{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskellQuotes #-}
module Data.Generics.ClassyPlate.TH (makeClassyPlate, makeClassyPlateConfig, ClassyPlateConfig(..)) where

import Data.Maybe
import Data.Either

import Language.Haskell.TH

import Data.Generics.ClassyPlate.Core
import Data.Generics.ClassyPlate.TypePrune

-- TODO: make the definitions inlineable, and try speed gains by inlining

type PrimitiveMarkers = [Either (Name,Integer) Name]

data ClassyPlateConfig = MakeAll | OnlyDirect

makeClassyPlate = makeClassyPlateConfig MakeAll

-- | Creates ClassyPlate instances for a datatype. Can specify which fields should not be traversed.
makeClassyPlateConfig :: ClassyPlateConfig -> PrimitiveMarkers -> Name -> Q [Dec]
makeClassyPlateConfig config primitives dataType
  = do inf <- reify dataType
       case inf of (TyConI (DataD _ name tvs _ cons _)) -> createClassyPlate name tvs cons
                   (TyConI (NewtypeD _ name tvs _ con _)) -> createClassyPlate name tvs [con]
                   _ -> error $ "Cannot create classyplate for " ++ show dataType ++ " only data and newtype declarations are supported."
  where createClassyPlate name tvs cons
          = let headType = foldl AppT (ConT name) (map (VarT . getTVName) tvs)
             in return $ [ makeNormalCPForDataType name headType tvs (map (getConRep primitives) cons)
                         , makeIgnoredFieldsTF headType primitives
                         ] ++ case config of MakeAll -> [ makeAutoCPForDataType name headType tvs (map (getConRep primitives) cons) ]
                                             _       -> []

makeNormalCPForDataType :: Name -> Type -> [TyVarBndr] -> [ConRep] -> Dec
makeNormalCPForDataType name headType _ cons
  = let clsVar = mkName "c"
     in InstanceD Nothing (generateCtx clsVar headType cons)
                          (ConT ''ClassyPlate `AppT` VarT clsVar `AppT` headType)
                          (generateDefs clsVar headType name cons)

-- | Creates the @ClassyPlate@
makeAutoCPForDataType :: Name -> Type -> [TyVarBndr] -> [ConRep] -> Dec
makeAutoCPForDataType name headType _ cons
  = let clsVar = mkName "c"
     in InstanceD Nothing (generateAutoCtx clsVar headType cons)
                          (ConT ''SmartClassyPlate
                            `AppT` VarT clsVar
                            `AppT` ConT 'False
                            `AppT` headType)
                          (generateAutoDefs clsVar headType name cons)

-- | Creates an @IgnoredFields@ type instance according to the ignored fields specified
makeIgnoredFieldsTF :: Type -> PrimitiveMarkers -> Dec
makeIgnoredFieldsTF typ ignored
  = TySynInstD ''IgnoredFields (TySynEqn [typ] (foldr typeListCons PromotedNilT ignored))
  where typeListCons :: Either (Name, Integer) Name -> Type -> Type
        typeListCons (Right fld) = ((PromotedConsT `AppT` (PromotedT 'Right `AppT` (LitT $ StrTyLit $ nameBase fld))) `AppT`)
        typeListCons (Left (cons, n)) = ((PromotedConsT `AppT` (PromotedT 'Left `AppT` tupType)) `AppT`)
          where tupType = PromotedTupleT 2 `AppT` (LitT $ StrTyLit $ nameBase cons) `AppT` (LitT $ NumTyLit $ fromIntegral n)

generateCtx :: Name -> Type -> [ConRep] -> Cxt
generateCtx clsVar selfType cons
  = (ConT ''GoodOperationFor `AppT` VarT clsVar `AppT` selfType)
      : map ((ConT ''ClassyPlate `AppT` VarT clsVar) `AppT`) (concatMap (\(_, args) -> catMaybes args) cons)

