#include "containers.h"
{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
{-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 703
{-# LANGUAGE Trustworthy #-}
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 702
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 708
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PatternSynonyms #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}
module Data.Sequence.Internal (
Elem(..), FingerTree(..), Node(..), Digit(..), Sized(..), MaybeForce,
Seq (.., Empty, (:<|), (:|>)),
Seq (..),
#ifdef TESTING
) where
import Prelude hiding (
#if MIN_VERSION_base(4,8,0)
Applicative, (<$>), foldMap, Monoid,
null, length, lookup, take, drop, splitAt, foldl, foldl1, foldr, foldr1,
scanl, scanl1, scanr, scanr1, replicate, zip, zipWith, zip3, zipWith3,
takeWhile, dropWhile, iterate, reverse, filter, mapM, sum, all)
import qualified Data.List
import Control.Applicative (Applicative(..), (<$>), (<**>), Alternative,
WrappedMonad(..), liftA, liftA2, liftA3)
import qualified Control.Applicative as Applicative (Alternative(..))
import Control.DeepSeq (NFData(rnf))
import Control.Monad (MonadPlus(..), ap)
import Data.Monoid (Monoid(..))
import Data.Functor (Functor(..))
#if MIN_VERSION_base(4,6,0)
import Data.Foldable (Foldable(foldl, foldl1, foldr, foldr1, foldMap, foldl', foldr'), toList)
import Data.Foldable (Foldable(foldl, foldl1, foldr, foldr1, foldMap), foldl', toList)
#if MIN_VERSION_base(4,9,0)
import qualified Data.Semigroup as Semigroup
import Data.Functor.Classes
import Data.Traversable
import Data.Typeable
import GHC.Exts (build)
import Text.Read (Lexeme(Ident), lexP, parens, prec,
readPrec, readListPrec, readListPrecDefault)
import Data.Data
import Data.String (IsString(..))
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 706
import GHC.Generics (Generic, Generic1)
#elif __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 702
import GHC.Generics (Generic)
import Data.Array (Ix, Array)
import qualified Data.Array
import qualified GHC.Arr
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 708
import Data.Coerce
import qualified GHC.Exts
#if MIN_VERSION_base(4,8,0)
import Data.Functor.Identity (Identity(..))
#if !MIN_VERSION_base(4,8,0)
import Data.Word (Word)
import Utils.Containers.Internal.StrictPair (StrictPair (..), toPair)
#if MIN_VERSION_base(4,4,0)
import Control.Monad.Zip (MonadZip (..))
default ()
infixr 6 <>
(<>) :: Monoid m => m -> m -> m
(<>) = mappend
{-# INLINE (<>) #-}
infixr 5 `consTree`
infixl 5 `snocTree`
infixr 5 `appendTree0`
infixr 5 ><
infixr 5 <|, :<
infixl 5 |>, :>
infixr 5 :<|
infixl 5 :|>
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 801
{-# COMPLETE (:<|), Empty #-}
{-# COMPLETE (:|>), Empty #-}
pattern Empty :: Seq a
pattern Empty = Seq EmptyT
pattern (:<|) :: a -> Seq a -> Seq a
pattern x :<| xs <- (viewl -> x :< xs)
x :<| xs = x <| xs
pattern (:|>) :: Seq a -> a -> Seq a
pattern xs :|> x <- (viewr -> xs :> x)
xs :|> x = xs |> x
class Sized a where
size :: a -> Int
class MaybeForce a where
maybeRwhnf :: a -> ()
mseq :: MaybeForce a => a -> b -> b
mseq a b = case maybeRwhnf a of () -> b
{-# INLINE mseq #-}
infixr 0 $!?
($!?) :: MaybeForce a => (a -> b) -> a -> b
f $!? a = case maybeRwhnf a of () -> f a
{-# INLINE ($!?) #-}
instance MaybeForce (Elem a) where
maybeRwhnf _ = ()
{-# INLINE maybeRwhnf #-}
instance MaybeForce (Node a) where
maybeRwhnf !_ = ()
{-# INLINE maybeRwhnf #-}
newtype ForceBox a = ForceBox a
instance MaybeForce (ForceBox a) where
maybeRwhnf !_ = ()
instance Sized (ForceBox a) where
size _ = 1
newtype Seq a = Seq (FingerTree (Elem a))
instance Functor Seq where
fmap = fmapSeq
x <$ s = replicate (length s) x
fmapSeq :: (a -> b) -> Seq a -> Seq b
fmapSeq f (Seq xs) = Seq (fmap (fmap f) xs)
{-# NOINLINE [1] fmapSeq #-}
"fmapSeq/fmapSeq" forall f g xs . fmapSeq f (fmapSeq g xs) = fmapSeq (f . g) xs
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 709
"fmapSeq/coerce" fmapSeq coerce = coerce
instance Foldable Seq where
foldMap f (Seq xs) = foldMap (foldMap f) xs
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 708
foldr f z (Seq xs) = foldr (coerce f) z xs
foldr' f z (Seq xs) = foldr' (coerce f) z xs
foldr f z (Seq xs) = foldr (flip (foldr f)) z xs
#if MIN_VERSION_base(4,6,0)
foldr' f z (Seq xs) = foldr' (flip (foldr' f)) z xs
foldl f z (Seq xs) = foldl (foldl f) z xs
#if MIN_VERSION_base(4,6,0)
foldl' f z (Seq xs) = foldl' (foldl' f) z xs
foldr1 f (Seq xs) = getElem (foldr1 f' xs)
where f' (Elem x) (Elem y) = Elem (f x y)
foldl1 f (Seq xs) = getElem (foldl1 f' xs)
where f' (Elem x) (Elem y) = Elem (f x y)
#if MIN_VERSION_base(4,8,0)
length = length
{-# INLINE length #-}
null = null
{-# INLINE null #-}
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 708
instance Traversable Seq where
traverse f xs = traverseFTE f (coerce xs)
traverseFTE :: Applicative f => (a -> f b) -> FingerTree a -> f (Seq b)
traverseFTE _f EmptyT = pure empty
traverseFTE f (Single x) = Seq . Single . Elem <$> f x
traverseFTE f (Deep s pr m sf) =
liftA3 (\pr' m' sf' -> coerce $ Deep s pr' m' sf')
(traverse f pr) (traverse (traverse f) m) (traverse f sf)
instance Traversable Seq where
traverse f (Seq xs) = Seq <$> traverse (traverse f) xs
instance NFData a => NFData (Seq a) where
rnf (Seq xs) = rnf xs
instance Monad Seq where
return = pure
