module Package.C.Type.Vars ( BuildVars (..)
                           ) where

import           Package.C.Triple.Type

data BuildVars = BuildVars { BuildVars -> FilePath
installDir   :: FilePath
                           , BuildVars -> FilePath
currentDir   :: FilePath
                           , BuildVars -> Maybe TargetTriple
targetTriple :: Maybe TargetTriple
                           , BuildVars -> Bool
isCross      :: Bool
                           , BuildVars -> [FilePath]
includeDirs  :: [ FilePath ]
                           , BuildVars -> [FilePath]
preloadLibs  :: [ FilePath ]
                           , BuildVars -> [FilePath]
shareDirs    :: [ FilePath ]
                           , BuildVars -> [FilePath]
linkDirs     :: [ FilePath ]
                           , BuildVars -> [FilePath]
binDirs      :: [ FilePath ]
                           , BuildVars -> OS
buildOS      :: OS -- ^ See [here]( for terminology. This is the OS of the system we are building on.
                           , BuildVars -> Arch
buildArch    :: Arch
                           , BuildVars -> Bool
static       :: Bool
                           , BuildVars -> Int
cpus         :: Int