-- | Generates the body of the instance definitions for normal classyplates
generateDefs :: Name -> Type -> Name -> [ConRep] -> [Dec]
generateDefs clsVar headType tyName cons =
  [ FunD 'bottomUp_ (map (generateAppClause clsVar headType tyName) cons)
  , FunD 'bottomUpM_ (map (generateAppMClause clsVar headType tyName) cons)
  , FunD 'topDown_ [generateTopDownClause generateTopDownExpr clsVar headType cons]
  , FunD 'topDownM_ [generateTopDownClause generateTopDownMExpr clsVar headType cons]
  , FunD 'descend_ (map (generateDescendAppClause clsVar headType tyName) cons)
  , FunD 'descendM_ (map (generateDescendMAppClause clsVar headType tyName) cons)

generateAutoCtx :: Name -> Type -> [ConRep] -> Cxt
generateAutoCtx clsVar selfType cons
  = (ConT ''GoodOperationForAuto `AppT` VarT clsVar `AppT` selfType)
      : map (\t -> (ConT ''SmartClassyPlate `AppT` VarT clsVar
                      `AppT` (ConT ''ClassIgnoresSubtree `AppT` VarT clsVar `AppT` t)) `AppT` t)
            (concatMap (\(_, args) -> catMaybes args) cons)

-- | Generates the body of the instance definition for auto classy plate
generateAutoDefs :: Name -> Type -> Name -> [ConRep] -> [Dec]
generateAutoDefs clsVar headType tyName cons =
  [ FunD 'smartTraverse_ (map (generateAppAutoClause clsVar headType tyName) cons)
  , FunD 'smartTraverseM_ (map (generateAppAutoMClause clsVar headType tyName) cons)

-- * Normal definitions

-- | Creates the clause for the @classyTraverse_@ function for one constructor: @classyTraverse_ t f (Add e1 e2) = app (undefined :: FlagToken (AppSelector c (Expr dom stage))) t f $ Add (classyTraverse_ t f e1) (classyTraverse_ t f e2)@
generateAppClause :: Name -> Type -> Name -> ConRep -> Clause
generateAppClause clsVar headType _ (conName, args)
  = Clause [VarP tokenName, VarP funName, ConP conName (map VarP $ take (length args) argNames)]
      (NormalB (generateAppExpr clsVar headType tokenName funName
                 `AppE` generateRecombineExpr conName tokenName funName (zip (map isJust args) argNames))) []
  where argNames = map (mkName . ("a"++) . show) [0..]
        tokenName = mkName "t"
        funName = mkName "f"

generateAppExpr :: Name -> Type -> Name -> Name -> Exp
generateAppExpr clsVar headType tokenName funName
  = VarE 'app `AppE` (VarE 'undefined `SigE` (ConT ''FlagToken `AppT` (ConT ''AppSelector `AppT` VarT clsVar `AppT` headType)))
              `AppE` VarE tokenName `AppE` VarE funName

generateRecombineExpr :: Name -> Name -> Name -> [(Bool, Name)] -> Exp
generateRecombineExpr conName tokenName funName args
  = foldl AppE (ConE conName) (map mapArgRep args)
  where mapArgRep (True, n) = VarE 'bottomUp_ `AppE` VarE tokenName `AppE` VarE funName `AppE` VarE n
        mapArgRep (False, n) = VarE n

-- * Monadic definitions

-- | Creates the clause for the @classyTraverseM_@ function for one constructor: @classyTraverseM_ t f (Ann ann e) = appM (undefined :: FlagToken (AppSelector c (Ann e dom stage))) t f =<< (Ann <$> return ann <*> applyM t f e)@
generateAppMClause :: Name -> Type -> Name -> ConRep -> Clause
generateAppMClause clsVar headType _ (conName, args)
  = Clause [VarP tokenName, VarP funName, ConP conName (map VarP $ take (length args) argNames)]
      (NormalB (InfixE (Just $ generateAppMExpr clsVar headType tokenName funName)
                       (VarE '(=<<))
                       (Just $ generateRecombineMExpr conName tokenName funName (zip (map isJust args) argNames)) )) []
  where argNames = map (mkName . ("a"++) . show) [0..]
        tokenName = mkName "t"
        funName = mkName "f"

