{-# LANGUAGE CPP                        #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ExtendedDefaultRules       #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts           #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances          #-}
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses      #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings          #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances       #-}

module Commonmark.Pandoc
  ( Cm(..)


import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Text.Read as TR
import Text.Pandoc.Definition
import Text.Pandoc.Walk
import qualified Text.Pandoc.Builder as B
import Commonmark.Types as C
import Commonmark.Entity (lookupEntity)
import Commonmark.Extensions.Math
import Commonmark.Extensions.Emoji
import Commonmark.Extensions.PipeTable
import Commonmark.Extensions.Strikethrough
import Commonmark.Extensions.Superscript
import Commonmark.Extensions.Subscript
import Commonmark.Extensions.DefinitionList
import Commonmark.Extensions.Attributes
import Commonmark.Extensions.Footnote
import Commonmark.Extensions.TaskList
import Commonmark.Extensions.Smart
import Data.Char (isSpace)
import Data.Coerce (coerce)
#if !MIN_VERSION_base(4,11,0)
import Data.Semigroup       (Semigroup, (<>))

newtype Cm b a = Cm { unCm :: a }
  deriving (Show, Semigroup, Monoid)

instance Functor (Cm b) where
  fmap f (Cm x) = Cm (f x)

instance Rangeable (Cm b B.Inlines) => IsInline (Cm b B.Inlines) where
  lineBreak = Cm B.linebreak
  softBreak = Cm B.softbreak
  str t = Cm $ B.text t
  entity t
    | illegalCodePoint t = Cm $ B.str "\xFFFD"
    | otherwise = Cm $ B.str $ fromMaybe t $ lookupEntity (T.drop 1 t)
  escapedChar c = Cm $ B.str $ T.singleton c
  emph ils = B.emph <$> ils
  strong ils = B.strong <$> ils
  link target title ils = B.link target title <$> ils
  image target title ils = B.image target title <$> ils
  code t = Cm $ B.code t
  rawInline (C.Format f) t = Cm $ B.rawInline f t

instance Rangeable (Cm () B.Inlines) where
  ranged _r x = x

instance Rangeable (Cm SourceRange B.Inlines) where
  ranged r = addAttributes [("data-pos", T.pack (show r))]

instance Walkable Inline b => ToPlainText (Cm a b) where
  toPlainText = stringify . walk unemoji . unCm

unemoji :: Inline -> Inline
unemoji (Span ("",["emoji"],[("data-emoji",alias)]) _)
          = Str (":" <> alias <> ":")
unemoji x = x

instance (Rangeable (Cm a B.Inlines),
          Rangeable (Cm a B.Blocks))
      => IsBlock (Cm a B.Inlines) (Cm a B.Blocks) where
  paragraph ils = Cm $ B.para $ unCm ils
  plain ils = Cm $ B.plain $ unCm ils
  thematicBreak = Cm B.horizontalRule
  blockQuote bs = B.blockQuote <$> bs
  codeBlock info t =
    Cm $ B.codeBlockWith attr $ fromMaybe t $ T.stripSuffix "\n" t
    where attr = ("", [lang | not (T.null lang)], [])
          lang = T.takeWhile (not . isSpace) info
  heading level ils = Cm $ B.header level $ unCm ils
  rawBlock (C.Format f) t = Cm $ B.rawBlock f t
  referenceLinkDefinition _ _ = Cm mempty
  list (C.BulletList _) lSpacing items =
    Cm . B.bulletList . handleSpacing lSpacing . map unCm $ items
  list (C.OrderedList startnum enumtype delimtype) lSpacing items =
    Cm . B.orderedListWith attr . handleSpacing lSpacing . map unCm $ items
    where sty = case enumtype of
                  C.Decimal    -> B.Decimal
                  C.UpperAlpha -> B.UpperAlpha
                  C.LowerAlpha -> B.LowerAlpha
                  C.UpperRoman -> B.UpperRoman
                  C.LowerRoman -> B.LowerRoman
          delim = case delimtype of
                    C.Period    -> B.Period
                    C.OneParen  -> B.OneParen
                    C.TwoParens -> B.TwoParens
          attr = (startnum, sty, delim)