xs >>= f = foldl' add empty xs
where add ys x = ys >< f x
(>>) = (*>)
instance Applicative Seq where
pure = singleton
xs *> ys = cycleNTimes (length xs) ys
(<*>) = apSeq
#if MIN_VERSION_base(4,10,0)
liftA2 = liftA2Seq
apSeq :: Seq (a -> b) -> Seq a -> Seq b
apSeq fs xs@(Seq xsFT) = case viewl fs of
EmptyL -> empty
firstf :< fs' -> case viewr fs' of
EmptyR -> fmap firstf xs
Seq fs''FT :> lastf -> case rigidify xsFT of
RigidEmpty -> empty
RigidOne (Elem x) -> fmap ($x) fs
RigidTwo (Elem x1) (Elem x2) ->
Seq $ ap2FT firstf fs''FT lastf (x1, x2)
RigidThree (Elem x1) (Elem x2) (Elem x3) ->
Seq $ ap3FT firstf fs''FT lastf (x1, x2, x3)
RigidFull r@(Rigid s pr _m sf) -> Seq $
Deep (s * length fs)
(fmap (fmap firstf) (nodeToDigit pr))
(aptyMiddle (fmap firstf) (fmap lastf) fmap fs''FT r)
(fmap (fmap lastf) (nodeToDigit sf))
{-# NOINLINE [1] apSeq #-}
"ap/fmap1" forall f xs ys . apSeq (fmapSeq f xs) ys = liftA2Seq f xs ys
"ap/fmap2" forall f gs xs . apSeq gs (fmapSeq f xs) =
liftA2Seq (\g x -> g (f x)) gs xs
"fmap/ap" forall f gs xs . fmapSeq f (gs `apSeq` xs) =
liftA2Seq (\g x -> f (g x)) gs xs
"fmap/liftA2" forall f g m n . fmapSeq f (liftA2Seq g m n) =
liftA2Seq (\x y -> f (g x y)) m n
"liftA2/fmap1" forall f g m n . liftA2Seq f (fmapSeq g m) n =
liftA2Seq (\x y -> f (g x) y) m n
"liftA2/fmap2" forall f g m n . liftA2Seq f m (fmapSeq g n) =
liftA2Seq (\x y -> f x (g y)) m n
ap2FT :: (a -> b) -> FingerTree (Elem (a->b)) -> (a -> b) -> (a,a) -> FingerTree (Elem b)
ap2FT firstf fs lastf (x,y) =
Deep (size fs * 2 + 4)
(Two (Elem $ firstf x) (Elem $ firstf y))
(mapMulFT 2 (\(Elem f) -> Node2 2 (Elem (f x)) (Elem (f y))) fs)
(Two (Elem $ lastf x) (Elem $ lastf y))
ap3FT :: (a -> b) -> FingerTree (Elem (a->b)) -> (a -> b) -> (a,a,a) -> FingerTree (Elem b)
ap3FT firstf fs lastf (x,y,z) = Deep (size fs * 3 + 6)
(Three (Elem $ firstf x) (Elem $ firstf y) (Elem $ firstf z))
(mapMulFT 3 (\(Elem f) -> Node3 3 (Elem (f x)) (Elem (f y)) (Elem (f z))) fs)
(Three (Elem $ lastf x) (Elem $ lastf y) (Elem $ lastf z))
lift2FT :: (a -> b -> c) -> a -> FingerTree (Elem a) -> a -> (b,b) -> FingerTree (Elem c)
lift2FT f firstx xs lastx (y1,y2) =
Deep (size xs * 2 + 4)
(Two (Elem $ f firstx y1) (Elem $ f firstx y2))
(mapMulFT 2 (\(Elem x) -> Node2 2 (Elem (f x y1)) (Elem (f x y2))) xs)
(Two (Elem $ f lastx y1) (Elem $ f lastx y2))
lift3FT :: (a -> b -> c) -> a -> FingerTree (Elem a) -> a -> (b,b,b) -> FingerTree (Elem c)
lift3FT f firstx xs lastx (y1,y2,y3) =
Deep (size xs * 3 + 6)
(Three (Elem $ f firstx y1) (Elem $ f firstx y2) (Elem $ f firstx y3))
(mapMulFT 3 (\(Elem x) -> Node3 3 (Elem (f x y1)) (Elem (f x y2)) (Elem (f x y3))) xs)
(Three (Elem $ f lastx y1) (Elem $ f lastx y2) (Elem $ f lastx y3))
liftA2Seq :: (a -> b -> c) -> Seq a -> Seq b -> Seq c
liftA2Seq f xs ys@(Seq ysFT) = case viewl xs of
EmptyL -> empty
firstx :< xs' -> case viewr xs' of
EmptyR -> f firstx <$> ys
Seq xs''FT :> lastx -> case rigidify ysFT of
RigidEmpty -> empty
RigidOne (Elem y) -> fmap (\x -> f x y) xs
RigidTwo (Elem y1) (Elem y2) ->
Seq $ lift2FT f firstx xs''FT lastx (y1, y2)
RigidThree (Elem y1) (Elem y2) (Elem y3) ->
Seq $ lift3FT f firstx xs''FT lastx (y1, y2, y3)
RigidFull r@(Rigid s pr _m sf) -> Seq $
Deep (s * length xs)
(fmap (fmap (f firstx)) (nodeToDigit pr))
(aptyMiddle (fmap (f firstx)) (fmap (f lastx)) (lift_elem f) xs''FT r)
(fmap (fmap (f lastx)) (nodeToDigit sf))
lift_elem :: (a -> b -> c) -> a -> Elem b -> Elem c
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 708
lift_elem = coerce
lift_elem f x (Elem y) = Elem (f x y)
{-# NOINLINE [1] liftA2Seq #-}
data Rigidified a = RigidEmpty
| RigidOne a
| RigidTwo a a
| RigidThree a a a
| RigidFull (Rigid a)
#ifdef TESTING
deriving Show
data Rigid a = Rigid {-# UNPACK #-} !Int !(Digit23 a) (Thin (Node a)) !(Digit23 a)
#ifdef TESTING
deriving Show
data Thin a = EmptyTh
| SingleTh a
| DeepTh {-# UNPACK #-} !Int !(Digit12 a) (Thin (Node a)) !(Digit12 a)
#ifdef TESTING
deriving Show
data Digit12 a = One12 a | Two12 a a
#ifdef TESTING
deriving Show
type Digit23 a = Node a
:: (b -> c)
-> (b -> c)
-> (a -> b -> c)
-> FingerTree (Elem a)
-> Rigid b
-> FingerTree (Node c)
aptyMiddle firstf
(Rigid s pr (DeepTh sm prm mm sfm) sf)
= Deep (sm + s * (size fs + 1))
(fmap (fmap firstf) (digit12ToDigit prm))
(aptyMiddle (fmap firstf)
(fmap lastf)
(fmap . map23)
(Rigid s (squashL pr prm) mm (squashR sfm sf)))
(fmap (fmap lastf) (digit12ToDigit sfm))
aptyMiddle firstf
(Rigid s pr EmptyTh sf)
= deep
(One (fmap firstf sf))
(mapMulFT s (\(Elem f) -> fmap (fmap (map23 f)) converted) fs)
(One (fmap lastf pr))
where converted = node2 pr sf
aptyMiddle firstf
(Rigid s pr (SingleTh q) sf)
= deep
(Two (fmap firstf q) (fmap firstf sf))
(mapMulFT s (\(Elem f) -> fmap (fmap (map23 f)) converted) fs)
(Two (fmap lastf pr) (fmap lastf q))
where converted = node3 pr q sf
digit12ToDigit :: Digit12 a -> Digit a
digit12ToDigit (One12 a) = One a
digit12ToDigit (Two12 a b) = Two a b
squashL :: Digit23 a -> Digit12 (Node a) -> Digit23 (Node a)
squashL m (One12 n) = node2 m n
squashL m (Two12 n1 n2) = node3 m n1 n2
squashR :: Digit12 (Node a) -> Digit23 a -> Digit23 (Node a)
squashR (One12 n) m = node2 n m
squashR (Two12 n1 n2) m = node3 n1 n2 m
mapMulFT :: Int -> (a -> b) -> FingerTree a -> FingerTree b
mapMulFT _ _ EmptyT = EmptyT
mapMulFT _mul f (Single a) = Single (f a)
