{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds       #-}
{-# LANGUAGE GADTs           #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PatternSynonyms #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators   #-}
{- |
   Module     : Composite.Record.Tuple
   License    : MIT
   Stability  : experimental

Tuple functions for composite records, inspired by relude.
module Composite.Record.Tuple (
, pattern (:|:)
, toFst
, toSnd
, fmapToFst
, fmapToSnd
, traverseToFst
, traverseToSnd
, fanout
, fanoutM
) where

import Composite.Record

-- | Put a single value in a record.
singleton :: a -> Record (s :-> a : '[])
singleton a = a :*: RNil

-- | Pattern for a pair in a record
pattern (:|:) :: a -> b -> Record (s :-> a : s' :-> b : '[])
pattern a :|: b = a :*: b :*: RNil

-- | Apply a function, with the result in the fst slot, and the value in the other.
toFst :: (a -> b) -> a -> Record (s :-> b : s' :-> a : '[])
toFst f x = f x :*: x :*: RNil

-- | Apply a function with the result in the snd slot, and the value in the other.
toSnd :: (a -> b) -> a -> Record (s :-> a : s' :-> b : '[])
toSnd f x = x :*: f x :*: RNil

-- | Like fmap, but also keep the original value in the snd position.
fmapToFst :: Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f (Record (s :-> b : s' :-> a : '[]))
fmapToFst = fmap . toFst

-- | Like fmap, but also keep the original value in the fst position.
fmapToSnd :: Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f (Record (s :-> a : s' :-> b : '[]))
fmapToSnd = fmap . toSnd

-- | Apply a function that returns a value inside of a functor, with the output in the first slot, the input in the second, and the entire tuple inside the functor.
traverseToFst :: Functor m => (a -> m b) -> a -> m (Record (s :-> b : s' :-> a : '[]))
traverseToFst f x =  (:*: x :*: RNil) <$> f x

-- | Apply a function that returns a value inside of a functor, with the output in the second slot, the input in the fist, and the entire tuple inside the functor.
traverseToSnd :: Functor m => (a -> m b) -> a -> m (Record (s :-> a : s' :-> b : '[]))
traverseToSnd f x =  (\y -> x :*: y :*: RNil) <$> f x

-- | Apply two functions to a single value and store the results in each slot.
fanout :: (x -> a) -> (x -> b) -> x -> Record (s :-> a : s' :-> b : '[])
fanout f g x = f x :*: g x :*: RNil

-- | Apply two applicative functions to a single value and store the results in each slot.
fanoutM :: Applicative m => (x -> m a) -> (x -> m b) -> x -> m (Record (s :-> a : s' :-> b : '[]))
fanoutM f g x = (\y z -> y :*: z :*: RNil) <$> f x <*> g x