instance Rangeable (Cm () B.Blocks) where
  ranged _r x = x

instance Rangeable (Cm SourceRange B.Blocks) where
  ranged r x = B.divWith ("",[],[("data-pos",T.pack (show r))]) <$> x

instance HasMath (Cm b B.Inlines) where
  inlineMath t = Cm $ B.math t
  displayMath t = Cm $ B.displayMath t

instance Rangeable (Cm b B.Inlines) => HasQuoted (Cm b B.Inlines) where
  singleQuoted x = B.singleQuoted <$> x
  doubleQuoted x = B.doubleQuoted <$> x

instance HasEmoji (Cm b B.Inlines) where
  emoji kw t = Cm $ B.spanWith ("",["emoji"],[("data-emoji",kw)])
                  $ B.text t

instance HasPipeTable (Cm a B.Inlines) (Cm a B.Blocks) where
  pipeTable aligns headerCells rows =
    Cm $ B.table B.emptyCaption colspecs
           (TableHead nullAttr (toHeaderRow headerCells))
           [TableBody nullAttr 0 [] $ map toRow rows]
           (TableFoot nullAttr [])
     toHeaderRow cells
       | null cells  = []
       | otherwise   = [toRow cells]
     toRow = Row nullAttr . map (B.simpleCell . B.plain . unCm)
     toPandocAlignment LeftAlignedCol = AlignLeft
     toPandocAlignment CenterAlignedCol = AlignCenter
     toPandocAlignment RightAlignedCol = AlignRight
     toPandocAlignment DefaultAlignedCol = AlignDefault
     colspecs = map (\al -> (toPandocAlignment al, ColWidthDefault))

instance (Rangeable (Cm a B.Inlines), Rangeable (Cm a B.Blocks))
  => HasDefinitionList (Cm a B.Inlines) (Cm a B.Blocks) where
  definitionList _ items =
    Cm $ B.definitionList $ map coerce items

instance (Rangeable (Cm a B.Inlines), Rangeable (Cm a B.Blocks))
  => HasTaskList (Cm a B.Inlines) (Cm a B.Blocks) where
  taskList _ spacing items =
    Cm $ B.bulletList $ handleSpacing spacing $ map toTaskListItem items

handleSpacing :: ListSpacing -> [B.Blocks] -> [B.Blocks]
handleSpacing TightList = map (B.fromList . map paraToPlain . B.toList)
handleSpacing LooseList = id

paraToPlain :: Block -> Block
paraToPlain (Para xs) = Plain xs
paraToPlain x = x

toTaskListItem :: (Bool, Cm a B.Blocks) -> B.Blocks
toTaskListItem (checked, item) = B.fromList $
  case B.toList $ coerce item of
    (Plain ils : rest) -> Plain (checkbox : Space : ils) : rest
    (Para  ils : rest) -> Plain (checkbox : Space : ils) : rest
    bs                 -> Plain [checkbox] : bs
    where checkbox = Str (if checked then "\9746" else "\9744")

instance Rangeable (Cm a B.Blocks)
  => HasDiv (Cm a B.Blocks) where
  div_ bs = B.divWith nullAttr <$> bs

instance HasStrikethrough (Cm a B.Inlines) where
  strikethrough ils = B.strikeout <$> ils

instance HasSuperscript (Cm a B.Inlines) where
  superscript ils = B.superscript <$> ils

instance HasSubscript (Cm a B.Inlines) where
  subscript ils = B.subscript <$> ils

instance Rangeable (Cm a B.Inlines) => HasSpan (Cm a B.Inlines) where
  spanWith attrs ils =
    B.spanWith (addToPandocAttr attrs nullAttr) <$> ils

