-- | Permutations. 
-- See eg.:
-- Donald E. Knuth: The Art of Computer Programming, vol 4, pre-fascicle 2B.
-- WARNING: As of version, I changed the convention of how permutations
-- are represented internally. Also now they act on the /right/ by default!

{-# LANGUAGE CPP, BangPatterns, ScopedTypeVariables, GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving, FlexibleContexts #-}
module Math.Combinat.Permutations
  ( -- * The Permutation type
    Permutation (..)
  , fromPermutation
  , permutationArray
  , permutationUArray
  , uarrayToPermutationUnsafe
  , isPermutation
  , maybePermutation
  , toPermutation
  , toPermutationUnsafe
  , permutationSize
    -- * Disjoint cycles
  , DisjointCycles (..)
  , fromDisjointCycles
  , disjointCyclesUnsafe
  , permutationToDisjointCycles
  , disjointCyclesToPermutation
  , numberOfCycles
  , concatPermutations
    -- * Queries
  , isIdentityPermutation
  , isReversePermutation
  , isEvenPermutation
  , isOddPermutation
  , signOfPermutation
  , signValueOfPermutation
  , module Math.Combinat.Sign   --  , Sign(..)
  , isCyclicPermutation
    -- * Some concrete permutations
  , transposition
  , transpositions
  , adjacentTransposition
  , adjacentTranspositions
  , cycleLeft
  , cycleRight
  , reversePermutation
    -- * Inversions
  , inversions
  , numberOfInversions
  , numberOfInversionsNaive
  , numberOfInversionsMerge
  , bubbleSort2
  , bubbleSort
    -- * Permutation groups
  , identity
  , inverse
  , multiply
  , multiplyMany
  , multiplyMany'
    -- * Action of the permutation group
  , permute
  , permuteList
  , permuteLeft , permuteRight
  , permuteLeftList , permuteRightList
    -- * Sorting
  , sortingPermutationAsc
  , sortingPermutationDesc
    -- * ASCII drawing
  , asciiPermutation
  , asciiDisjointCycles
  , twoLineNotation
  , inverseTwoLineNotation
  , genericTwoLineNotation
    -- * List of permutations
  , permutations
  , _permutations
  , permutationsNaive
  , _permutationsNaive
  , countPermutations
    -- * Random permutations
  , randomPermutation
  , _randomPermutation
  , randomCyclicPermutation
  , _randomCyclicPermutation
  , randomPermutationDurstenfeld
  , randomCyclicPermutationSattolo
    -- * Multisets
  , permuteMultiset
  , countPermuteMultiset
  , fasc2B_algorithm_L


import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.ST

import Data.List hiding ( permutations )
import Data.Ord ( comparing )

import Data.Array (Array)
import Data.Array.ST
import Data.Array.Unboxed
import Data.Array.IArray
import Data.Array.MArray
import Data.Array.Unsafe

import Math.Combinat.ASCII
import Math.Combinat.Classes
import Math.Combinat.Helper
import Math.Combinat.Sign
import Math.Combinat.Numbers ( factorial , binomial )

import System.Random

-- * Types

-- | A permutation. Internally it is an (unboxed) array of the integers @[1..n]@, with 
-- indexing range also being @(1,n)@. 
-- If this array of integers is @[p1,p2,...,pn]@, then in two-line 
-- notations, that represents the permutation
-- > ( 1  2  3  ... n  )
-- > ( p1 p2 p3 ... pn )
-- That is, it is the permutation @sigma@ whose (right) action on the set @[1..n]@ is
-- > sigma(1) = p1
-- > sigma(2) = p2 
-- > ...
-- (NOTE: this changed at version!)
newtype Permutation = Permutation (UArray Int Int) deriving (Eq,Ord) -- ,Show,Read)

instance Show Permutation where
  showsPrec d (Permutation arr)
    = showParen (d > 10)
    $ showString "toPermutation " . showsPrec 11 (elems arr)       -- app_prec = 10

instance Read Permutation where
  readsPrec d r = readParen (d > 10) fun r where
    fun r = [ (toPermutation p,t)
            | ("toPermutation",s) <- lex r
            , (p,t) <- readsPrec 11 s                              -- app_prec = 10

