cloudy- CLI tool to easily spin up and control compute instances in various cloud environments
Safe HaskellSafe-Inferred




waitForSshPort :: Text -> IO () Source #

Wait for port 22 to be available on the remote machine.

updateSshHostKeys Source #


:: Text 
-> Text

IP Address

-> IO () 

data Fingerprint Source #

This datatype represents a line from an SSH fingerprint file, normally as output by ssh-keygen -l.

Here's an example line:

3072 SHA256:dRJ/XiNOlh9UGnnN5/a2N+EMSP+OkqyHy8WTzHlUt5U root@cloudy-complete-knife (RSA)




  • size :: Word64

    Size of the key. Example: 3072

  • fingerprint :: Text

    The fingerprint of the key. Example: "SHA256:n6fLRD4O2Me3bRXhzHyCca1vWdQ2utxuPZVsIDUm6o0"

  • server :: Text

    User and hostname. Example: "root@cloudy-complete-knife"

  • keyType :: Text

    Type of key. Example: RSA


Instances details
Show Fingerprint Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Cloudy.Cmd.Scaleway.Create

Eq Fingerprint Source #

Note that we don't enforce $sel:server:Fingerprint to be same between two Fingerprints.

Instance details

Defined in Cloudy.Cmd.Scaleway.Create

Ord Fingerprint Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Cloudy.Cmd.Scaleway.Create

parseFingerprints Source #


:: Text

Where are these fingerprints coming from?

Just used in error output to help debugging.

-> Text

The raw fingerprint file. See Fingerprint for what a single line of this file looks like. The whole file is just multiple of these lines, separate by a new line.

-> Either ParseError (NonEmpty Fingerprint) 

fingerprintParser :: Parser Fingerprint Source #

Parse a single Fingerprint.

>>> let finger = "3072 SHA256:dRJ/XiNOlh9UGnnN5/a2N+EMSP+OkqyHy8WTzHlUt5U root@cloudy-complete-knife (RSA)"
>>> parseTest fingerprintParser finger
Fingerprint {size = 3072, fingerprint = "SHA256:dRJ/XiNOlh9UGnnN5/a2N+EMSP+OkqyHy8WTzHlUt5U", server = "root@cloudy-complete-knife", keyType = "RSA"}

getSshHostKeys Source #


:: Text

IP Address or hostname. Example: ""

-> IO Text 

Returns the SSH host keys for the given host.

This effectively just runs ssh-keyscan on the given host.

This returns an output that looks like the following: ssh-rsa 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 ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIBJKYO35BsIkFjiAXACgkWzTC+tA2sH5RSqoYoGq8Lv+ ecdsa-sha2-nistp256 AAAAE2VjZHNhLXNoYTItbmlzdHAyNTYAAAAIbmlzdHAyNTYAAABBBKR0UH9ZSmUyYUJfE/4mUT4SLZ9wskvsCXkVL8QNIprmFt7Zz7eRerQVyqoOm4/Zhu2OWlleqfIWOmuyPDGkImo=

fingerprintsFromHostKeys Source #


:: Text

A newline-separated file of SSH host keys. See the output of getSshHostKeys for what this should look like.

-> IO Text 

Return the fingerprints for a set of raw host keys.

This effectively just runs ssh-keygen -l on a set of raw host keys.

See the docs for Fingerprint for an example of what this function outputs.

data FingerprintsMatch Source #

Results of comparing whether two sets of fingerprints match.


FingerprintsMatchErr Text

There was some error when comparing the two sets of fingerprints.


Instances details
Show FingerprintsMatch Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Cloudy.Cmd.Scaleway.Create

removeOldHostKeysFromKnownHosts Source #


:: Text

IP Address or hostname. Example: "".

-> IO () 

Remove old, out-of-date host keys from the user's ~.sshknown_hosts file.

This effectively just runs ssh-keygen -R on the passed-in IP address.

addNewHostKeysToKnownHosts Source #


:: Text

A set of SSH host keys. See the output of getSshHostKeys for what this should look like.

-> IO () 

Add a set of new SSH host keys to the ~.sshknown_hosts file.

This effectively just appends the passed-in host keys to the file.

>>> import Text.Parsec (parseTest)