cryptonite-0.17: Cryptography Primitives sink

MaintainerVincent Hanquez <>
Safe HaskellNone




symmetric cipher basic types


Cipher classes

class Cipher cipher where Source #

Symmetric cipher class.

Minimal complete definition

cipherInit, cipherName, cipherKeySize


cipherInit :: ByteArray key => key -> CryptoFailable cipher Source #

Initialize a cipher context from a key

cipherName :: cipher -> String Source #

Cipher name

cipherKeySize :: cipher -> KeySizeSpecifier Source #

return the size of the key required for this cipher. Some cipher accept any size for key


Cipher Blowfish448 Source # 
Cipher Blowfish256 Source # 
Cipher Blowfish128 Source # 
Cipher Blowfish64 Source # 
Cipher Blowfish Source # 
Cipher Camellia128 Source # 
Cipher DES Source # 
Cipher DES_EDE2 Source # 
Cipher DES_EEE2 Source # 
Cipher DES_EDE3 Source # 
Cipher DES_EEE3 Source # 
Cipher AES256 Source # 
Cipher AES192 Source # 
Cipher AES128 Source # 

class Cipher cipher => BlockCipher cipher where Source #

Symmetric block cipher class

Minimal complete definition

blockSize, ecbEncrypt, ecbDecrypt


blockSize :: cipher -> Int Source #

Return the size of block required for this block cipher

ecbEncrypt :: ByteArray ba => cipher -> ba -> ba Source #

Encrypt blocks

the input string need to be multiple of the block size

ecbDecrypt :: ByteArray ba => cipher -> ba -> ba Source #

Decrypt blocks

the input string need to be multiple of the block size

cbcEncrypt :: ByteArray ba => cipher -> IV cipher -> ba -> ba Source #

encrypt using the CBC mode.

input need to be a multiple of the blocksize

cbcDecrypt :: ByteArray ba => cipher -> IV cipher -> ba -> ba Source #

decrypt using the CBC mode.

input need to be a multiple of the blocksize

cfbEncrypt :: ByteArray ba => cipher -> IV cipher -> ba -> ba Source #

encrypt using the CFB mode.

input need to be a multiple of the blocksize

cfbDecrypt :: ByteArray ba => cipher -> IV cipher -> ba -> ba Source #

decrypt using the CFB mode.

input need to be a multiple of the blocksize

ctrCombine :: ByteArray ba => cipher -> IV cipher -> ba -> ba Source #

combine using the CTR mode.

CTR mode produce a stream of randomized data that is combined (by XOR operation) with the input stream.

encryption and decryption are the same operation.

input can be of any size

aeadInit :: ByteArrayAccess iv => AEADMode -> cipher -> iv -> CryptoFailable (AEAD cipher) Source #

Initialize a new AEAD State

When Nothing is returns, it means the mode is not handled.


BlockCipher Blowfish448 Source # 
BlockCipher Blowfish256 Source # 
BlockCipher Blowfish128 Source # 
BlockCipher Blowfish64 Source # 
BlockCipher Blowfish Source # 
BlockCipher Camellia128 Source # 
BlockCipher DES Source # 


blockSize :: DES -> Int Source #

ecbEncrypt :: ByteArray ba => DES -> ba -> ba Source #

ecbDecrypt :: ByteArray ba => DES -> ba -> ba Source #

cbcEncrypt :: ByteArray ba => DES -> IV DES -> ba -> ba Source #

cbcDecrypt :: ByteArray ba => DES -> IV DES -> ba -> ba Source #

cfbEncrypt :: ByteArray ba => DES -> IV DES -> ba -> ba Source #

cfbDecrypt :: ByteArray ba => DES -> IV DES -> ba -> ba Source #

ctrCombine :: ByteArray ba => DES -> IV DES -> ba -> ba Source #

aeadInit :: ByteArrayAccess iv => AEADMode -> DES -> iv -> CryptoFailable (AEAD DES) Source #

BlockCipher DES_EDE2 Source # 
BlockCipher DES_EEE2 Source # 
BlockCipher DES_EDE3 Source # 
BlockCipher DES_EEE3 Source # 
BlockCipher AES256 Source # 


blockSize :: AES256 -> Int Source #

ecbEncrypt :: ByteArray ba => AES256 -> ba -> ba Source #

ecbDecrypt :: ByteArray ba => AES256 -> ba -> ba Source #

cbcEncrypt :: ByteArray ba => AES256 -> IV AES256 -> ba -> ba Source #

cbcDecrypt :: ByteArray ba => AES256 -> IV AES256 -> ba -> ba Source #

cfbEncrypt :: ByteArray ba => AES256 -> IV AES256 -> ba -> ba Source #

cfbDecrypt :: ByteArray ba => AES256 -> IV AES256 -> ba -> ba Source #

ctrCombine :: ByteArray ba => AES256 -> IV AES256 -> ba -> ba Source #

aeadInit :: ByteArrayAccess iv => AEADMode -> AES256 -> iv -> CryptoFailable (AEAD AES256) Source #