instance DrawASCII Permutation where
  ascii = asciiPermutation

-- | Disjoint cycle notation for permutations. Internally it is @[[Int]]@.
-- The cycles are to be understood as follows: a cycle @[c1,c2,...,ck]@ means
-- the permutation
-- > ( c1 c2 c3 ... ck )
-- > ( c2 c3 c4 ... c1 )
newtype DisjointCycles = DisjointCycles [[Int]] deriving (Eq,Ord,Show,Read)

fromPermutation :: Permutation -> [Int]
fromPermutation (Permutation ar) = elems ar

permutationUArray :: Permutation -> UArray Int Int
permutationUArray (Permutation ar) = ar

-- | Note: this is slower than 'permutationUArray'
permutationArray :: Permutation -> Array Int Int
permutationArray (Permutation ar) = listArray (1,n) (elems ar) where
  (1,n) = bounds ar

-- | Assumes that the input is a permutation of the numbers @[1..n]@.
toPermutationUnsafe :: [Int] -> Permutation
toPermutationUnsafe xs = Permutation perm where
  n    = length xs
  perm = listArray (1,n) xs

-- | Note: Indexing starts from 1.
uarrayToPermutationUnsafe :: UArray Int Int -> Permutation
uarrayToPermutationUnsafe = Permutation

-- | Checks whether the input is a permutation of the numbers @[1..n]@.
isPermutation :: [Int] -> Bool
isPermutation xs = (ar!0 == 0) && and [ ar!j == 1 | j<-[1..n] ] where
  n = length xs
  -- the zero index is an unidiomatic hack
  ar = (accumArray (+) 0 (0,n) $ map f xs) :: UArray Int Int
  f :: Int -> (Int,Int)
  f !j = if j<1 || j>n then (0,1) else (j,1)

-- | Checks whether the input is a permutation of the numbers @[1..n]@.
maybePermutation :: [Int] -> Maybe Permutation
maybePermutation input = runST action where
  n = length input
  action :: forall s. ST s (Maybe Permutation)
  action = do
    ar <- newArray (1,n) 0 :: ST s (STUArray s Int Int)
    let go []     = return $ Just (Permutation $ listArray (1,n) input)
        go (j:js) = if j<1 || j>n
          then return Nothing
          else do
            z <- readArray ar j
            writeArray ar j (z+1)
            if z==0 then go js
                    else return Nothing
    go input

-- | Checks the input.
toPermutation :: [Int] -> Permutation
toPermutation xs = case maybePermutation xs of
  Just p  -> p
  Nothing -> error "toPermutation: not a permutation"

-- | Returns @n@, where the input is a permutation of the numbers @[1..n]@
permutationSize :: Permutation -> Int
permutationSize (Permutation ar) = snd $ bounds ar

instance HasWidth Permutation where
  width = permutationSize

-- | Checks whether the permutation is the identity permutation
isIdentityPermutation :: Permutation -> Bool
isIdentityPermutation (Permutation ar) = (elems ar == [1..n]) where
  (1,n) = bounds ar

-- | Given a permutation of @n@ and a permutation of @m@, we return
-- a permutation of @n+m@ resulting by putting them next to each other.
-- This should satisfy
-- > permuteList p1 xs ++ permuteList p2 ys == permuteList (concatPermutations p1 p2) (xs++ys)
concatPermutations :: Permutation -> Permutation -> Permutation
concatPermutations perm1 perm2 = toPermutationUnsafe list where
  n    = permutationSize perm1
  list = fromPermutation perm1 ++ map (+n) (fromPermutation perm2)

-- * ASCII

-- | Synonym for 'twoLineNotation'
asciiPermutation :: Permutation -> ASCII
asciiPermutation = twoLineNotation

asciiDisjointCycles :: DisjointCycles -> ASCII
asciiDisjointCycles (DisjointCycles cycles) = final where
  final = hCatWith VTop (HSepSpaces 1) boxes
  boxes = [ genericTwoLineNotation (f cyc) | cyc <- cycles ]
  f cyc = pairs (cyc ++ [head cyc])