mapMulFT mul f (Deep s pr m sf) = Deep (mul * s) (fmap f pr) (mapMulFT mul (mapMulNode mul f) m) (fmap f sf)
mapMulNode :: Int -> (a -> b) -> Node a -> Node b
mapMulNode mul f (Node2 s a b) = Node2 (mul * s) (f a) (f b)
mapMulNode mul f (Node3 s a b c) = Node3 (mul * s) (f a) (f b) (f c)
rigidify :: FingerTree (Elem a) -> Rigidified (Elem a)
rigidify EmptyT = RigidEmpty
rigidify (Single q) = RigidOne q
rigidify (Deep s (Two a b) m sf) = rigidifyRight s (node2 a b) m sf
rigidify (Deep s (Three a b c) m sf) = rigidifyRight s (node3 a b c) m sf
rigidify (Deep s (Four a b c d) m sf) = rigidifyRight s (node2 a b) (node2 c d `consTree` m) sf
rigidify (Deep s (One a) m sf) = case viewLTree m of
ConsLTree (Node2 _ b c) m' -> rigidifyRight s (node3 a b c) m' sf
ConsLTree (Node3 _ b c d) m' -> rigidifyRight s (node2 a b) (node2 c d `consTree` m') sf
EmptyLTree -> case sf of
One b -> RigidTwo a b
Two b c -> RigidThree a b c
Three b c d -> RigidFull $ Rigid s (node2 a b) EmptyTh (node2 c d)
Four b c d e -> RigidFull $ Rigid s (node3 a b c) EmptyTh (node2 d e)
rigidifyRight :: Int -> Digit23 (Elem a) -> FingerTree (Node (Elem a)) -> Digit (Elem a) -> Rigidified (Elem a)
rigidifyRight s pr m (Two a b) = RigidFull $ Rigid s pr (thin m) (node2 a b)
rigidifyRight s pr m (Three a b c) = RigidFull $ Rigid s pr (thin m) (node3 a b c)
rigidifyRight s pr m (Four a b c d) = RigidFull $ Rigid s pr (thin $ m `snocTree` node2 a b) (node2 c d)
rigidifyRight s pr m (One e) = case viewRTree m of
SnocRTree m' (Node2 _ a b) -> RigidFull $ Rigid s pr (thin m') (node3 a b e)
SnocRTree m' (Node3 _ a b c) -> RigidFull $ Rigid s pr (thin $ m' `snocTree` node2 a b) (node2 c e)
EmptyRTree -> case pr of
Node2 _ a b -> RigidThree a b e
Node3 _ a b c -> RigidFull $ Rigid s (node2 a b) EmptyTh (node2 c e)
thin :: Sized a => FingerTree a -> Thin a
thin EmptyT = EmptyTh
thin (Single a) = SingleTh a
thin (Deep s pr m sf) =
case pr of
One a -> thin12 s (One12 a) m sf
Two a b -> thin12 s (Two12 a b) m sf
Three a b c -> thin12 s (One12 a) (node2 b c `consTree` m) sf
Four a b c d -> thin12 s (Two12 a b) (node2 c d `consTree` m) sf
thin12 :: Sized a => Int -> Digit12 a -> FingerTree (Node a) -> Digit a -> Thin a
thin12 s pr m (One a) = DeepTh s pr (thin m) (One12 a)
thin12 s pr m (Two a b) = DeepTh s pr (thin m) (Two12 a b)
thin12 s pr m (Three a b c) = DeepTh s pr (thin $ m `snocTree` node2 a b) (One12 c)
thin12 s pr m (Four a b c d) = DeepTh s pr (thin $ m `snocTree` node2 a b) (Two12 c d)
intersperse :: a -> Seq a -> Seq a
intersperse y xs = case viewl xs of
EmptyL -> empty
p :< ps -> p <| (ps <**> (const y <| singleton id))
instance MonadPlus Seq where
mzero = empty
mplus = (><)
instance Alternative Seq where
empty = empty
(<|>) = (><)
instance Eq a => Eq (Seq a) where
xs == ys = length xs == length ys && toList xs == toList ys
instance Ord a => Ord (Seq a) where
compare xs ys = compare (toList xs) (toList ys)
#ifdef TESTING
instance Show a => Show (Seq a) where
showsPrec p (Seq x) = showsPrec p x
instance Show a => Show (Seq a) where
showsPrec p xs = showParen (p > 10) $
showString "fromList " . shows (toList xs)
#if MIN_VERSION_base(4,9,0)
instance Show1 Seq where
liftShowsPrec _shwsPrc shwList p xs = showParen (p > 10) $
showString "fromList " . shwList (toList xs)
instance Eq1 Seq where
liftEq eq xs ys = length xs == length ys && liftEq eq (toList xs) (toList ys)
instance Ord1 Seq where
liftCompare cmp xs ys = liftCompare cmp (toList xs) (toList ys)
instance Read a => Read (Seq a) where
readPrec = parens $ prec 10 $ do
Ident "fromList" <- lexP
xs <- readPrec
return (fromList xs)
readListPrec = readListPrecDefault
readsPrec p = readParen (p > 10) $ \ r -> do
("fromList",s) <- lex r
(xs,t) <- reads s
return (fromList xs,t)
#if MIN_VERSION_base(4,9,0)
instance Read1 Seq where
liftReadsPrec _rp readLst p = readParen (p > 10) $ \r -> do
("fromList",s) <- lex r
(xs,t) <- readLst s
pure (fromList xs, t)
instance Monoid (Seq a) where
mempty = empty
mappend = (><)
#if MIN_VERSION_base(4,9,0)
instance Semigroup.Semigroup (Seq a) where
(<>) = (><)
instance Data a => Data (Seq a) where
gfoldl f z s = case viewl s of
EmptyL -> z empty
x :< xs -> z (<|) `f` x `f` xs
gunfold k z c = case constrIndex c of
1 -> z empty
2 -> k (k (z (<|)))
_ -> error "gunfold"
toConstr xs
| null xs = emptyConstr
| otherwise = consConstr
dataTypeOf _ = seqDataType
dataCast1 f = gcast1 f
emptyConstr, consConstr :: Constr
emptyConstr = mkConstr seqDataType "empty" [] Prefix
consConstr = mkConstr seqDataType "<|" [] Infix
seqDataType :: DataType
seqDataType = mkDataType "Data.Sequence.Seq" [emptyConstr, consConstr]
data FingerTree a
= EmptyT
| Single a
| Deep {-# UNPACK #-} !Int !(Digit a) (FingerTree (Node a)) !(Digit a)
#ifdef TESTING
deriving Show
instance Sized a => Sized (FingerTree a) where
{-# SPECIALIZE instance Sized (FingerTree (Elem a)) #-}
{-# SPECIALIZE instance Sized (FingerTree (Node a)) #-}
size EmptyT = 0
size (Single x) = size x
size (Deep v _ _ _) = v
instance Foldable FingerTree where
foldMap _ EmptyT = mempty
foldMap f (Single x) = f x
foldMap f (Deep _ pr m sf) =
foldMap f pr <> foldMap (foldMap f) m <> foldMap f sf
foldr _ z EmptyT = z
foldr f z (Single x) = x `f` z
foldr f z (Deep _ pr m sf) =
foldr f (foldr (flip (foldr f)) (foldr f z sf) m) pr
foldl _ z EmptyT = z
foldl f z (Single x) = z `f` x
