concurrent-machines-0.2.3: Concurrent networked stream transducers

Safe HaskellNone




Place buffers between two machines. This is most useful with irregular production rates.


Blocking buffers

bufferConnect :: MonadBaseControl IO m => Int -> MachineT m k b -> ProcessT m b c -> MachineT m k c Source #

Mediate a MachineT and a ProcessT with a bounded capacity buffer. The source machine runs concurrently with the sink process, and is only blocked when the buffer is full.

buffer :: MonadBaseControl IO m => Int -> MachineT m k o -> MachineT m k o Source #

Eagerly request values from the wrapped machine. Values are placed in a buffer of the given size. When the buffer is full (i.e. downstream is running behind), we stop pumping the wrapped machine.

Non-blocking (rolling) buffers

rollingConnect :: MonadBaseControl IO m => Int -> MachineT m k b -> ProcessT m b c -> MachineT m k c Source #

Mediate a MachineT and a ProcessT with a rolling buffer. The source machine runs concurrently with the sink process and is never blocked. If the sink process can not keep up with upstream, yielded values will be dropped.

rolling :: MonadBaseControl IO m => Int -> MachineT m k o -> MachineT m k o Source #

Eagerly request values from the wrapped machine. Values are placed in a rolling buffer of the given size. If downstream can not catch up, values yielded by the wrapped machine will be dropped.

Internal helpers

mediatedConnect :: forall m t b k c. MonadBaseControl IO m => t -> (t -> b -> BufferRoom t) -> (t -> Maybe (b, t)) -> MachineT m k b -> ProcessT m b c -> MachineT m k c Source #

Mediate a MachineT and a ProcessT with a buffer.

mediatedConnect z snoc view source sink pipes source into sink through a buffer initialized to z and updated with snoc. Upstream is blocked if snoc indicates that the buffer is full after adding a new element. Downstream blocks if view indicates that the buffer is empty. Otherwise, view is expected to return the next element to process and an updated buffer.

data BufferRoom a Source #

Indication if the payload value is "full" or not.


NoVacancy a 
Vacancy a