-- | The standard two-line notation, moving the element indexed by the top row into
-- the place indexed by the corresponding element in the bottom row.
twoLineNotation :: Permutation -> ASCII
twoLineNotation (Permutation arr) = genericTwoLineNotation $ zip [1..] (elems arr)

-- | The inverse two-line notation, where the it\'s the bottom line 
-- which is in standard order. The columns of this are a permutation
-- of the columns 'twoLineNotation'.
-- Remark: the top row of @inverseTwoLineNotation perm@ is the same 
-- as the bottom row of @twoLineNotation (inverse perm)@.
inverseTwoLineNotation :: Permutation -> ASCII
inverseTwoLineNotation (Permutation arr) =
  genericTwoLineNotation $ sortBy (comparing snd) $ zip [1..] (elems arr)

-- | Two-line notation for any set of numbers
genericTwoLineNotation :: [(Int,Int)] -> ASCII
genericTwoLineNotation xys = asciiFromLines [ topLine, botLine ] where
  topLine = "( " ++ intercalate " " us ++ " )"
  botLine = "( " ++ intercalate " " vs ++ " )"
  pairs   = [ (show x, show y) | (x,y) <- xys ]
  (us,vs) = unzip (map f pairs)
  f (s,t) = (s',t') where
    a = length s
    b = length t
    c = max a b
    s' = replicate (c-a) ' ' ++ s
    t' = replicate (c-b) ' ' ++ t

-- * Disjoint cycles

fromDisjointCycles :: DisjointCycles -> [[Int]]
fromDisjointCycles (DisjointCycles cycles) = cycles

disjointCyclesUnsafe :: [[Int]] -> DisjointCycles
disjointCyclesUnsafe = DisjointCycles

instance DrawASCII DisjointCycles where
  ascii = asciiDisjointCycles

instance HasNumberOfCycles DisjointCycles where
  numberOfCycles (DisjointCycles cycles) = length cycles

instance HasNumberOfCycles Permutation where
  numberOfCycles = numberOfCycles . permutationToDisjointCycles

disjointCyclesToPermutation :: Int -> DisjointCycles -> Permutation
disjointCyclesToPermutation n (DisjointCycles cycles) = Permutation perm where

  pairs :: [Int] -> [(Int,Int)]
  pairs xs@(x:_) = worker (xs++[x]) where
    worker (x:xs@(y:_)) = (x,y):worker xs
    worker _ = []
  pairs [] = error "disjointCyclesToPermutation: empty cycle"

  perm = runSTUArray $ do
    ar <- newArray_ (1,n) :: ST s (STUArray s Int Int)
    forM_ [1..n] $ \i -> writeArray ar i i
    forM_ cycles $ \cyc -> forM_ (pairs cyc) $ \(i,j) -> writeArray ar i j
    return ar -- freeze ar

-- | Convert to disjoint cycle notation.
-- This is compatible with Maple's @convert(perm,\'disjcyc\')@ 
-- and also with Mathematica's @PermutationCycles[perm]@
-- Note however, that for example Mathematica uses the 
-- /top row/ to represent a permutation, while we use the
-- /bottom row/ - thus even though this function looks
-- identical, the /meaning/ of both the input and output
-- is different!
permutationToDisjointCycles :: Permutation -> DisjointCycles
permutationToDisjointCycles (Permutation perm) = res where

  (1,n) = bounds perm

  -- we don't want trivial cycles
  f :: [Int] -> Bool
  f [_] = False
  f _ = True

  res = runST $ do
    tag <- newArray (1,n) False
    cycles <- unfoldM (step tag) 1
    return (DisjointCycles $ filter f cycles)

  step :: STUArray s Int Bool -> Int -> ST s ([Int],Maybe Int)
  step tag k = do
    cyc <- worker tag k k [k]
    m <- next tag (k+1)
    return (reverse cyc, m)

  next :: STUArray s Int Bool -> Int -> ST s (Maybe Int)
  next tag k = if k > n
    then return Nothing
    else readArray tag k >>= \b -> if b
      then next tag (k+1)
      else return (Just k)

  worker :: STUArray s Int Bool -> Int -> Int -> [Int] -> ST s [Int]
  worker tag k l cyc = do
    writeArray tag l True
    let m = perm ! l
    if m == k
      then return cyc
      else worker tag k m (m:cyc)

isEvenPermutation :: Permutation -> Bool
isEvenPermutation (Permutation perm) = res where