foldl f z (Deep _ pr m sf) =
foldl f (foldl (foldl f) (foldl f z pr) m) sf
#if MIN_VERSION_base(4,6,0)
foldr' _ z EmptyT = z
foldr' f z (Single x) = f x z
foldr' f z (Deep _ pr m sf) = foldr' f mres pr
where !sfRes = foldr' f z sf
!mres = foldr' (flip (foldr' f)) sfRes m
foldl' _ z EmptyT = z
foldl' f z (Single x) = z `f` x
foldl' f z (Deep _ pr m sf) = foldl' f mres sf
where !prRes = foldl' f z pr
!mres = foldl' (foldl' f) prRes m
foldr1 _ EmptyT = error "foldr1: empty sequence"
foldr1 _ (Single x) = x
foldr1 f (Deep _ pr m sf) =
foldr f (foldr (flip (foldr f)) (foldr1 f sf) m) pr
foldl1 _ EmptyT = error "foldl1: empty sequence"
foldl1 _ (Single x) = x
foldl1 f (Deep _ pr m sf) =
foldl f (foldl (foldl f) (foldl1 f pr) m) sf
instance Functor FingerTree where
fmap _ EmptyT = EmptyT
fmap f (Single x) = Single (f x)
fmap f (Deep v pr m sf) =
Deep v (fmap f pr) (fmap (fmap f) m) (fmap f sf)
instance Traversable FingerTree where
traverse _ EmptyT = pure EmptyT
traverse f (Single x) = Single <$> f x
traverse f (Deep v pr m sf) =
liftA3 (Deep v) (traverse f pr) (traverse (traverse f) m)
(traverse f sf)
instance NFData a => NFData (FingerTree a) where
rnf EmptyT = ()
rnf (Single x) = rnf x
rnf (Deep _ pr m sf) = rnf pr `seq` rnf sf `seq` rnf m
{-# INLINE deep #-}
deep :: Sized a => Digit a -> FingerTree (Node a) -> Digit a -> FingerTree a
deep pr m sf = Deep (size pr + size m + size sf) pr m sf
{-# INLINE pullL #-}
pullL :: Int -> FingerTree (Node a) -> Digit a -> FingerTree a
pullL s m sf = case viewLTree m of
EmptyLTree -> digitToTree' s sf
ConsLTree pr m' -> Deep s (nodeToDigit pr) m' sf
{-# INLINE pullR #-}
pullR :: Int -> Digit a -> FingerTree (Node a) -> FingerTree a
pullR s pr m = case viewRTree m of
EmptyRTree -> digitToTree' s pr
SnocRTree m' sf -> Deep s pr m' (nodeToDigit sf)
data Digit a
= One a
| Two a a
| Three a a a
| Four a a a a
#ifdef TESTING
deriving Show
instance Foldable Digit where
foldMap f (One a) = f a
foldMap f (Two a b) = f a <> f b
foldMap f (Three a b c) = f a <> f b <> f c
foldMap f (Four a b c d) = f a <> f b <> f c <> f d
foldr f z (One a) = a `f` z
foldr f z (Two a b) = a `f` (b `f` z)
foldr f z (Three a b c) = a `f` (b `f` (c `f` z))
foldr f z (Four a b c d) = a `f` (b `f` (c `f` (d `f` z)))
foldl f z (One a) = z `f` a
foldl f z (Two a b) = (z `f` a) `f` b
foldl f z (Three a b c) = ((z `f` a) `f` b) `f` c
foldl f z (Four a b c d) = (((z `f` a) `f` b) `f` c) `f` d
#if MIN_VERSION_base(4,6,0)
foldr' f z (One a) = a `f` z
foldr' f z (Two a b) = f a $! f b z
foldr' f z (Three a b c) = f a $! f b $! f c z
foldr' f z (Four a b c d) = f a $! f b $! f c $! f d z
foldl' f z (One a) = f z a
foldl' f z (Two a b) = (f $! f z a) b
foldl' f z (Three a b c) = (f $! (f $! f z a) b) c
foldl' f z (Four a b c d) = (f $! (f $! (f $! f z a) b) c) d
foldr1 _ (One a) = a
foldr1 f (Two a b) = a `f` b
foldr1 f (Three a b c) = a `f` (b `f` c)
foldr1 f (Four a b c d) = a `f` (b `f` (c `f` d))
foldl1 _ (One a) = a
foldl1 f (Two a b) = a `f` b
foldl1 f (Three a b c) = (a `f` b) `f` c
foldl1 f (Four a b c d) = ((a `f` b) `f` c) `f` d
instance Functor Digit where
{-# INLINE fmap #-}
fmap f (One a) = One (f a)
fmap f (Two a b) = Two (f a) (f b)
fmap f (Three a b c) = Three (f a) (f b) (f c)
fmap f (Four a b c d) = Four (f a) (f b) (f c) (f d)
instance Traversable Digit where
{-# INLINE traverse #-}
traverse f (One a) = One <$> f a
traverse f (Two a b) = liftA2 Two (f a) (f b)
traverse f (Three a b c) = liftA3 Three (f a) (f b) (f c)
traverse f (Four a b c d) = liftA3 Four (f a) (f b) (f c) <*> f d
instance NFData a => NFData (Digit a) where
rnf (One a) = rnf a
rnf (Two a b) = rnf a `seq` rnf b
rnf (Three a b c) = rnf a `seq` rnf b `seq` rnf c
rnf (Four a b c d) = rnf a `seq` rnf b `seq` rnf c `seq` rnf d
instance Sized a => Sized (Digit a) where
{-# INLINE size #-}
size = foldl1 (+) . fmap size
{-# SPECIALIZE digitToTree :: Digit (Elem a) -> FingerTree (Elem a) #-}
{-# SPECIALIZE digitToTree :: Digit (Node a) -> FingerTree (Node a) #-}
digitToTree :: Sized a => Digit a -> FingerTree a
digitToTree (One a) = Single a
digitToTree (Two a b) = deep (One a) EmptyT (One b)
digitToTree (Three a b c) = deep (Two a b) EmptyT (One c)
digitToTree (Four a b c d) = deep (Two a b) EmptyT (Two c d)
digitToTree' :: Int -> Digit a -> FingerTree a
digitToTree' n (Four a b c d) = Deep n (Two a b) EmptyT (Two c d)
digitToTree' n (Three a b c) = Deep n (Two a b) EmptyT (One c)
digitToTree' n (Two a b) = Deep n (One a) EmptyT (One b)
digitToTree' !_n (One a) = Single a
data Node a
= Node2 {-# UNPACK #-} !Int a a
| Node3 {-# UNPACK #-} !Int a a a
#ifdef TESTING
deriving Show
instance Foldable Node where
foldMap f (Node2 _ a b) = f a <> f b
foldMap f (Node3 _ a b c) = f a <> f b <> f c
foldr f z (Node2 _ a b) = a `f` (b `f` z)
foldr f z (Node3 _ a b c) = a `f` (b `f` (c `f` z))
foldl f z (Node2 _ a b) = (z `f` a) `f` b
foldl f z (Node3 _ a b c) = ((z `f` a) `f` b) `f` c
#if MIN_VERSION_base(4,6,0)
foldr' f z (Node2 _ a b) = f a $! f b z
foldr' f z (Node3 _ a b c) = f a $! f b $! f c z
foldl' f z (Node2 _ a b) = (f $! f z a) b
foldl' f z (Node3 _ a b c) = (f $! (f $! f z a) b) c
instance Functor Node where
{-# INLINE fmap #-}
fmap f (Node2 v a b) = Node2 v (f a) (f b)
fmap f (Node3 v a b c) = Node3 v (f a) (f b) (f c)
instance Traversable Node where
{-# INLINE traverse #-}
