Copyright(C) 2020-2024 QBayLogic B.V.
LicenseBSD2 (see the file LICENSE)
MaintainerQBayLogic B.V. <>
Safe HaskellNone



Types for the Partial Evaluator



whnf :: Evaluator -> TyConMap -> Bool -> Machine -> Machine Source #

Evaluate to WHNF given an existing Heap and Stack

data Evaluator Source #

An evaluator is a collection of basic building blocks which are used to define partial evaluation. In this implementation, it consists of two types of function:

  • steps, which applies the reduction realtion to the current term
  • unwindings, which pop the stack and evaluate the stack frame

Variants of these functions also exist for evalauting primitive operations. This is because there may be multiple frontends to the compiler which can reuse a common step and unwind, but have different primitives.



unwindStack :: Machine -> Maybe Machine Source #

Completely unwind the stack to get back the complete term

type Step = Machine -> TyConMap -> Maybe Machine Source #

A single step in the partial evaluator. The result is the new heap and stack, and the next expression to be reduced.

data Machine Source #

A machine represents the current state of the abstract machine used to evaluate terms. A machine has a term under evaluation, a stack, and three heaps:

  • a primitive heap to store IO values from primitives (like ByteArrays)
  • a global heap to store top-level bindings in scope
  • a local heap to store local bindings in scope

Machines also include a unique supply and InScopeSet. These are needed when new heap bindings are created, and are just an implementation detail.


Instances details
Show Machine Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Clash.Core.Evaluator.Types

data Value Source #


Lambda Id Term


TyLambda TyVar Term

Type abstractions

DC DataCon [Either Term Type]

Data constructors

Lit Literal


PrimVal PrimInfo [Type] [Value]

Clash's number types are represented by their "fromInteger#" primitive function. So some primitives are values.

Suspend Term

Used by lazy primitives

TickValue TickInfo Value

Preserve ticks from Terms in Values

CastValue Value Type Type

Preserve casts from Terms in Values


Instances details
Show Value Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Clash.Core.Evaluator.Types

InferType Value Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Clash.Core.Evaluator.Types

forcePrims :: Machine -> Bool Source #

Are we in a context where special primitives must be forced.

See [Note: forcing special primitives]