Copyright  :  (C) 2013-2016, University of Twente,
                  2016     , Myrtle Software Ltd
License    :  BSD2 (see the file LICENSE)
Maintainer :  Christiaan Baaij <christiaan.baaij@gmail.com>

{-# LANGUAGE AllowAmbiguousTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}

{-# LANGUAGE Trustworthy #-}

{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fplugin GHC.TypeLits.KnownNat.Solver #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fplugin GHC.TypeLits.Normalise       #-}

{-# OPTIONS_HADDOCK show-extensions #-}

module Clash.Promoted.Nat
  ( -- * Singleton natural numbers
    -- ** Data type
    SNat (..)
    -- ** Construction
  , snatProxy
  , withSNat
    -- ** Conversion
  , snatToInteger, snatToNatural, snatToNum
    -- ** Arithmetic
  , addSNat, mulSNat, powSNat, minSNat, maxSNat, succSNat
    -- *** Partial
  , subSNat, divSNat, modSNat, flogBaseSNat, clogBaseSNat, logBaseSNat, predSNat
    -- *** Specialised
  , pow2SNat
    -- *** Comparison
  , SNatLE (..), compareSNat
    -- * Unary/Peano-encoded natural numbers
    -- ** Data type
  , UNat (..)
    -- ** Construction
  , toUNat
    -- ** Conversion
  , fromUNat
    -- ** Arithmetic
  , addUNat, mulUNat, powUNat
    -- *** Partial
  , predUNat, subUNat
    -- * Base-2 encoded natural numbers
    -- ** Data type
  , BNat (..)
    -- ** Construction
  , toBNat
    -- ** Conversion
  , fromBNat
    -- ** Pretty printing base-2 encoded natural numbers
  , showBNat
    -- ** Arithmetic
  , succBNat, addBNat, mulBNat, powBNat
    -- *** Partial
  , predBNat, div2BNat, div2Sub1BNat, log2BNat
    -- ** Normalisation
  , stripZeros
    -- * Constraints on natural numbers
  , leToPlus
  , leToPlusKN

import Data.Kind          (Type)
import GHC.Show           (appPrec)
import GHC.TypeLits       (KnownNat, Nat, type (+), type (-), type (*),
                           type (^), type (<=), natVal)
import GHC.TypeLits.Extra (CLog, FLog, Div, Log, Mod, Min, Max)
import GHC.Natural        (naturalFromInteger)
import Language.Haskell.TH (appT, conT, litT, numTyLit, sigE)
import Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax (Lift (..))
import Numeric.Natural    (Natural)
import Unsafe.Coerce      (unsafeCoerce)
import Clash.XException   (ShowX (..), showsPrecXWith)

{- $setup
>>> :set -XBinaryLiterals
>>> import Clash.Promoted.Nat.Literals (d789)

-- | Singleton value for a type-level natural number 'n'
-- * "Clash.Promoted.Nat.Literals" contains a list of predefined 'SNat' literals
-- * "Clash.Promoted.Nat.TH" has functions to easily create large ranges of new
--   'SNat' literals
data SNat (n :: Nat) where
  SNat :: KnownNat n => SNat n

instance Lift (SNat n) where
  lift s = sigE [| SNat |]
                (appT (conT ''SNat) (litT $ numTyLit (snatToInteger s)))

-- | Create an @`SNat` n@ from a proxy for /n/
snatProxy :: KnownNat n => proxy n -> SNat n
snatProxy _ = SNat

instance Show (SNat n) where
  showsPrec d p@SNat | n <= 1024 = showChar 'd' . shows n
                     | otherwise = showParen (d > appPrec) $
                                     showString "SNat @" . shows n
    n = snatToInteger p

instance ShowX (SNat n) where
  showsPrecX = showsPrecXWith showsPrec

{-# INLINE withSNat #-}
-- | Supply a function with a singleton natural 'n' according to the context
withSNat :: KnownNat n => (SNat n -> a) -> a
withSNat f = f SNat

-- | Reify the type-level 'Nat' @n@ to it's term-level 'Integer' representation.
snatToInteger :: SNat n -> Integer
snatToInteger p@SNat = natVal p
{-# INLINE snatToInteger #-}

snatToNatural :: SNat n -> Natural
snatToNatural = naturalFromInteger . snatToInteger
{-# INLINE snatToNatural #-}

-- | Reify the type-level 'Nat' @n@ to it's term-level 'Num'ber.
snatToNum :: forall a n . Num a => SNat n -> a
snatToNum p@SNat = fromInteger (snatToInteger p)
{-# INLINE snatToNum #-}

