Description: VFS interface to the local filesystem (conventionally but increasingly wrongly called "writing to disk").

Read operations are not atomic, but write operations are probably atomic. Specifically, reads acquire a 'SharedLock' via 'hLock'. Writes first persist to a
temporary file, and then perform a copy using 'copyFileWithMetadata'. If 'copyFileWithMetadata' is atomic on your implementation (it probably is), then
writes are atomic.

The 'FilePath' values used in this VFS are split using 'splitPath' and joined using '</>'. Relative paths are resolved relative to the current working
directory: changing that directory is outside the scope of this module.

module Data.Conduit.VFS.Disk
        ( DiskVFS
        , runDiskVFS
        , runDiskVFS_
        ) where

import ClassyPrelude hiding (ByteString, handle, hash, bracket)
import Control.Monad.Extra (ifM)
import Control.Monad.Fail (MonadFail)
import Control.Monad.Loops (whileM_)
import Data.Conduit.VFS.Import
import System.IO.Extra (openBinaryFile)
import System.Posix (getFileStatus, isRegularFile, isDirectory)
import System.Directory (removeFile)
import UnliftIO.Directory (doesFileExist, listDirectory)
import qualified Data.ByteString as SBS
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as LBS

-- | The basic implementation of the VFS.
newtype DiskVFS m a = DiskVFS { unDVFS :: m a }
        deriving (Applicative, Functor, MonadFail, Monad)

instance (MonadIO m) => MonadIO (DiskVFS m) where
        liftIO = DiskVFS . liftIO
        {-# INLINE liftIO #-}

instance (MonadUnliftIO m) => MonadUnliftIO (DiskVFS m) where
        askUnliftIO = do
                (UnliftIO interiorUnliftIO) <- lift askUnliftIO
                return $ UnliftIO $ \(DiskVFS interior) -> interiorUnliftIO interior
        {-# INLINE askUnliftIO #-}

instance MonadTrans DiskVFS where
        lift = DiskVFS
        {-# INLINE lift #-}

-- | Given a 'DiskVFS', run it in the local monad and return the monadic return value.
runDiskVFS :: DiskVFS m a -> m a
runDiskVFS = unDVFS
{-# INLINE runDiskVFS #-}

-- | Given a 'DiskVFS', run it in the local monad and disregard any results.
runDiskVFS_ :: (Monad m) => DiskVFS m a -> m ()
runDiskVFS_ = void . runDiskVFS
{-# INLINE runDiskVFS_ #-}

instance (MonadUnliftIO m) => ReadVFSC (DiskVFS m) where

        vfsTypeC = awaitForever $ \filepath -> fmap (filepath,) . liftIO $
                        (not <$> doesFileExist filepath)
                        (return Nothing)
                        $ getFileStatus filepath >>= \status ->
                                if isRegularFile status then
                                        return $ Just VFile
                                else if isDirectory status then
                                        return $ Just VDirectory
                                        return Nothing
        {-# INLINEABLE vfsTypeC #-}

        vfsContentsEitherC = awaitForever $ \filepath ->
                        whenM (isExistingRegularFile filepath)
                                $ do
                                        yield $ Left filepath
                                        handle <- liftIO $ openBinaryFile filepath ReadMode
                                        liftIO $ hSetBuffering handle (BlockBuffering Nothing)
                                                (hIsNotEOF handle)
                                                (doRead handle >>= yield . Right . LBS.fromStrict)
                        hIsNotEOF handle = liftIO $ not <$> hIsEOF handle
                        doRead h = liftIO $ SBS.hGetSome h 1024
        {-# INLINEABLE vfsContentsEitherC #-}

        vfsChildrenC = awaitForever $ \filepath ->
                        whenM (liftIO $ doesFileExist filepath) $
                                        (fileIsDirectory filepath)
                                        (listChildren filepath >>= yieldMany)
                                        (yield filepath)
                        fileIsDirectory filepath = liftIO $ isDirectory <$> getFileStatus filepath
                        listChildren filepath = liftIO $ do
                                (children::[FilePath]) <- listDirectory filepath
                                return $ (filepath </>) <$> children
        {-# INLINEABLE vfsChildrenC #-}

-- | A class denoting that the type is usable as VFS conduits for writing.
instance (MonadUnliftIO m) => WriteVFSC (DiskVFS m) where

        vfsWriteEitherSink = awaitForever $ \case
                        (Right _) ->  fail "Encountered bytes without seeing a filename"
                        (Left filename) -> do
                                bytes <- readAllBytesFromUpstream
                                liftIO $ LBS.writeFile filename bytes
                        readAllBytesFromUpstream =
                                        (readSomeBytesFromUpstream >>= \prev -> LBS.append prev <$> readAllBytesFromUpstream )
                                        (return mempty)
                        moreBytesFromUpstream = peekC >>= \case
                                        (Just (Right _)) -> return True
                                        _ -> return False
                        readSomeBytesFromUpstream = await >>= \case
                                        (Just (Right bytes)) -> return bytes
                                        _ -> fail "Encountered a new filename when peeking said we had bytes"
        {-# INLINEABLE vfsWriteEitherSink #-}

        vfsRemoveSink = awaitForever $ \filename ->
                        whenM (isExistingRegularFile filename) (liftIO $ removeFile filename)
        {-# INLINE vfsRemoveSink #-}

isExistingRegularFile :: MonadIO m => FilePath -> m Bool
isExistingRegularFile filepath = liftIO $ liftM2 (&&) (doesFileExist filepath) (isRegularFile <$> getFileStatus filepath)

-- | A class denoting that the type is usable as VFS conduits for reading and writing.
instance (MonadUnliftIO m) => VFSC (DiskVFS m)