineDecoration
    deriving (Show, Eq)

data VerticalAlign =
    | SupAlign
    | SubAlign
    deriving (Show, Eq)

data Element a = Element (ElementType a) Formatting
  deriving (Show, Eq)

data SortDirection =
  | Descending
  deriving (Show, Eq)

data SortKey a =
     SortKeyVariable SortDirection Variable
   | SortKeyMacro SortDirection [Element a]
  deriving (Show, Eq)

newtype SortKeyValue =
  SortKeyValue (SortDirection, Maybe [Text])
  deriving (Show, Eq)

-- absence should sort AFTER all values
-- see sort_StatusFieldAscending.txt, sort_StatusFieldDescending.txt
instance Ord SortKeyValue where
  SortKeyValue (Ascending, _)  <= SortKeyValue (Ascending, Nothing)
    = True
  SortKeyValue (Ascending, Nothing)  <= SortKeyValue (Ascending, Just _)
    = False
  SortKeyValue (Ascending, Just t1) <= SortKeyValue (Ascending, Just t2) =
    t1 `keyLEQ` t2
  SortKeyValue (Descending, _) <= SortKeyValue (Descending, Nothing)
    = True
  SortKeyValue (Descending, Nothing) <= SortKeyValue (Descending, Just _)
    = False
  SortKeyValue (Descending, Just t1) <= SortKeyValue (Descending, Just t2) =
    t2 `keyLEQ` t1
  SortKeyValue _ <= SortKeyValue _ = False

-- We need special comparison operators to ensure that
-- á sorts before b, for example.
keyLEQ :: [Text] -> [Text] -> Bool
keyLEQ _  [] = False
keyLEQ [] _  = True
keyLEQ (x:xs) (y:ys) =
  case comp x y of
    EQ -> xs `keyLEQ` ys
    GT -> False
    LT -> True
#ifdef MIN_VERSION_text_icu
  comp = ICU.collate (ICU.collator ICU.Current)
  comp = RFC5051.compareUnicode

data Layout a =
  { layoutOptions        :: LayoutOptions
  , layoutFormatting     :: Formatting
  , layoutElements       :: [Element a]
  , layoutSortKeys       :: [SortKey a]
  } deriving (Show, Eq)

data LayoutOptions =
  { layoutCollapse               :: Maybe Collapsing
  , layoutYearSuffixDelimiter    :: Maybe Text
  , layoutAfterCollapseDelimiter :: Maybe Text
  } deriving (Show, Eq)

data Collapsing =
   | CollapseYear
   | CollapseYearSuffix
   | CollapseYearSuffixRanged
   deriving (Show, Eq)

data DisambiguationStrategy =
  { disambiguateAddNames      :: Bool
  , disambiguateAddGivenNames :: Maybe GivenNameDisambiguationRule
  , disambiguateAddYearSuffix :: Bool
  } deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)

data GivenNameDisambiguationRule =
  | AllNamesWithInitials
  | PrimaryName
  | PrimaryNameWithInitials
  | ByCite
  deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)

data DemoteNonDroppingParticle =
   | DemoteSortOnly
   | DemoteNever
   deriving (Show, Eq)

data StyleOptions =
  { styleIsNoteStyle                :: Bool
  , styleDefaultLocale              :: Maybe Lang
  , styleDemoteNonDroppingParticle  :: DemoteNonDroppingParticle
  , styleInitializeWithHyphen       :: Bool
  , stylePageRangeFormat            :: Maybe PageRangeFormat
  , stylePageRangeDelimiter         :: Maybe Text
  , styleDisambiguation             :: DisambiguationStrategy
  , styleNearNoteDistance           :: Maybe Int
  , styleCiteGroupDelimiter         :: Maybe Text
  , styleLineSpacing                :: Maybe Int
  , styleEntrySpacing               :: Maybe Int
  , styleHangingIndent              :: Bool
  , styleSecondFieldAlign           :: Maybe SecondFieldAlign
  , styleSubsequentAuthorSubstitute :: Maybe SubsequentAuthorSubstitute
  , styleUsesYearSuffixVariable     :: Bool
  } deriving (Show, Eq)

data SubsequentAuthorSubstitute =
  SubsequentAuthorSubstitute Text SubsequentAuthorSubstituteRule
  deriving (Show, Eq)

data SubsequentAuthorSubstituteRule =
    | CompleteEach
    | PartialEach
    | PartialFirst
    deriving (Show, Eq)

data SecondFieldAlign =
    | SecondFieldAlignMargin
    deriving (Show, Eq)

data PageRangeFormat =
  | PageRangeExpanded
  | PageRangeMinimal
  | PageRangeMinimalTwo
  deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)

data Style a =
  { styleCslVersion    :: (Int,Int,Int)
  , styleOptions       :: StyleOptions
  , styleCitation      :: Layout a
  , styleBibliography  :: Maybe (Layout a)
  , styleLocales       :: [Locale]
  , styleAbbreviations :: Maybe Abbreviations
  } deriving (Show, Eq)
-- Note: no macros section, because we
-- expand these after parsing the CSL.

