clash-prelude-0.10.13: CAES Language for Synchronous Hardware - Prelude library

Copyright(C) 2013-2016, University of Twente
LicenseBSD2 (see the file LICENSE)
MaintainerChristiaan Baaij <>
Safe HaskellUnsafe
  • Cpp
  • MonoLocalBinds
  • TemplateHaskell
  • ScopedTypeVariables
  • TypeFamilies
  • GADTs
  • GADTSyntax
  • DataKinds
  • TypeSynonymInstances
  • FlexibleInstances
  • MultiParamTypeClasses
  • MagicHash
  • KindSignatures
  • ExplicitNamespaces
  • ExplicitForAll







data Clock Source

A clock with a name (Symbol) and period (Nat)


Clk Symbol Nat 

data SClock clk where Source

Singleton value for a type-level Clock with the given name and period


SClock :: SSymbol name -> SNat period -> SClock (Clk name period) 


data Signal' clk a Source

A synchronized signal with samples of type a, explicitly synchronized to a clock clk

NB: The constructor, (:-), is not synthesisable.


a :- (Signal' clk a) infixr 5 


Functor (Signal' clk) Source 
Applicative (Signal' clk) Source 
Foldable (Signal' clk) Source

NB: Not synthesisable

NB: In "foldr f z s":

  • The function f should be lazy in its second argument.
  • The z element will never be used.
Traversable (Signal' clk) Source 
Bounded a => Bounded (Signal' clk a) Source 
Enum a => Enum (Signal' clk a) Source

WARNING: fromEnum is undefined, use fromEnum1 instead

Eq (Signal' clk a) Source

WARNING: (==) and (/=) are undefined, use (.==.) and (./=.) instead

Fractional a => Fractional (Signal' clk a) Source 
Integral a => Integral (Signal' clk a) Source

WARNING: toInteger is undefined, use toInteger1 instead

Num a => Num (Signal' clk a) Source 
Ord a => Ord (Signal' clk a) Source

WARNING: compare, (<), (>=), (>), and (<=) are undefined, use compare1, (.<.), (.>=.), (.>.), and (.<=.) instead

(Num a, Ord a) => Real (Signal' clk a) Source

WARNING: toRational is undefined, use toRational1 instead

Show a => Show (Signal' clk a) Source 
Arbitrary a => Arbitrary (Signal' clk a) Source 
CoArbitrary a => CoArbitrary (Signal' clk a) Source 
Bits a => Bits (Signal' clk a) Source

WARNING: testBit and popCount are undefined, use testBit1 and popCount1 instead

FiniteBits a => FiniteBits (Signal' clk a) Source 
Default a => Default (Signal' clk a) Source 
Lift a => Lift (Signal' clk a) Source 
SaturatingNum a => SaturatingNum (Signal' clk a) Source 
ExtendingNum a b => ExtendingNum (Signal' clk a) (Signal' clk b) Source 
type AResult (Signal' clk a) (Signal' clk b) = Signal' clk (AResult a b) Source 
type MResult (Signal' clk a) (Signal' clk b) = Signal' clk (MResult a b) Source 

Basic circuits

register# :: SClock clk -> a -> Signal' clk a -> Signal' clk a Source

regEn# :: SClock clk -> a -> Signal' clk Bool -> Signal' clk a -> Signal' clk a Source

mux :: Applicative f => f Bool -> f a -> f a -> f a Source

The above type is a generalisation for:

mux :: Signal Bool -> Signal a -> Signal a -> Signal a

A multiplexer. Given "mux b t f", output t when b is True, and f when b is False.

signal :: Applicative f => a -> f a Source

The above type is a generalisation for:

signal :: a -> Signal a

Create a constant Signal from a combinational value

>>> sampleN 5 (signal 4 :: Signal Int)

Boolean connectives

(.&&.) :: Applicative f => f Bool -> f Bool -> f Bool infixr 3 Source

The above type is a generalisation for:

(.&&.) :: Signal Bool -> Signal Bool -> Signal Bool

It is a version of (&&) that returns a Signal of Bool

(.||.) :: Applicative f => f Bool -> f Bool -> f Bool infixr 2 Source

The above type is a generalisation for:

(.||.) :: Signal Bool -> Signal Bool -> Signal Bool

It is a version of (||) that returns a Signal of Bool

not1 :: Functor f => f Bool -> f Bool Source

The above type is a generalisation for:

not1 :: Signal Bool -> Signal Bool

It is a version of not that operates on Signals of Bool

Simulation functions (not synthesisable)

simulate :: (Signal' clk1 a -> Signal' clk2 b) -> [a] -> [b] Source

Simulate a (Signal a -> Signal b) function given a list of samples of type a

>>> simulate (register 8) [1, 2, 3]

