cryptol-2.12.0: Cryptol: The Language of Cryptography
Copyright(c) 2013-2016 Galois Inc.
Safe HaskellSafe





data LkpTyVar Source #

This is what's returned when we lookup variables during kind checking.


TLocalVar TParam (Maybe Kind)

Locally bound variable.

TOuterVar TParam

An outer binding.

data KRW Source #




data AllowWildCards Source #

Do we allow wild cards in the given context.

data KRO Source #




newtype KindM a Source #





Instances details
Monad KindM Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Cryptol.TypeCheck.Monad


(>>=) :: KindM a -> (a -> KindM b) -> KindM b #

(>>) :: KindM a -> KindM b -> KindM b #

return :: a -> KindM a #

Functor KindM Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Cryptol.TypeCheck.Monad


fmap :: (a -> b) -> KindM a -> KindM b #

(<$) :: a -> KindM b -> KindM a #

MonadFail KindM Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Cryptol.TypeCheck.Monad


fail :: String -> KindM a #

Applicative KindM Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Cryptol.TypeCheck.Monad


pure :: a -> KindM a #

(<*>) :: KindM (a -> b) -> KindM a -> KindM b #

liftA2 :: (a -> b -> c) -> KindM a -> KindM b -> KindM c #

(*>) :: KindM a -> KindM b -> KindM b #

(<*) :: KindM a -> KindM b -> KindM a #

data RW Source #

Read-write component of the monad.




  • iErrors :: ![(Range, Error)]

    Collected errors

  • iWarnings :: ![(Range, Warning)]

    Collected warnings

  • iSubst :: !Subst

    Accumulated substitution

  • iExistTVars :: [Map Name Type]

    These keeps track of what existential type variables are available. When we start checking a function, we push a new scope for its arguments, and we pop it when we are done checking the function body. The front element of the list is the current scope, which is the only thing that will be modified, as follows. When we encounter a existential type variable: 1. we look in all scopes to see if it is already defined. 2. if it was not defined, we create a fresh type variable, and we add it to the current scope. 3. it is an error if we encounter an existential variable but we have no current scope.

  • iSolvedHas :: Map Int HasGoalSln

    Selector constraints that have been solved (ref. iSolvedSelectorsLazy)

  • iNameSeeds :: !NameSeeds
  • iCts :: !Goals

    Ordinary constraints

  • iHasCts :: ![HasGoal]

    Tuple/record projection constraints. The Int is the "name" of the constraint, used so that we can name its solution properly.

  • iScope :: ![ModuleG ScopeName]

    Nested scopes we are currently checking, most nested first.

  • iBindTypes :: !(Map Name Schema)

    Types of variables that we know about. We don't worry about scoping here because we assume the bindings all have different names.

  • iSupply :: !Supply

data RO Source #

Read-only component of the monad.




  • iRange :: Range

    Source code being analysed

  • iVars :: Map Name VarType

    Type of variable that are in scope These are only parameters vars that are in recursive component we are checking at the moment. If a var is not there, keep looking in the iScope

  • iTVars :: [TParam]

    Type variable that are in scope

  • iExtScope :: ModuleG ScopeName

    These are things we know about, but are not part of the modules we are currently constructing. XXX: this sould probably be an interface

  • iSolvedHasLazy :: Map Int HasGoalSln

    NOTE: This field is lazy in an important way! It is the final version of iSolvedHas in RW, and the two are tied together through recursion. The field is here so that we can look thing up before they are defined, which is OK because we don't need to know the results until everything is done.

  • iMonoBinds :: Bool

    When this flag is set to true, bindings that lack signatures in where-blocks will never be generalized. Bindings with type signatures, and all bindings at top level are unaffected.

  • iCallStacks :: Bool

    When this flag is true, retain source location information in typechecked terms

  • iSolver :: Solver
  • iPrimNames :: !PrimMap
  • iSolveCounter :: !(IORef Int)

newtype InferM a Source #





Instances details
Monad InferM Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Cryptol.TypeCheck.Monad


(>>=) :: InferM a -> (a -> InferM b) -> InferM b #

(>>) :: InferM a -> InferM b -> InferM b #

return :: a -> InferM a #

Functor InferM Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Cryptol.TypeCheck.Monad


fmap :: (a -> b) -> InferM a -> InferM b #

(<$) :: a -> InferM b -> InferM a #

MonadFix InferM Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Cryptol.TypeCheck.Monad


mfix :: (a -> InferM a) -> InferM a #

MonadFail InferM Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Cryptol.TypeCheck.Monad


fail :: String -> InferM a #

Applicative InferM Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Cryptol.TypeCheck.Monad


pure :: a -> InferM a #

(<*>) :: InferM (a -> b) -> InferM a -> InferM b #

liftA2 :: (a -> b -> c) -> InferM a -> InferM b -> InferM c #

(*>) :: InferM a -> InferM b -> InferM b #

(<*) :: InferM a -> InferM b -> InferM a #

FreshM InferM Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Cryptol.TypeCheck.Monad


liftSupply :: (Supply -> (a, Supply)) -> InferM a Source #

data InferOutput a Source #

The results of type inference.


