{-# Language AllowAmbiguousTypes #-}

module Data.Semilattice.Property (
  -- * Properties of join lattices
  , idempotent_join
  , idempotent_join_on
  , associative_join
  , associative_join_on
  , commutative_join
  , commutative_join_on
  , neutral_join
  , neutral_join_on
  , distributive_join
  -- * Properties of meet semilattices
  , monotone_meet
  , idempotent_meet
  , idempotent_meet_on
  , associative_meet
  , associative_meet_on
  , commutative_meet
  , commutative_meet_on
  , neutral_meet
  , neutral_meet_on
  , distributive_meet
  -- * Properties of lattices
  , absorbative
  , absorbative'
  , annihilative_join
  , annihilative_meet
  , distributive
  , codistributive
  , majority_glb
  , commutative_glb
  , commutative_glb'
  , associative_glb
  --, distributive_finite_on
  --, distributive_finite1_on
  --, distributive_cross_on
  --, distributive_cross1_on
  -- * Properties of semilattice & lattice morphisms
  , morphism_join
  , morphism_join_on
  , morphism_join'
  , morphism_join_on'
  , morphism_meet
  , morphism_meet_on
  , morphism_meet'
  , morphism_meet_on'
  , morphism_distributive
) where

--import Data.Semigroup.Property as Prop
import Data.Prd hiding ((~~))
import Data.Semigroup
import Data.Semigroup.Join
import Data.Semigroup.Meet
import Data.Semilattice
import Test.Function  as Prop
import Test.Logic (Rel, (==>))
import qualified Test.Operation as Prop

import Prelude hiding (Ord(..), Num(..), sum)

-- Properties of join semilattices

-- | \( \forall a, b, c: b \leq c \Rightarrow b ∨ a \leq c ∨ a \)
-- This is a required property.
monotone_join :: JoinSemilattice r => r -> r -> r -> Bool
monotone_join x = Prop.monotone_on (<=) (<=) ( x)

-- | \( \forall a \in R: a ∨ a = a \)
-- @ 'idempotent_join' = 'absorbative' 'top' @
-- See < https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Band_(mathematics) >.
-- This is a required property.
idempotent_join :: JoinSemilattice r => r -> Bool
idempotent_join = idempotent_join_on (=~)

idempotent_join_on :: (Join-Semigroup) r => Rel r b -> r -> b
idempotent_join_on (~~) r = () r r ~~ r

-- | \( \forall a, b, c \in R: (a ∨ b) ∨ c = a ∨ (b ∨ c) \)
-- This is a required property.
associative_join :: JoinSemilattice r => r -> r -> r -> Bool
associative_join = Prop.associative_on (=~) ()

associative_join_on :: (Join-Semigroup) r => Rel r b -> r -> r -> r -> b
associative_join_on (~~) = Prop.associative_on (~~) ()

-- | \( \forall a, b \in R: a ∨ b = b ∨ a \)
-- This is a required property.
commutative_join :: JoinSemilattice r => r -> r -> Bool
commutative_join = commutative_join_on (=~)

commutative_join_on :: (Join-Semigroup) r => Rel r b -> r -> r -> b
commutative_join_on (~~) = Prop.commutative_on (~~) ()

-- | \( \forall a \in R: (bottom ∨ a) = a \)
-- This is a required property for bounded join semilattices.
neutral_join :: BoundedJoinSemilattice r => r -> Bool
neutral_join = neutral_join_on (=~)

neutral_join_on :: (Join-Monoid) r => Rel r b -> r -> b
neutral_join_on (~~) = Prop.neutral_on (~~) () bottom

-- |  \( \forall a, b, c: c \leq a ∨ b \Rightarrow \exists a',b': c = a' ∨ b' \)
-- See < https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Distributivity_(order_theory)#Distributivity_for_semilattices >
-- This is a required property for distributive join semilattices.
distributive_join :: JoinSemilattice r => r -> r -> r -> r -> r -> Bool
distributive_join c a b a' b' = c <= a  b ==> a' <= a && b' <= b && c <= a'  b'