-- | Unary representation of a type-level natural
-- __NB__: Not synthesizable
data UNat :: Nat -> Type where
  UZero :: UNat 0
  USucc :: UNat n -> UNat (n + 1)

instance KnownNat n => Show (UNat n) where
  show x = 'u':show (natVal x)

instance KnownNat n => ShowX (UNat n) where
  showsPrecX = showsPrecXWith showsPrec

-- | Convert a singleton natural number to its unary representation
-- __NB__: Not synthesizable
toUNat :: forall n . SNat n -> UNat n
toUNat p@SNat = fromI @n (snatToInteger p)
    fromI :: forall m . Integer -> UNat m
    fromI 0 = unsafeCoerce @(UNat 0) @(UNat m) UZero
    fromI n = unsafeCoerce @(UNat ((m-1)+1)) @(UNat m) (USucc (fromI @(m-1) (n - 1)))

-- | Convert a unary-encoded natural number to its singleton representation
-- __NB__: Not synthesizable
fromUNat :: UNat n -> SNat n
fromUNat UZero     = SNat :: SNat 0
fromUNat (USucc x) = addSNat (fromUNat x) (SNat :: SNat 1)

-- | Add two unary-encoded natural numbers
-- __NB__: Not synthesizable
addUNat :: UNat n -> UNat m -> UNat (n + m)
addUNat UZero     y     = y
addUNat x         UZero = x
addUNat (USucc x) y     = USucc (addUNat x y)

-- | Multiply two unary-encoded natural numbers
-- __NB__: Not synthesizable
mulUNat :: UNat n -> UNat m -> UNat (n * m)
mulUNat UZero      _     = UZero
mulUNat _          UZero = UZero
mulUNat (USucc x) y      = addUNat y (mulUNat x y)

-- | Power of two unary-encoded natural numbers
-- __NB__: Not synthesizable
powUNat :: UNat n -> UNat m -> UNat (n ^ m)
powUNat _ UZero     = USucc UZero
powUNat x (USucc y) = mulUNat x (powUNat x y)

-- | Predecessor of a unary-encoded natural number
-- __NB__: Not synthesizable
predUNat :: UNat (n+1) -> UNat n
predUNat (USucc x) = x
predUNat UZero     =
  error "predUNat: impossible: 0 minus 1, -1 is not a natural number"

-- | Subtract two unary-encoded natural numbers
-- __NB__: Not synthesizable
subUNat :: UNat (m+n) -> UNat n -> UNat m
subUNat x         UZero     = x
subUNat (USucc x) (USucc y) = subUNat x y
subUNat UZero     _         = error "subUNat: impossible: 0 + (n + 1) ~ 0"

-- | Predecessor of a singleton natural number
predSNat :: SNat (a+1) -> SNat (a)
predSNat SNat = SNat
{-# INLINE predSNat #-}

-- | Successor of a singleton natural number
succSNat :: SNat a -> SNat (a+1)
succSNat SNat = SNat
{-# INLINE succSNat #-}

-- | Add two singleton natural numbers
addSNat :: SNat a -> SNat b -> SNat (a+b)
addSNat SNat SNat = SNat
{-# INLINE addSNat #-}
infixl 6 `addSNat`

-- | Subtract two singleton natural numbers
subSNat :: SNat (a+b) -> SNat b -> SNat a
subSNat SNat SNat = SNat
{-# INLINE subSNat #-}
infixl 6 `subSNat`

-- | Multiply two singleton natural numbers
mulSNat :: SNat a -> SNat b -> SNat (a*b)
mulSNat SNat SNat = SNat
{-# INLINE mulSNat #-}
infixl 7 `mulSNat`

-- | Power of two singleton natural numbers
powSNat :: SNat a -> SNat b -> SNat (a^b)
powSNat SNat SNat = SNat
{-# NOINLINE powSNat #-}
infixr 8 `powSNat`

-- | Division of two singleton natural numbers
divSNat :: (1 <= b) => SNat a -> SNat b -> SNat (Div a b)
divSNat SNat SNat = SNat
{-# INLINE divSNat #-}
infixl 7 `divSNat`

-- | Modulo of two singleton natural numbers
modSNat :: (1 <= b) => SNat a -> SNat b -> SNat (Mod a b)
modSNat SNat SNat = SNat
{-# INLINE modSNat #-}
infixl 7 `modSNat`

minSNat :: SNat a -> SNat b -> SNat (Min a b)
minSNat SNat SNat = SNat

maxSNat :: SNat a -> SNat b -> SNat (Max a b)
maxSNat SNat SNat = SNat

-- | Floor of the logarithm of a natural number
flogBaseSNat :: (2 <= base, 1 <= x)
             => SNat base -- ^ Base
             -> SNat x
             -> SNat (FLog base x)
flogBaseSNat SNat SNat = SNat
{-# NOINLINE flogBaseSNat #-}

