{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
module Conferer.FromConfig.Basics where
import Control.Monad (join)
import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text as Text
import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as Text
import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
import Control.Exception
import Data.Char (toLower)
import Data.Typeable (Typeable, typeRep, Proxy(..))
import Data.String (IsString, fromString)
import Text.Read (readMaybe)
import GHC.Generics
import Conferer.Types
import Conferer.Core (getKey, (/.), getFromConfig)
updateAllAtOnceUsingFetch :: forall a. (FromConfig a, Typeable a) => Key -> Config -> a -> IO a
updateAllAtOnceUsingFetch key config old = do
fetchFromConfig key config
>>= \case
Just new -> do
evaluate new
Nothing -> do
evaluate old
instance FromConfig () where
updateFromConfig key config _ = do
return ()
fetchFromConfig key config = do
return $ Just ()
instance DefaultConfig () where
configDef = ()
instance FromConfig Int where
updateFromConfig = updateAllAtOnceUsingFetch
fetchFromConfig = fetchFromConfigByRead
instance FromConfig Integer where
updateFromConfig = updateAllAtOnceUsingFetch
fetchFromConfig = fetchFromConfigByRead
instance FromConfig Float where
updateFromConfig = updateAllAtOnceUsingFetch
fetchFromConfig = fetchFromConfigByRead
instance FromConfig ByteString where
updateFromConfig = updateAllAtOnceUsingFetch
fetchFromConfig = fetchFromConfigWith (Just . Text.encodeUtf8)
instance DefaultConfig (Maybe a) where
configDef = Nothing
instance (FromConfig a) => FromConfig (Maybe a) where
updateFromConfig k config (Just a) = do
res <- updateFromConfig k config a
Just <$> evaluate res
updateFromConfig k config Nothing = do
fetchFromConfig k config
fetchFromConfig k config = do
fetchFromConfig @a k config
>>= \case
Just res -> Just <$> Just <$> evaluate res
Nothing -> return $ Just Nothing
instance FromConfig String where
updateFromConfig = updateAllAtOnceUsingFetch
fetchFromConfig = fetchFromConfigWith (Just . Text.unpack)
instance FromConfig Text where
updateFromConfig = updateAllAtOnceUsingFetch
fetchFromConfig = fetchFromConfigWith Just
instance FromConfig Bool where
updateFromConfig = updateAllAtOnceUsingFetch
fetchFromConfig = fetchFromConfigWith parseBool
parseBool text =
case Text.toLower text of
"false" -> Just False
"true" -> Just True
_ -> Nothing
updateFromConfigByRead :: (Typeable a, Read a) => Key -> Config -> a -> IO (a)
updateFromConfigByRead = updateFromConfigWith (readMaybe . Text.unpack)
updateFromConfigByIsString :: (Typeable a, IsString a) => Key -> Config -> a -> IO (a)
updateFromConfigByIsString = updateFromConfigWith (Just . fromString . Text.unpack)
fetchFromConfigByRead :: (Typeable a, Read a) => Key -> Config -> IO (Maybe a)
fetchFromConfigByRead = fetchFromConfigWith (readMaybe . Text.unpack)
fetchFromConfigByIsString :: (Typeable a, IsString a) => Key -> Config -> IO (Maybe a)
fetchFromConfigByIsString = fetchFromConfigWith (Just . fromString . Text.unpack)
fromValueWith :: (Text -> Maybe a) -> Text -> Maybe a
fromValueWith parseValue valueAsText = parseValue valueAsText
fetchFromConfigWith :: forall a. Typeable a => (Text -> Maybe a) -> Key -> Config -> IO (Maybe a)
fetchFromConfigWith parseValue key config = do
getKey key config >>=
Just value ->
return $ Just $
fromMaybe (throw $ ConfigParsingError key value (typeRep (Proxy :: Proxy a))) $
fromValueWith parseValue value
Nothing ->
return Nothing
updateFromConfigWith :: forall a. Typeable a => (Text -> Maybe a) -> Key -> Config -> a -> IO a
updateFromConfigWith parseValue key config a = do
getKey key config >>=
Just value ->
return $
fromMaybe (throw $ ConfigParsingError key value (typeRep (Proxy :: Proxy a))) $
fromValueWith parseValue value
Nothing -> return a
findKeyAndApplyConfig ::
forall newvalue config.
