{-# LANGUAGE Safe                       #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PolyKinds                  #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds            #-}
{-# Language DataKinds                  #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DefaultSignatures          #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor              #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric              #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DerivingVia                #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts           #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances          #-}
{-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving         #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators              #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies               #-}

module Data.Order (
  -- * Constraint kinds
  , Total
  -- * Preorders
  , Preorder(..)
  , pcomparing
  -- * DerivingVia
  , Base(..), N5(..)
  -- * Re-exports
  , Ordering(..)
  , Down(..)
  , Positive
) where

import safe Control.Applicative
import safe Control.Monad.Trans.Select
import safe Control.Monad.Trans.Cont
import safe Data.Bool
import safe Data.Complex
import safe Data.Either
import safe Data.Foldable (foldl')
import safe Data.Functor.Identity
import safe Data.Functor.Contravariant
import safe Data.Int
import safe Data.List.NonEmpty
import safe Data.Maybe
import safe Data.Ord (Down(..))
import safe Data.Semigroup
import safe Data.Universe.Class (Finite(..))
import safe Data.Word
import safe Data.Void
import safe GHC.Real
import safe Numeric.Natural
import safe Prelude hiding (Ord(..), Bounded, until)
import safe qualified Data.IntMap as IntMap
import safe qualified Data.IntSet as IntSet
import safe qualified Data.Map as Map
import safe qualified Data.Set as Set
import safe qualified Data.Ord as Ord
import safe qualified Data.Eq as Eq
import safe qualified Data.Finite as F

-- | An < https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Order_theory#Partially_ordered_sets order > on /a/.
-- Note: ideally this would be a subclass of /Preorder/.
-- We instead use a constraint kind in order to retain compatibility with the
-- downstream users of /Eq/.
type Order a = (Eq.Eq a, Preorder a)

-- | A < https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Total_order total order > on /a/.
-- Note: ideally this would be a subclass of /PartialOrder/, without instances
-- for /Float/, /Double/, /Rational/, etc.
-- We instead use a constraint kind in order to retain compatibility with the
-- downstream users of /Ord/.
type Total a = (Ord.Ord a, Preorder a)

-- Preorders

-- | A < https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Preorder preorder > on /a/.
-- A preorder relation '<~' must satisfy the following two axioms:
-- \( \forall x: x \leq x \) (reflexivity)
-- \( \forall a, b, c: ((a \leq b) \wedge (b \leq c)) \Rightarrow (a \leq c) \) (transitivity)
-- Given a preorder on /a/ one may define an equivalence relation '~~' such that
-- /a ~~ b/ if and only if /a <~ b/ and /b <~ a/.
-- If no partion induced by '~~' contains more than a single element, then /a/
-- is a partial order and we may define an 'Eq' instance such that the
-- following holds:
-- @
-- x '==' y = x '~~' y
-- x '<=' y = x '<' y '||' x '~~' y
-- @
-- Minimal complete definition: either 'pcompare' or '<~'. Using 'pcompare' can
-- be more efficient for complex types.
class Preorder a where
    {-# MINIMAL (<~) | pcompare #-}

    infix 4 <~, >~, <, >, ?~, ~~, /~, `pcompare`, `pmax`, `pmin`

    -- | A non-strict preorder order relation on /a/.
    -- Is /x/ less than or equal to /y/?
    -- Is /x/ less than or equal to /y/?
    -- '<~' is reflexive, anti-symmetric, and transitive.
    -- > x <~ y = x < y || x ~~ y
    -- > x <~ y = maybe False (<~ EQ) (pcompare x y)
    -- for all /x/, /y/ in /a/.
    (<~) :: a -> a -> Bool
    x <~ y = maybe False (Ord.<= EQ) (pcompare x y)

    -- | A converse non-strict preorder relation on /a/.
    -- Is /x/ greater than or equal to /y/?
    -- Is /x/ greater than or equal to /y/?
    -- '>~' is reflexive, anti-symmetric, and transitive.
    -- > x >~ y = x > y || x ~~ y
    -- > x >~ y = maybe False (>~ EQ) (pcompare x y)
    -- for all /x/, /y/ in /a/.
    (>~) :: a -> a -> Bool
    (>~) = flip (<~)