instance HasAttributes (Cm a B.Blocks) where
  addAttributes attrs b = fmap (addBlockAttrs attrs) <$> b

instance HasAttributes (Cm a B.Inlines) where
  addAttributes attrs il = fmap (addInlineAttrs attrs) <$> il

addBlockAttrs :: [(T.Text, T.Text)] -> Block -> Block
addBlockAttrs attrs (Header n curattrs ils) =
  Header n (addToPandocAttr attrs curattrs) ils
addBlockAttrs attrs (CodeBlock curattrs s) =
  CodeBlock (addToPandocAttr attrs curattrs) s
addBlockAttrs attrs (Table curattrs capt colspecs thead tbody tfoot) =
  Table (addToPandocAttr attrs curattrs) capt colspecs thead tbody tfoot
addBlockAttrs attrs (Div curattrs bs) =
  Div (addToPandocAttr attrs curattrs) bs
addBlockAttrs attrs x =
  Div (addToPandocAttr attrs nullAttr) [x]

addInlineAttrs :: [(T.Text, T.Text)] -> Inline -> Inline
addInlineAttrs attrs (Link curattrs ils target) =
  Link (addToPandocAttr attrs curattrs) ils target
addInlineAttrs attrs (Image curattrs ils target) =
  Image (addToPandocAttr attrs curattrs) ils target
addInlineAttrs attrs (Span curattrs ils) =
  Span (addToPandocAttr attrs curattrs) ils
addInlineAttrs attrs (Code curattrs s) =
  Code (addToPandocAttr attrs curattrs) s
addInlineAttrs attrs x =
  Span (addToPandocAttr attrs nullAttr) [x]

addToPandocAttr :: Attributes -> Attr -> Attr
addToPandocAttr attrs attr = foldr go attr attrs
  go ("id", v) (_, cls, kvs) = (v, cls, kvs)
  go ("class", v) (ident, cls, kvs) = (ident, v:cls, kvs)
  go (k, v) (ident, cls, kvs) = (ident, cls, (k,v):kvs)

instance (Rangeable (Cm a B.Inlines), Rangeable (Cm a B.Blocks))
     => HasFootnote (Cm a B.Inlines) (Cm a B.Blocks) where
  footnote _num _lab _x = mempty
  footnoteList _xs = mempty
  footnoteRef _num _lab contents = B.note <$> contents

illegalCodePoint :: T.Text -> Bool
illegalCodePoint t =
  "&#" `T.isPrefixOf` t &&
  let t' = T.drop 2 $ T.filter (/=';') t
      badvalue (n, r) = not (T.null r) ||
                        n < 1 ||
                        n > (0x10FFFF :: Integer)
  case T.uncons t' of
       Nothing -> True
       Just (x, rest)
         | x == 'x' || x == 'X'
           -> either (const True) badvalue (TR.hexadecimal rest)
         | otherwise
           -> either (const True) badvalue (TR.decimal t')

stringify :: Walkable Inline a => a -> T.Text
stringify = query go . walk (deNote . deQuote)
  where go :: Inline -> T.Text
        go Space                                         = " "
        go SoftBreak                                     = " "
        go (Str x)                                       = x
        go (Code _ x)                                    = x
        go (Math _ x)                                    = x
        go (RawInline (B.Format "html") t)
           | "<br" `T.isPrefixOf` t                      = " "
        go LineBreak                                     = " "
        go _                                             = mempty

deNote :: Inline -> Inline
deNote (Note _) = Str ""
deNote x        = x

deQuote :: Inline -> Inline
deQuote (Quoted SingleQuote xs) =
  Span ("",[],[]) (Str "\8216" : xs ++ [Str "\8217"])
deQuote (Quoted DoubleQuote xs) =
  Span ("",[],[]) (Str "\8220" : xs ++ [Str "\8221"])
deQuote x = x