  (1,n) = bounds perm
  res = runST $ do
    tag <- newArray (1,n) False
    cycles <- unfoldM (step tag) 1
    return $ even (sum cycles)

  step :: STUArray s Int Bool -> Int -> ST s (Int,Maybe Int)
  step tag k = do
    cyclen <- worker tag k k 0
    m <- next tag (k+1)
    return (cyclen,m)

  next :: STUArray s Int Bool -> Int -> ST s (Maybe Int)
  next tag k = if k > n
    then return Nothing
    else readArray tag k >>= \b -> if b
      then next tag (k+1)
      else return (Just k)

  worker :: STUArray s Int Bool -> Int -> Int -> Int -> ST s Int
  worker tag k l cyclen = do
    writeArray tag l True
    let m = perm ! l
    if m == k
      then return cyclen
      else worker tag k m (1+cyclen)

isOddPermutation :: Permutation -> Bool
isOddPermutation = not . isEvenPermutation

signOfPermutation :: Permutation -> Sign
signOfPermutation perm = case isEvenPermutation perm of
  True  -> Plus
  False -> Minus

-- | Plus 1 or minus 1.
{-# SPECIALIZE signValueOfPermutation :: Permutation -> Int     #-}
{-# SPECIALIZE signValueOfPermutation :: Permutation -> Integer #-}
signValueOfPermutation :: Num a => Permutation -> a
signValueOfPermutation = signValue . signOfPermutation

isCyclicPermutation :: Permutation -> Bool
isCyclicPermutation perm =
  case cycles of
    []    -> True
    [cyc] -> (length cyc == n)
    _     -> False
    n = permutationSize perm
    DisjointCycles cycles = permutationToDisjointCycles perm

-- * Inversions

-- | An /inversion/ of a permutation @sigma@ is a pair @(i,j)@ such that
-- @i<j@ and @sigma(i) > sigma(j)@.
-- This functions returns the inversion of a permutation.
inversions :: Permutation -> [(Int,Int)]
inversions (Permutation arr) = list where
  (_,n) = bounds arr
  list = [ (i,j) | i<-[1..n-1], j<-[i+1..n], arr!i > arr!j ]

-- | Returns the number of inversions:
-- > numberOfInversions perm = length (inversions perm)
-- Synonym for 'numberOfInversionsMerge'
numberOfInversions :: Permutation -> Int
numberOfInversions = numberOfInversionsMerge

-- | Returns the number of inversions, using the merge-sort algorithm.
-- This should be @O(n*log(n))@
numberOfInversionsMerge :: Permutation -> Int
numberOfInversionsMerge (Permutation arr) = fst (sortCnt n $ elems arr) where
  (_,n) = bounds arr

  -- | First argument is length of the list.
  -- Returns also the inversion count.
  sortCnt :: Int -> [Int] -> (Int,[Int])
  sortCnt 0 _     = (0,[] )
  sortCnt 1 [x]   = (0,[x])
  sortCnt 2 [x,y] = if x>y then (1,[y,x]) else (0,[x,y])
  sortCnt n xs    = mergeCnt (sortCnt k us) (sortCnt l vs) where
    k = div n 2
    l = n - k
    (us,vs) = splitAt k xs

  mergeCnt :: (Int,[Int]) -> (Int,[Int]) -> (Int,[Int])
  mergeCnt (!c,us) (!d,vs) = (c+d+e,ws) where

    (e,ws) = go 0 us vs

    go !k xs [] = ( k*length xs , xs )
    go _  [] ys = ( 0 , ys)
    go !k xxs@(x:xs) yys@(y:ys) = if x < y
      then let (a,zs) = go  k     xs yys in (a+k, x:zs)
      else let (a,zs) = go (k+1) xxs  ys in (a  , y:zs)

-- | Returns the number of inversions, using the definition, thus it's @O(n^2)@.
numberOfInversionsNaive :: Permutation -> Int
numberOfInversionsNaive (Permutation arr) = length list where
  (_,n) = bounds arr
  list = [ (0::Int) | i<-[1..n-1], j<-[i+1..n], arr!i > arr!j ]

