{-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE Safe #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}

module Data.Connection.Float (
    -- * Float

    -- * Double
) where

import safe Data.Bool
import safe Data.Connection.Conn hiding (ceiling, floor)
import safe Data.Int
import safe Data.Order
import safe Data.Order.Extended
import safe Data.Order.Syntax hiding (max, min)
import safe Data.Word
import safe GHC.Float as F
import safe Prelude hiding (Eq (..), Ord (..), until)
import safe qualified Prelude as P

-- Float

-- | A /NaN/-handling min32 function.
-- > min32 x NaN = x
-- > min32 NaN y = y
min32 :: Float -> Float -> Float
min32 x y = case (isNaN x, isNaN y) of
    (False, False) -> if x <= y then x else y
    (False, True) -> x
    (True, False) -> y
    (True, True) -> x

-- | A /NaN/-handling max32 function.
-- > max32 x NaN = x
-- > max32 NaN y = y
max32 :: Float -> Float -> Float
max32 x y = case (isNaN x, isNaN y) of
    (False, False) -> if x >= y then x else y
    (False, True) -> x
    (True, False) -> y
    (True, True) -> x

-- | Compute the difference between a float and its next largest neighbor.
-- See < https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Machine_epsilon >.
eps32 :: Float -> Float
eps32 x = shift32 1 x - x

-- | Compute the signed distance between two floats in units of least precision.
-- >>> ulp32 1.0 (shift32 1 1.0)
-- Just (LT,1)
-- >>> ulp32 (0.0/0.0) 1.0
-- Nothing
ulp32 :: Float -> Float -> Maybe (Ordering, Word32)
ulp32 x y = fmap f $ pcompare x y
    x' = floatInt32 x
    y' = floatInt32 y
    f LT = (LT, fromIntegral . abs $ y' - x')
    f EQ = (EQ, 0)
    f GT = (GT, fromIntegral . abs $ x' - y')

-- | Compare two floats for approximate equality.
-- Required accuracy is specified in units of least precision.
-- See <https://randomascii.wordpress.com/2012/02/25/comparing-floating-point-numbers-2012-edition/>.
near32 :: Word32 -> Float -> Float -> Bool
near32 tol x y = maybe False ((<= tol) . snd) $ ulp32 x y

-- | Shift a float by /n/ units of least precision.
-- >>> shift32 1 0
-- 1.0e-45
-- >>> shift32 1 1 - 1
-- 1.1920929e-7
-- >>> shift32 1 $ 0/0
-- Infinity
-- >>> shift32 (-1) $ 0/0
-- -Infinity
-- >>> shift32 1 $ 1/0
-- Infinity
shift32 :: Int32 -> Float -> Float
shift32 n x =
    if isNaN x == True
        then case signum n of
            -1 -> -1 / 0
            1 -> 1 / 0
            _ -> 0 / 0
        else int32Float . clamp32 . (+ n) . floatInt32 $ x

-- | All 'Data.Int.Int08' values are exactly representable in a 'Float'.
f32i08 :: Conn k Float (Extended Int8)
f32i08 = fxxext

-- | All 'Data.Int.Int16' values are exactly representable in a 'Float'.
-- >>> Data.Connection.Conn.ceiling f32i16 32767.0
-- Extended 32767
-- >>> Data.Connection.Conn.ceiling f32i16 32767.1
-- Top
f32i16 :: Conn k Float (Extended Int16)
f32i16 = fxxext

f32i32 :: Conn 'L Float (Extended Int32)
f32i32 = f32ext

f32i64 :: Conn 'L Float (Extended Int64)
f32i64 = f32ext

f32ixx :: Conn 'L Float (Extended Int)
f32ixx = f32ext

f32int :: Conn 'L Float (Extended Integer)
f32int = f32ext

-- Double

-- | A /NaN/-handling min function.
-- > min64 x NaN = x
-- > min64 NaN y = y
min64 :: Double -> Double -> Double
min64 x y = case (isNaN x, isNaN y) of
    (False, False) -> if x <= y then x else y
    (False, True) -> x
    (True, False) -> y
    (True, True) -> x