data TermForm =
  | Short
  | Verb
  | VerbShort
  | Symbol
  deriving (Show, Ord, Eq)

data TermNumber =
  | Plural
  deriving (Show, Ord, Eq)

data TermGender =
  | Feminine
  deriving (Show, Ord, Eq)

data TermMatch =
  | LastTwoDigits
  | WholeNumber
  deriving (Show, Ord, Eq)

data Term =
  { termName          :: Text
  , termForm          :: TermForm
  , termNumber        :: Maybe TermNumber
  , termGender        :: Maybe TermGender
  , termGenderForm    :: Maybe TermGender
  , termMatch         :: Maybe TermMatch
  } deriving (Show, Eq)

emptyTerm :: Term
emptyTerm = Term mempty Long Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing

instance Ord Term where
   (<=)(Term name1 form1 num1 gen1 gf1 match1)
       (Term name2 form2 num2 gen2 gf2 match2) =
     name1 == name2 &&
     form1 == form2 &&
     (isNothing num1   || isNothing num2   || num1 == num2) &&
     (isNothing gen1   || isNothing gen2   || gen1 == gen2) &&
     (isNothing gf1    || isNothing gf2    || gf1  == gf2 ) &&
     (isNothing match1 || isNothing match2 || match1 == match2)

-- | A parsed IETF language tag, with language and optional variant.
-- For example, @Lang "en" (Just "US")@ corresponds to @en-US@.
data Lang = Lang{ langLanguage :: Text
                , langVariant  :: Maybe Text }
  deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)

instance ToJSON Lang where
  toJSON = toJSON . renderLang

instance FromJSON Lang where
  parseJSON = fmap parseLang . parseJSON

-- | Render a 'Lang' an an IETF language tag.
renderLang :: Lang -> Text
renderLang (Lang l Nothing)  = l
renderLang (Lang l (Just v)) = l <> "-" <> v

-- | Parse an IETF language tag.
parseLang :: Text -> Lang
parseLang t = Lang l (snd <$> T.uncons v)
   (l,v) = T.break (\c -> c == '-' || c == '_') t

-- | Defines locale-specific terms, punctuation styles, and date
-- formats.
data Locale =
  { localeLanguage               :: Maybe Lang
  , localePunctuationInQuote     :: Maybe Bool
  , localeLimitDayOrdinalsToDay1 :: Maybe Bool
  , localeDate                   :: M.Map DateType (Element Text)
  , localeTerms                  :: M.Map Text [(Term, Text)]
  deriving (Show, Eq)

-- in x <> y, x values take precedence
instance Semigroup Locale where
 Locale lang1 pq1 ldo1 date1 ts1 <>
   Locale lang2 pq2 ldo2 date2 ts2 =
   Locale (lang1 <|> lang2)
          (pq1 <|> pq2)
          (ldo1 <|> ldo2)
          (date1 <> date2)
          (M.unionWith (<>) ts1 ts2)

instance Monoid Locale where
 mempty = Locale Nothing Nothing Nothing mempty mempty
 mappend = (<>)

newtype Variable = Variable (CI.CI Text)
  deriving (Show, Ord, Eq, IsString)

toVariable :: Text -> Variable
toVariable = Variable . CI.mk

fromVariable :: Variable -> Text
fromVariable (Variable x) = CI.original x

instance Semigroup Variable where
  Variable x <> Variable y = Variable (x <> y)

instance Monoid Variable where
  mappend = (<>)
  mempty = Variable mempty

instance FromJSON Variable where
  parseJSON = fmap (Variable . CI.mk) . parseJSON

instance FromJSONKey Variable where
  fromJSONKey = FromJSONKeyText toVariable

instance ToJSON Variable where
  toJSON (Variable v) = toJSON $ CI.original v

instance ToJSONKey Variable where
  toJSONKey = toJSONKeyText fromVariable

-- | Encodes bibliographic data for a single work.
data Reference a =
  { referenceId             :: ItemId
  , referenceType           :: Text
  , referenceDisambiguation :: Maybe DisambiguationData
           -- ^ This is added in processing; if you are constructing
           -- a Reference, set to Nothing
  , referenceVariables      :: M.Map Variable (Val a)
  } deriving (Show, Functor, Foldable, Traversable)

instance ToJSON a => ToJSON (Reference a) where
  toJSON r = toJSON $
               M.insert "id" (TextVal $ coerce (referenceId r)) $
               M.insert "type" (TextVal $ referenceType r) $
               referenceVariables r

data DisambiguationData =
  { disambYearSuffix  :: Maybe Int
  , disambNameMap     :: M.Map Name NameHints
  , disambEtAlNames   :: Maybe Int
  , disambCondition   :: Bool
  } deriving (Show)

data NameHints =
  | AddGivenName
  | AddInitialsIfPrimary
  | AddGivenNameIfPrimary
  deriving (Show)

instance (Eq a, FromJSON a)  => FromJSON (Reference a) where
  parseJSON v = parseJSON v >>= parseReference