-- | Ceiling of the logarithm of a natural number
clogBaseSNat :: (2 <= base, 1 <= x)
             => SNat base -- ^ Base
             -> SNat x
             -> SNat (CLog base x)
clogBaseSNat SNat SNat = SNat
{-# NOINLINE clogBaseSNat #-}

-- | Exact integer logarithm of a natural number
-- __NB__: Only works when the argument is a power of the base
logBaseSNat :: (FLog base x ~ CLog base x)
            => SNat base -- ^ Base
            -> SNat x
            -> SNat (Log base x)
logBaseSNat SNat SNat = SNat
{-# NOINLINE logBaseSNat #-}

-- | Power of two of a singleton natural number
pow2SNat :: SNat a -> SNat (2^a)
pow2SNat SNat = SNat
{-# INLINE pow2SNat #-}

-- | Ordering relation between two Nats
data SNatLE a b where
  SNatLE :: forall a b . a <= b => SNatLE a b
  SNatGT :: forall a b . (b+1) <= a => SNatLE a b

-- | Get an ordering relation between two SNats
compareSNat :: forall a b . SNat a -> SNat b -> SNatLE a b
compareSNat a b =
  if snatToInteger a <= snatToInteger b
     then unsafeCoerce (SNatLE @0 @0)
     else unsafeCoerce (SNatGT @1 @0)

-- | Base-2 encoded natural number
--    * __NB__: The LSB is the left/outer-most constructor:
--    * __NB__: Not synthesizable
-- >>> B0 (B1 (B1 BT))
-- b6
-- == Constructors
-- * Starting/Terminating element:
--      @
--      __BT__ :: 'BNat' 0
--      @
-- * Append a zero (/0/):
--      @
--      __B0__ :: 'BNat' n -> 'BNat' (2 '*' n)
--      @
-- * Append a one (/1/):
--      @
--      __B1__ :: 'BNat' n -> 'BNat' ((2 '*' n) '+' 1)
--      @
data BNat :: Nat -> Type where
  BT :: BNat 0
  B0 :: BNat n -> BNat (2*n)
  B1 :: BNat n -> BNat ((2*n) + 1)

instance KnownNat n => Show (BNat n) where
  show x = 'b':show (natVal x)

instance KnownNat n => ShowX (BNat n) where
  showsPrecX = showsPrecXWith showsPrec

-- | Show a base-2 encoded natural as a binary literal
-- __NB__: The LSB is shown as the right-most bit
-- >>> d789
-- d789
-- >>> toBNat d789
-- b789
-- >>> showBNat (toBNat d789)
-- "0b1100010101"
-- >>> 0b1100010101 :: Integer
-- 789
showBNat :: BNat n -> String
showBNat = go []
    go :: String -> BNat m -> String
    go xs BT  = "0b" ++ xs
    go xs (B0 x) = go ('0':xs) x
    go xs (B1 x) = go ('1':xs) x

-- | Convert a singleton natural number to its base-2 representation
-- __NB__: Not synthesizable
toBNat :: SNat n -> BNat n
toBNat s@SNat = toBNat' (snatToInteger s)
    toBNat' :: Integer -> BNat m
    toBNat' 0 = unsafeCoerce BT
    toBNat' n = case n `divMod` 2 of
      (n',1) -> unsafeCoerce (B1 (toBNat' n'))
      (n',_) -> unsafeCoerce (B0 (toBNat' n'))

-- | Convert a base-2 encoded natural number to its singleton representation
-- __NB__: Not synthesizable
fromBNat :: BNat n -> SNat n
fromBNat BT     = SNat :: SNat 0
fromBNat (B0 x) = mulSNat (SNat :: SNat 2) (fromBNat x)
fromBNat (B1 x) = addSNat (mulSNat (SNat :: SNat 2) (fromBNat x))
                          (SNat :: SNat 1)

-- | Add two base-2 encoded natural numbers
-- __NB__: Not synthesizable
addBNat :: BNat n -> BNat m -> BNat (n+m)
addBNat (B0 a) (B0 b) = B0 (addBNat a b)
addBNat (B0 a) (B1 b) = B1 (addBNat a b)
addBNat (B1 a) (B0 b) = B1 (addBNat a b)
addBNat (B1 a) (B1 b) = B0 (succBNat (addBNat a b))
addBNat BT     b      = b
addBNat a      BT     = a