InferFailed NameMap [(Range, Warning)] [(Range, Error)]

We found some errors

InferOK NameMap [(Range, Warning)] NameSeeds Supply a

Type inference was successful.


Instances details
Show a => Show (InferOutput a) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Cryptol.TypeCheck.Monad

data NameSeeds Source #

This is used for generating various names.





Instances details
Show NameSeeds Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Cryptol.TypeCheck.Monad

Generic NameSeeds Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Cryptol.TypeCheck.Monad

Associated Types

type Rep NameSeeds :: Type -> Type #

NFData NameSeeds Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Cryptol.TypeCheck.Monad


rnf :: NameSeeds -> () #

type Rep NameSeeds Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Cryptol.TypeCheck.Monad

type Rep NameSeeds = D1 ('MetaData "NameSeeds" "Cryptol.TypeCheck.Monad" "cryptol-2.12.0-1cEC2pVyc8sLwNRndAigau" 'False) (C1 ('MetaCons "NameSeeds" 'PrefixI 'True) (S1 ('MetaSel ('Just "seedTVar") 'NoSourceUnpackedness 'SourceStrict 'DecidedStrict) (Rec0 Int) :*: S1 ('MetaSel ('Just "seedGoal") 'NoSourceUnpackedness 'SourceStrict 'DecidedStrict) (Rec0 Int)))

data InferInput Source #

Information needed for type inference.




nameSeeds :: NameSeeds Source #

The initial seeds, used when checking a fresh program. XXX: why does this start at 10?

io :: IO a -> InferM a Source #

inRange :: Range -> InferM a -> InferM a Source #

The monadic computation is about the given range of source code. This is useful for error reporting.

curRange :: InferM Range Source #

This is the current range that we are working on.

recordError :: Error -> InferM () Source #

Report an error.

getPrimMap :: InferM PrimMap Source #

Retrieve the mapping between identifiers and declarations in the prelude.

newGoals :: ConstraintSource -> [Prop] -> InferM () Source #

Record some constraints that need to be solved. The string explains where the constraints came from.

getGoals :: InferM [Goal] Source #

The constraints are removed, and returned to the caller. The substitution IS applied to them.

addGoals :: [Goal] -> InferM () Source #

Add a bunch of goals that need solving.

collectGoals :: InferM a -> InferM (a, [Goal]) Source #

Collect the goals emitted by the given sub-computation. Does not emit any new goals.

newHasGoal :: Selector -> Type -> Type -> InferM HasGoalSln Source #

Record a constraint that when we select from the first type, we should get a value of the second type. The returned function should be used to wrap the expression from which we are selecting (i.e., the record or tuple). Plese note that the resulting expression should not be forced before the constraint is solved.

addHasGoal :: HasGoal -> InferM () Source #

Add a previously generate has constrained

getHasGoals :: InferM [HasGoal] Source #

Get the Has constraints. Each of this should either be solved, or added back using addHasGoal.

solveHasGoal :: Int -> HasGoalSln -> InferM () Source #

Specify the solution (Expr -> Expr) for the given constraint (Int).

newParamName :: Namespace -> Ident -> InferM Name Source #

Generate a fresh variable name to be used in a local binding.

newGoalName :: InferM Int Source #

Generate a new name for a goal.

newTVar :: TypeSource -> Kind -> InferM TVar Source #

Generate a new free type variable.

newTVar' :: TypeSource -> Set TParam -> Kind -> InferM TVar Source #

Generate a new free type variable that depends on these additional type parameters.

checkParamKind :: TParam -> TPFlavor -> Kind -> InferM () Source #

Check that the given "flavor" of parameter is allowed to have the given type, and raise an error if not

newTParam :: TParam Name -> TPFlavor -> Kind -> InferM TParam Source #

Generate a new free type variable.

newType :: TypeSource -> Kind -> InferM Type Source #

Generate an unknown type. The doc is a note about what is this type about.

unify :: TypeWithSource -> Type -> InferM [Prop] Source #

Record that the two types should be syntactically equal.

applySubst :: TVars t => t -> InferM t Source #

Apply the accumulated substitution to something with free type variables.

getSubst :: InferM Subst Source #

Get the substitution that we have accumulated so far.

extendSubst :: Subst -> InferM () Source #

Add to the accumulated substitution, checking that the datatype invariant for Subst is maintained.

varsWithAsmps :: InferM (Set TVar) Source #

Variables that are either mentioned in the environment or in a selector constraint.

lookupVar :: Name -> InferM VarType Source #

Lookup the type of a variable.

lookupTParam :: Name -> InferM (Maybe TParam) Source #

Lookup a type variable. Return Nothing if there is no such variable in scope, in which case we must be dealing with a type constant.