    -- | A strict preorder relation on /a/.
    -- Is /x/ less than /y/?
    -- Is /x/ less than /y/?
    -- '<' is irreflexive, asymmetric, and transitive.
    -- > x < y = x <~ y && not (y <~ x)
    -- > x < y = maybe False (< EQ) (pcompare x y)
    -- When '<~' is antisymmetric then /a/ is a partial 
    -- order and we have:
    -- > x < y = x <~ y && x /~ y
    -- for all /x/, /y/ in /a/.
    (<) :: a -> a -> Bool
    x < y = maybe False (Ord.< EQ) (pcompare x y)

    -- | A converse strict preorder relation on /a/.
    -- Is /x/ greater than /y/?
    -- Is /x/ greater than /y/?
    -- '>' is irreflexive, asymmetric, and transitive.
    -- > x > y = x >~ y && not (y >~ x)
    -- > x > y = maybe False (> EQ) (pcompare x y)
    -- When '<~' is antisymmetric then /a/ is a partial 
    -- order and we have:
    -- > x > y = x >~ y && x /~ y
    -- for all /x/, /y/ in /a/.
    (>) :: a -> a -> Bool
    (>) = flip (<)

    -- | An equivalence relation on /a/. 
    -- Are /x/ and /y/ comparable?
    -- Are /x/ and /y/ comparable?
    -- '?~' is reflexive, symmetric, and transitive.
    -- If /a/ implements 'Ord' then we should have @x ?~ y = True@.
    (?~) :: a -> a -> Bool
    x ?~ y = maybe False (const True) (pcompare x y)

    -- | An equivalence relation on /a/.
    -- Are /x/ and /y/ equivalent?
    -- Are /x/ and /y/ equivalent?
    -- '~~' is reflexive, symmetric, and transitive.
    -- > x ~~ y = x <~ y && y <~ x
    -- > x ~~ y = maybe False (~~ EQ) (pcompare x y)
    -- Use this as a lawful substitute for '==' when comparing
    -- floats, doubles, or rationals.
    (~~) :: a -> a -> Bool
    x ~~ y = maybe False (Eq.== EQ) (pcompare x y)

    -- | Negation of '~~'.
    -- Are /x/ and /y/ not equivalent?
    (/~) :: a -> a -> Bool
    x /~ y = not $ x ~~ y

    -- | A similarity relation on /a/. 
    -- Are /x/ and /y/ either equivalent or incomparable?
    -- 'similar' is reflexive and symmetric, but not necessarily transitive.
    -- Note this is only equivalent to '==' in a total order:
    -- > similar (0/0 :: Float) 5 = True
    -- If /a/ implements 'Ord' then we should have @('~~') = 'similar' = ('==')@.
    similar :: a -> a -> Bool
    similar x y = maybe True (Eq.== EQ) (pcompare x y)

    -- | A partial version of 'Data.Ord.compare'.
    -- > x <  y = maybe False (<  EQ) $ pcompare x y
    -- > x >  y = maybe False (>  EQ) $ pcompare x y
    -- > x <~ y = maybe False (<~ EQ) $ pcompare x y
    -- > x >~ y = maybe False (>~ EQ) $ pcompare x y
    -- > x ~~ y = maybe False (~~ EQ) $ pcompare x y
    -- > x ?~ y = maybe False (const True) $ pcompare x y
    -- > similar x y = maybe True (~~ EQ) $ pcompare x y
    -- If /a/ implements 'Ord' then we should have @'pcompare' x y = 'Just' '$' 'compare' x y@.
    pcompare :: a -> a -> Maybe Ordering
    pcompare x y
      | x <~ y    = Just $ if y <~ x then EQ else LT
      | y <~ x    = Just GT
      | otherwise = Nothing

    -- | A partial version of 'Data.Ord.max'. 
    -- Returns the left-hand argument in the case of equality.
    pmax :: a -> a -> Maybe a
    pmax x y = do
      o <- pcompare x y
      case o of
        GT -> Just x
        EQ -> Just x
        LT -> Just y

