Copyright | (c) 2013-2015 Galois, Inc. |
License | BSD3 |
Maintainer | |
Stability | provisional |
Portability | portable |
Safe Haskell | Safe |
Language | Haskell98 |
- data InferInput = InferInput {}
- data NameSeeds = NameSeeds {}
- nameSeeds :: NameSeeds
- data InferOutput a
- runInferM :: TVars a => InferInput -> InferM a -> IO (InferOutput a)
- newtype InferM a = IM {}
- data DefLoc
- data RO = RO {}
- data RW = RW {}
- io :: IO a -> InferM a
- inRange :: Range -> InferM a -> InferM a
- inRangeMb :: Maybe Range -> InferM a -> InferM a
- curRange :: InferM Range
- recordError :: Error -> InferM ()
- recordWarning :: Warning -> InferM ()
- newGoal :: ConstraintSource -> Prop -> InferM Goal
- newGoals :: ConstraintSource -> [Prop] -> InferM ()
- getGoals :: InferM [Goal]
- addGoals :: [Goal] -> InferM ()
- collectGoals :: InferM a -> InferM (a, [Goal])
- newHasGoal :: Selector -> Type -> Type -> InferM (Expr -> Expr)
- addHasGoal :: HasGoal -> InferM ()
- getHasGoals :: InferM [HasGoal]
- solveHasGoal :: Int -> (Expr -> Expr) -> InferM ()
- newName :: (NameSeeds -> (a, NameSeeds)) -> InferM a
- newGoalName :: InferM Int
- newTVar :: Doc -> Kind -> InferM TVar
- newTVar' :: Doc -> Set TVar -> Kind -> InferM TVar
- newTParam :: Maybe QName -> Kind -> InferM TParam
- newType :: Doc -> Kind -> InferM Type
- unify :: Type -> Type -> InferM [Prop]
- applySubst :: TVars t => t -> InferM t
- getSubst :: InferM Subst
- extendSubst :: Subst -> InferM ()
- varsWithAsmps :: InferM (Set TVar)
- lookupVar :: QName -> InferM VarType
- lookupTVar :: QName -> InferM (Maybe Type)
- lookupTSyn :: QName -> InferM (Maybe TySyn)
- lookupNewtype :: QName -> InferM (Maybe Newtype)
- existVar :: QName -> Kind -> InferM Type
- getTSyns :: InferM (Map QName (DefLoc, TySyn))
- getNewtypes :: InferM (Map QName (DefLoc, Newtype))
- getTVars :: InferM (Set QName)
- getBoundInScope :: InferM (Set TVar)
- getMonoBinds :: InferM Bool
- checkTShadowing :: String -> QName -> InferM ()
- withTParam :: TParam -> InferM a -> InferM a
- withTParams :: [TParam] -> InferM a -> InferM a
- withTySyn :: TySyn -> InferM a -> InferM a
- withNewtype :: Newtype -> InferM a -> InferM a
- withVarType :: QName -> VarType -> InferM a -> InferM a
- withVarTypes :: [(QName, VarType)] -> InferM a -> InferM a
- withVar :: QName -> Schema -> InferM a -> InferM a
- withMonoType :: (QName, Located Type) -> InferM a -> InferM a
- withMonoTypes :: Map QName (Located Type) -> InferM a -> InferM a
- withDecls :: ([TySyn], Map QName Schema) -> InferM a -> InferM a
- inNewScope :: InferM a -> InferM a
- newtype KindM a = KM {}
- data KRO = KRO {}
- data KRW = KRW {
- typeParams :: Map QName Kind
- runKindM :: Bool -> [(QName, Maybe Kind, Type)] -> KindM a -> InferM (a, Map QName Kind)
- data LkpTyVar
- kLookupTyVar :: QName -> KindM (Maybe LkpTyVar)
- kWildOK :: KindM Bool
- kRecordError :: Error -> KindM ()
- kRecordWarning :: Warning -> KindM ()
- kNewType :: Doc -> Kind -> KindM Type
- kLookupTSyn :: QName -> KindM (Maybe TySyn)
- kLookupNewtype :: QName -> KindM (Maybe Newtype)
- kExistTVar :: QName -> Kind -> KindM Type
- kInstantiateT :: Type -> [(TParam, Type)] -> KindM Type
- kSetKind :: QName -> Kind -> KindM ()
- kInRange :: Range -> KindM a -> KindM a
- kNewGoals :: ConstraintSource -> [Prop] -> KindM ()
- kInInferM :: InferM a -> KindM a
- module Cryptol.TypeCheck.InferTypes
data InferInput Source
Information needed for type inference.
InferInput | |
This is used for generating various names.
data InferOutput a Source
The results of type inference.
InferFailed [(Range, Warning)] [(Range, Error)] | We found some errors |
InferOK [(Range, Warning)] NameSeeds a | Type inference was successful. |
Show a => Show (InferOutput a) Source |
runInferM :: TVars a => InferInput -> InferM a -> IO (InferOutput a) Source
Read-only component of the monad.
RO | |
Read-write component of the monad.