-- Properties of meet semilattices

-- | \( \forall a, b, c: b \leq c \Rightarrow b ∧ a \leq c ∧ a \)
-- This is a required property.
monotone_meet :: MeetSemilattice r => r -> r -> r -> Bool
monotone_meet x = Prop.monotone_on (<=) (<=) ( x)

-- | \( \forall a, b, c \in R: (a * b) * c = a * (b * c) \)
-- This is a required property.
associative_meet :: MeetSemilattice r => r -> r -> r -> Bool
associative_meet = associative_meet_on (=~)

associative_meet_on :: (Meet-Semigroup) r => Rel r b -> r -> r -> r -> b
associative_meet_on (~~) = Prop.associative_on (~~) ()

-- | \( \forall a, b \in R: a ∧ b = b ∧ a \)
-- This is a required property.
commutative_meet :: MeetSemilattice r => r -> r -> Bool
commutative_meet = commutative_meet_on (=~)

commutative_meet_on :: (Meet-Semigroup) r => Rel r b -> r -> r -> b
commutative_meet_on (~~) = Prop.commutative_on (~~) ()

-- | \( \forall a \in R: a ∧ a = a \)
-- @ 'idempotent_meet' = 'absorbative' 'bottom' @
-- See < https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Band_(mathematics) >.
-- This is a required property.
idempotent_meet :: MeetSemilattice r => r -> Bool
idempotent_meet = idempotent_meet_on (=~)

idempotent_meet_on :: (Meet-Semigroup) r => Rel r b -> r -> b
idempotent_meet_on (~~) r = () r r ~~ r

-- | \( \forall a \in R: (bottom ∧ a) = a \)
-- This is a required property for bounded meet semilattices.
neutral_meet :: BoundedMeetSemilattice r => r -> Bool
neutral_meet = neutral_meet_on (=~)

neutral_meet_on :: (Meet-Monoid) r => Rel r b -> r -> b
neutral_meet_on (~~) = Prop.neutral_on (~~) () top

-- |  \( \forall a, b, c: c \leq a ∨ b \Rightarrow \exists a',b': c = a' ∧ b' \)
-- See < https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Distributivity_(order_theory)#Distributivity_for_semilattices >
-- This is a required property for distributive meet semilattices.
distributive_meet :: MeetSemilattice r => r -> r -> r -> r -> r -> Bool
distributive_meet c a b a' b' = c >= a  b ==> a' >= a && b' >= b && c >= a'  b'

-- Properties of lattices

-- | \( \forall a, b \in R: a ∧ b ∨ b = b \)
-- Absorbativity is a generalized form of idempotency:
-- @
-- 'absorbative' 'top' a = a ∨ a = a
-- @
-- This is a required property.
absorbative :: Lattice r => r -> r -> Bool
absorbative x y = (x  y  y) =~ y

-- | \( \forall a, b \in R: a ∨ b ∧ b = b \)
-- Absorbativity is a generalized form of idempotency:
-- @
-- 'absorbative'' 'bottom' a = a ∨ a = a
-- @
-- This is a required property.
absorbative' :: Lattice r => r -> r -> Bool
absorbative' x y = (x  y  y) =~ y

-- | \( \forall a \in R: (top ∨ a) = top \)
-- If /R/ is a lattice then its top element must be annihilative.
-- This is a required property.
annihilative_join :: UpperBoundedLattice r => r -> Bool
annihilative_join r = Prop.annihilative_on (=~) () top r

-- | \( \forall a \in R: (bottom ∧ a) = bottom \)
-- If /R/ is a lattice then its bottom element must be annihilative.
-- For 'Semiring' instances this property translates to:
-- @
-- 'zero' '*' a = 'zero'
-- @
-- For 'Alternative' instances this property translates to:
-- @
-- 'empty' '*>' a = 'empty'
-- @
-- This is a required property.
annihilative_meet :: LowerBoundedLattice r => r -> Bool
annihilative_meet r = Prop.annihilative_on (=~) () bottom r

-- Properties of distributive lattices

distributive :: Lattice r => r -> r -> r -> Bool
distributive = Prop.distributive_on (=~) () ()