lookupVariable :: CiteprocOutput a => Variable -> Reference a -> Maybe (Val a)
lookupVariable "id" r =
  case referenceId r of
    ItemId "" -> Nothing
    ItemId t  -> Just (TextVal t)
lookupVariable "type" r =
  case referenceType r of
    "" -> Nothing
    t  -> Just (TextVal t)
lookupVariable "page-first" r =  -- compute "page-first" if not set
  M.lookup "page-first" (referenceVariables r) <|>
    case M.lookup "pages" (referenceVariables r) of
      Nothing           -> Nothing
      Just (NumVal n)   -> Just (NumVal n)
      Just (TextVal t)  -> NumVal <$> readMay (T.unpack (takeDigits t))
      Just (FancyVal x) -> NumVal <$> readMay (T.unpack
                                           (takeDigits $ toText x))
      _                 -> Nothing
  takeDigits = T.takeWhile isDigit
lookupVariable v r = M.lookup v $ referenceVariables r

parseReference :: FromJSON a
               => M.Map Variable Value -> Parser (Reference a)
parseReference rawmap =
  foldM go (Reference mempty mempty Nothing mempty) (M.toList rawmap)
  go (Reference i t d m) (k, v)
    | k == "id"   = do
        id' <- ItemId <$> readString v
        return $ Reference id' t d m
    | k == "type" = do
        type' <- readString v
        return $ Reference i type' d m
    | k == "journalAbbreviation" || k == "shortTitle" = -- legacy citeproc-js
      go (Reference i t d m) ("container-title-short", v)
    | k == "note" = do
        t' <- parseJSON v
        let (kvs, rest) = parseNote t'
         in (if T.null rest
                then id
                else \(Reference i' t'' d' m') ->
                       Reference i' t'' d' (M.insert "note" (TextVal rest) m'))
             <$> foldM go (Reference i t d m) (consolidateNameVariables kvs)
    | otherwise   = Reference i t d <$>
        case variableType k of
          StringVariable -> do
            v' <- FancyVal <$> parseJSON v <|> TextVal <$> readString v
            return $ M.insert k v' m
          NumberVariable -> do
            v' <- case v of
                    String{} -> parseJSON v
                    Number{} -> T.pack . show <$> (parseJSON v :: Parser Int)
                    _        -> typeMismatch "String or Number" v
            return $ M.insert k (TextVal v') m
          DateVariable -> do
            v' <- parseJSON v
            return $ M.insert k (DateVal v') m
          NameVariable -> do
            v' <- parseJSON v
            return $ M.insert k (NamesVal v') m
          UnknownVariable -> -- treat as string variable if possible
            case v of
              String{}  -> (\x -> M.insert k x m) <$>
                    (FancyVal <$> parseJSON v <|> TextVal <$> readString v)
              Number{}  -> (\x -> M.insert k (TextVal x) m) <$> readString v
              _         -> return m -- silently ignore
  readString v =
    case v of
       String{} -> parseJSON v
       Number{} -> T.pack . show <$> (parseJSON v :: Parser Int)
       _        -> typeMismatch "String or Number" v

-- name variables are cumulative and should be packed into an array
consolidateNameVariables :: [(Variable, Text)] -> [(Variable, Value)]
consolidateNameVariables [] = []
consolidateNameVariables ((k,v):kvs)
  = case variableType k of
        -> (k, Array
                 (V.fromList [String t | (k',t) <- ((k,v):kvs), k' == k])) :
            consolidateNameVariables (filter ((/= k) . fst) kvs)
      _ -> (k, String v) : consolidateNameVariables kvs

parseNote :: Text
          -> ([(Variable, Text)], Text)
parseNote t =
  either (const ([],t)) id $
    P.parseOnly ((,) <$> P.many' pNoteField <*> P.takeText) t
  pNoteField = pBracedField <|> pLineField
  pLineField = do
    name <- pVarname
    _ <- P.char ':'
    val <- P.takeWhile (/='\n')
    () <$ P.char '\n' <|> P.endOfInput
    return (Variable $ CI.mk name, T.strip val)
  pBracedField = do
    _ <- P.string "{:"
    name <- pVarname
    _ <- P.char ':'
    val <- P.takeWhile (/='}')
    _ <- P.char '}'
    return (Variable $ CI.mk name, T.strip val)
  pVarname = P.takeWhile1 (\c -> isLetter c || c == '-')

data VariableType =
  | NameVariable
  | NumberVariable
  | StringVariable
  | UnknownVariable
  deriving (Show, Eq)

