{-# LANGUAGE ForeignFunctionInterface #-}

 Module      : System.Demangle
 Description : Functions for demangling C++ names
 Stability   : experimental
 Portability : wherever gcc lives

 This module provides bindings to the platform C++ ABI demangling routines
 (where the platform is currently limited to gcc). Any string-like type
 implementing 'CStringRepresentable' can be used, though strict bytestrings are
 the most performant.

 This module provides the raw 'IO'-living functions. Thin wrappers pretending
 to be pure live in the "System.Demangle.Pure" module.

module System.Demangle(demangle) where

import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BS
import Control.Exception

import Foreign.C
import Foreign.Marshal.Alloc
import Foreign.Ptr

import Data.CStringRepresentable

foreign import ccall "__cxa_demangle"
  cxa_demangle :: CString -> CString -> Ptr CSize -> Ptr CInt -> IO CString

-- |Try to demangle a mangled C++ name.
demangle :: CStringRepresentable s => s -> IO (Maybe s)
demangle str = toCString str $ \str' ->
    (cxa_demangle str' nullPtr nullPtr nullPtr)
    $ \res ->
      if res == nullPtr
        then pure Nothing
        else do
          res' <- fromCString res
          pure $ Just res'