-- | \( \forall a, b, c \in R: c ∨ (a ∧ b) \equiv (c ∨ a) ∧ (c ∨ b) \)
-- A right-codistributive semiring has a right-annihilative meet:
-- @ 'codistributive' 'top' a 'bottom' = 'top' '=~' 'top' '∨' a @
-- idempotent mulitiplication:
-- @ 'codistributive' 'bottom' 'bottom' a = a '=~' a '∧' a @
-- and idempotent addition:
-- @ 'codistributive' a 'bottom' a = a '=~' a '∨' a @
-- Furthermore if /R/ is commutative then it is a right-distributive lattice.
codistributive :: Lattice r => r -> r -> r -> Bool
codistributive = Prop.distributive_on' (=~) () ()

-- | @ 'glb' x x y = x @
majority_glb :: Lattice r => r -> r -> Bool
majority_glb x y = glb x y y =~ y

-- | @ 'glb' x y z = 'glb' z x y @
commutative_glb :: Lattice r => r -> r -> r -> Bool
commutative_glb x y z = glb x y z =~ glb z x y

-- | @ 'glb' x y z = 'glb' x z y @
commutative_glb' :: Lattice r => r -> r -> r -> Bool
commutative_glb' x y z = glb x y z =~ glb x z y

-- | @ 'glb' ('glb' x w y) w z = 'glb' x w ('glb' y w z) @
associative_glb :: Lattice r => r -> r -> r -> r -> Bool
associative_glb x y z w = glb (glb x w y) w z =~ glb x w (glb y w z)

-- Properties of semilattice & lattice morphisms

-- | \( \forall a, b: f(a ∨ b) = f(a) ∨ f(b) \)
-- Given two join-semilattices (S, ∨) and (T, ∨), a homomorphism is a monotone function /f: S → T/ such that 
-- @ f (x '∨' y) '=~' f x '∨' f y @
-- This is a required property for join semilattice morphisms.
morphism_join :: JoinSemilattice r => JoinSemilattice s => (r -> s) -> r -> r -> Bool
morphism_join = morphism_join_on (=~)

morphism_join_on :: (Join-Semigroup) r => (Join-Semigroup) s => Rel s b -> (r -> s) -> r -> r -> b
morphism_join_on (~~) f x y = (f $ x  y) ~~ (f x  f y)

-- | \( \forall a, b: f(bottom) = bottom \)
-- This is a required property for bounded join semilattice morphisms.
morphism_join' :: BoundedJoinSemilattice r => BoundedJoinSemilattice s => (r -> s) -> Bool
morphism_join' = morphism_join_on' (=~)

morphism_join_on' :: (Join-Monoid) r => (Join-Monoid) s => Rel s b -> (r -> s) -> b
morphism_join_on' (~~) f = (f bottom) ~~ bottom

-- | \( \forall a, b: f(a ∧ b) = f(a) ∧ f(b) \)
-- The obvious dual replacing '∧' with '∨' and 'bottom' with 'top' transforms this
-- definition of a join-semilattice homomorphism into its meet-semilattice equivalent.
-- This is a required property for meet semilattice morphisms.
morphism_meet :: MeetSemilattice r => MeetSemilattice s => (r -> s) -> r -> r -> Bool
morphism_meet = morphism_meet_on (=~)

morphism_meet_on :: (Meet-Semigroup) r => (Meet-Semigroup) s => Rel s b -> (r -> s) -> r -> r -> b
morphism_meet_on (~~) f x y = (f $ x  y) ~~ (f x  f y)

-- | \( \forall a, b: f(top) = top \)
-- This is a required property for bounded meet semilattice morphisms.
morphism_meet' :: BoundedMeetSemilattice r => BoundedMeetSemilattice s => (r -> s) -> Bool
morphism_meet' = morphism_meet_on' (=~)

morphism_meet_on' :: (Meet-Monoid) r => (Meet-Monoid) s => Rel s b -> (r -> s) -> b
morphism_meet_on' (~~) f = (f top) ~~ top

-- | Distributive lattice morphisms are compatible with 'glb'.
morphism_distributive :: Prd r => Prd s => Lattice r => Lattice s => (r -> s) -> r -> r -> r -> Bool
morphism_distributive f x y z = f (glb x y z) =~ glb (f x) (f y) (f z)