generateAppMExpr :: Name -> Type -> Name -> Name -> Exp
generateAppMExpr clsVar headType tokenName funName
  = VarE 'appM `AppE` (VarE 'undefined `SigE` (ConT ''FlagToken `AppT` (ConT ''AppSelector `AppT` VarT clsVar `AppT` headType)))
               `AppE` VarE tokenName `AppE` VarE funName

generateRecombineMExpr :: Name -> Name -> Name -> [(Bool, Name)] -> Exp
generateRecombineMExpr conName _ _ []
  = AppE (VarE 'return) (ConE conName)
generateRecombineMExpr conName tokenName funName (fst:args)
  = foldl (\base -> InfixE (Just base) (VarE '(<*>)) . Just)
          (InfixE (Just $ ConE conName) (VarE '(<$>)) (Just $ mapArgRep fst))
          (map mapArgRep args)
  where mapArgRep (True, n) = VarE 'bottomUpM_ `AppE` VarE tokenName `AppE` VarE funName `AppE` VarE n
        mapArgRep (False, n) = VarE 'return `AppE` VarE n

-- * Top-down

generateTopDownClause :: (Name -> Type -> Name -> Name -> Name -> [ConRep] -> Exp) -> Name -> Type -> [ConRep] -> Clause
generateTopDownClause expFun clsVar headType cons
  = Clause [VarP tokenName, VarP funName, VarP elemName] (NormalB $ expFun clsVar headType tokenName funName elemName cons) []
  where tokenName = mkName "t"
        funName = mkName "f"
        elemName = mkName "e"

generateTopDownExpr :: Name -> Type -> Name -> Name -> Name -> [ConRep] -> Exp
generateTopDownExpr clsVar headType tokenName funName elemName cons
  = CaseE (VarE 'app `AppE` (VarE 'undefined `SigE` (ConT ''FlagToken `AppT` (ConT ''AppSelector `AppT` VarT clsVar `AppT` headType)))
                     `AppE` VarE tokenName `AppE` VarE funName `AppE` VarE elemName)
          (map (createTopDownMatch tokenName funName) cons)

createTopDownMatch :: Name -> Name -> ConRep -> Match
createTopDownMatch tokenName funName (conName, args)
  = Match (ConP conName (map VarP formalArgs))
          (NormalB $ foldl AppE (ConE conName) (map mapArgRep $ zip args formalArgs)) []
  where argNames = map (mkName . ("a"++) . show) [0..]
        formalArgs = take (length args) argNames
        mapArgRep (Just _, n) = VarE 'topDown_ `AppE` VarE tokenName `AppE` VarE funName `AppE` VarE n
        mapArgRep (Nothing, n) = VarE n

-- * Monadic top-down

generateTopDownMExpr :: Name -> Type -> Name -> Name -> Name -> [ConRep] -> Exp
generateTopDownMExpr clsVar headType tokenName funName elemName cons
  = InfixE (Just $ VarE 'appM `AppE` (VarE 'undefined `SigE` (ConT ''FlagToken `AppT` (ConT ''AppSelector `AppT` VarT clsVar `AppT` headType)))
                              `AppE` VarE tokenName `AppE` VarE funName `AppE` VarE elemName)
           (VarE '(>>=))
           (Just $ LamE [VarP lamName] (CaseE (VarE lamName) (map (generateTopDownMMatch tokenName funName) cons)))
  where lamName = mkName "x"