-- | Bubble sorts breaks a permutation into the product of adjacent transpositions:
-- > multiplyMany' n (map (transposition n) $ bubbleSort2 perm) == perm
-- Note that while this is not unique, the number of transpositions 
-- equals the number of inversions.
bubbleSort2 :: Permutation -> [(Int,Int)]
bubbleSort2 = map f . bubbleSort where f i = (i,i+1)

-- | Another version of bubble sort. An entry @i@ in the return sequence means
-- the transposition @(i,i+1)@:
-- > multiplyMany' n (map (adjacentTransposition n) $ bubbleSort perm) == perm
bubbleSort :: Permutation -> [Int]
bubbleSort perm@(Permutation tgt) = runST action where
  (_,n)           = bounds tgt

  action :: forall s. ST s [Int]
  action = do
    fwd <- newArray_ (1,n) :: ST s (STUArray s Int Int)
    inv <- newArray_ (1,n) :: ST s (STUArray s Int Int)
    forM_ [1..n] $ \i -> writeArray fwd i i
    forM_ [1..n] $ \i -> writeArray inv i i

    list <- forM [1..n] $ \x -> do

      let k = tgt ! x        -- we take the number which will be at the @x@-th position at the end
      i <- readArray inv k   -- number @k@ is at the moment at position @i@
      let j = x              -- but the final place is at @x@      

      let swaps = move i j
      forM_ swaps $ \y -> do

        a <- readArray fwd  y
        b <- readArray fwd (y+1)
        writeArray fwd (y+1) a
        writeArray fwd  y    b

        u <- readArray inv a
        v <- readArray inv b
        writeArray inv b u
        writeArray inv a v

      return swaps

    return (concat list)

  move :: Int -> Int -> [Int]
  move !i !j
    | j == i  = []
    | j >  i  = [i..j-1]
    | j <  i  = [i-1,i-2..j]

-- * Some concrete permutations

-- | The permutation @[n,n-1,n-2,...,2,1]@. Note that it is the inverse of itself.
reversePermutation :: Int -> Permutation
reversePermutation n = Permutation $ listArray (1,n) [n,n-1..1]

-- | Checks whether the permutation is the reverse permutation @[n,n-1,n-2,...,2,1].
isReversePermutation :: Permutation -> Bool
isReversePermutation (Permutation arr) = elems arr == [n,n-1..1] where (1,n) = bounds arr

-- | A transposition (swapping two elements). 
-- @transposition n (i,j)@ is the permutation of size @n@ which swaps @i@\'th and @j@'th elements.
transposition :: Int -> (Int,Int) -> Permutation
transposition n (i,j) =
  if i>=1 && j>=1 && i<=n && j<=n
    then Permutation $ listArray (1,n) [ f k | k<-[1..n] ]
    else error "transposition: index out of range"
    f k | k == i    = j
        | k == j    = i
        | otherwise = k

-- | Product of transpositions.
-- > transpositions n list == multiplyMany [ transposition n pair | pair <- list ]
transpositions :: Int -> [(Int,Int)] -> Permutation
transpositions n list = Permutation (runSTUArray action) where

  action :: ST s (STUArray s Int Int)
  action = do
    arr <- newArray_ (1,n)
    forM_ [1..n] $ \i -> writeArray arr i i
    let doSwap (i,j) = do
          u <- readArray arr i
          v <- readArray arr j
          writeArray arr i v
          writeArray arr j u
    mapM_ doSwap list
    return arr

-- | @adjacentTransposition n k@ swaps the elements @k@ and @(k+1)@.
adjacentTransposition :: Int -> Int -> Permutation
adjacentTransposition n k
  | k>0 && k<n  = transposition n (k,k+1)
  | otherwise   = error "adjacentTransposition: index out of range"

-- | Product of adjacent transpositions.
-- > adjacentTranspositions n list == multiplyMany [ adjacentTransposition n idx | idx <- list ]
adjacentTranspositions :: Int -> [Int] -> Permutation
adjacentTranspositions n list = Permutation (runSTUArray action) where

  action :: ST s (STUArray s Int Int)
  action = do
    arr <- newArray_ (1,n)
    forM_ [1..n] $ \i -> writeArray arr i i
    let doSwap i
          | i<0 || i>=n  = error "adjacentTranspositions: index out of range"
          | otherwise    = do
              u <- readArray arr  i
              v <- readArray arr (i+1)
              writeArray arr  i    v
              writeArray arr (i+1) u
    mapM_ doSwap list
    return arr