    -- | A partial version of 'Data.Ord.min'. 
    -- Returns the left-hand argument in the case of equality.
    pmin :: a -> a -> Maybe a
    pmin x y = do
      o <- pcompare x y
      case o of
        GT -> Just y
        EQ -> Just x
        LT -> Just x

-- | A partial version of 'Data.Order.Total.comparing'.
-- > pcomparing p x y = pcompare (p x) (p y)
-- The partial application /pcomparing f/ induces a lawful preorder for 
-- any total function /f/.
pcomparing :: Preorder a => (b -> a) -> b -> b -> Maybe Ordering
pcomparing p x y = pcompare (p x) (p y)

-- DerivingVia

newtype Base a = Base { getBase :: a } deriving stock (Eq.Eq, Ord.Ord, Show, Functor)
  deriving Applicative via Identity

instance Ord.Ord a => Preorder (Base a) where
  x <~ y = getBase $ liftA2 (Ord.<=) x y
  x >~ y = getBase $ liftA2 (Ord.>=) x y
  pcompare x y = Just . getBase $ liftA2 Ord.compare x y

--instance Preorder Void where  _ <~ _ = True
deriving via (Base Void) instance Preorder Void
deriving via (Base ()) instance Preorder ()
deriving via (Base Bool) instance Preorder Bool
deriving via (Base Ordering) instance Preorder Ordering
deriving via (Base Char) instance Preorder Char
deriving via (Base Word) instance Preorder Word
deriving via (Base Word8) instance Preorder Word8
deriving via (Base Word16) instance Preorder Word16
deriving via (Base Word32) instance Preorder Word32
deriving via (Base Word64) instance Preorder Word64
deriving via (Base Natural) instance Preorder Natural
deriving via (Base Int) instance Preorder Int
deriving via (Base Int8) instance Preorder Int8
deriving via (Base Int16) instance Preorder Int16
deriving via (Base Int32) instance Preorder Int32
deriving via (Base Int64) instance Preorder Int64
deriving via (Base Integer) instance Preorder Integer
deriving via (Base (F.Finite n)) instance Preorder (F.Finite n)

--TODO move to Order and derive Preorder as well
newtype N5 a = N5 { getN5 :: a } deriving stock (Eq, Show, Functor)
  deriving Applicative via Identity

instance (Ord.Ord a, Fractional a) => Preorder (N5 a) where
  x <~ y = getN5 $ liftA2 n5Le x y

-- N5 lattice ordering: NInf <= NaN <= PInf
n5Le :: (Ord.Ord a, Fractional a) => a -> a -> Bool
n5Le x y | x Eq./= x && y Eq./= y = True
       | x Eq./= x = y == 1/0
       | y Eq./= y = x == -1/0
       | otherwise = x Ord.<= y

deriving via (N5 Float) instance Preorder Float
deriving via (N5 Double) instance Preorder Double

-- Instances

-- N5 lattice ordering: NInf <= NaN <= PInf
pinf = 1 :% 0
ninf = (-1) :% 0
anan = 0 :% 0

λ> pcompareRat anan pinf
Just LT
λ> pcompareRat pinf anan
Just GT
λ> pcompareRat anan anan
Just EQ
λ> pcompareRat anan (3 :% 5)
pcompareRat :: Rational -> Rational -> Maybe Ordering
pcompareRat (0:%0) (x:%0) = Just $ Ord.compare 0 x
pcompareRat (x:%0) (0:%0) = Just $ Ord.compare x 0
pcompareRat (x:%0) (y:%0) = Just $ Ord.compare (signum x) (signum y)
pcompareRat (0:%0) _ = Nothing
pcompareRat _ (0:%0) = Nothing
pcompareRat _ (x:%0) = Just $ Ord.compare 0 x -- guard against div-by-zero exceptions
pcompareRat (x:%0) _ = Just $ Ord.compare x 0
pcompareRat x y = Just $ Ord.compare x y

