clash-prelude-0.7.1: CAES Language for Synchronous Hardware - Prelude library

Copyright(C) 2013-2015, University of Twente
LicenseBSD2 (see the file LICENSE)
MaintainerChristiaan Baaij <>
Safe HaskellNone
  • MonoLocalBinds
  • ScopedTypeVariables
  • TypeFamilies
  • GADTs
  • GADTSyntax
  • DataKinds
  • DeriveTraversable
  • MultiParamTypeClasses
  • MagicHash
  • KindSignatures
  • GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving
  • TypeOperators
  • ExplicitNamespaces
  • ExplicitForAll






Delay-annotated synchronous signals

data DSignal delay a Source

A synchronized signal with samples of type a, synchronized to "system" clock (period 1000), that has accumulated delay amount of samples delay along its path.


Functor (DSignal delay) 
Applicative (DSignal delay) 
Foldable (DSignal delay) 
Traversable (DSignal delay) 
Bounded a => Bounded (DSignal delay a) 
Enum a => Enum (DSignal delay a) 
Eq (DSignal delay a) 
Fractional a => Fractional (DSignal delay a) 
Integral a => Integral (DSignal delay a) 
Num a => Num (DSignal delay a) 
Ord a => Ord (DSignal delay a) 
(Num a, Ord a) => Real (DSignal delay a) 
Show a => Show (DSignal delay a) 
Bits a => Bits (DSignal delay a) 
FiniteBits a => FiniteBits (DSignal delay a) 
Default a => Default (DSignal delay a) 
Lift a => Lift (DSignal delay a) 
SaturatingNum a => SaturatingNum (DSignal delay a) 
ExtendingNum a b => ExtendingNum (DSignal n a) (DSignal n b) 
type AResult (DSignal n a) (DSignal n b) = DSignal n (AResult a b) 
type MResult (DSignal n a) (DSignal n b) = DSignal n (MResult a b) 

delay :: forall a n m. KnownNat m => Vec m a -> DSignal (n - m) a -> DSignal n a Source

Delay a DSignal for m periods.

delay3 :: DSignal (n - 3) Int -> DSignal n Int
delay3 = delay (0 :> 0 :> 0 :> Nil)
>>> sampleN 6 (delay3 (dfromList [1..]))

delayI :: (Default a, KnownNat m) => DSignal (n - m) a -> DSignal n a Source

Delay a DSignal for m periods, where m is derived from the context.

delay2 :: DSignal (n - 2) Int -> DSignal n Int
delay2 = delayI
>>> sampleN 6 (delay2 (dfromList [1..])

feedback :: (DSignal ((n - m) - 1) a -> (DSignal ((n - m) - 1) a, DSignal n a)) -> DSignal ((n - m) - 1) a Source

Feed the delayed result of a function back to its input:

mac :: DSignal 0 Int -> DSignal 0 Int -> DSignal 0 Int
mac x y = feedback (mac' x y)
    mac' :: DSignal 0 Int -> DSignal 0 Int -> DSignal 0 Int
         -> (DSignal 0 Int, DSignal 1 Int)
    mac' a b acc = let acc' = a * b + acc
                   in  (acc, delay (singleton 0) acc')
>>> sampleN 6 (mac (dfromList [1..]) (dfromList [1..]))

Signal <-> DSignal conversion

fromSignal :: Signal a -> DSignal 0 a Source

Signals are not delayed

sample s == dsample (fromSignal s)

toSignal :: DSignal delay a -> Signal a Source

Strip a DSignal from its delay information.

List <-> DSignal conversion (not synthesisable)

dfromList :: [a] -> DSignal 0 a Source

Create a DSignal from a list

Every element in the list will correspond to a value of the signal for one clock cycle.

>>> sampleN 2 (dfromList [1,2,3,4,5])

NB: This function is not synthesisable


unsafeFromSignal :: Signal a -> DSignal n a Source


Unsafely convert a Signal to any DSignal.

NB: Should only be used to interface with functions specified in terms of Signal.

antiDelay :: SNat d -> DSignal n a -> DSignal (n - d) a Source


Access a delayed signal in the present.

mac :: DSignal 0 Int -> DSignal 0 Int -> DSignal 0 Int
mac x y = acc'
    acc' = (x * y) + antiDelay d1 acc
    acc  = delay (singleton 0) acc'