traverse f (Node2 v a b) = liftA2 (Node2 v) (f a) (f b)
traverse f (Node3 v a b c) = liftA3 (Node3 v) (f a) (f b) (f c)
instance NFData a => NFData (Node a) where
rnf (Node2 _ a b) = rnf a `seq` rnf b
rnf (Node3 _ a b c) = rnf a `seq` rnf b `seq` rnf c
instance Sized (Node a) where
size (Node2 v _ _) = v
size (Node3 v _ _ _) = v
{-# INLINE node2 #-}
node2 :: Sized a => a -> a -> Node a
node2 a b = Node2 (size a + size b) a b
{-# INLINE node3 #-}
node3 :: Sized a => a -> a -> a -> Node a
node3 a b c = Node3 (size a + size b + size c) a b c
nodeToDigit :: Node a -> Digit a
nodeToDigit (Node2 _ a b) = Two a b
nodeToDigit (Node3 _ a b c) = Three a b c
newtype Elem a = Elem { getElem :: a }
#ifdef TESTING
deriving Show
instance Sized (Elem a) where
size _ = 1
instance Functor Elem where
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 708
fmap = coerce
fmap f (Elem x) = Elem (f x)
instance Foldable Elem where
foldr f z (Elem x) = f x z
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 708
foldMap = coerce
foldl = coerce
foldl' = coerce
foldMap f (Elem x) = f x
foldl f z (Elem x) = f z x
#if MIN_VERSION_base(4,6,0)
foldl' f z (Elem x) = f z x
instance Traversable Elem where
traverse f (Elem x) = Elem <$> f x
instance NFData a => NFData (Elem a) where
rnf (Elem x) = rnf x
#if !MIN_VERSION_base(4,8,0)
newtype Identity a = Identity {runIdentity :: a}
instance Functor Identity where
fmap f (Identity x) = Identity (f x)
instance Applicative Identity where
pure = Identity
Identity f <*> Identity x = Identity (f x)
newtype State s a = State {runState :: s -> (s, a)}
instance Functor (State s) where
fmap = liftA
instance Monad (State s) where
{-# INLINE return #-}
{-# INLINE (>>=) #-}
return = pure
m >>= k = State $ \ s -> case runState m s of
(s', x) -> runState (k x) s'
instance Applicative (State s) where
{-# INLINE pure #-}
pure x = State $ \ s -> (s, x)
(<*>) = ap
execState :: State s a -> s -> a
execState m x = snd (runState m x)
{-# SPECIALIZE applicativeTree :: Int -> Int -> State s a -> State s (FingerTree a) #-}
{-# SPECIALIZE applicativeTree :: Int -> Int -> Identity a -> Identity (FingerTree a) #-}
applicativeTree :: Applicative f => Int -> Int -> f a -> f (FingerTree a)
applicativeTree n !mSize m = case n of
0 -> pure EmptyT
1 -> fmap Single m
2 -> deepA one emptyTree one
3 -> deepA two emptyTree one
4 -> deepA two emptyTree two
5 -> deepA three emptyTree two
6 -> deepA three emptyTree three
_ -> case n `quotRem` 3 of
(q,0) -> deepA three (applicativeTree (q - 2) mSize' n3) three
(q,1) -> deepA two (applicativeTree (q - 1) mSize' n3) two
(q,_) -> deepA three (applicativeTree (q - 1) mSize' n3) two
where !mSize' = 3 * mSize
n3 = liftA3 (Node3 mSize') m m m
one = fmap One m
two = liftA2 Two m m
three = liftA3 Three m m m
deepA = liftA3 (Deep (n * mSize))
emptyTree = pure EmptyT
empty :: Seq a
empty = Seq EmptyT
singleton :: a -> Seq a
singleton x = Seq (Single (Elem x))
replicate :: Int -> a -> Seq a
replicate n x
| n >= 0 = runIdentity (replicateA n (Identity x))
| otherwise = error "replicate takes a nonnegative integer argument"
replicateA :: Applicative f => Int -> f a -> f (Seq a)
replicateA n x
| n >= 0 = Seq <$> applicativeTree n 1 (Elem <$> x)
| otherwise = error "replicateA takes a nonnegative integer argument"
replicateM :: Monad m => Int -> m a -> m (Seq a)
replicateM n x
| n >= 0 = unwrapMonad (replicateA n (WrapMonad x))
| otherwise = error "replicateM takes a nonnegative integer argument"
cycleTaking :: Int -> Seq a -> Seq a
cycleTaking n !_xs | n <= 0 = empty
cycleTaking _n xs | null xs = error "cycleTaking cannot take a positive number of elements from an empty cycle."
cycleTaking n xs = cycleNTimes reps xs >< take final xs
(reps, final) = n `quotRem` length xs
cycleNTimes :: Int -> Seq a -> Seq a
cycleNTimes n !xs
| n <= 0 = empty
| n == 1 = xs
cycleNTimes n (Seq xsFT) = case rigidify xsFT of
RigidEmpty -> empty
RigidOne (Elem x) -> replicate n x
RigidTwo x1 x2 -> Seq $
Deep (n*2) pair
(runIdentity $ applicativeTree (n-2) 2 (Identity (node2 x1 x2)))
where pair = Two x1 x2
RigidThree x1 x2 x3 -> Seq $
Deep (n*3) triple
(runIdentity $ applicativeTree (n-2) 3 (Identity (node3 x1 x2 x3)))
where triple = Three x1 x2 x3
RigidFull r@(Rigid s pr _m sf) -> Seq $
Deep (n*s)
(nodeToDigit pr)
(cycleNMiddle (n-2) r)
(nodeToDigit sf)
:: Int
-> Rigid c
-> FingerTree (Node c)
cycleNMiddle !n
(Rigid s pr (DeepTh sm prm mm sfm) sf)
= Deep (sm + s * (n + 1))
(digit12ToDigit prm)
(cycleNMiddle n
(Rigid s (squashL pr prm) mm (squashR sfm sf)))
(digit12ToDigit sfm)
cycleNMiddle n
(Rigid s pr EmptyTh sf)
= deep
(One sf)
(runIdentity $ applicativeTree n s (Identity converted))
(One pr)
where converted = node2 pr sf
cycleNMiddle n
(Rigid s pr (SingleTh q) sf)
= deep
(Two q sf)
(runIdentity $ applicativeTree n s (Identity converted))
(Two pr q)
where converted = node3 pr q sf
(<|) :: a -> Seq a -> Seq a
x <| Seq xs = Seq (Elem x `consTree` xs)
{-# SPECIALIZE consTree :: Elem a -> FingerTree (Elem a) -> FingerTree (Elem a) #-}
{-# SPECIALIZE consTree :: Node a -> FingerTree (Node a) -> FingerTree (Node a) #-}
consTree :: Sized a => a -> FingerTree a -> FingerTree a
consTree a EmptyT = Single a
consTree a (Single b) = deep (One a) EmptyT (One b)
consTree a (Deep s (Four b c d e) m sf) = m `seq`
Deep (size a + s) (Two a b) (node3 c d e `consTree` m) sf