NB: This function is not synthesisable

strict versions

simulate_strict :: (NFData a, NFData b) => (Signal' clk1 a -> Signal' clk2 b) -> [a] -> [b] Source

Deprecated: simulate will be strict in CLaSH 1.0, and simulate_strict will be removed

Version of simulate that strictly evaluates the input elements and the output elements

N.B: Exceptions are lazily rethrown

List <-> Signal conversion (not synthesisable)

sample :: Foldable f => f a -> [a] Source

The above type is a generalisation for:

sample :: Signal a -> [a]

Get an infinite list of samples from a Signal

The elements in the list correspond to the values of the Signal at consecutive clock cycles

sample s == [s0, s1, s2, s3, ...

NB: This function is not synthesisable

sampleN :: Foldable f => Int -> f a -> [a] Source

The above type is a generalisation for:

sampleN :: Int -> Signal a -> [a]

Get a list of n samples from a Signal

The elements in the list correspond to the values of the Signal at consecutive clock cycles

sampleN 3 s == [s0, s1, s2]

NB: This function is not synthesisable

fromList :: [a] -> Signal' clk a Source

Create a Signal from a list

Every element in the list will correspond to a value of the signal for one clock cycle.

>>> sampleN 2 (fromList [1,2,3,4,5])

NB: This function is not synthesisable

strict versions

sample_strict :: (Foldable f, NFData a) => f a -> [a] Source

Deprecated: sample will be strict in CLaSH 1.0, and sample_strict will be removed

Version of sample that strictly evaluates the samples

N.B: Exceptions are lazily rethrown

sampleN_strict :: (Foldable f, NFData a) => Int -> f a -> [a] Source

Deprecated: sampleN will be strict in CLaSH 1.0, and sampleN_strict will be removed

Version of sampleN that strictly evaluates the samples

N.B: Exceptions are lazily rethrown

fromList_strict :: NFData a => [a] -> Signal' clk a Source

Deprecated: fromList will be strict in CLaSH 1.0, and fromList_strict will be removed

Version of fromList that strictly evaluates the elements of the list

N.B: Exceptions are lazily rethrown

QuickCheck combinators

testFor :: Foldable f => Int -> f Bool -> Property Source

The above type is a generalisation for:

testFor :: Int -> Signal Bool -> Property

testFor n s tests the signal s for n cycles.

Type classes


(.==.) :: (Eq a, Applicative f) => f a -> f a -> f Bool infix 4 Source

The above type is a generalisation for:

(.==.) :: Eq a => Signal a -> Signal a -> Signal Bool

It is a version of (==) that returns a Signal of Bool

(./=.) :: (Eq a, Applicative f) => f a -> f a -> f Bool infix 4 Source

The above type is a generalisation for:

(./=.) :: Eq a => Signal a -> Signal a -> Signal Bool

It is a version of (/=) that returns a Signal of Bool


compare1 :: (Ord a, Applicative f) => f a -> f a -> f Ordering Source

The above type is a generalisation for:

compare1 :: Ord a => Signal a -> Signal a -> Signal Ordering

It is a version of compare that returns a Signal of Ordering

(.<.) :: (Ord a, Applicative f) => f a -> f a -> f Bool infix 4 Source

The above type is a generalisation for:

(.<.) :: Ord a => Signal a -> Signal a -> Signal Bool

It is a version of (<) that returns a Signal of Bool

(.<=.) :: (Ord a, Applicative f) => f a -> f a -> f Bool infix 4 Source

The above type is a generalisation for:

(.<=.) :: Ord a => Signal a -> Signal a -> Signal Bool

It is a version of (<=) that returns a Signal of Bool

(.>=.) :: (Ord a, Applicative f) => f a -> f a -> f Bool infix 4 Source

The above type is a generalisation for:

(.>=.) :: Ord a => Signal a -> Signal a -> Signal Bool

It is a version of (>=) that returns a Signal of Bool

(.>.) :: (Ord a, Applicative f) => f a -> f a -> f Bool infix 4 Source

The above type is a generalisation for:

(.>.) :: Ord a => Signal a -> Signal a -> Signal Bool

It is a version of (>) that returns a Signal of Bool


mapSignal# :: (a -> b) -> Signal' clk a -> Signal' clk b Source


signal# :: a -> Signal' clk a Source

appSignal# :: Signal' clk (a -> b) -> Signal' clk a -> Signal' clk b Source


foldr# :: (a -> b -> b) -> b -> Signal' clk a -> b Source

NB: Not synthesisable

NB: In "foldr# f z s":

  • The function f should be lazy in its second argument.
  • The z element will never be used.


traverse# :: Applicative f => (a -> f b) -> Signal' clk a -> f (Signal' clk b) Source


fromEnum1 :: (Enum a, Functor f) => f a -> f Int Source

The above type is a generalisation for:

fromEnum1 :: Enum a => Signal a -> Signal Int

It is a version of fromEnum that returns a CLaSH.Signal.Signal' of Int


toRational1 :: (Real a, Functor f) => f a -> f Rational Source

The above type is a generalisation for:

toRational1 :: Real a => Signal a -> Signal Rational

It is a version of toRational that returns a Signal of Rational


toInteger1 :: (Integral a, Functor f) => f a -> f Integer Source

The above type is a generalisation for:

toInteger1 :: Integral a => Signal a -> Signal Integer

It is a version of toRational that returns a Signal of Integer


testBit1 :: (Bits a, Applicative f) => f a -> f Int -> f Bool Source

The above type is a generalisation for:

testBit1 :: Bits a => Signal a -> Signal Int -> Signal Bool

It is a version of testBit that has a Signal of Int as indexing argument, and a result of Signal of Bool

popCount1 :: (Bits a, Functor f) => f a -> f Int Source

The above type is a generalisation for:

popCount1 :: Bits a => Signal a -> Signal Int

It is a version of popCount that returns a Signal of Int

shift1 :: (Bits a, Applicative f) => f a -> f Int -> f a Source

The above type is a generalisation for:

shift1 :: Bits a => Signal a -> Signal Int -> Signal a

It is a version of shift that has a Signal of Int as indexing argument

rotate1 :: (Bits a, Applicative f) => f a -> f Int -> f a Source

The above type is a generalisation for:

rotate1 :: Bits a => Signal a -> Signal Int -> Signal a

It is a version of rotate that has a Signal of Int as indexing argument

setBit1 :: (Bits a, Applicative f) => f a -> f Int -> f a Source

The above type is a generalisation for:

setBit1 :: Bits a => Signal a -> Signal Int -> Signal a

It is a version of setBit that has a Signal of Int as indexing argument

clearBit1 :: (Bits a, Applicative f) => f a -> f Int -> f a Source

The above type is a generalisation for:

clearBit1 :: Bits a => Signal a -> Signal Int -> Signal a

It is a version of clearBit that has a Signal of Int as indexing argument

shiftL1 :: (Bits a, Applicative f) => f a -> f Int -> f a Source

The above type is a generalisation for:

shiftL1 :: Bits a => Signal a -> Signal Int -> Signal a

It is a version of shiftL that has a Signal of Int as indexing argument

unsafeShiftL1 :: (Bits a, Applicative f) => f a -> f Int -> f a Source

The above type is a generalisation for:

unsafeShiftL1 :: Bits a => Signal a -> Signal Int -> Signal a

It is a version of unsafeShiftL that has a Signal of Int as indexing argument

shiftR1 :: (Bits a, Applicative f) => f a -> f Int -> f a Source

The above type is a generalisation for:

shiftR1 :: Bits a => Signal a -> Signal Int -> Signal a

It is a version of shiftR that has a Signal of Int as indexing argument

unsafeShiftR1 :: (Bits a, Applicative f) => f a -> f Int -> f a Source

The above type is a generalisation for:

unsafeShiftR1 :: Bits a => Signal a -> Signal Int -> Signal a

It is a version of unsafeShiftR that has a Signal of Int as indexing argument

rotateL1 :: (Bits a, Applicative f) => f a -> f Int -> f a Source

The above type is a generalisation for:

rotateL1 :: Bits a => Signal a -> Signal Int -> Signal a

It is a version of rotateL that has a Signal of Int as indexing argument

rotateR1 :: (Bits a, Applicative f) => f a -> f Int -> f a Source

The above type is a generalisation for:

rotateR1 :: Bits a => Signal a -> Signal Int -> Signal a

It is a version of rotateR that has a Signal of Int as indexing argument


joinSignal# :: Signal' clk (Signal' clk a) -> Signal' clk a Source


The circuit semantics of this operation are unclear and/or non-existent. There is a good reason there is no Monad instance for Signal'.

Is currently treated as id by the CLaSH compiler.