-- | The permutation which cycles a list left by one step:
-- > permuteList (cycleLeft 5) "abcde" == "bcdea"
-- Or in two-line notation:
-- > ( 1 2 3 4 5 )
-- > ( 2 3 4 5 1 )
cycleLeft :: Int -> Permutation
cycleLeft n = Permutation $ listArray (1,n) $ [2..n] ++ [1]

-- | The permutation which cycles a list right by one step:
-- > permuteList (cycleRight 5) "abcde" == "eabcd"
-- Or in two-line notation:
-- > ( 1 2 3 4 5 )
-- > ( 5 1 2 3 4 )
cycleRight :: Int -> Permutation
cycleRight n = Permutation $ listArray (1,n) $ n : [1..n-1]

-- * Permutation groups

-- | Multiplies two permutations together: @p `multiply` q@
-- means the permutation when we first apply @p@, and then @q@
-- (that is, the natural action is the /right/ action)
-- See also 'permute' for our conventions.  
multiply :: Permutation -> Permutation -> Permutation
multiply pi1@(Permutation perm1) pi2@(Permutation perm2) =
  if (n==m)
    then Permutation result
    else error "multiply: permutations of different sets"
    (_,n) = bounds perm1
    (_,m) = bounds perm2
    result = permute pi2 perm1

infixr 7 `multiply`

-- | The inverse permutation.
inverse :: Permutation -> Permutation
inverse (Permutation perm1) = Permutation result
    result = array (1,n) $ map swap $ assocs perm1
    (_,n) = bounds perm1

-- | The identity (or trivial) permutation.
identity :: Int -> Permutation
identity n = Permutation $ listArray (1,n) [1..n]

-- | Multiply together a /non-empty/ list of permutations (the reason for requiring the list to
-- be non-empty is that we don\'t know the size of the result). See also 'multiplyMany''.
multiplyMany :: [Permutation] -> Permutation
multiplyMany [] = error "multiplyMany: empty list, we don't know size of the result"
multiplyMany ps = foldl1' multiply ps

-- | Multiply together a (possibly empty) list of permutations, all of which has size @n@
multiplyMany' :: Int -> [Permutation] -> Permutation
multiplyMany' n []       = identity n
multiplyMany' n ps@(p:_) = if n == permutationSize p
  then foldl1' multiply ps
  else error "multiplyMany': incompatible permutation size(s)"

-- * Action of the permutation group

-- | /Right/ action of a permutation on a set. If our permutation is 
-- encoded with the sequence @[p1,p2,...,pn]@, then in the
-- two-line notation we have
-- > ( 1  2  3  ... n  )
-- > ( p1 p2 p3 ... pn )
-- We adopt the convention that permutations act /on the right/ 
-- (as in Knuth):
-- > permute pi2 (permute pi1 set) == permute (pi1 `multiply` pi2) set
-- Synonym to 'permuteRight'
{-# SPECIALIZE permute :: Permutation -> Array  Int b   -> Array  Int b   #-}
{-# SPECIALIZE permute :: Permutation -> UArray Int Int -> UArray Int Int #-}
permute :: IArray arr b => Permutation -> arr Int b -> arr Int b
permute = permuteRight

-- | Right action on lists. Synonym to 'permuteListRight'
permuteList :: Permutation -> [a] -> [a]
permuteList = permuteRightList

-- | The right (standard) action of permutations on sets. 
-- > permuteRight pi2 (permuteRight pi1 set) == permuteRight (pi1 `multiply` pi2) set
-- The second argument should be an array with bounds @(1,n)@.
-- The function checks the array bounds.
{-# SPECIALIZE permuteRight :: Permutation -> Array  Int b   -> Array  Int b   #-}
{-# SPECIALIZE permuteRight :: Permutation -> UArray Int Int -> UArray Int Int #-}
permuteRight :: IArray arr b => Permutation -> arr Int b -> arr Int b
permuteRight pi@(Permutation perm) ar =
  if (a==1) && (b==n)
    then listArray (1,n) [ ar!(perm!i) | i <- [1..n] ]
    else error "permuteRight: array bounds do not match"
    (_,n) = bounds perm
    (a,b) = bounds ar