lookupTSyn :: Name -> InferM (Maybe TySyn) Source #

Lookup the definition of a type synonym.

lookupNewtype :: Name -> InferM (Maybe Newtype) Source #

Lookup the definition of a newtype

lookupParamType :: Name -> InferM (Maybe ModTParam) Source #

Lookup the kind of a parameter type

lookupParamFun :: Name -> InferM (Maybe ModVParam) Source #

Lookup the schema for a parameter function.

existVar :: Name -> Kind -> InferM Type Source #

Check if we already have a name for this existential type variable and, if so, return the definition. If not, try to create a new definition, if this is allowed. If not, returns nothing.

getTSyns :: InferM (Map Name TySyn) Source #

Returns the type synonyms that are currently in scope.

getNewtypes :: InferM (Map Name Newtype) Source #

Returns the newtype declarations that are in scope.

getAbstractTypes :: InferM (Map Name AbstractType) Source #

Returns the abstract type declarations that are in scope.

getParamFuns :: InferM (Map Name ModVParam) Source #

Returns the parameter functions declarations

getParamTypes :: InferM (Map Name ModTParam) Source #

Returns the abstract function declarations

getParamConstraints :: InferM [Located Prop] Source #

Constraints on the module's parameters.

getTVars :: InferM (Set Name) Source #

Get the set of bound type variables that are in scope.

getBoundInScope :: InferM (Set TParam) Source #

Return the keys of the bound variables that are in scope.

getMonoBinds :: InferM Bool Source #

Retrieve the value of the `mono-binds` option.

checkTShadowing :: String -> Name -> InferM () Source #

We disallow shadowing between type synonyms and type variables because it is confusing. As a bonus, in the implementation we don't need to worry about where we lookup things (i.e., in the variable or type synonym environment.

withTParam :: TParam -> InferM a -> InferM a Source #

The sub-computation is performed with the given type parameter in scope.

newScope :: ScopeName -> InferM () Source #

Execute the given computation in a new top scope. The sub-computation would typically be validating a module.

updScope :: (ModuleG ScopeName -> ModuleG ScopeName) -> InferM () Source #

Update the current scope (first in the list). Assumes there is one.

getScope :: Semigroup a => (ModuleG ScopeName -> a) -> InferM a Source #

Get an environment combining all nested scopes.

addTySyn :: TySyn -> InferM () Source #

The sub-computation is performed with the given type-synonym in scope.

addParamFun :: ModVParam -> InferM () Source #

The sub-computation is performed with the given abstract function in scope.

addParameterConstraints :: [Located Prop] -> InferM () Source #

Add some assumptions for an entire module

inNewScope :: InferM a -> InferM a Source #

Perform the given computation in a new scope (i.e., the subcomputation may use existential type variables). This is a different kind of scope from the nested modules one.

withVarType :: Name -> VarType -> InferM a -> InferM a Source #

The sub-computation is performed with the given variable in scope.

withMonoType :: (Name, Located Type) -> InferM a -> InferM a Source #

The sub-computation is performed with the given variables in scope.

withMonoTypes :: Map Name (Located Type) -> InferM a -> InferM a Source #

The sub-computation is performed with the given variables in scope.

runKindM Source #


:: AllowWildCards 
-> [(Name, Maybe Kind, TParam)]

See comment

-> KindM a 
-> InferM (a, Map Name Kind, [(ConstraintSource, [Prop])]) 

The arguments to this function are as follows:

(type param. name, kind signature (opt.), type parameter)

The type parameter is just a thunk that we should not force. The reason is that the parameter depends on the kind that we are in the process of computing.

As a result we return the value of the sub-computation and the computed kinds of the type parameters.

kLookupTyVar :: Name -> KindM (Maybe LkpTyVar) Source #

Check if a name refers to a type variable.

kWildOK :: KindM AllowWildCards Source #

Are type wild-cards OK in this context?

kRecordError :: Error -> KindM () Source #

Reports an error.

kIO :: IO a -> KindM a Source #

kNewType :: TypeSource -> Kind -> KindM Type Source #

Generate a fresh unification variable of the given kind. NOTE: We do not simplify these, because we end up with bottom. See hs XXX: Perhaps we can avoid the recursion?

kLookupTSyn :: Name -> KindM (Maybe TySyn) Source #

Lookup the definition of a type synonym.

kLookupNewtype :: Name -> KindM (Maybe Newtype) Source #

Lookup the definition of a newtype.

kInstantiateT :: Type -> [(TParam, Type)] -> KindM Type Source #

Replace the given bound variables with concrete types.

kSetKind :: Name -> Kind -> KindM () Source #

Record the kind for a local type variable. This assumes that we already checked that there was no other valid kind for the variable (if there was one, it gets over-written).

kInRange :: Range -> KindM a -> KindM a Source #

The sub-computation is about the given range of the source code.