-- | Multiply two base-2 encoded natural numbers
-- __NB__: Not synthesizable
mulBNat :: BNat n -> BNat m -> BNat (n*m)
mulBNat BT      _  = BT
mulBNat _       BT = BT
mulBNat (B0 a)  b  = B0 (mulBNat a b)
mulBNat (B1 a)  b  = addBNat (B0 (mulBNat a b)) b

-- | Power of two base-2 encoded natural numbers
-- __NB__: Not synthesizable
powBNat :: BNat n -> BNat m -> BNat (n^m)
powBNat _  BT      = B1 BT
powBNat a  (B0 b)  = let z = powBNat a b
                     in  mulBNat z z
powBNat a  (B1 b)  = let z = powBNat a b
                     in  mulBNat a (mulBNat z z)

-- | Successor of a base-2 encoded natural number
-- __NB__: Not synthesizable
succBNat :: BNat n -> BNat (n+1)
succBNat BT     = B1 BT
succBNat (B0 a) = B1 a
succBNat (B1 a) = B0 (succBNat a)

-- | Predecessor of a base-2 encoded natural number
-- __NB__: Not synthesizable
predBNat :: (1 <= n) => BNat n -> BNat (n-1)
predBNat (B1 a) = case stripZeros a of
  BT -> BT
  a' -> B0 a'
predBNat (B0 x) = B1 (predBNat x)

-- | Divide a base-2 encoded natural number by 2
-- __NB__: Not synthesizable
div2BNat :: BNat (2*n) -> BNat n
div2BNat BT     = BT
div2BNat (B0 x) = x
div2BNat (B1 _) = error "div2BNat: impossible: 2*n ~ 2*n+1"

-- | Subtract 1 and divide a base-2 encoded natural number by 2
-- __NB__: Not synthesizable
div2Sub1BNat :: BNat (2*n+1) -> BNat n
div2Sub1BNat (B1 x) = x
div2Sub1BNat _      = error "div2Sub1BNat: impossible: 2*n+1 ~ 2*n"

-- | Get the log2 of a base-2 encoded natural number
-- __NB__: Not synthesizable
log2BNat :: BNat (2^n) -> BNat n
log2BNat BT = error "log2BNat: log2(0) not defined"
log2BNat (B1 x) = case stripZeros x of
  BT -> BT
  _  -> error "log2BNat: impossible: 2^n ~ 2x+1"
log2BNat (B0 x) = succBNat (log2BNat x)

-- | Strip non-contributing zero's from a base-2 encoded natural number
-- >>> B1 (B0 (B0 (B0 BT)))
-- b1
-- >>> showBNat (B1 (B0 (B0 (B0 BT))))
-- "0b0001"
-- >>> showBNat (stripZeros (B1 (B0 (B0 (B0 BT)))))
-- "0b1"
-- >>> stripZeros (B1 (B0 (B0 (B0 BT))))
-- b1
-- __NB__: Not synthesizable
stripZeros :: BNat n -> BNat n
stripZeros BT      = BT
stripZeros (B1 x)  = B1 (stripZeros x)
stripZeros (B0 BT) = BT
stripZeros (B0 x)  = case stripZeros x of
  BT -> BT
  k  -> B0 k

-- | Change a function that has an argument with an @(n ~ (k + m))@ constraint to a
-- function with an argument that has an @(k <= n)@ constraint.
-- === __Examples__
-- Example 1
-- @
-- f :: Index (n+1) -> Index (n + 1) -> Bool
-- g :: forall n. (1 '<=' n) => Index n -> Index n -> Bool
-- g a b = 'leToPlus' \@1 \@n (f a b)
-- @
-- Example 2
-- @
-- head :: Vec (n + 1) a -> a
-- head' :: forall n a. (1 '<=' n) => Vec n a -> a
-- head' = 'leToPlus' @1 @n head
-- @
  :: forall (k :: Nat) (n :: Nat) r
   . ( k <= n
  => (forall m . (n ~ (k + m)) => r)
  -- ^ Context with the @(n ~ (k + m))@ constraint
  -> r
leToPlus r = r @(n - k)
{-# INLINE leToPlus #-}

-- | Same as 'leToPlus' with added 'KnownNat' constraints
  :: forall (k :: Nat) (n :: Nat) r
   . ( k <= n
     , KnownNat k
     , KnownNat n
  => (forall m . (n ~ (k + m), KnownNat m) => r)
  -- ^ Context with the @(n ~ (k + m))@ constraint
  -> r
leToPlusKN r = r @(n - k)
{-# INLINE leToPlusKN #-}