core-data- Convenience wrappers around common data structures and encodings
Safe HaskellSafe-Inferred



The standard package for working with dates and times in Haskell, time, is awkward. That's a subjective judgment, but over the years there have been few areas more frustrating than trying to do pragmatic things with calendars and clocks. This module represents some opinionated approaches to working with times and dates, and a place to collect some hard-won idioms for converting between things.

Our original use was wanting to conveniently measure things happening on distributed computer systems. Since machine clock cycles are in units of nanoseconds, this has the nice property that, assuming the system clock is not corrupted, two subsequent events from the same source process are likely to have monotonically increasing timestamps. And even if the system clock goes to hell, they're still decently likely to be unique per device. Make for good keys.

So the timestamp type herein Time is nanoseconds since the Unix epoch; which in (signed) 64 bits means that you can represent times between early in the morning of 21 September 1677 through just before midnight on 11 April 2262. The primary use isn't doing calendaring, though; it's just working with machine generated timestamps in distributed systems and for conveying start and end times around in your program.

There are quite a few other time formats around the Haskell ecosystem. You can use the fromTime and intoTime methods of the Instant typeclass to convert from one to another if you need to.


Time type

data Time Source #

Number of nanoseconds since the Unix epoch.

The Show and Externalize instances display the Time as seconds with the nanosecond precision expressed as a decimal amount after the interger, ie:

>>> t <- getCurrentTimeNanoseconds
>>> formatExternal t

However this doesn't change the fact the underlying representation counts nanoseconds since epoch:

>>> show $ unTime t

There is a Externalize instance that is reasonably accommodating:

>>> parseExternal "2014-07-31T13:05:04.942089001Z" :: Maybe Time
Just 2014-07-31T13:05:04.942089001Z
>>> parseExternal "1406811904.942089001" :: Maybe Time
Just 2014-07-31T13:05:04.942089001Z
>>> parseExternal "1406811904" :: Maybe Time
Just 2014-07-31T13:05:04.000000000Z

In case you're wondering, the valid range of nanoseconds that fits into the underlying Int64 is:

>>> formatExternal (minBound :: Time)
>>> formatExternal (maxBound :: Time)

so in a quarter millenium's time, yes, you'll have the Y2262 Problem. Haskell code from today will, of course, still be running, so in the mid Twenty-Third century you will need to replace this implementation with something else.

Since: 0.3.3


Instances details
FromJSON Time Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Core.Data.Clock

ToJSON Time Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Core.Data.Clock

Bounded Time Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Core.Data.Clock

Enum Time Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Core.Data.Clock


succ :: Time -> Time #

pred :: Time -> Time #

toEnum :: Int -> Time #

fromEnum :: Time -> Int #

enumFrom :: Time -> [Time] #

enumFromThen :: Time -> Time -> [Time] #

enumFromTo :: Time -> Time -> [Time] #

enumFromThenTo :: Time -> Time -> Time -> [Time] #

Generic Time Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Core.Data.Clock

Associated Types

type Rep Time :: Type -> Type #


from :: Time -> Rep Time x #

to :: Rep Time x -> Time #

Read Time Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Core.Data.Clock

Show Time Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Core.Data.Clock


showsPrec :: Int -> Time -> ShowS #

show :: Time -> String #

showList :: [Time] -> ShowS #

Externalize Time Source #

Timestamps are formatted as per ISO 8601:

Instance details

Defined in Core.Encoding.External

Eq Time Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Core.Data.Clock


(==) :: Time -> Time -> Bool #

(/=) :: Time -> Time -> Bool #

Ord Time Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Core.Data.Clock


compare :: Time -> Time -> Ordering #

(<) :: Time -> Time -> Bool #

(<=) :: Time -> Time -> Bool #

(>) :: Time -> Time -> Bool #

(>=) :: Time -> Time -> Bool #

max :: Time -> Time -> Time #

min :: Time -> Time -> Time #

type Rep Time Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Core.Data.Clock

type Rep Time = D1 ('MetaData "Time" "Core.Data.Clock" "core-data-" 'True) (C1 ('MetaCons "Time" 'PrefixI 'False) (S1 ('MetaSel ('Nothing :: Maybe Symbol) 'NoSourceUnpackedness 'NoSourceStrictness 'DecidedLazy) (Rec0 Int64)))

getCurrentTimeNanoseconds :: IO Time Source #

Get the current system time, expressed as a Time (which is to say, number of nanoseconds since the Unix epoch).

Since: 0.3.3


class Instant a where Source #

Convert between different representations of time. Our Time timestamp has nanosecond precision so converting from a type with lesser or greater precision will require you to either pad with zeros or to round to the nearest nanosecond (who the hell has picoseconds of anything anyway?) if writing an instance of this type.

The most important instance is probably the UTCTime one, as many other Haskell libraries use this type to represent time.

Since: 0.3.3


fromTime :: Time -> a Source #

intoTime :: a -> Time Source #


Instances details
Instant Int64 Source #

Number of nanoseconds since the epoch.

Instance details

Defined in Core.Data.Clock

Instant ElapsedP Source #

Convert to the elapsed time with sub-second precision type from hourglass, giving you ready access to that library's time formatting and calendar date manipulation functions.

Instance details

Defined in Core.Data.Clock

Instant Day Source #

This instance may be useful if you need to work with calendar dates with functions from time. From here you would probably be interested in toGregorian. If you convert from a Day it will be the timestamp of midnight 00:00:00.0 on that date.

Since: 0.3.5

Instance details

Defined in Core.Data.Clock

Instant POSIXTime Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Core.Data.Clock

Instant UTCTime Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Core.Data.Clock


unTime :: Time -> Int64 Source #

If you need to manipulate the date or calculate elapsed time then you can dig out the underlying Int64 here. We have not provided instances of Num, Real, or Integral for the timestamp type because adding two timestamps doesn't really make sense. You can use intoTime to reconstruct a timestamp subsequently if necessary.

Since: 0.3.3

epochTime :: Time Source #

The occasion of the Unix epoch, 1970-01-01T00:00:00.0Z.

Since: 0.3.3