variableType :: Variable -> VariableType
variableType "accessed" = DateVariable
variableType "available-date" = DateVariable
variableType "container" = DateVariable
variableType "event-date" = DateVariable
variableType "issued" = DateVariable
variableType "original-date" = DateVariable
variableType "submitted" = DateVariable
variableType "author" = NameVariable
variableType "chair" = NameVariable
variableType "collection-editor" = NameVariable
variableType "composer" = NameVariable
variableType "compiler" = NameVariable
variableType "container-author" = NameVariable
variableType "contributor" = NameVariable
variableType "curator" = NameVariable
variableType "director" = NameVariable
variableType "editor" = NameVariable
variableType "editor-translator" = NameVariable
variableType "editorial-director" = NameVariable
variableType "executive-producer" = NameVariable
variableType "guest" = NameVariable
variableType "host" = NameVariable
variableType "illustrator" = NameVariable
variableType "interviewer" = NameVariable
variableType "narrator" = NameVariable
variableType "original-author" = NameVariable
variableType "organizer" = NameVariable
variableType "performer" = NameVariable
variableType "producer" = NameVariable
variableType "recipient" = NameVariable
variableType "reviewed-author" = NameVariable
variableType "script-writer" = NameVariable
variableType "series-creator" = NameVariable
variableType "translator" = NameVariable
variableType "chapter-number" = NumberVariable
variableType "citation-number" = NumberVariable
variableType "collection-number" = NumberVariable
variableType "edition" = NumberVariable
variableType "first-reference-note-number" = NumberVariable
variableType "issue" = NumberVariable
variableType "locator" = NumberVariable
variableType "number" = NumberVariable
variableType "number-of-pages" = NumberVariable
variableType "number-of-volumes" = NumberVariable
variableType "page" = NumberVariable
variableType "page-first" = NumberVariable
variableType "part-number" = NumberVariable
variableType "printing-number" = NumberVariable
variableType "section" = NumberVariable
variableType "supplement-number" = NumberVariable
variableType "version" = NumberVariable
variableType "volume" = NumberVariable
variableType "abstract" = StringVariable
variableType "annote" = StringVariable
variableType "archive" = StringVariable
variableType "archive_collection"  = StringVariable
variableType "archive_location" = StringVariable
variableType "archive-place" = StringVariable
variableType "authority" = StringVariable
variableType "call-number" = StringVariable
variableType "citation-key" = StringVariable
variableType "citation-label" = StringVariable
variableType "collection-title" = StringVariable
variableType "container-title" = StringVariable
variableType "container-title-short" = StringVariable
variableType "dimensions" = StringVariable
variableType "division" = StringVariable
variableType "DOI" = StringVariable
variableType "event" = StringVariable
variableType "event-place" = StringVariable
variableType "event-title" = StringVariable --(new name for "event" to avoid confusion with new "event" type) 
variableType "genre" = StringVariable
variableType "ISBN" = StringVariable
variableType "ISSN" = StringVariable
variableType "jurisdiction" = StringVariable
variableType "keyword" = StringVariable
variableType "language" = StringVariable
variableType "license" = StringVariable
variableType "medium" = StringVariable
variableType "note" = StringVariable
variableType "original-publisher" = StringVariable
variableType "original-publisher-place" = StringVariable
variableType "original-title" = StringVariable
variableType "part-title" = StringVariable
variableType "PMID" = StringVariable
variableType "PMCID" = StringVariable
variableType "publisher" = StringVariable
variableType "publisher-place" = StringVariable
variableType "references" = StringVariable
variableType "reviewed-genre" = StringVariable
variableType "reviewed-title" = StringVariable
variableType "scale" = StringVariable
variableType "source" = StringVariable
variableType "status" = StringVariable
variableType "title" = StringVariable
variableType "title-short" = StringVariable
variableType "URL" = StringVariable
variableType "volume-title" = StringVariable
variableType "year-suffix" = StringVariable
variableType _ = UnknownVariable

newtype (ReferenceMap a) =
  ReferenceMap { unReferenceMap :: M.Map ItemId (Reference a) }
  deriving (Show)

makeReferenceMap :: [Reference a] -> ReferenceMap a
makeReferenceMap refs =
  ReferenceMap (M.fromList (map (\r -> (referenceId r, r)) refs))

lookupReference :: ItemId -> ReferenceMap a -> Maybe (Reference a)
lookupReference ident (ReferenceMap m) = M.lookup ident m

-- | Value associated with a certain variable in a bibliographic
-- entry.
data Val a =
    TextVal Text      -- ^ Plain text value
  | FancyVal a        -- ^ Formatted value with parameterized type
  | NumVal  Int       -- ^ Numerical value
  | NamesVal [Name]    -- ^ Structured names
  | DateVal Date       -- ^ Structured date
  deriving (Show, Eq, Functor, Foldable, Traversable)

instance ToJSON a => ToJSON (Val a) where
  toJSON (TextVal t) = toJSON t
  toJSON (FancyVal x) = toJSON x
  toJSON (NumVal n) = toJSON n
  toJSON (NamesVal ns) = toJSON ns
  toJSON (DateVal d) = toJSON d

valToText :: CiteprocOutput a => Val a -> Maybe Text
valToText (TextVal x)  = Just x
valToText (FancyVal x) = Just $ toText x
valToText (NumVal n)   = Just $ T.pack $ show n
valToText _            = Nothing

data Name =
  { nameFamily              :: Maybe Text
  , nameGiven               :: Maybe Text
  , nameDroppingParticle    :: Maybe Text
  , nameNonDroppingParticle :: Maybe Text
  , nameSuffix              :: Maybe Text
  , nameCommaSuffix         :: Bool
  , nameStaticOrdering      :: Bool
  , nameLiteral             :: Maybe Text
  deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)

instance ToJSON Name where
  toJSON n =
    object $
      maybe id (\x -> (("family", toJSON x):)) (nameFamily n) .
      maybe id (\x -> (("given", toJSON x):)) (nameGiven n) .
      maybe id (\x -> (("dropping-particle", toJSON x):))
         (nameDroppingParticle n) .
      maybe id (\x -> (("non-dropping-particle", toJSON x):))
         (nameNonDroppingParticle n) .
      maybe id (\x -> (("suffix", toJSON x):)) (nameSuffix n) .
      (if nameCommaSuffix n
          then (("comma-suffix", toJSON True):)
          else id) .
      (if nameStaticOrdering n
          then (("static-ordering", toJSON True):)
          else id) .
      maybe id (\x -> (("literal", toJSON x):)) (nameLiteral n) $

