clay-0.10.1: CSS preprocessor as embedded Haskell.

Safe HaskellNone




Generic background property.

class Val a => Background a where Source

We implement the generic background property as a type class that accepts multiple value types. This allows us to combine different background aspects into a shorthand syntax.

Minimal complete definition



background :: a -> Css Source

The background-color.

The background-position.

The background-size.

The background-repeat.

The background-origin.

The background-clip.

The background-attachment.

The background-image.

Specifying sides.

sideTop :: Side Source

We have to prefix these values to avoid conflict with existing property names.

sideLeft :: Side Source

We have to prefix these values to avoid conflict with existing property names.

sideRight :: Side Source

We have to prefix these values to avoid conflict with existing property names.

sideBottom :: Side Source

We have to prefix these values to avoid conflict with existing property names.

sideCenter :: Side Source

We have to prefix these values to avoid conflict with existing property names.

sideMiddle :: Side Source

We have to prefix these values to avoid conflict with existing property names.

Specifying directions and location.

class Val a => Loc a Source


Loc Side 
Loc (Size a) 
(Loc a, Loc b) => Loc (a, b)