RW | |
inRange :: Range -> InferM a -> InferM a Source
The monadic computation is about the given range of source code. This is useful for error reporting.
recordError :: Error -> InferM () Source
Report an error.
recordWarning :: Warning -> InferM () Source
newGoals :: ConstraintSource -> [Prop] -> InferM () Source
Record some constraints that need to be solved. The string explains where the constraints came from.
getGoals :: InferM [Goal] Source
The constraints are removed, and returned to the caller. The substitution IS applied to them.
collectGoals :: InferM a -> InferM (a, [Goal]) Source
Collect the goals emitted by the given sub-computation. Does not emit any new goals.
newHasGoal :: Selector -> Type -> Type -> InferM (Expr -> Expr) Source
Record a constraint that when we select from the first type, we should get a value of the second type. The returned function should be used to wrap the expression from which we are selecting (i.e., the record or tuple). Plese note that the resulting expression should not be forced before the constraint is solved.
addHasGoal :: HasGoal -> InferM () Source
Add a previously generate has constrained
getHasGoals :: InferM [HasGoal] Source
Get the Has
constraints. Each of this should either be solved,
or added back using addHasGoal
solveHasGoal :: Int -> (Expr -> Expr) -> InferM () Source
Specify the solution (`Expr -> Expr`) for the given constraint (Int
newGoalName :: InferM Int Source
Generate a new name for a goal.
newTVar' :: Doc -> Set TVar -> Kind -> InferM TVar Source
Generate a new free type variable that depends on these additional type parameters.
newType :: Doc -> Kind -> InferM Type Source
Generate an unknown type. The doc is a note about what is this type about.
unify :: Type -> Type -> InferM [Prop] Source
Record that the two types should be syntactically equal.
applySubst :: TVars t => t -> InferM t Source
Apply the accumulated substitution to something with free type variables.
extendSubst :: Subst -> InferM () Source
Add to the accumulated substitution.
varsWithAsmps :: InferM (Set TVar) Source
Variables that are either mentioned in the environment or in a selector constraint.
lookupTVar :: QName -> InferM (Maybe Type) Source
Lookup a type variable. Return Nothing
if there is no such variable
in scope, in which case we must be dealing with a type constant.
existVar :: QName -> Kind -> InferM Type Source
Check if we already have a name for this existential type variable and, if so, return the definition. If not, try to create a new definition, if this is allowed. If not, returns nothing.
getTSyns :: InferM (Map QName (DefLoc, TySyn)) Source
Returns the type synonyms that are currently in scope.
getNewtypes :: InferM (Map QName (DefLoc, Newtype)) Source
Returns the newtype declarations that are in scope.
getBoundInScope :: InferM (Set TVar) Source
Return the keys of the bound variables that are in scope.
getMonoBinds :: InferM Bool Source
Retrieve the value of the `mono-binds` option.
checkTShadowing :: String -> QName -> InferM () Source
We disallow shadowing between type synonyms and type variables because it is confusing. As a bonus, in the implementation we don't need to worry about where we lookup things (i.e., in the variable or type synonym environment.
withTParam :: TParam -> InferM a -> InferM a Source
The sub-computation is performed with the given type parameter in scope.
withTParams :: [TParam] -> InferM a -> InferM a Source
withTySyn :: TySyn -> InferM a -> InferM a Source
The sub-computation is performed with the given type-synonym in scope.
withNewtype :: Newtype -> InferM a -> InferM a Source
withVarType :: QName -> VarType -> InferM a -> InferM a Source
The sub-computation is performed with the given variable in scope.
withMonoType :: (QName, Located Type) -> InferM a -> InferM a Source
The sub-computation is performed with the given variables in scope.
withMonoTypes :: Map QName (Located Type) -> InferM a -> InferM a Source
The sub-computation is performed with the given variables in scope.
withDecls :: ([TySyn], Map QName Schema) -> InferM a -> InferM a Source
The sub-computation is performed with the given type synonyms and variables in scope.
inNewScope :: InferM a -> InferM a Source
Perform the given computation in a new scope (i.e., the subcomputation may use existential type variables).
The arguments to this function are as follows:
(type param. name, kind signature (opt.), a type representing the param)
The type representing the parameter is just a thunk that we should not force. The reason is that the type depnds on the kind of parameter, that we are in the process of computing.
As a result we return the value of the sub-computation and the computed kinds of the type parameters.
This is what's returned when we lookup variables during kind checking.
kRecordError :: Error -> KindM () Source
Reports an error.
kRecordWarning :: Warning -> KindM () Source
kNewType :: Doc -> Kind -> KindM Type Source
Generate a fresh unification variable of the given kind.
kInstantiateT :: Type -> [(TParam, Type)] -> KindM Type Source
Replace the given bound variables with concrete types.
kSetKind :: QName -> Kind -> KindM () Source
Record the kind for a local type variable. This assumes that we already checked that there was no other valid kind for the variable (if there was one, it gets over-written).
kInRange :: Range -> KindM a -> KindM a Source
The sub-computation is about the given range of the source code.
kNewGoals :: ConstraintSource -> [Prop] -> KindM () Source
module Cryptol.TypeCheck.InferTypes