instance FromJSON Name where
  parseJSON (String t) = parseCheaterName t
  parseJSON x =
    extractParticles <$>
     (withObject "Name" $ \v -> Name
      <$> v .:? "family"
      <*> v .:? "given"
      <*> v .:? "dropping-particle"
      <*> v .:? "non-dropping-particle"
      <*> v .:? "suffix"
      <*> (v .:? "comma-suffix" >>= maybe (return False) asBool)
      <*> (v .:? "static-ordering" >>= maybe (return False) asBool)
      <*> v .:? "literal"
     ) x

-- "lowercase elements before the family name are treated as “non-dropping”
-- particles, and lowercase elements following the given name as “dropping”
-- particles"
extractParticles :: Name -> Name
extractParticles =
  extractNonDroppingParticle . extractDroppingParticle . extractSuffix
  extractSuffix name =
    case nameSuffix name of
      Nothing ->
        case nameGiven name of
          Nothing -> name
          Just t
            -- in CSL JSON you can put double quotes around something
            -- to make it a unit (not subject to splitting).
            | "\"" `T.isPrefixOf` t
            , "\"" `T.isSuffixOf` t
            -> name { nameGiven = Just $ T.drop 1 $ T.dropEnd 1 t }
           | otherwise->
            let (a,b) = T.break (==',') t
             in if T.null a || T.null b
                   then name
                     if T.take 2 b == ",!"
                        then name{ nameGiven  = Just a
                                 , nameSuffix = Just $ T.strip $ T.drop 2 b
                                 , nameCommaSuffix = True }
                        else name{ nameGiven  = Just a
                                 , nameSuffix = Just $ T.strip $ T.drop 1 b }
      Just _  -> name
  extractNonDroppingParticle name =
    case nameNonDroppingParticle name of
      Nothing ->
        case nameFamily name of
          Nothing -> name
          Just t
            | "\"" `T.isPrefixOf` t
            , "\"" `T.isSuffixOf` t
              -> name { nameFamily = Just $ T.drop 1 $ T.dropEnd 1 t }
            | otherwise ->
              case span (T.all isParticleChar) (T.words t) of
                    -> case T.split isParticlePunct t of
                         [x,y] | T.all isParticleChar x ->
                              name{ nameFamily = Just y
                                  , nameNonDroppingParticle = Just $ x <>
                                      T.take 1
                                      (T.dropWhile (not . isParticlePunct) t) }
                         _ -> name
                (_,[])  -> name
                (as,bs) -> name{ nameFamily = Just (T.unwords bs)
                               , nameNonDroppingParticle = Just (T.unwords as) }
      Just _  -> name
  extractDroppingParticle name =
    case nameDroppingParticle name of
      Just _  -> name
      Nothing ->
        case nameGiven name of
          Nothing -> name
          Just t  ->
            case break (T.all isParticleChar) (T.words t) of
              (_,[])  -> name
              ([],_)  -> name
                | all (T.all isParticleChar) bs
                      -> name{ nameGiven = Just (T.unwords as)
                             , nameDroppingParticle = Just (T.unwords bs) }
                | otherwise -> name
  isParticlePunct c = c == '\'' || c == '’' || c == '-' || c == '\x2013' ||
                      c == '.'
  isParticleChar c = isLower c || isParticlePunct c

-- cheater syntax for name: used in parsing note:
--  editor: Thompson || Hunter S.
parseCheaterName :: Text -> Parser Name
parseCheaterName t = do
  let (family, given) = case T.splitOn "||" t of
                           (f:g:_) -> (Just (T.strip f), Just (T.strip g))
                           [f]     -> (Just (T.strip f), Nothing)
                           []      -> (Nothing, Nothing)
  return $ extractParticles $
      { nameFamily              = family
      , nameGiven               = given
      , nameDroppingParticle    = Nothing
      , nameNonDroppingParticle = Nothing
      , nameSuffix              = Nothing
      , nameCommaSuffix         = False
      , nameStaticOrdering      = False
      , nameLiteral             = if isNothing family && isNothing given
                                     then Just t
                                     else Nothing

isByzantineName :: Name -> Bool
isByzantineName name = maybe False isByzantine (nameFamily name)

