{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
{-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving #-}
module Codex.Internal where

#if !MIN_VERSION_base(4,8,0)
import Control.Applicative ((<$>))

import Data.Char (isSpace)
import Data.Yaml
import Data.Maybe (mapMaybe)
import Data.Version (versionBranch, Version, parseVersion)
import Distribution.Package
import Distribution.Text
import GHC.Generics
import System.FilePath
import System.Process (shell, readCreateProcess)
import Text.ParserCombinators.ReadP (readP_to_S)

import qualified Data.List as L

defaultStackOpts :: FilePath
defaultStackOpts = ""

defaultTagsFileName :: FilePath
defaultTagsFileName = "codex.tags"

data Builder = Cabal | Stack String

data Codex = Codex
  { currentProjectIncluded :: Bool
  , hackagePath :: FilePath
  , stackOpts :: String
  , tagsCmd :: String
  , tagsFileHeader :: Bool
  , tagsFileSorted :: Bool
  , tagsFileName :: FilePath }
    deriving Show

deriving instance Generic Codex
instance ToJSON Codex
instance FromJSON Codex

hackagePathOf :: Builder -> Codex -> FilePath
hackagePathOf Cabal     cx = hackagePath cx
hackagePathOf (Stack _) cx = hackagePath cx </> "packages"

packagePath :: FilePath -> PackageIdentifier -> FilePath
packagePath root i = root </> relativePath i where
  relativePath _ = name </> version where
    name = display $ pkgName i
    version = display $ pkgVersion i

packageArchive :: FilePath -> PackageIdentifier -> FilePath
packageArchive root i = packagePath root i </> name where
  name = concat [display $ pkgName i, "-", display $ pkgVersion i, ".tar.gz"]

packageSources :: FilePath -> PackageIdentifier -> FilePath
packageSources root i = packagePath root i </> name where
  name = concat [display $ pkgName i, "-", display $ pkgVersion i]

packageTags :: FilePath -> PackageIdentifier -> FilePath
packageTags root i = packagePath root i </> "tags"

packageUrl :: PackageIdentifier -> String
packageUrl i = concat ["http://hackage.haskell.org/package/", path] where
  path = concat [name, "/", name, ".tar.gz"]
  name = concat [display $ pkgName i, "-", display $ pkgVersion i]

removePrefix :: String -> String -> Maybe String
removePrefix prefix str =
  if prefix `L.isPrefixOf` trim str
    then Just $ trim $ L.drop (length prefix) $ trim str
    else Nothing
  trim = reverse . dropWhile isSpace . reverse . dropWhile isSpace

readStackPath :: String -> String -> IO String
readStackPath opts id' = do
  let cmd = concat ["stack ", opts, " path --", id']
  s <- readCreateProcess (shell cmd) ""
  return $ init s

stackListDependencies :: String -> String -> IO [PackageIdentifier]
stackListDependencies opts pname = do
  version <- readStackVersion
    cmd =
      case versionBranch version of
        a : b : _
          | a <= 1
          , b <= 7
          -> concat ["stack ", opts, " list-dependencies", pname]
          -> concat ["stack ", opts, " ls dependencies ", pname]
  s <- readCreateProcess (shell cmd) ""
  return $ mapMaybe parsePackageIdentifier $ lines s
    parsePackageIdentifier line =
      let line' = map (\c -> if c == ' ' then '-' else c)
       in  simpleParse line'

readStackVersion :: IO Version
readStackVersion = do
  s <- readCreateProcess (shell "stack --version") ""
    versionText =
      takeWhile (/= ',') (drop (length "Version ") s)
    parsed =
      readP_to_S parseVersion versionText
  case parsed of
    (v, _) : _ ->
      pure v
    _ ->
      error $ "Failed to parse stack version. Output: " ++ s