Safe Haskell | Trustworthy |
Language | Haskell2010 |
See Data.Compositions.Snoc for normal day-to-day use. This module contains the implementation of that module.
- newtype Flip a = Flip {
- unflip :: a
- newtype Compositions a = C {
- unC :: Compositions (Flip a)
- fromList :: Monoid a => [a] -> Compositions a
- singleton :: Monoid a => a -> Compositions a
- unsafeMap :: (a -> b) -> Compositions a -> Compositions b
- drop :: Monoid a => Int -> Compositions a -> Compositions a
- take :: Monoid a => Int -> Compositions a -> Compositions a
- dropComposed :: Monoid a => Int -> Compositions a -> a
- splitAt :: Monoid a => Int -> Compositions a -> (Compositions a, Compositions a)
- composed :: Monoid a => Compositions a -> a
- length :: Compositions a -> Int
- snoc :: Monoid a => Compositions a -> a -> Compositions a
:set -XScopedTypeVariables
import Control.Applicative
import Test.QuickCheck
import qualified Data.List as List
type Element = [Int]
newtype C = Compositions (Compositions Element) deriving (Show, Eq)
instance (Monoid a, Arbitrary a) => Arbitrary (Compositions a) where arbitrary = fromList <$> arbitrary
instance Arbitrary C where arbitrary = Compositions <$> arbitrary
newtype Compositions a Source #
A compositions list or composition tree is a list data type
where the elements are monoids, and the mconcat
of any contiguous sublist can be
computed in logarithmic time.
A common use case of this type is in a wiki, version control system, or collaborative editor, where each change
or delta would be stored in a list, and it is sometimes necessary to compute the composed delta between any two versions.
This version of a composition list is strictly biased to left-associativity, in that we only support efficient snoccing
to the end of the list. This also means that the drop
operation can be inefficient. The append operation a <> b
performs O(b log (a + b)) element compositions, so you want the right-hand list b
to be as small as possible.
For a version biased to consing, see Data.Compositions. This gives the opposite performance characteristics,
where take
is slow and drop
is fast.
Monoid laws:
\(Compositions l) -> mempty <> l == l
\(Compositions l) -> l <> mempty == l
\(Compositions t) (Compositions u) (Compositions v) -> t <> (u <> v) == (t <> u) <> v
is monoid morphism:
toList (mempty :: Compositions Element) == []
\(Compositions a) (Compositions b) -> toList (a <> b) == toList a ++ toList b
C | |
Foldable Compositions Source # | |
Eq a => Eq (Compositions a) Source # | |
(Monoid a, Read a) => Read (Compositions a) Source # | |
Show a => Show (Compositions a) Source # | |
Monoid a => Monoid (Compositions a) Source # | |
fromList :: Monoid a => [a] -> Compositions a Source #
Convert a compositions list into a list of elements. The other direction
is provided in the Foldable
instance. This will perform O(n log n) element compositions.
Isomorphism to lists:
\(Compositions x) -> fromList (toList x) == x
\(x :: [Element]) -> toList (fromList x) == x
Is monoid morphism:
fromList ([] :: [Element]) == mempty
\(a :: [Element]) b -> fromList (a ++ b) == fromList a <> fromList b
singleton :: Monoid a => a -> Compositions a Source #
Construct a compositions list containing just one element.
\(x :: Element) -> singleton x == snoc mempty x
\(x :: Element) -> composed (singleton x) == x
\(x :: Element) -> length (singleton x) == 1
Refinement of singleton lists:
\(x :: Element) -> toList (singleton x) == [x]
\(x :: Element) -> singleton x == fromList [x]
unsafeMap :: (a -> b) -> Compositions a -> Compositions b Source #
Only valid if the function given is a monoid morphism
Otherwise, use fromList . map f . toList
(which is much slower).
drop :: Monoid a => Int -> Compositions a -> Compositions a Source #
Return the compositions list with the first k elements removed.
In the worst case, performs O(k log k) element compositions,
in order to maintain the left-associative bias. If you wish to run composed
on the result of drop
, use dropComposed
for better performance.
Rewrite RULES
are provided for compilers which support them.
\(Compositions l) (Positive n) (Positive m) -> drop n (drop m l) == drop m (drop n l)
\(Compositions l) (Positive n) (Positive m) -> drop n (drop m l) == drop (m + n) l
\(Compositions l) (Positive n) -> length (drop n l) == max (length l - n) 0
\(Compositions t) (Compositions u) -> drop (length t) (t <> u) == u
\(Compositions l) -> drop 0 l == l
\n -> drop n (mempty :: Compositions Element) == mempty
Refinement of drop
\(l :: [Element]) n -> drop n (fromList l) == fromList (List.drop n l)
\(Compositions l) n -> toList (drop n l) == List.drop n (toList l)
take :: Monoid a => Int -> Compositions a -> Compositions a Source #
Return the compositions list containing only the first k elements of the input, in O(log k) time.
\(Compositions l) (Positive n) (Positive m) -> take n (take m l) == take m (take n l)
\(Compositions l) (Positive n) (Positive m) -> take m (take n l) == take (m `min` n) l
\(Compositions l) (Positive n) -> length (take n l) == min (length l) n
\(Compositions l) -> take (length l) l == l
\(Compositions l) (Positive n) -> take (length l + n) l == l
\(Positive n) -> take n (mempty :: Compositions Element) == mempty
Refinement of take
\(l :: [Element]) n -> take n (fromList l) == fromList (List.take n l)
\(Compositions l) n -> toList (take n l) == List.take n (toList l)
\(Compositions l) (Positive n) -> take n l <> drop n l == l
dropComposed :: Monoid a => Int -> Compositions a -> a Source #
splitAt :: Monoid a => Int -> Compositions a -> (Compositions a, Compositions a) Source #
composed :: Monoid a => Compositions a -> a Source #
Compose every element in the compositions list. Performs only O(log n) compositions.
Refinement of mconcat
\(l :: [Element]) -> composed (fromList l) == mconcat l
\(Compositions l) -> composed l == mconcat (toList l)
Is a monoid morphism:
\(Compositions a) (Compositions b) -> composed (a <> b) == composed a <> composed b
composed mempty == (mempty :: Element)
length :: Compositions a -> Int Source #
Get the number of elements in the compositions list, in O(log n) time.
Is a monoid morphism:
length (mempty :: Compositions Element) == 0
\(Compositions a) (Compositions b) -> length (a <> b) == length a + length b
Refinement of length
\(x :: [Element]) -> length (fromList x) == List.length x
\(Compositions x) -> length x == List.length (toList x)
snoc :: Monoid a => Compositions a -> a -> Compositions a Source #
Add a new element to the end of a compositions list. Performs O(log n) element compositions.
\(x :: Element) (Compositions xs) -> snoc xs x == xs <> singleton x
\(x :: Element) (Compositions xs) -> length (snoc xs x) == length xs + 1
Refinement of List snoc:
\(x :: Element) (xs :: [Element]) -> snoc (fromList xs) x == fromList (xs ++ [x])
\(x :: Element) (Compositions xs) -> toList (snoc xs x) == toList xs ++ [x]