Copyright | (C) 2016 Patrick Chilton |
Safe Haskell | None |
Language | Haskell2010 |
If you know what CursorKind
s you want to operate on,
consider using Language.C.Clang.Cursor.Typed instead.
- data Cursor
- translationUnitCursor :: TranslationUnit -> Cursor
- cursorTranslationUnit :: Cursor -> TranslationUnit
- cursorChildrenF :: Fold Cursor Cursor
- cursorChildren :: Cursor -> [Cursor]
- cursorDescendantsF :: Fold Cursor Cursor
- cursorDescendants :: Cursor -> [Cursor]
- cursorSpelling :: Cursor -> ByteString
- cursorExtent :: Cursor -> Maybe SourceRange
- cursorUSR :: Cursor -> ByteString
- cursorReferenced :: Cursor -> Maybe Cursor
- cursorType :: Cursor -> Maybe Type
- cursorKind :: Cursor -> CursorKind
- data TypeLayoutError
- offsetOfField :: Cursor -> Either TypeLayoutError Word64
- data CursorKind
- = UnexposedDecl
- | StructDecl
- | UnionDecl
- | ClassDecl
- | EnumDecl
- | FieldDecl
- | EnumConstantDecl
- | FunctionDecl
- | VarDecl
- | ParmDecl
- | ObjCInterfaceDecl
- | ObjCCategoryDecl
- | ObjCProtocolDecl
- | ObjCPropertyDecl
- | ObjCIvarDecl
- | ObjCInstanceMethodDecl
- | ObjCClassMethodDecl
- | ObjCImplementationDecl
- | ObjCCategoryImplDecl
- | TypedefDecl
- | CXXMethod
- | Namespace
- | LinkageSpec
- | Constructor
- | Destructor
- | ConversionFunction
- | TemplateTypeParameter
- | NonTypeTemplateParameter
- | TemplateTemplateParameter
- | FunctionTemplate
- | ClassTemplate
- | ClassTemplatePartialSpecialization
- | NamespaceAlias
- | UsingDirective
- | UsingDeclaration
- | TypeAliasDecl
- | ObjCSynthesizeDecl
- | ObjCDynamicDecl
- | CXXAccessSpecifier
- | FirstDecl
- | LastDecl
- | FirstRef
- | ObjCSuperClassRef
- | ObjCProtocolRef
- | ObjCClassRef
- | TypeRef
- | CXXBaseSpecifier
- | TemplateRef
- | NamespaceRef
- | MemberRef
- | LabelRef
- | OverloadedDeclRef
- | VariableRef
- | LastRef
- | FirstInvalid
- | InvalidFile
- | NoDeclFound
- | NotImplemented
- | InvalidCode
- | LastInvalid
- | FirstExpr
- | UnexposedExpr
- | DeclRefExpr
- | MemberRefExpr
- | CallExpr
- | ObjCMessageExpr
- | BlockExpr
- | IntegerLiteral
- | FloatingLiteral
- | ImaginaryLiteral
- | StringLiteral
- | CharacterLiteral
- | ParenExpr
- | UnaryOperator
- | ArraySubscriptExpr
- | BinaryOperator
- | CompoundAssignOperator
- | ConditionalOperator
- | CStyleCastExpr
- | CompoundLiteralExpr
- | InitListExpr
- | AddrLabelExpr
- | StmtExpr
- | GenericSelectionExpr
- | GNUNullExpr
- | CXXStaticCastExpr
- | CXXDynamicCastExpr
- | CXXReinterpretCastExpr
- | CXXConstCastExpr
- | CXXFunctionalCastExpr
- | CXXTypeidExpr
- | CXXBoolLiteralExpr
- | CXXNullPtrLiteralExpr
- | CXXThisExpr
- | CXXThrowExpr
- | CXXNewExpr
- | CXXDeleteExpr
- | UnaryExpr
- | ObjCStringLiteral
- | ObjCEncodeExpr
- | ObjCSelectorExpr
- | ObjCProtocolExpr
- | ObjCBridgedCastExpr
- | PackExpansionExpr
- | SizeOfPackExpr
- | LambdaExpr
- | ObjCBoolLiteralExpr
- | ObjCSelfExpr
- | LastExpr
- | FirstStmt
- | UnexposedStmt
- | LabelStmt
- | CompoundStmt
- | CaseStmt
- | DefaultStmt
- | IfStmt
- | SwitchStmt
- | WhileStmt
- | DoStmt
- | ForStmt
- | GotoStmt
- | IndirectGotoStmt
- | ContinueStmt
- | BreakStmt
- | ReturnStmt
- | GCCAsmStmt
- | AsmStmt
- | ObjCAtTryStmt
- | ObjCAtCatchStmt
- | ObjCAtFinallyStmt
- | ObjCAtThrowStmt
- | ObjCAtSynchronizedStmt
- | ObjCAutoreleasePoolStmt
- | ObjCForCollectionStmt
- | CXXCatchStmt
- | CXXTryStmt
- | CXXForRangeStmt
- | SEHTryStmt
- | SEHExceptStmt
- | SEHFinallyStmt
- | MSAsmStmt
- | NullStmt
- | DeclStmt
- | OMPParallelDirective
- | OMPSimdDirective
- | OMPForDirective
- | OMPSectionsDirective
- | OMPSectionDirective
- | OMPSingleDirective
- | OMPParallelForDirective
- | OMPParallelSectionsDirective
- | OMPTaskDirective
- | OMPMasterDirective
- | OMPCriticalDirective
- | OMPTaskyieldDirective
- | OMPBarrierDirective
- | OMPTaskwaitDirective
- | OMPFlushDirective
- | SEHLeaveStmt
- | LastStmt
- | TranslationUnit
- | FirstAttr
- | UnexposedAttr
- | IBActionAttr
- | IBOutletAttr
- | IBOutletCollectionAttr
- | CXXFinalAttr
- | CXXOverrideAttr
- | AnnotateAttr
- | AsmLabelAttr
- | PackedAttr
- | PureAttr
- | ConstAttr
- | NoDuplicateAttr
- | CUDAConstantAttr
- | CUDADeviceAttr
- | CUDAGlobalAttr
- | CUDAHostAttr
- | LastAttr
- | PreprocessingDirective
- | MacroDefinition
- | MacroExpansion
- | MacroInstantiation
- | InclusionDirective
- | FirstPreprocessing
- | LastPreprocessing
- | ModuleImportDecl
- | FirstExtraDecl
- | LastExtraDecl
cursorChildren :: Cursor -> [Cursor] Source #
cursorDescendants :: Cursor -> [Cursor] Source #
List a Cursor
and all of its descendants recursively.
cursorSpelling :: Cursor -> ByteString Source #
cursorExtent :: Cursor -> Maybe SourceRange Source #
cursorUSR :: Cursor -> ByteString Source #
cursorKind :: Cursor -> CursorKind Source #
data TypeLayoutError Source #
data CursorKind Source #