-- | Positive rationals, extended with an absorbing zero.
-- 'Positive' is the canonical < https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Semifield#Examples semifield >.
type Positive = Ratio Natural

-- N5 lattice comparison
pcomparePos :: Positive -> Positive -> Maybe Ordering
pcomparePos (0:%0) (x:%0) = Just $ Ord.compare 0 x
pcomparePos (x:%0) (0:%0) = Just $ Ord.compare x 0
pcomparePos (_:%0) (_:%0) = Just EQ -- all non-nan infs are equal
pcomparePos (0:%0) (0:%_) = Just $ GT
pcomparePos (0:%_) (0:%0) = Just $ LT
pcomparePos (0:%0) _ = Nothing
pcomparePos _ (0:%0) = Nothing
pcomparePos (x:%y) (x':%y') = Just $ Ord.compare (x*y') (x'*y)

instance Preorder Rational where
  pcompare = pcompareRat

instance Preorder Positive where
  pcompare = pcomparePos

instance (Preorder a, Num a) => Preorder (Complex a) where
  pcompare = pcomparing $ \(x :+ y) -> x^2 + y^2

instance Preorder a => Preorder (Down a) where
  (Down x) <~ (Down y) = y <~ x
  pcompare (Down x) (Down y) = pcompare y x

instance Preorder a => Preorder (Dual a) where
  (Dual x) <~ (Dual y) = y <~ x
  pcompare (Dual x) (Dual y) = pcompare y x

instance Preorder a => Preorder (Max a) where
  Max a <~ Max b = a <~ b

instance Preorder a => Preorder (Min a) where
  Min a <~ Min b = a <~ b

instance Preorder Any where
  Any x <~ Any y = x <~ y

instance Preorder All where
  All x <~ All y = y <~ x

instance Preorder a => Preorder (Identity a) where
  pcompare (Identity x) (Identity y) = pcompare x y

instance Preorder a => Preorder (Maybe a) where
  Nothing <~ _ = True
  Just{} <~ Nothing = False
  Just a <~ Just b = a <~ b

instance Preorder a => Preorder [a] where
  {-# SPECIALISE instance Preorder [Char] #-}
  --[] <~ _     = True
  --(_:_) <~ [] = False
  --(x:xs) <~ (y:ys) = x <~ y && xs <~ ys

  pcompare []     []     = Just EQ
  pcompare []     (_:_)  = Just LT
  pcompare (_:_)  []     = Just GT
  pcompare (x:xs) (y:ys) = case pcompare x y of
                              Just EQ -> pcompare xs ys
                              other   -> other

instance Preorder a => Preorder (NonEmpty a) where
  (x :| xs) <~ (y :| ys) = x <~ y && xs <~ ys

instance (Preorder a, Preorder b) => Preorder (Either a b) where
  Right a <~ Right b  = a <~ b
  Right _ <~ _        = False

  Left a <~ Left b   = a <~ b
  Left _ <~ _        = True

instance (Preorder a, Preorder b) => Preorder (a, b) where
  (a,b) <~ (i,j) = a <~ i && b <~ j

instance (Preorder a, Preorder b, Preorder c) => Preorder (a, b, c) where
  (a,b,c) <~ (i,j,k) = a <~ i && b <~ j && c <~ k

instance (Preorder a, Preorder b, Preorder c, Preorder d) => Preorder (a, b, c, d) where
  (a,b,c,d) <~ (i,j,k,l) = a <~ i && b <~ j && c <~ k && d <~ l

instance (Preorder a, Preorder b, Preorder c, Preorder d, Preorder e) => Preorder (a, b, c, d, e) where
  (a,b,c,d,e) <~ (i,j,k,l,m) = a <~ i && b <~ j && c <~ k && d <~ l && e <~ m