BlockCipher AES192 Source # 


blockSize :: AES192 -> Int Source #

ecbEncrypt :: ByteArray ba => AES192 -> ba -> ba Source #

ecbDecrypt :: ByteArray ba => AES192 -> ba -> ba Source #

cbcEncrypt :: ByteArray ba => AES192 -> IV AES192 -> ba -> ba Source #

cbcDecrypt :: ByteArray ba => AES192 -> IV AES192 -> ba -> ba Source #

cfbEncrypt :: ByteArray ba => AES192 -> IV AES192 -> ba -> ba Source #

cfbDecrypt :: ByteArray ba => AES192 -> IV AES192 -> ba -> ba Source #

ctrCombine :: ByteArray ba => AES192 -> IV AES192 -> ba -> ba Source #

aeadInit :: ByteArrayAccess iv => AEADMode -> AES192 -> iv -> CryptoFailable (AEAD AES192) Source #

BlockCipher AES128 Source # 


blockSize :: AES128 -> Int Source #

ecbEncrypt :: ByteArray ba => AES128 -> ba -> ba Source #

ecbDecrypt :: ByteArray ba => AES128 -> ba -> ba Source #

cbcEncrypt :: ByteArray ba => AES128 -> IV AES128 -> ba -> ba Source #

cbcDecrypt :: ByteArray ba => AES128 -> IV AES128 -> ba -> ba Source #

cfbEncrypt :: ByteArray ba => AES128 -> IV AES128 -> ba -> ba Source #

cfbDecrypt :: ByteArray ba => AES128 -> IV AES128 -> ba -> ba Source #

ctrCombine :: ByteArray ba => AES128 -> IV AES128 -> ba -> ba Source #

aeadInit :: ByteArrayAccess iv => AEADMode -> AES128 -> iv -> CryptoFailable (AEAD AES128) Source #

class BlockCipher cipher => BlockCipher128 cipher where Source #

class of block cipher with a 128 bits block size


xtsEncrypt :: ByteArray ba => (cipher, cipher) -> IV cipher -> DataUnitOffset -> ba -> ba Source #

encrypt using the XTS mode.

input need to be a multiple of the blocksize, and the cipher need to process 128 bits block only

xtsDecrypt :: ByteArray ba => (cipher, cipher) -> IV cipher -> DataUnitOffset -> ba -> ba Source #

decrypt using the XTS mode.

input need to be a multiple of the blocksize, and the cipher need to process 128 bits block only

class Cipher cipher => StreamCipher cipher where Source #

Symmetric stream cipher class

Minimal complete definition



streamCombine :: ByteArray ba => cipher -> ba -> (ba, cipher) Source #

Combine using the stream cipher

type DataUnitOffset = Word32 Source #

Offset inside an XTS data unit, measured in block size.

data KeySizeSpecifier Source #

Different specifier for key size in bytes


KeySizeRange Int Int

in the range [min,max]

KeySizeEnum [Int]

one of the specified values

KeySizeFixed Int

a specific size

AEAD functions

data AEADModeImpl st Source #

AEAD Implementation




data AEAD cipher Source #

Authenticated Encryption with Associated Data algorithms




aeadAppendHeader :: ByteArrayAccess aad => AEAD cipher -> aad -> AEAD cipher Source #

Append some header information to an AEAD context

aeadEncrypt :: ByteArray ba => AEAD cipher -> ba -> (ba, AEAD cipher) Source #

Encrypt some data and update the AEAD context

aeadDecrypt :: ByteArray ba => AEAD cipher -> ba -> (ba, AEAD cipher) Source #

Decrypt some data and update the AEAD context

aeadFinalize :: AEAD cipher -> Int -> AuthTag Source #

Finalize the AEAD context and return the authentication tag

aeadSimpleEncrypt Source #


:: (ByteArrayAccess aad, ByteArray ba) 
=> AEAD a

A new AEAD Context

-> aad

Optional Authentication data header

-> ba

Optional Plaintext

-> Int

Tag length

-> (AuthTag, ba)

Authentication tag and ciphertext

Simple AEAD encryption

aeadSimpleDecrypt Source #


:: (ByteArrayAccess aad, ByteArray ba) 
=> AEAD a

A new AEAD Context

-> aad

Optional Authentication data header

-> ba


-> AuthTag

The authentication tag

-> Maybe ba


Simple AEAD decryption

Initial Vector type and constructor

data IV c Source #

an IV parametrized by the cipher


Eq (IV c) Source # 


(==) :: IV c -> IV c -> Bool #

(/=) :: IV c -> IV c -> Bool #

BlockCipher c => ByteArrayAccess (IV c) Source # 


length :: IV c -> Int #

withByteArray :: IV c -> (Ptr p -> IO a) -> IO a #

makeIV :: (ByteArrayAccess b, BlockCipher c) => b -> Maybe (IV c) Source #

Create an IV for a specified block cipher

nullIV :: BlockCipher c => IV c Source #

Create an IV that is effectively representing the number 0

ivAdd :: BlockCipher c => IV c -> Int -> IV c Source #

Increment an IV by a number.

Assume the IV is in Big Endian format.

Authentification Tag

newtype AuthTag Source #

Authentication Tag for AE cipher mode