consTree a (Deep s (Three b c d) m sf) =
Deep (size a + s) (Four a b c d) m sf
consTree a (Deep s (Two b c) m sf) =
Deep (size a + s) (Three a b c) m sf
consTree a (Deep s (One b) m sf) =
Deep (size a + s) (Two a b) m sf
cons' :: a -> Seq a -> Seq a
cons' x (Seq xs) = Seq (Elem x `consTree'` xs)
snoc' :: Seq a -> a -> Seq a
snoc' (Seq xs) x = Seq (xs `snocTree'` Elem x)
{-# SPECIALIZE consTree' :: Elem a -> FingerTree (Elem a) -> FingerTree (Elem a) #-}
{-# SPECIALIZE consTree' :: Node a -> FingerTree (Node a) -> FingerTree (Node a) #-}
consTree' :: Sized a => a -> FingerTree a -> FingerTree a
consTree' a EmptyT = Single a
consTree' a (Single b) = deep (One a) EmptyT (One b)
consTree' a (Deep s (Four b c d e) m sf) =
Deep (size a + s) (Two a b) m' sf
where !m' = abc `consTree'` m
!abc = node3 c d e
consTree' a (Deep s (Three b c d) m sf) =
Deep (size a + s) (Four a b c d) m sf
consTree' a (Deep s (Two b c) m sf) =
Deep (size a + s) (Three a b c) m sf
consTree' a (Deep s (One b) m sf) =
Deep (size a + s) (Two a b) m sf
(|>) :: Seq a -> a -> Seq a
Seq xs |> x = Seq (xs `snocTree` Elem x)
{-# SPECIALIZE snocTree :: FingerTree (Elem a) -> Elem a -> FingerTree (Elem a) #-}
{-# SPECIALIZE snocTree :: FingerTree (Node a) -> Node a -> FingerTree (Node a) #-}
snocTree :: Sized a => FingerTree a -> a -> FingerTree a
snocTree EmptyT a = Single a
snocTree (Single a) b = deep (One a) EmptyT (One b)
snocTree (Deep s pr m (Four a b c d)) e = m `seq`
Deep (s + size e) pr (m `snocTree` node3 a b c) (Two d e)
snocTree (Deep s pr m (Three a b c)) d =
Deep (s + size d) pr m (Four a b c d)
snocTree (Deep s pr m (Two a b)) c =
Deep (s + size c) pr m (Three a b c)
snocTree (Deep s pr m (One a)) b =
Deep (s + size b) pr m (Two a b)
{-# SPECIALIZE snocTree' :: FingerTree (Elem a) -> Elem a -> FingerTree (Elem a) #-}
{-# SPECIALIZE snocTree' :: FingerTree (Node a) -> Node a -> FingerTree (Node a) #-}
snocTree' :: Sized a => FingerTree a -> a -> FingerTree a
snocTree' EmptyT a = Single a
snocTree' (Single a) b = deep (One a) EmptyT (One b)
snocTree' (Deep s pr m (Four a b c d)) e =
Deep (s + size e) pr m' (Two d e)
where !m' = m `snocTree'` abc
!abc = node3 a b c
snocTree' (Deep s pr m (Three a b c)) d =
Deep (s + size d) pr m (Four a b c d)
snocTree' (Deep s pr m (Two a b)) c =
Deep (s + size c) pr m (Three a b c)
snocTree' (Deep s pr m (One a)) b =
Deep (s + size b) pr m (Two a b)
(><) :: Seq a -> Seq a -> Seq a
Seq xs >< Seq ys = Seq (appendTree0 xs ys)
appendTree0 :: FingerTree (Elem a) -> FingerTree (Elem a) -> FingerTree (Elem a)
appendTree0 EmptyT xs =
appendTree0 xs EmptyT =
appendTree0 (Single x) xs =
x `consTree` xs
appendTree0 xs (Single x) =
xs `snocTree` x
appendTree0 (Deep s1 pr1 m1 sf1) (Deep s2 pr2 m2 sf2) =
Deep (s1 + s2) pr1 m sf2
where !m = addDigits0 m1 sf1 pr2 m2
addDigits0 :: FingerTree (Node (Elem a)) -> Digit (Elem a) -> Digit (Elem a) -> FingerTree (Node (Elem a)) -> FingerTree (Node (Elem a))
addDigits0 m1 (One a) (One b) m2 =
appendTree1 m1 (node2 a b) m2
addDigits0 m1 (One a) (Two b c) m2 =
appendTree1 m1 (node3 a b c) m2
addDigits0 m1 (One a) (Three b c d) m2 =
appendTree2 m1 (node2 a b) (node2 c d) m2
addDigits0 m1 (One a) (Four b c d e) m2 =
appendTree2 m1 (node3 a b c) (node2 d e) m2
addDigits0 m1 (Two a b) (One c) m2 =
appendTree1 m1 (node3 a b c) m2
addDigits0 m1 (Two a b) (Two c d) m2 =
appendTree2 m1 (node2 a b) (node2 c d) m2
addDigits0 m1 (Two a b) (Three c d e) m2 =
appendTree2 m1 (node3 a b c) (node2 d e) m2
addDigits0 m1 (Two a b) (Four c d e f) m2 =
appendTree2 m1 (node3 a b c) (node3 d e f) m2
addDigits0 m1 (Three a b c) (One d) m2 =
appendTree2 m1 (node2 a b) (node2 c d) m2
addDigits0 m1 (Three a b c) (Two d e) m2 =
appendTree2 m1 (node3 a b c) (node2 d e) m2
addDigits0 m1 (Three a b c) (Three d e f) m2 =
appendTree2 m1 (node3 a b c) (node3 d e f) m2
addDigits0 m1 (Three a b c) (Four d e f g) m2 =
appendTree3 m1 (node3 a b c) (node2 d e) (node2 f g) m2
addDigits0 m1 (Four a b c d) (One e) m2 =
appendTree2 m1 (node3 a b c) (node2 d e) m2
addDigits0 m1 (Four a b c d) (Two e f) m2 =
appendTree2 m1 (node3 a b c) (node3 d e f) m2
addDigits0 m1 (Four a b c d) (Three e f g) m2 =
appendTree3 m1 (node3 a b c) (node2 d e) (node2 f g) m2
addDigits0 m1 (Four a b c d) (Four e f g h) m2 =
appendTree3 m1 (node3 a b c) (node3 d e f) (node2 g h) m2
appendTree1 :: FingerTree (Node a) -> Node a -> FingerTree (Node a) -> FingerTree (Node a)
appendTree1 EmptyT !a xs =
a `consTree` xs
appendTree1 xs !a EmptyT =
xs `snocTree` a
appendTree1 (Single x) !a xs =
x `consTree` a `consTree` xs
appendTree1 xs !a (Single x) =
xs `snocTree` a `snocTree` x
appendTree1 (Deep s1 pr1 m1 sf1) a (Deep s2 pr2 m2 sf2) =
Deep (s1 + size a + s2) pr1 m sf2
where !m = addDigits1 m1 sf1 a pr2 m2
addDigits1 :: FingerTree (Node (Node a)) -> Digit (Node a) -> Node a -> Digit (Node a) -> FingerTree (Node (Node a)) -> FingerTree (Node (Node a))
addDigits1 m1 (One a) b (One c) m2 =
appendTree1 m1 (node3 a b c) m2
addDigits1 m1 (One a) b (Two c d) m2 =
appendTree2 m1 (node2 a b) (node2 c d) m2
addDigits1 m1 (One a) b (Three c d e) m2 =
appendTree2 m1 (node3 a b c) (node2 d e) m2
addDigits1 m1 (One a) b (Four c d e f) m2 =
appendTree2 m1 (node3 a b c) (node3 d e f) m2
addDigits1 m1 (Two a b) c (One d) m2 =
appendTree2 m1 (node2 a b) (node2 c d) m2