-- detect latin/cyrillic names
-- see src/load.js ROMANESQUE_REGEX in citeproc-js:
-- /[-0-9a-zA-Z\u0e01-\u0e5b\u00c0-\u017f\u0370-\u03ff\u0400-\u052f\u0590-\u05d4\u05d6-\u05ff\u1f00-\u1fff\u0600-\u06ff\u200c\u200d\u200e\u0218\u0219\u021a\u021b\u202a-\u202e]/
isByzantineChar :: Char -> Bool
isByzantineChar c = c == '-' ||
                (c >= '0' && c <= '9') ||
                (c >= 'a' && c <= 'z') ||
                (c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z') ||
                (c >= '\x0e01' && c <= '\x0e5b') ||
                (c >= '\x00c0' && c <= '\x017f') ||
                (c >= '\x0370' && c <= '\x03ff') ||
                (c >= '\x0400' && c <= '\x052f') ||
                (c >= '\x0590' && c <= '\x05d4') ||
                (c >= '\x05d6' && c <= '\x05ff') ||
                (c >= '\x1f00' && c <= '\x1fff') ||
                (c >= '\x0600' && c <= '\x06ff') ||
                (c >= '\x200c' && c <= '\x200e') ||
                (c >= '\x2018' && c <= '\x2019') ||
                (c >= '\x021a' && c <= '\x021b') ||
                (c >= '\x202a' && c <= '\x202e')

isByzantine :: Text -> Bool
isByzantine = T.any isByzantineChar

asBool :: Value -> Parser Bool
asBool (String t) = return $ t == "true"
asBool (Bool b)   = return b
asBool (Number n) = return $ n == 1
asBool x          = typeMismatch "Bool" x

asText :: Value -> Parser Text
asText (String t)   = return t
asText (Number n)   = return $ case S.floatingOrInteger n of
                                 Left r -> T.pack (show (r :: Double))
                                 Right i -> T.pack (show (i :: Int))
asText x            = typeMismatch "String" x

asInt :: Value -> Parser Int
asInt (String t) =
  case readAsInt t of
    Just x  -> return x
    Nothing -> fail "not a number"
asInt v@Number{} = parseJSON v
asInt v = typeMismatch "Number" v

data Date =
  { dateParts     :: [DateParts]
  , dateCirca     :: Bool
  , dateSeason    :: Maybe Int
  , dateLiteral   :: Maybe Text
  } deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)

instance ToJSON Date where
  toJSON d =
    object $
      (if dateCirca d then (("circa", toJSON True):) else id) .
      (case dateSeason d of
        Just s -> (("season", toJSON s):)
        Nothing -> id) .
      (case dateLiteral d of
        Just l -> (("literal", toJSON l):)
        Nothing -> id) $
      [ ("date-parts", toJSON (dateParts d)) ]

instance FromJSON Date where
 parseJSON (String t) = rawDate t  -- cheater dates
 parseJSON x = withObject "Date" (\v ->
   (v.: "raw" >>= rawDate)
   (Date <$> v .:? "date-parts" .!= []
         <*> ((v .: "circa" >>= asBool) <|> pure False)
         <*> ((v .: "season" >>= fmap Just . asInt) <|> pure Nothing)
         <*> v .:? "literal")) x

newtype DateParts = DateParts [Int]
  deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, ToJSON)

instance FromJSON DateParts where
  parseJSON v =
    DateParts <$> (parseJSON v >>= mapM asInt . removeEmptyStrings)

rawDate :: Text -> Parser Date
rawDate t = case rawDateEDTF t <|> rawDateOld t of
              Just d  -> return d
              Nothing -> return $ Date { dateParts = []
                                       , dateCirca = False
                                       , dateSeason = Nothing
                                       , dateLiteral = Just t }

rawDateEDTF :: Text -> Maybe Date
rawDateEDTF = rawDateISO . handleRanges
  handleRanges t =
    case T.split (=='/') t of
         -- 199u EDTF format for a range
         [x] | T.any (== 'u') x ->
               T.map (\c -> if c == 'u' then '0' else c) x
               <> "/" <>
               T.map (\c -> if c == 'u' then '9' else c) x
         [x, "open"] -> x <> "/"    -- EDTF
         [x, "unknown"] -> x <> "/" -- EDTF
         _  -> t

rawDateISO :: Text -> Maybe Date
rawDateISO raw = do
  let ranges = map T.strip $ T.split (=='/') raw
  let circa = any ("~" `T.isSuffixOf`) ranges
  let isSpecial '~' = True
      isSpecial '?' = True
      isSpecial '%' = True
      isSpecial 'T' = True
      isSpecial _   = False
  let dparts t = do
        (hasY, t') <- if T.take 1 t == "y"
                         then return (True, T.drop 1 t)
                         else return (False, t)
        (isNeg, t'') <- if T.take 1 t' == "-"
                           then return (True, T.drop 1 t')
                           else return (False, t')
        let t''' = T.takeWhile (not . isSpecial) t''
        case T.split (=='-') t''' of
          [""]         -> return $ DateParts [0]
          [y', m', d'] -> do
            guard $ T.length y' == 4 || hasY && T.length y' >= 4
            guard $ T.length m' == 2
            guard $ T.length d' == 2
            y <- (if isNeg
                     then (\x -> (x * (-1)) - 1) -- 0 = 1 BC
                     else id) <$> readAsInt y'
            m <- readAsInt m'
            d <- readAsInt d'
            return $ DateParts [y, m, d]
          [y', m'] -> do
            guard $ T.length y' == 4 || hasY && T.length y' >= 4
            guard $ T.length m' == 2
            y <- (if isNeg
                     then (\x -> (x * (-1)) - 1) -- 0 = 1 BC
                     else id) <$> readAsInt y'
            m <- readAsInt m'
            return $ DateParts [y, m]
          [y'] -> do
            guard $ T.length y' == 4 || hasY && T.length y' >= 4
            y <- (if isNeg
                     then (\x -> (x * (-1)) - 1) -- 0 = 1 BC
                     else id) <$> readAsInt y'
            return $ DateParts [y]
          _ -> mzero
  dps <- mapM dparts ranges
  return $ Date
    { dateParts     = dps
    , dateCirca     = circa
    , dateSeason    = Nothing
    , dateLiteral   = Nothing