generateTopDownMMatch :: Name -> Name -> ConRep -> Match
generateTopDownMMatch tokenName funName (conName, args)
  = Match (ConP conName (map VarP argNames))
          (NormalB $ case formalArgs of
                       [] -> VarE 'return `AppE` ConE conName
                       fst:rest -> foldl (\base -> InfixE (Just base) (VarE '(<*>)) . Just)
                                         (InfixE (Just $ ConE conName) (VarE '(<$>)) (Just $ mapArgRep fst))
                                         (map mapArgRep rest)
          ) []
  where argNames = take (length args) $ map (mkName . ("a"++) . show) [0..]
        formalArgs = zip args argNames
        mapArgRep (Just _, n) = VarE 'topDownM_ `AppE` VarE tokenName `AppE` VarE funName `AppE` VarE n
        mapArgRep (Nothing, n) = VarE 'return `AppE` VarE n

-- * descend

-- | Creates the clause for the @descend_@ function for one constructor
generateDescendAppClause :: Name -> Type -> Name -> ConRep -> Clause
generateDescendAppClause clsVar _ _ (conName, args)
  = Clause [VarP tokenName, VarP funName, ConP conName (map VarP $ take (length args) argNames)]
      (NormalB (generateDescendRecombineExpr clsVar conName tokenName funName (zip args argNames))) []
  where argNames = map (mkName . ("a"++) . show) [0..]
        tokenName = mkName "t"
        funName = mkName "f"

generateDescendRecombineExpr :: Name -> Name -> Name -> Name -> [(Maybe Type, Name)] -> Exp
generateDescendRecombineExpr clsVar conName tokenName funName args
  = foldl AppE (ConE conName) (map mapArgRep args)
  where mapArgRep (Just t, n) = VarE 'appTD `AppE` (VarE 'undefined `SigE` (ConT ''FlagToken `AppT` (ConT ''AppSelector `AppT` VarT clsVar `AppT` t)))
                                            `AppE` VarE tokenName `AppE` VarE funName
                                            `AppE` (VarE 'descend_ `AppE` VarE tokenName `AppE` VarE funName) `AppE` VarE n
        mapArgRep (Nothing, n) = VarE n

-- * descendM

-- | Creates the clause for the @descendM_@ function for one constructor
generateDescendMAppClause :: Name -> Type -> Name -> ConRep -> Clause
generateDescendMAppClause clsVar _ _ (conName, args)
  = Clause [VarP tokenName, VarP funName, ConP conName (map VarP $ take (length args) argNames)]
      (NormalB (generateDescendMRecombineExpr clsVar conName tokenName funName (zip args argNames))) []
  where argNames = map (mkName . ("a"++) . show) [0..]
        tokenName = mkName "t"
        funName = mkName "f"

generateDescendMRecombineExpr :: Name -> Name -> Name -> Name -> [(Maybe Type, Name)] -> Exp
generateDescendMRecombineExpr _ conName _ _ []
  = AppE (VarE 'return) (ConE conName)
generateDescendMRecombineExpr clsVar conName tokenName funName (fst:args)
  = foldl (\base -> InfixE (Just base) (VarE '(<*>)) . Just)
          (InfixE (Just $ ConE conName) (VarE '(<$>)) (Just $ mapArgRep fst))
          (map mapArgRep args)
  where mapArgRep (Just t, n) = VarE 'appTDM `AppE` (VarE 'undefined `SigE` (ConT ''FlagToken `AppT` (ConT ''AppSelector `AppT` VarT clsVar `AppT` t)))
                                             `AppE` VarE tokenName `AppE` VarE funName
                                             `AppE` (VarE 'descendM_ `AppE` VarE tokenName `AppE` VarE funName) `AppE` VarE n
        mapArgRep (Nothing, n) = VarE 'return `AppE` VarE n