addDigits1 m1 (Two a b) c (Two d e) m2 =
appendTree2 m1 (node3 a b c) (node2 d e) m2
addDigits1 m1 (Two a b) c (Three d e f) m2 =
appendTree2 m1 (node3 a b c) (node3 d e f) m2
addDigits1 m1 (Two a b) c (Four d e f g) m2 =
appendTree3 m1 (node3 a b c) (node2 d e) (node2 f g) m2
addDigits1 m1 (Three a b c) d (One e) m2 =
appendTree2 m1 (node3 a b c) (node2 d e) m2
addDigits1 m1 (Three a b c) d (Two e f) m2 =
appendTree2 m1 (node3 a b c) (node3 d e f) m2
addDigits1 m1 (Three a b c) d (Three e f g) m2 =
appendTree3 m1 (node3 a b c) (node2 d e) (node2 f g) m2
addDigits1 m1 (Three a b c) d (Four e f g h) m2 =
appendTree3 m1 (node3 a b c) (node3 d e f) (node2 g h) m2
addDigits1 m1 (Four a b c d) e (One f) m2 =
appendTree2 m1 (node3 a b c) (node3 d e f) m2
addDigits1 m1 (Four a b c d) e (Two f g) m2 =
appendTree3 m1 (node3 a b c) (node2 d e) (node2 f g) m2
addDigits1 m1 (Four a b c d) e (Three f g h) m2 =
appendTree3 m1 (node3 a b c) (node3 d e f) (node2 g h) m2
addDigits1 m1 (Four a b c d) e (Four f g h i) m2 =
appendTree3 m1 (node3 a b c) (node3 d e f) (node3 g h i) m2
appendTree2 :: FingerTree (Node a) -> Node a -> Node a -> FingerTree (Node a) -> FingerTree (Node a)
appendTree2 EmptyT !a !b xs =
a `consTree` b `consTree` xs
appendTree2 xs !a !b EmptyT =
xs `snocTree` a `snocTree` b
appendTree2 (Single x) a b xs =
x `consTree` a `consTree` b `consTree` xs
appendTree2 xs a b (Single x) =
xs `snocTree` a `snocTree` b `snocTree` x
appendTree2 (Deep s1 pr1 m1 sf1) a b (Deep s2 pr2 m2 sf2) =
Deep (s1 + size a + size b + s2) pr1 m sf2
where !m = addDigits2 m1 sf1 a b pr2 m2
addDigits2 :: FingerTree (Node (Node a)) -> Digit (Node a) -> Node a -> Node a -> Digit (Node a) -> FingerTree (Node (Node a)) -> FingerTree (Node (Node a))
addDigits2 m1 (One a) b c (One d) m2 =
appendTree2 m1 (node2 a b) (node2 c d) m2
addDigits2 m1 (One a) b c (Two d e) m2 =
appendTree2 m1 (node3 a b c) (node2 d e) m2
addDigits2 m1 (One a) b c (Three d e f) m2 =
appendTree2 m1 (node3 a b c) (node3 d e f) m2
addDigits2 m1 (One a) b c (Four d e f g) m2 =
appendTree3 m1 (node3 a b c) (node2 d e) (node2 f g) m2
addDigits2 m1 (Two a b) c d (One e) m2 =
appendTree2 m1 (node3 a b c) (node2 d e) m2
addDigits2 m1 (Two a b) c d (Two e f) m2 =
appendTree2 m1 (node3 a b c) (node3 d e f) m2
addDigits2 m1 (Two a b) c d (Three e f g) m2 =
appendTree3 m1 (node3 a b c) (node2 d e) (node2 f g) m2
addDigits2 m1 (Two a b) c d (Four e f g h) m2 =
appendTree3 m1 (node3 a b c) (node3 d e f) (node2 g h) m2
addDigits2 m1 (Three a b c) d e (One f) m2 =
appendTree2 m1 (node3 a b c) (node3 d e f) m2
addDigits2 m1 (Three a b c) d e (Two f g) m2 =
appendTree3 m1 (node3 a b c) (node2 d e) (node2 f g) m2
addDigits2 m1 (Three a b c) d e (Three f g h) m2 =
appendTree3 m1 (node3 a b c) (node3 d e f) (node2 g h) m2
addDigits2 m1 (Three a b c) d e (Four f g h i) m2 =
appendTree3 m1 (node3 a b c) (node3 d e f) (node3 g h i) m2
addDigits2 m1 (Four a b c d) e f (One g) m2 =
appendTree3 m1 (node3 a b c) (node2 d e) (node2 f g) m2
addDigits2 m1 (Four a b c d) e f (Two g h) m2 =
appendTree3 m1 (node3 a b c) (node3 d e f) (node2 g h) m2
addDigits2 m1 (Four a b c d) e f (Three g h i) m2 =
appendTree3 m1 (node3 a b c) (node3 d e f) (node3 g h i) m2
addDigits2 m1 (Four a b c d) e f (Four g h i j) m2 =
appendTree4 m1 (node3 a b c) (node3 d e f) (node2 g h) (node2 i j) m2
appendTree3 :: FingerTree (Node a) -> Node a -> Node a -> Node a -> FingerTree (Node a) -> FingerTree (Node a)
appendTree3 EmptyT !a !b !c xs =
a `consTree` b `consTree` c `consTree` xs
appendTree3 xs !a !b !c EmptyT =
xs `snocTree` a `snocTree` b `snocTree` c
appendTree3 (Single x) a b c xs =
x `consTree` a `consTree` b `consTree` c `consTree` xs
appendTree3 xs a b c (Single x) =
xs `snocTree` a `snocTree` b `snocTree` c `snocTree` x
appendTree3 (Deep s1 pr1 m1 sf1) a b c (Deep s2 pr2 m2 sf2) =
Deep (s1 + size a + size b + size c + s2) pr1 m sf2
where !m = addDigits3 m1 sf1 a b c pr2 m2
addDigits3 :: FingerTree (Node (Node a)) -> Digit (Node a) -> Node a -> Node a -> Node a -> Digit (Node a) -> FingerTree (Node (Node a)) -> FingerTree (Node (Node a))
addDigits3 m1 (One a) !b !c !d (One e) m2 =
appendTree2 m1 (node3 a b c) (node2 d e) m2
addDigits3 m1 (One a) b c d (Two e f) m2 =
appendTree2 m1 (node3 a b c) (node3 d e f) m2
addDigits3 m1 (One a) b c d (Three e f g) m2 =
appendTree3 m1 (node3 a b c) (node2 d e) (node2 f g) m2
addDigits3 m1 (One a) b c d (Four e f g h) m2 =
appendTree3 m1 (node3 a b c) (node3 d e f) (node2 g h) m2
addDigits3 m1 (Two a b) !c !d !e (One f) m2 =
appendTree2 m1 (node3 a b c) (node3 d e f) m2
addDigits3 m1 (Two a b) c d e (Two f g) m2 =
appendTree3 m1 (node3 a b c) (node2 d e) (node2 f g) m2
addDigits3 m1 (Two a b) c d e (Three f g h) m2 =
appendTree3 m1 (node3 a b c) (node3 d e f) (node2 g h) m2
addDigits3 m1 (Two a b) c d e (Four f g h i) m2 =
appendTree3 m1 (node3 a b c) (node3 d e f) (node3 g h i) m2
addDigits3 m1 (Three a b c) !d !e !f (One g) m2 =
appendTree3 m1 (node3 a b c) (node2 d e) (node2 f g) m2
addDigits3 m1 (Three a b c) d e f (Two g h) m2 =
appendTree3 m1 (node3 a b c) (node3 d e f) (node2 g h) m2
addDigits3 m1 (Three a b c) d e f (Three g h i) m2 =
appendTree3 m1 (node3 a b c) (node3 d e f) (node3 g h i) m2
addDigits3 m1 (Three a b c) d e f (Four g h i j) m2 =
appendTree4 m1 (node3 a b c) (node3 d e f) (node2 g h) (node2 i j) m2