rawDateOld :: Text -> Maybe Date
rawDateOld raw = do
  let months   = ["jan","feb","mar","apr","may","jun","jul","aug",
  let seasons  = ["spr","sum","fal","win"]
  let ranges = T.split (=='-') raw
  let readTextMonth t = do
        let key = T.toLower $ T.take 3 t
        case elemIndex key months of
             Just n  -> return (n+1)
             Nothing -> case elemIndex key seasons of
                          Just n -> return (n+13)
                          Nothing -> fail "Improper month"
  let dparts t =
        case T.split (\c -> c == ' ' || c == '/' || c == ',') $ T.strip t of
          [m', d', y'] -> do
            y <- readAsInt y'
            m <- readAsInt m' <|> readTextMonth m'
            d <- readAsInt d'
            return $ DateParts [y, m, d]
          [m', y']     -> do
            y <- readAsInt y'
            m <- readAsInt m' <|> readTextMonth m'
            return $ DateParts [y, m]
          [y']         -> do
            y <- readAsInt y'
            return $ DateParts [y]
          []           -> return $ DateParts []
          _            -> mzero
  dps <- mapM dparts ranges
  return $ Date
    { dateParts     = dps
    , dateCirca     = False
    , dateSeason    = Nothing
    , dateLiteral   = Nothing

removeEmptyStrings :: [Value] -> [Value]
removeEmptyStrings = filter (not . isEmptyString)
   isEmptyString (String t) = T.null t
   isEmptyString _ = False

data Output a =
    Formatted Formatting [Output a]
  | InNote (Output a)
  | Literal a
  | Tagged Tag (Output a)
  | NullOutput
  deriving (Show, Eq)

instance Uniplate (Output a) where
  uniplate (Formatted f xs) = plate Formatted |- f ||* xs
  uniplate (InNote x)       = plate InNote |* x
  uniplate (Literal x)      = plate Literal |- x
  uniplate (Tagged t x)     = plate Tagged |- t |* x
  uniplate NullOutput       = plate NullOutput

instance Biplate (Output a) (Output a) where
  biplate = plateSelf

data Tag =
    | TagCitationNumber Int
    | TagCitationLabel
    | TagItem CitationItemType ItemId
    | TagName Name
    | TagNames Variable NamesFormat [Name]
    | TagDate Date
    | TagYearSuffix Int
    | TagLocator
  deriving (Show, Eq)

outputToText :: CiteprocOutput a => Output a -> Text
outputToText NullOutput = mempty
outputToText (Literal x ) = toText x
outputToText (Tagged _ x) = outputToText x
outputToText (Formatted _ xs) = T.unwords $ map outputToText xs
outputToText (InNote x)   = outputToText x

renderOutput :: CiteprocOutput a => CiteprocOptions -> Output a -> a
renderOutput _ NullOutput = mempty
renderOutput _ (Literal x) = x
renderOutput opts (Tagged (TagItem _ ident) x)
  | linkCitations opts
  = addHyperlink ("#ref-" <> unItemId ident) $ renderOutput opts x
renderOutput opts (Tagged _ x) = renderOutput opts x
renderOutput opts (Formatted formatting xs) =
  addFormatting formatting . mconcat . fixPunct .
    (case formatDelimiter formatting of
       Just d  -> addDelimiters (fromText d)
       Nothing -> id) . filter (/= mempty) $ map (renderOutput opts) xs
renderOutput opts (InNote x) = inNote $
  dropTextWhile isSpace $
  dropTextWhile (\c -> c == ',' || c == ';' || c == '.' || c == ':') $
  renderOutput opts x

addDelimiters :: CiteprocOutput a => a -> [a] -> [a]
addDelimiters delim =
  foldr addDelim []
  addDelim x []     = [x]
  addDelim x (a:as) = case T.uncons (toText a) of
                         Just (c,_)
                           | c == ',' || c == ';' || c == '.' -> x : a : as
                         _ -> x : delim : a : as