-- | A /NaN/-handling max function.
-- > max64 x NaN = x
-- > max64 NaN y = y
max64 :: Double -> Double -> Double
max64 x y = case (isNaN x, isNaN y) of
    (False, False) -> if x >= y then x else y
    (False, True) -> x
    (True, False) -> y
    (True, True) -> x

-- | Compute the difference between a double and its next largest neighbor.
-- See < https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Machine_epsilon >.
eps64 :: Double -> Double
eps64 x = shift64 1 x - x

-- | Compute the signed distance between two doubles in units of least precision.
-- >>> ulp64 1.0 (shift64 1 1.0)
-- Just (LT,1)
-- >>> ulp64 (0.0/0.0) 1.0
-- Nothing
ulp64 :: Double -> Double -> Maybe (Ordering, Word64)
ulp64 x y = fmap f $ pcompare x y
    x' = doubleInt64 x
    y' = doubleInt64 y
    f LT = (LT, fromIntegral . abs $ y' - x')
    f EQ = (EQ, 0)
    f GT = (GT, fromIntegral . abs $ x' - y')

-- | Compare two double-precision floats for approximate equality.
-- Required accuracy is specified in units of least precision.
-- See also <https://randomascii.wordpress.com/2012/02/25/comparing-floating-point-numbers-2012-edition/>.
near64 :: Word64 -> Double -> Double -> Bool
near64 tol x y = maybe False ((<= tol) . snd) $ ulp64 x y

-- | Shift by /n/ units of least precision.
-- >>> shift64 1 0
-- 5.0e-324
-- >>> shift64 1 1 - 1
-- 2.220446049250313e-16
-- >>> shift64 1 $ 0/0
-- Infinity
-- >>> shift64 (-1) $ 0/0
-- -Infinity
-- >>> shift64 1 $ 1/0
-- Infinity
shift64 :: Int64 -> Double -> Double
shift64 n x =
    if isNaN x == True
        then case signum n of
            -1 -> -1 / 0
            1 -> 1 / 0
            _ -> 0 / 0
        else int64Double . clamp64 . (+ n) . doubleInt64 $ x

-- | All 'Data.Int.Int08' values are exactly representable in a 'Double'.
f64i08 :: Conn k Double (Extended Int8)
f64i08 = fxxext

-- | All 'Data.Int.Int16' values are exactly representable in a 'Double'.
f64i16 :: Conn k Double (Extended Int16)
f64i16 = fxxext

-- | All 'Data.Int.Int32' values are exactly representable in a 'Double'.
f64i32 :: Conn k Double (Extended Int32)
f64i32 = fxxext

f64i64 :: Conn 'L Double (Extended Int64)
f64i64 = f64ext

f64ixx :: Conn 'L Double (Extended Int)
f64ixx = f64ext

f64int :: Conn 'L Double (Extended Integer)
f64int = f64ext

f64f32 :: Conn k Double Float
f64f32 = Conn f g h
    f x =
        let est = double2Float x
         in if g est >~ x
                then est
                else ascend32 est g x

    g = float2Double

    h x =
        let est = double2Float x
         in if g est <~ x
                then est
                else descend32 est g x

    ascend32 z g1 y = until (\x -> g1 x >~ y) (<~) (shift32 1) z

    descend32 z h1 x = until (\y -> h1 y <~ x) (>~) (shift32 (-1)) z
{-# INLINE f64f32 #-}

-- Internal

{-# INLINE until #-}
until :: (a -> Bool) -> (a -> a -> Bool) -> (a -> a) -> a -> a
until pre rel f seed = go seed
    go x
        | x' `rel` x = x
        | pre x = x
        | otherwise = go x'
        x' = f x

-- Non-monotonic function
signed32 :: Word32 -> Int32
signed32 x
    | x < 0x80000000 = fromIntegral x
    | otherwise = fromIntegral (maxBound - (x - 0x80000000))