--instance (Foldable1 f, Representable f, Preorder a) => Preorder (Co f a) where
--  Co f <~ Co g = and $ liftR2 (<~) f g

instance (Ord.Ord k, Preorder a) => Preorder (Map.Map k a) where
  (<~) = Map.isSubmapOfBy (<~)

instance Ord.Ord a => Preorder (Set.Set a) where
  (<~) = Set.isSubsetOf

instance Preorder a => Preorder (IntMap.IntMap a) where
  (<~) = IntMap.isSubmapOfBy (<~)

instance Preorder IntSet.IntSet where
  (<~) = IntSet.isSubsetOf

-- | TODO: short-circuiting version.
-- >>> const 3 <~ (const 4 :: Int8 -> Int8)
-- True
-- >>> const 3 <~ (id :: Int8 -> Int8)
-- False
instance (Finite a, Preorder b) => Preorder (a -> b) where
  pcompare f g = foldl' acc (Just EQ) [f x `pcompare` g x | x <- universeF]
    where acc old new = do
            m' <- new
            n' <- old
            case (m', n') of
              (x , EQ) -> Just x
              (EQ, y ) -> Just y
              (x , y ) -> if x == y then Just x else Nothing

instance (Finite a, Preorder a) => Preorder (Endo a) where
  pcompare (Endo f) (Endo g) = pcompare f g

instance (Finite a, Preorder b) => Preorder (Op b a) where
  --universe = coerce (universe :: [b -> a])
  --universe = map Op universe
  pcompare (Op f) (Op g) = pcompare f g

instance (Finite a) => Preorder (Predicate a) where
  --universe = map (Predicate . flip S.member) universe
  --universe = map Op universe
  pcompare (Predicate f) (Predicate g) = pcompare f g

-- |
-- >>> cont ($ 1) == (cont ($ 2) :: Cont Bool Int8)
-- False
-- >>> cont ($ 1) == (cont ($ 2) :: Cont () Int8)
-- True
instance (Total a, Preorder r, Finite r) => Preorder (Cont r a) where
  (ContT x) <~ (ContT y) = x `contLe` y

instance (Total a, Preorder r, Finite r) => Preorder (Select r a) where
  (SelectT x) <~ (SelectT y) = x `contLe` y

contLe :: forall a b c. (Finite b, Ord.Ord a, Preorder a, Preorder b, Preorder c) => ((a -> b) -> c) -> ((a -> b) -> c) -> Bool
contLe x y = if (universeF :: [b]) ~~ [] then True else point $ counter Map.empty
    --point :: Preorder b => a -> Bool
    point ar = x ar <~ y ar

    --counter :: (Finite b, Ord.Ord a, Preorder c) => Map.Map a b -> a -> b
    counter acc a = case Map.lookup a acc of
      Just b -> b

      Nothing -> case [b | b <- universeF
                         , let acc' = Map.insert a b acc
                               func a' | a' < a = counter acc a'
                                 | otherwise = counter acc' a'
                         , not . point $ func
                      ] of
                   (b:_) -> b
                   [] -> Prelude.head universeF -- Return a failed counter-example to be pruned by 'point'

exm1, exm2, exm3 :: Cont Bool Integer
exm1 = cont $ \ib -> (ib 7 && ib 4) || ib 8
exm2 = cont $ \ib -> (ib 7 || ib 8) && (ib 4 || ib 8)
exm3 = cont $ \ib -> (ib 7 || ib 8) && ib 4

-- exm1 ~~ exm2 >~ exm3
ex1 = (exm1 ~~ exm2, exm1 ~~ exm3, exm2 ~~ exm3) --(True, False, False)
ex2 = (exm1 ~~ exm2, exm1 >~ exm3, exm2 >~ exm3) --(True, True, True)
ex3 = (exm1 ~~ exm2 \/ exm3) -- True

-- exm2 >~ exm3
-- λ> runCont exm2 diff
-- True
-- λ> runCont exm3 diff
-- False
diff :: Integer -> Bool
diff i = if i ~~ 7 || i ~~ 8 then True else False

-- Orphan Instances

instance (Finite a, Eq b) => Eq (a -> b) where
  f == g = and [f x == g x | x <- universeF]

deriving via (a -> a) instance (Finite a, Eq a) => Eq (Endo a)
deriving via (a -> b) instance (Finite a, Eq b) => Eq (Op b a)
deriving via (Op Bool a) instance (Finite a) => Eq (Predicate a)