fixPunct :: CiteprocOutput a => [a] -> [a]
fixPunct (x:y:zs) =
  case (xEnd, yStart) of
    -- https://github.com/Juris-M/citeproc-js/blob/master/src/queue.js#L724
    ('!','.') -> keepFirst
    ('!','?') -> keepBoth
    ('!',':') -> keepFirst
    ('!',',') -> keepBoth
    ('!',';') -> keepBoth
    ('?','!') -> keepBoth
    ('?','.') -> keepFirst
    ('?',':') -> keepFirst
    ('?',',') -> keepBoth
    ('?',';') -> keepBoth
    ('.','!') -> keepBoth
    ('.','?') -> keepBoth
    ('.',':') -> keepBoth
    ('.',',') -> keepBoth
    ('.',';') -> keepBoth
    (':','!') -> keepSecond
    (':','?') -> keepSecond
    (':','.') -> keepFirst
    (':',',') -> keepBoth
    (':',';') -> keepBoth
    (',','!') -> keepBoth
    (',','?') -> keepBoth
    (',',':') -> keepBoth
    (',','.') -> keepBoth
    (',',';') -> keepBoth
    (';','!') -> keepSecond
    (';','?') -> keepSecond
    (';',':') -> keepFirst
    (';','.') -> keepFirst
    (';',',') -> keepBoth
    ('!','!') -> keepFirst
    ('?','?') -> keepFirst
    ('.','.') -> keepFirst
    (':',':') -> keepFirst
    (';',';') -> keepFirst
    (',',',') -> keepFirst
    (' ',' ') -> keepSecond
    (' ',',') -> keepSecond
    (' ','.') -> keepSecond
    _ -> keepBoth
  xText = toText x
  yText = toText y
  xEnd = if T.null xText then '\xFFFD' else T.last xText
  yStart = if T.null yText then '\xFFFD' else T.head yText
  keepFirst = fixPunct $ x : (dropTextWhile (== yStart) y : zs)
  keepSecond = fixPunct $ dropTextWhileEnd (== xEnd) x : y : zs
  keepBoth = x : fixPunct (y : zs)
fixPunct zs = zs

grouped :: [Output a] -> Output a
grouped = formatted mempty

formatted :: Formatting -> [Output a] -> Output a
formatted formatting = grouped' . filter (not . isNullOutput)
  isNullOutput NullOutput = True
  isNullOutput _          = False
  grouped' []  = NullOutput
  grouped' [x] | formatting == mempty = x
  grouped' xs  = Formatted formatting xs

readAsInt :: Text -> Maybe Int
readAsInt t =
  case TR.decimal t of
      Right (x,t') | T.null t' -> Just x
      _                        -> Nothing

-- | An abbreviations map.  These are typically stored in a JSON
-- serialization: for examples of the format, see
-- <https://github.com/citation-style-language/abbreviations>.
-- Abbreviations are substituted in the output when the variable
-- and its content are matched by something in the abbreviations map.
newtype Abbreviations =
  Abbreviations (M.Map Variable (M.Map Text Text))
  deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)

instance FromJSON Abbreviations where
  parseJSON (Object v)   =
    Abbreviations <$>
      (parseJSON (Object v) >>= maybe
         (fail "abbreviations lacks a default key")
         return . M.lookup ("default" :: Text))
  parseJSON _            = fail "Could not read abbreviations"

instance ToJSON Abbreviations where
  toJSON (Abbreviations m) =
    object [("default", toJSON m)]

-- | Returns an abbreviation if the variable and its value match
-- something in the abbreviations map.
lookupAbbreviation :: CiteprocOutput a
                   => Variable -> Val a -> Abbreviations -> Maybe (Val a)
lookupAbbreviation var val (Abbreviations abbrevmap) = do
  abbrvs <- M.lookup (if variableType var == NumberVariable
                         then "number"
                         else var) abbrevmap
  case val of
    TextVal t  -> maybe mzero (return . TextVal) $ M.lookup t abbrvs
    FancyVal x -> maybe mzero (return . TextVal) $ M.lookup (toText x) abbrvs
    NumVal n   -> maybe mzero (return . TextVal)
                         $ M.lookup (T.pack (show n)) abbrvs
    _          -> mzero

-- | Result of citation processing.
data Result a =
  { resultCitations     :: [a]          -- ^ List of formatted citations
                    -- corresponding to the citations given to 'citeproc'
  , resultBibliography  :: [(Text, a)]  -- ^ List of formatted bibliography
                    -- entries (if the style calls for a bibliography),
                    -- each a pair consisting of the item identifier and
                    -- the formatted entry
  , resultWarnings      :: [Text]       -- ^ Warnings from citation processing
  } deriving (Show)

instance ToJSON a => ToJSON (Result a) where
  toJSON res = object
    [ ("citations", toJSON $ resultCitations res)
    , ("bibliography", toJSON $ resultBibliography res)
    , ("warnings", toJSON $ resultWarnings res)

instance FromJSON a => FromJSON (Result a) where
  parseJSON = withObject "Result" $ \v ->
    Result <$> v .: "citations"
           <*> v .: "bibliography"
           <*> v .: "warnings"

-- | Inputs for citation processing.
data Inputs a =
  { inputsCitations     :: Maybe [Citation a]
  , inputsReferences    :: Maybe [Reference a]
  , inputsStyle         :: Maybe Text
  , inputsAbbreviations :: Maybe Abbreviations
  , inputsLang          :: Maybe Lang
  } deriving (Show)

instance ToJSON a => ToJSON (Inputs a) where
  toJSON inp = object
    [ ("citations",     toJSON $ inputsCitations inp)
    , ("references",    toJSON $ inputsReferences inp)
    , ("style",         toJSON $ inputsStyle inp)
    , ("abbreviations", toJSON $ inputsAbbreviations inp)
    , ("lang",          toJSON $ inputsLang inp)

instance (FromJSON a, Eq a) => FromJSON (Inputs a) where
  parseJSON = withObject "Inputs" $ \v ->
    Inputs <$> v .:? "citations"
           <*> v .:? "references"
           <*> v .:? "style"
           <*> v .:? "abbreviations"
           <*> v .:? "lang"