-- * Automatic definitions

-- | Creates the clause for the @smartTraverse_@ function for one constructor
generateAppAutoClause :: Name -> Type -> Name -> ConRep -> Clause
generateAppAutoClause clsVar headType _ (conName, args)
  = Clause [WildP, VarP tokenName, VarP funName, ConP conName (map VarP $ take (length args) argNames)]
      (NormalB (generateAppExpr clsVar headType tokenName funName
                 `AppE` generateAutoRecombineExpr clsVar conName tokenName funName (zip args argNames))) []
  where argNames = map (mkName . ("a"++) . show) [0..]
        tokenName = mkName "t"
        funName = mkName "f"

generateAutoRecombineExpr :: Name -> Name -> Name -> Name -> [(Maybe Type, Name)] -> Exp
generateAutoRecombineExpr clsVar conName tokenName funName args
  = foldl AppE (ConE conName) (map mapArgRep args)
  where mapArgRep (Just t, n)
          = VarE 'smartTraverse_
              `AppE` (VarE 'undefined `SigE` (ConT ''FlagToken `AppT` (ConT ''ClassIgnoresSubtree `AppT` VarT clsVar `AppT` t)))
              `AppE` VarE tokenName `AppE` VarE funName `AppE` VarE n
        mapArgRep (Nothing, n) = VarE n

-- * Monadic automatic definitions

-- | Creates the clause for the @smartTraverseM_@ function for one constructor
generateAppAutoMClause :: Name -> Type -> Name -> ConRep -> Clause
generateAppAutoMClause clsVar headType _ (conName, args)
  = Clause [WildP, VarP tokenName, VarP funName, ConP conName (map VarP $ take (length args) argNames)]
      (NormalB (InfixE (Just $ generateAppMExpr clsVar headType tokenName funName)
                       (VarE '(=<<))
                       (Just $ generateAutoRecombineMExpr clsVar conName tokenName funName (zip args argNames)) )) []
  where argNames = map (mkName . ("a"++) . show) [0..]
        tokenName = mkName "t"
        funName = mkName "f"

generateAutoRecombineMExpr :: Name -> Name -> Name -> Name -> [(Maybe Type, Name)] -> Exp
generateAutoRecombineMExpr _ conName _ _ []
  = AppE (VarE 'return) (ConE conName)
generateAutoRecombineMExpr clsVar conName tokenName funName (fst:args)
  = foldl (\base -> InfixE (Just base) (VarE '(<*>)) . Just)
          (InfixE (Just $ ConE conName) (VarE '(<$>)) (Just $ mapArgRep fst))
          (map mapArgRep args)
  where mapArgRep (Just t, n)
          = VarE 'smartTraverseM_
             `AppE` (VarE 'undefined `SigE` (ConT ''FlagToken `AppT` (ConT ''ClassIgnoresSubtree `AppT` VarT clsVar `AppT` t)))
             `AppE` VarE tokenName `AppE` VarE funName `AppE` VarE n
        mapArgRep (Nothing, n) = VarE 'return `AppE` VarE n

-- | Gets the name of a type variable
getTVName :: TyVarBndr -> Name
getTVName (PlainTV n) = n
getTVName (KindedTV n _) = n

-- | The information we need from a constructor.
type ConRep = (Name, [Maybe Type])

-- | Extracts the necessary information from a constructor.
getConRep :: PrimitiveMarkers -> Con -> ConRep
getConRep primitives (NormalC n args)
  = (n, map (\(i,c) -> if (n,i) `elem` lefts primitives then Nothing else Just (snd c)) (zip [0..] args))
getConRep primitives (RecC n args)
  = (n, map (\(i, (fldN,_,t)) -> if fldN `elem` rights primitives || (n,i) `elem` lefts primitives
                                   then Nothing else Just t)
          $ zip [0..] args)
getConRep primitives (InfixC (_,t1) n (_,t2))
  = (n, [ if (n,0) `elem` lefts primitives then Nothing else Just t1
        , if (n,1) `elem` lefts primitives then Nothing else Just t2
getConRep primitives (ForallC _ _ c) = getConRep primitives c
getConRep _ _ = error "GADTs are not supported"