-- Non-monotonic function
signed64 :: Word64 -> Int64
signed64 x
    | x < 0x8000000000000000 = fromIntegral x
    | otherwise = fromIntegral (maxBound - (x - 0x8000000000000000))

-- Non-monotonic function converting from 2s-complement format.
unsigned32 :: Int32 -> Word32
unsigned32 x
    | x >= 0 = fromIntegral x
    | otherwise = 0x80000000 + (maxBound - (fromIntegral x))

-- Non-monotonic function converting from 2s-complement format.
unsigned64 :: Int64 -> Word64
unsigned64 x
    | x >= 0 = fromIntegral x
    | otherwise = 0x8000000000000000 + (maxBound - (fromIntegral x))

int32Float :: Int32 -> Float
int32Float = castWord32ToFloat . unsigned32

-- NB: I needed these zeros to avoid some error
floatInt32 :: Float -> Int32
floatInt32 = signed32 . (+ 0) . castFloatToWord32

int64Double :: Int64 -> Double
int64Double = castWord64ToDouble . unsigned64

doubleInt64 :: Double -> Int64
doubleInt64 = signed64 . (+ 0) . castDoubleToWord64

-- Clamp between the int representations of -1/0 and 1/0
clamp32 :: Int32 -> Int32
clamp32 = P.max (-2139095041) . P.min 2139095040

-- Clamp between the int representations of -1/0 and 1/0
clamp64 :: Int64 -> Int64
clamp64 = P.max (-9218868437227405313) . P.min 9218868437227405312

f32ext :: Integral a => Conn 'L Float (Extended a)
f32ext = ConnL f g
    prec = 24 :: Int -- Float loses integer precision beyond 2^prec
    f x
        | abs x <= 2 ** 24 -1 = Extended (ceiling x)
        | otherwise = case pcompare x 0 of
            Just LT -> Bottom
            _ -> Extended (2 ^ prec)

    g Bottom = -2 ** 24
    g Top = 1 / 0
    g (Extended i)
        | abs i P.<= 2 ^ prec -1 = fromIntegral i
        | otherwise = if i P.>= 0 then 1 / 0 else -2 ** 24
{-# INLINE f32ext #-}

f64ext :: Integral a => Conn 'L Double (Extended a)
f64ext = ConnL f g
    prec = 53 :: Int -- Double loses integer precision beyond 2^prec
    f x
        | abs x <= 2 ** 53 -1 = Extended (ceiling x)
        | otherwise = case pcompare x 0 of
            Just LT -> Bottom
            _ -> Extended (2 ^ prec)

    g Bottom = -2 ** 53
    g Top = 1 / 0
    g (Extended i)
        | abs i P.<= 2 ^ prec -1 = fromIntegral i
        | otherwise = if i P.>= 0 then 1 / 0 else -2 ** 53
{-# INLINE f64ext #-}

fxxext :: forall a b k. (RealFrac a, Preorder a, Bounded b, Integral b) => Conn k a (Extended b)
fxxext = Conn f g h
    f = liftExtended (~~ -1 / 0) (\x -> x ~~ 0 / 0 || x > high) $ \x -> if x < low then minBound else ceiling x

    g = extended (-1 / 0) (1 / 0) fromIntegral

    h = liftExtended (\x -> x ~~ 0 / 0 || x < low) (~~ 1 / 0) $ \x -> if x > high then maxBound else floor x

    low = fromIntegral $ minBound @b

    high = fromIntegral $ maxBound @b
{-# INLINE fxxext #-}


frac2fixed :: (RealFrac a, HasResolution b) => a -> Fixed b
frac2fixed (flip approxRational 0 -> (n :% d)) = fromInteger n / fromInteger d

--fixed2Float :: forall a . HasResolution a => Fixed a -> Float
--fixed2Float (MkFixed i) = rationalToFloat i $ resolution (Proxy :: Proxy a)