{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
-- |
-- Module:      Conferer
-- Copyright:   (c) 2019 Lucas David Traverso
-- License:     MIT
-- Maintainer:  Lucas David Traverso <lucas6246@gmail.com>
-- Stability:   experimental
-- Portability: portable
-- Types and functions for managing configuration effectively
module Conferer

  -- * How to use this library
  -- | This is the most basic example: which uses the default configuration
  --   to get a configuration for warp, which can be overriden via env vars,
  --   command line arguments of @.properties@ files
  -- @
  -- import Conferer
  -- import Conferer.FetchFromConfig.Warp () -- from package conferer-warp
  -- main = do
  --   config <- 'defaultConfig' \"awesomeapp\"
  --   warpSettings <- 'getFromConfig' \"warp\" config
  --   runSettings warpSettings application
  -- @
  -- In the above example we see that we are getting a configuration value for
  -- warp under the key warp, so for example to override it's default value
  -- provided by warp the config keys for warp will always look like
  -- @warp.something@, for example to override the port for warp (3000 by
  -- default) we could call our program as @./my_program --warp.port=8000@.
  -- There are two sides to conferer: Getting configuration for other libraries
  -- like warp, hspec, snap, etc. and the way we choose to provide values like
  -- json files, properties files, env vars, etc.

  -- ** Getting configuration for existing libraries
  -- | There is a typeclass 'FetchFromConfig' that defines how to get a type
  --   from a config, they are implemented in different packages since the
  --   weight of the dependencies would be too high, the package is usually
  --   named as @conferer-DEPENDENCY@ where DEPENDENCY is the name of the dependency (
  --   for example: conferer-snap, conferer-warp, conferer-hspec), if you find
  --   a library without a conferer port for its config you can create an issue
  --   or maybe even create the library yourself!

  -- ** Providing key value pairs for configuration
  -- | There is one important type in conferer: 'Config' from which, given a key
  -- (eg: @warp@) you can get anything that implements 'FetchFromConfig' (like
  -- 'Warp.Settings')
  -- Internally a 'Config' is made of many 'Provider's which have a simpler
  -- interface:
  -- @
  -- 'getKeyInProvider' :: Provider -> Key -> IO (Maybe Text)
  -- @
  -- Most configuration providers can be abstracted away as Map String String,
  -- and they can use whatever logic they want to turn conferer keys (a list of
  -- strings) into a place to look for a string, (for example the env provider
  -- requires a string to namespace the env vars that can affect the
  -- configuration)
  -- Once you have your 'Provider' you can add it to a 'Config' using the
  -- 'addProvider' function. One final note: each provider has a different
  -- priority, which depends on when is was added to the config ('Provider's
  -- added later have lower priority) so the config searches keys in providers
  -- in the same order they were added.

  module Conferer.Types
  , module Conferer.Core
  , defaultConfig
  , defaultConfigWithDefaults
  , Key(..)

  -- * Providers
  , module Conferer.Provider.Env
  , module Conferer.Provider.Simple
  , module Conferer.Provider.Namespaced
  , module Conferer.Provider.Mapping
  , module Conferer.Provider.CLIArgs
  , module Conferer.Provider.Null
  , module Conferer.Provider.PropertiesFile
  -- * Re-Exports
  , (&)
  ) where

import           Data.Text (Text)
import           Data.Function ((&))

import           Conferer.Core (emptyConfig, addProvider, getFromConfig, getKey, unsafeGetKey, (/.), withDefaults)
import           Conferer.Types (Config, Key(..), ProviderCreator, Provider(..), FetchFromConfig(..))
import           Conferer.Provider.Env
import           Conferer.Provider.Simple
import           Conferer.Provider.Namespaced
import           Conferer.Provider.Mapping
import           Conferer.Provider.CLIArgs
import           Conferer.Provider.Null
import           Conferer.Provider.PropertiesFile

-- | Default config which reads from command line arguments, env vars and
-- property files
defaultConfig :: Text -> IO Config
defaultConfig appName =
  defaultConfigWithDefaults appName []

-- | Default config which reads from command line arguments, env vars,
-- property files and some default key/values
defaultConfigWithDefaults :: Text -> [(Key, Text)] -> IO Config
defaultConfigWithDefaults appName configMap =
  pure (emptyConfig & withDefaults configMap)
  >>= addProvider (mkCLIArgsProvider)
  >>= addProvider (mkEnvProvider appName)
  >>= addProvider (mkPropertiesFileProvider)