{- |
Copyright  :  (C) 2017, Myrtle Software Ltd, QBayLogic, Google Inc.
License    :  BSD2 (see the file LICENSE)
Maintainer :  Christiaan Baaij <christiaan.baaij@gmail.com>

Add inline documentation to types:

  :: Clock dom
  -> Reset dom
  -> SNat addrSize
  -> "read request" ::: Signal dom Bool
  -> "write request" ::: Signal dom (Maybe (BitVector dataSize))
  -> ( "q"     ::: Signal dom (BitVector dataSize)
     , "full"  ::: Signal dom Bool
     , "empty" ::: Signal dom Bool

which can subsequently be inspected in the interactive environment:

>>> import Clash.Explicit.Prelude
>>> :t fifo @System
fifo @System
  :: Clock System
     -> Reset System
     -> SNat addrSize
     -> ("read request" ::: Signal System Bool)
     -> ("write request" ::: Signal System (Maybe (BitVector dataSize)))
     -> ("q" ::: Signal System (BitVector dataSize),
         "full" ::: Signal System Bool, "empty" ::: Signal System Bool)


{-# LANGUAGE PolyKinds #-}

{-# LANGUAGE Safe #-}

{-# OPTIONS_HADDOCK show-extensions #-}

module Clash.NamedTypes

type (name :: k) ::: a = a
-- ^ Annotate a type with a name

{- $setup
>>> :set -XDataKinds -XTypeOperators -XNoImplicitPrelude
>>> import Clash.Explicit.Prelude
>>> :{
let fifo
      :: Clock dom
      -> Reset dom
      -> SNat addrSize
      -> "read request" ::: Signal dom Bool
      -> "write request" ::: Signal dom (Maybe (BitVector dataSize))
      -> ( "q"     ::: Signal dom (BitVector dataSize)
         , "full"  ::: Signal dom Bool
         , "empty" ::: Signal dom Bool
    fifo = Clash.Explicit.Prelude.undefined
