copilot-language-3.4: A Haskell-embedded DSL for monitoring hard real-time distributed systems.
Safe HaskellSafe



Boolean operators applied point-wise to streams.



(&&) :: Stream Bool -> Stream Bool -> Stream Bool infixr 4 Source #

Apply the and (&&) operator to two boolean streams, point-wise.

(||) :: Stream Bool -> Stream Bool -> Stream Bool infixr 4 Source #

Apply the or (||) operator to two boolean streams, point-wise.

not :: Stream Bool -> Stream Bool Source #

Negate all the values in a boolean stream.

true :: Stream Bool Source #

A stream that contains the constant value True.

false :: Stream Bool Source #

A stream that contains the constant value False.

xor :: Stream Bool -> Stream Bool -> Stream Bool Source #

Apply the exclusive-or (xor) operator to two boolean streams, point-wise.

(==>) :: Stream Bool -> Stream Bool -> Stream Bool Source #

Apply the implication (==>) operator to two boolean streams, point-wise.