FromConfig newvalue
=> Config
-> Key
-> Key
-> (config -> newvalue)
-> (newvalue -> config -> config)
-> config
-> IO config
findKeyAndApplyConfig config k relativeKey get set customConfig = do
newValue <- updateFromConfig @newvalue (k /. relativeKey) config (get customConfig)
return $ set newValue customConfig
instance FromConfigG inner =>
FromConfigG (D1 metadata inner) where
updateFromConfigG key config (M1 inner) =
M1 <$> updateFromConfigG key config inner
fetchFromConfigG key config =
fmap M1 <$> fetchFromConfigG key config
instance (FromConfigWithConNameG inner, Constructor constructor) =>
FromConfigG (C1 constructor inner) where
updateFromConfigG key config (M1 inner) =
M1 <$> updateFromConfigWithConNameG @inner (conName @constructor undefined) key config inner
fetchFromConfigG key config =
fmap M1 <$> fetchFromConfigWithConNameG @inner (conName @constructor undefined) key config
class FromConfigWithConNameG f where
updateFromConfigWithConNameG :: String -> Key -> Config -> f a -> IO (f a)
fetchFromConfigWithConNameG :: String -> Key -> Config -> IO (Maybe (f a))
instance (FromConfigWithConNameG left, FromConfigWithConNameG right) =>
FromConfigWithConNameG (left :*: right) where
updateFromConfigWithConNameG s key config (left :*: right) = do
leftValue <- updateFromConfigWithConNameG @left s key config left
rightValue <- updateFromConfigWithConNameG @right s key config right
return (leftValue :*: rightValue)
fetchFromConfigWithConNameG s key config = do
leftValue <- fetchFromConfigWithConNameG @left s key config
rightValue <- fetchFromConfigWithConNameG @right s key config
case (leftValue, rightValue) of
(Just l, Just r) -> return $ Just (l :*: r)
_ -> return Nothing
instance (FromConfigG inner, Selector selector) =>
FromConfigWithConNameG (S1 selector inner) where
updateFromConfigWithConNameG s key config (M1 inner) =
applyFirst :: (Char -> Char) -> Text -> Text
applyFirst f t = case Text.uncons t of
Just (c, ts) -> Text.cons (f c) ts
Nothing -> t
fieldName = Text.pack $ selName @selector undefined
prefix = applyFirst toLower $ Text.pack s
scopedKey =
case Text.stripPrefix prefix fieldName of
Just stripped -> applyFirst toLower stripped
Nothing -> fieldName
in M1 <$> updateFromConfigG @inner (key /. Path [scopedKey]) config inner
fetchFromConfigWithConNameG s key config =
applyFirst :: (Char -> Char) -> Text -> Text
applyFirst f t = case Text.uncons t of
Just (c, ts) -> Text.cons (f c) ts
Nothing -> t
fieldName = Text.pack $ selName @selector undefined
prefix = applyFirst toLower $ Text.pack s
scopedKey =
case Text.stripPrefix prefix fieldName of
Just stripped -> applyFirst toLower stripped
Nothing -> fieldName
in fmap M1 <$> fetchFromConfigG @inner (key /. Path [scopedKey]) config
instance (FromConfig inner) => FromConfigG (Rec0 inner) where
updateFromConfigG key config (K1 inner) = do
K1 <$> updateFromConfig @inner key config inner
fetchFromConfigG key config = do
fmap K1 <$> fetchFromConfig @inner key config