-- | The right (standard) action on a list. The list should be of length @n@.
-- > fromPermutation perm == permuteRightList perm [1..n]
permuteRightList :: forall a . Permutation -> [a] -> [a]
permuteRightList perm xs = elems $ permuteRight perm $ arr where
  arr = listArray (1,n) xs :: Array Int a
  n   = permutationSize perm

-- | The left (opposite) action of the permutation group.
-- > permuteLeft pi2 (permuteLeft pi1 set) == permuteLeft (pi2 `multiply` pi1) set
-- It is related to 'permuteLeft' via:
-- > permuteLeft  pi arr == permuteRight (inverse pi) arr
-- > permuteRight pi arr == permuteLeft  (inverse pi) arr
{-# SPECIALIZE permuteLeft :: Permutation -> Array  Int b   -> Array  Int b   #-}
{-# SPECIALIZE permuteLeft :: Permutation -> UArray Int Int -> UArray Int Int #-}
permuteLeft :: IArray arr b => Permutation -> arr Int b -> arr Int b
permuteLeft pi@(Permutation perm) ar =
  -- permuteRight (inverse pi) ar
  if (a==1) && (b==n)
    then array (1,n) [ ( perm!i , ar!i ) | i <- [1..n] ]
    else error "permuteLeft: array bounds do not match"
    (_,n) = bounds perm
    (a,b) = bounds ar

-- | The left (opposite) action on a list. The list should be of length @n@.
-- > permuteLeftList perm set == permuteList (inverse perm) set
-- > fromPermutation (inverse perm) == permuteLeftList perm [1..n]
permuteLeftList :: forall a. Permutation -> [a] -> [a]
permuteLeftList perm xs = elems $ permuteLeft perm $ arr where
  arr = listArray (1,n) xs :: Array Int a
  n   = permutationSize perm


-- | Given a list of things, we return a permutation which sorts them into
-- ascending order, that is:
-- > permuteList (sortingPermutationAsc xs) xs == sort xs
-- Note: if the things are not unique, then the sorting permutations is not
-- unique either; we just return one of them.
sortingPermutationAsc :: Ord a => [a] -> Permutation
sortingPermutationAsc xs = toPermutation (map fst sorted) where
  sorted = sortBy (comparing snd) $ zip [1..] xs

-- | Given a list of things, we return a permutation which sorts them into
-- descending order, that is:
-- > permuteList (sortingPermutationDesc xs) xs == reverse (sort xs)
-- Note: if the things are not unique, then the sorting permutations is not
-- unique either; we just return one of them.
sortingPermutationDesc :: Ord a => [a] -> Permutation
sortingPermutationDesc xs = toPermutation (map fst sorted) where
  sorted = sortBy (reverseComparing snd) $ zip [1..] xs

-- * Permutations of distinct elements

-- | A synonym for 'permutationsNaive'
permutations :: Int -> [Permutation]
permutations = permutationsNaive

_permutations :: Int -> [[Int]]
_permutations = _permutationsNaive

-- | All permutations of @[1..n]@ in lexicographic order, naive algorithm.
permutationsNaive :: Int -> [Permutation]
permutationsNaive n = map toPermutationUnsafe $ _permutations n

_permutationsNaive :: Int -> [[Int]]
_permutationsNaive 0 = [[]]
_permutationsNaive 1 = [[1]]
_permutationsNaive n = helper [1..n] where
  helper [] = [[]]
  helper xs = [ i : ys | i <- xs , ys <- helper (xs `minus` i) ]
  minus [] _ = []
  minus (x:xs) i = if x < i then x : minus xs i else xs

-- | # = n!
countPermutations :: Int -> Integer
countPermutations = factorial

-- * Random permutations

-- | A synonym for 'randomPermutationDurstenfeld'.
randomPermutation :: RandomGen g => Int -> g -> (Permutation,g)
randomPermutation = randomPermutationDurstenfeld