addDigits3 m1 (Four a b c d) !e !f !g (One h) m2 =
appendTree3 m1 (node3 a b c) (node3 d e f) (node2 g h) m2
addDigits3 m1 (Four a b c d) e f g (Two h i) m2 =
appendTree3 m1 (node3 a b c) (node3 d e f) (node3 g h i) m2
addDigits3 m1 (Four a b c d) e f g (Three h i j) m2 =
appendTree4 m1 (node3 a b c) (node3 d e f) (node2 g h) (node2 i j) m2
addDigits3 m1 (Four a b c d) e f g (Four h i j k) m2 =
appendTree4 m1 (node3 a b c) (node3 d e f) (node3 g h i) (node2 j k) m2
appendTree4 :: FingerTree (Node a) -> Node a -> Node a -> Node a -> Node a -> FingerTree (Node a) -> FingerTree (Node a)
appendTree4 EmptyT !a !b !c !d xs =
a `consTree` b `consTree` c `consTree` d `consTree` xs
appendTree4 xs !a !b !c !d EmptyT =
xs `snocTree` a `snocTree` b `snocTree` c `snocTree` d
appendTree4 (Single x) a b c d xs =
x `consTree` a `consTree` b `consTree` c `consTree` d `consTree` xs
appendTree4 xs a b c d (Single x) =
xs `snocTree` a `snocTree` b `snocTree` c `snocTree` d `snocTree` x
appendTree4 (Deep s1 pr1 m1 sf1) a b c d (Deep s2 pr2 m2 sf2) =
Deep (s1 + size a + size b + size c + size d + s2) pr1 m sf2
where !m = addDigits4 m1 sf1 a b c d pr2 m2
addDigits4 :: FingerTree (Node (Node a)) -> Digit (Node a) -> Node a -> Node a -> Node a -> Node a -> Digit (Node a) -> FingerTree (Node (Node a)) -> FingerTree (Node (Node a))
addDigits4 m1 (One a) !b !c !d !e (One f) m2 =
appendTree2 m1 (node3 a b c) (node3 d e f) m2
addDigits4 m1 (One a) b c d e (Two f g) m2 =
appendTree3 m1 (node3 a b c) (node2 d e) (node2 f g) m2
addDigits4 m1 (One a) b c d e (Three f g h) m2 =
appendTree3 m1 (node3 a b c) (node3 d e f) (node2 g h) m2
addDigits4 m1 (One a) b c d e (Four f g h i) m2 =
appendTree3 m1 (node3 a b c) (node3 d e f) (node3 g h i) m2
addDigits4 m1 (Two a b) !c !d !e !f (One g) m2 =
appendTree3 m1 (node3 a b c) (node2 d e) (node2 f g) m2
addDigits4 m1 (Two a b) c d e f (Two g h) m2 =
appendTree3 m1 (node3 a b c) (node3 d e f) (node2 g h) m2
addDigits4 m1 (Two a b) c d e f (Three g h i) m2 =
appendTree3 m1 (node3 a b c) (node3 d e f) (node3 g h i) m2
addDigits4 m1 (Two a b) c d e f (Four g h i j) m2 =
appendTree4 m1 (node3 a b c) (node3 d e f) (node2 g h) (node2 i j) m2
addDigits4 m1 (Three a b c) !d !e !f !g (One h) m2 =
appendTree3 m1 (node3 a b c) (node3 d e f) (node2 g h) m2
addDigits4 m1 (Three a b c) d e f g (Two h i) m2 =
appendTree3 m1 (node3 a b c) (node3 d e f) (node3 g h i) m2
addDigits4 m1 (Three a b c) d e f g (Three h i j) m2 =
appendTree4 m1 (node3 a b c) (node3 d e f) (node2 g h) (node2 i j) m2
addDigits4 m1 (Three a b c) d e f g (Four h i j k) m2 =
appendTree4 m1 (node3 a b c) (node3 d e f) (node3 g h i) (node2 j k) m2
addDigits4 m1 (Four a b c d) !e !f !g !h (One i) m2 =
appendTree3 m1 (node3 a b c) (node3 d e f) (node3 g h i) m2
addDigits4 m1 (Four a b c d) !e !f !g !h (Two i j) m2 =
appendTree4 m1 (node3 a b c) (node3 d e f) (node2 g h) (node2 i j) m2
addDigits4 m1 (Four a b c d) !e !f !g !h (Three i j k) m2 =
appendTree4 m1 (node3 a b c) (node3 d e f) (node3 g h i) (node2 j k) m2
addDigits4 m1 (Four a b c d) !e !f !g !h (Four i j k l) m2 =
appendTree4 m1 (node3 a b c) (node3 d e f) (node3 g h i) (node3 j k l) m2
unfoldr :: (b -> Maybe (a, b)) -> b -> Seq a
unfoldr f = unfoldr' empty
where unfoldr' !as b = maybe as (\ (a, b') -> unfoldr' (as `snoc'` a) b') (f b)
unfoldl :: (b -> Maybe (b, a)) -> b -> Seq a
unfoldl f = unfoldl' empty
where unfoldl' !as b = maybe as (\ (b', a) -> unfoldl' (a `cons'` as) b') (f b)
iterateN :: Int -> (a -> a) -> a -> Seq a
iterateN n f x
| n >= 0 = replicateA n (State (\ y -> (f y, y))) `execState` x
| otherwise = error "iterateN takes a nonnegative integer argument"
null :: Seq a -> Bool
null (Seq EmptyT) = True
null _ = False
length :: Seq a -> Int
length (Seq xs) = size xs
data ViewLTree a = ConsLTree a (FingerTree a) | EmptyLTree
data ViewRTree a = SnocRTree (FingerTree a) a | EmptyRTree
data ViewL a
= EmptyL
| a :< Seq a
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Read)
deriving instance Data a => Data (ViewL a)
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 706
deriving instance Generic1 ViewL
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 702
deriving instance Generic (ViewL a)
instance Functor ViewL where
{-# INLINE fmap #-}
fmap _ EmptyL = EmptyL
fmap f (x :< xs) = f x :< fmap f xs
instance Foldable ViewL where
foldr _ z EmptyL = z
foldr f z (x :< xs) = f x (foldr f z xs)
foldl _ z EmptyL = z
foldl f z (x :< xs) = foldl f (f z x) xs
foldl1 _ EmptyL = error "foldl1: empty view"
foldl1 f (x :< xs) = foldl f x xs
#if MIN_VERSION_base(4,8,0)
null EmptyL = True
null (_ :< _) = False
length EmptyL = 0
length (_ :< xs) = 1 + length xs
instance Traversable ViewL where
traverse _ EmptyL = pure EmptyL
traverse f (x :< xs) = liftA2 (:<) (f x) (traverse f xs)
viewl :: Seq a -> ViewL a
viewl (Seq xs) = case viewLTree xs of
EmptyLTree -> EmptyL
ConsLTree (Elem x) xs' -> x :< Seq xs'
{-# SPECIALIZE viewLTree :: FingerTree (Elem a) -> ViewLTree (Elem a) #-}
{-# SPECIALIZE viewLTree :: FingerTree (Node a) -> ViewLTree (Node a) #-}
viewLTree :: Sized a => FingerTree a -> ViewLTree a
viewLTree EmptyT = EmptyLTree
viewLTree (Single a) = ConsLTree a EmptyT
viewLTree (Deep s (One a) m sf) = ConsLTree a (pullL (s - size a) m sf)
viewLTree (Deep s (Two a b) m sf) =
ConsLTree a (Deep (s - size a) (One