_randomPermutation :: RandomGen g => Int -> g -> ([Int],g)
_randomPermutation n rndgen = (fromPermutation perm, rndgen') where
  (perm, rndgen') = randomPermutationDurstenfeld n rndgen

-- | A synonym for 'randomCyclicPermutationSattolo'.
randomCyclicPermutation :: RandomGen g => Int -> g -> (Permutation,g)
randomCyclicPermutation = randomCyclicPermutationSattolo

_randomCyclicPermutation :: RandomGen g => Int -> g -> ([Int],g)
_randomCyclicPermutation n rndgen = (fromPermutation perm, rndgen') where
  (perm, rndgen') = randomCyclicPermutationSattolo n rndgen

-- | Generates a uniformly random permutation of @[1..n]@.
-- Durstenfeld's algorithm (see <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Knuth_shuffle>).
randomPermutationDurstenfeld :: RandomGen g => Int -> g -> (Permutation,g)
randomPermutationDurstenfeld = randomPermutationDurstenfeldSattolo False

-- | Generates a uniformly random /cyclic/ permutation of @[1..n]@.
-- Sattolo's algorithm (see <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Knuth_shuffle>).
randomCyclicPermutationSattolo :: RandomGen g => Int -> g -> (Permutation,g)
randomCyclicPermutationSattolo = randomPermutationDurstenfeldSattolo True

randomPermutationDurstenfeldSattolo :: RandomGen g => Bool -> Int -> g -> (Permutation,g)
randomPermutationDurstenfeldSattolo isSattolo n rnd = res where
  res = runST $ do
    ar <- newArray_ (1,n)
    forM_ [1..n] $ \i -> writeArray ar i i
    rnd' <- worker n (if isSattolo then n-1 else n) rnd ar
    perm <- Data.Array.Unsafe.unsafeFreeze ar
    return (Permutation perm, rnd')
  worker :: RandomGen g => Int -> Int -> g -> STUArray s Int Int -> ST s g
  worker n m rnd ar =
    if n==1
      then return rnd
      else do
        let (k,rnd') = randomR (1,m) rnd
        when (k /= n) $ do
          y <- readArray ar k
          z <- readArray ar n
          writeArray ar n y
          writeArray ar k z
        worker (n-1) (m-1) rnd' ar

-- * Permutations of a multiset

-- | Generates all permutations of a multiset.  
--   The order is lexicographic. A synonym for 'fasc2B_algorithm_L'
permuteMultiset :: (Eq a, Ord a) => [a] -> [[a]]
permuteMultiset = fasc2B_algorithm_L

-- | # = \\frac { (\sum_i n_i) ! } { \\prod_i (n_i !) }    
countPermuteMultiset :: (Eq a, Ord a) => [a] -> Integer
countPermuteMultiset xs = factorial n `div` product [ factorial (length z) | z <- group ys ]
    ys = sort xs
    n = length xs

-- | Generates all permutations of a multiset 
--   (based on \"algorithm L\" in Knuth; somewhat less efficient). 
--   The order is lexicographic.  
fasc2B_algorithm_L :: (Eq a, Ord a) => [a] -> [[a]]
fasc2B_algorithm_L xs = unfold1 next (sort xs) where

  -- next :: [a] -> Maybe [a]
  next xs = case findj (reverse xs,[]) of
    Nothing -> Nothing
    Just ( (l:ls) , rs) -> Just $ inc l ls (reverse rs,[])
    Just ( [] , _ ) -> error "permute: should not happen"

  -- we use simple list zippers: (left,right)
  -- findj :: ([a],[a]) -> Maybe ([a],[a])   
  findj ( xxs@(x:xs) , yys@(y:_) ) = if x >= y
    then findj ( xs , x : yys )
    else Just ( xxs , yys )
  findj ( x:xs , [] ) = findj ( xs , [x] )
  findj ( [] , _ ) = Nothing

  -- inc :: a -> [a] -> ([a],[a]) -> [a]
  inc !u us ( (x:xs) , yys ) = if u >= x
    then inc u us ( xs , x : yys )
    else reverse (x:us)  ++ reverse (u:yys) ++ xs
  inc _ _ ( [] , _ ) = error "permute: should not happen"
