-- |
-- Module      : Crypto.Store.CMS.Enveloped
-- License     : BSD-style
-- Maintainer  : Olivier Chéron <olivier.cheron@gmail.com>
-- Stability   : experimental
-- Portability : unknown
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
module Crypto.Store.CMS.Enveloped
    ( EncryptedKey
    , UserKeyingMaterial
    , RecipientInfo(..)
    , EnvelopedData(..)
    , ProducerOfRI
    , ConsumerOfRI
    -- * Key Transport recipients
    , KTRecipientInfo(..)
    , RecipientIdentifier(..)
    , IssuerAndSerialNumber(..)
    , forKeyTransRecipient
    , withRecipientKeyTrans
    -- * Key Agreement recipients
    , KARecipientInfo(..)
    , OriginatorIdentifierOrKey(..)
    , OriginatorPublicKey
    , RecipientEncryptedKey(..)
    , KeyAgreeRecipientIdentifier(..)
    , forKeyAgreeRecipient
    , withRecipientKeyAgree
    -- * Key Encryption Key recipients
    , KeyEncryptionKey
    , KEKRecipientInfo(..)
    , KeyIdentifier(..)
    , OtherKeyAttribute(..)
    , forKeyRecipient
    , withRecipientKey
    -- * Password recipients
    , Password
    , PasswordRecipientInfo(..)
    , forPasswordRecipient
    , withRecipientPassword
    ) where

import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad

import Data.ASN1.BitArray
import Data.ASN1.Types
import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
import Data.List (find)
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
import Data.X509

import Time.Types

import Crypto.Random (MonadRandom)

import Crypto.Store.ASN1.Generate
import Crypto.Store.ASN1.Parse
import Crypto.Store.CMS.Algorithms
import Crypto.Store.CMS.Attribute
import Crypto.Store.CMS.Encrypted
import Crypto.Store.CMS.OriginatorInfo
import Crypto.Store.CMS.Type
import Crypto.Store.CMS.Util
import Crypto.Store.Error

-- | Encrypted key.
type EncryptedKey = ByteString

-- | User keying material.
type UserKeyingMaterial = ByteString

-- | Key used for key encryption.
type KeyEncryptionKey = ByteString

-- | A password stored as a sequence of UTF-8 bytes.
-- Some key-derivation functions add restrictions to what characters
-- are supported.
type Password = ByteString

-- | Union type related to identification of the recipient.
data RecipientIdentifier
    = RecipientIASN IssuerAndSerialNumber  -- ^ Issuer and Serial Number
    | RecipientSKI  ByteString             -- ^ Subject Key Identifier
    deriving (Show,Eq)

instance ASN1Elem e => ProduceASN1Object e RecipientIdentifier where
    asn1s (RecipientIASN iasn) = asn1s iasn
    asn1s (RecipientSKI  ski)  = asn1Container (Container Context 0)
                                    (gOctetString ski)

instance Monoid e => ParseASN1Object e RecipientIdentifier where
    parse = parseIASN <|> parseSKI
      where parseIASN = RecipientIASN <$> parse
            parseSKI  = RecipientSKI  <$>
                onNextContainer (Container Context 0) parseBS
            parseBS = do { OctetString bs <- getNext; return bs }

getKTVersion :: RecipientIdentifier -> Integer
getKTVersion (RecipientIASN _) = 0
getKTVersion (RecipientSKI _)  = 2

-- | Identification of a certificate using the issuer DN and serial number.
data IssuerAndSerialNumber = IssuerAndSerialNumber
    { iasnIssuer :: DistinguishedName
      -- ^ Distinguished name of the certificate issuer
    , iasnSerial :: Integer
      -- ^ Issuer-specific certificate serial number
    deriving (Show,Eq)

instance ASN1Elem e => ProduceASN1Object e IssuerAndSerialNumber where
    asn1s IssuerAndSerialNumber{..} =
        asn1Container Sequence (asn1s iasnIssuer . gIntVal iasnSerial)

instance Monoid e => ParseASN1Object e IssuerAndSerialNumber where
    parse = onNextContainer Sequence $ do
        i <- parse
        IntVal s <- getNext
        return IssuerAndSerialNumber { iasnIssuer = i
                                     , iasnSerial = s

idEcPublicKey :: OID
idEcPublicKey = [1,2,840,10045,2,1]

-- | Originator public key used for key-agreement.  Contrary to 'PubKey' the
-- domain parameters are not used and may be left empty.
data OriginatorPublicKey = OriginatorPublicKeyEC [ASN1] BitArray
    deriving (Show,Eq)

originatorPublicKeyASN1S :: ASN1Elem e
                         => ASN1ConstructionType
                         -> OriginatorPublicKey
                         -> ASN1Stream e
originatorPublicKeyASN1S ty (OriginatorPublicKeyEC asn1 ba) =
    asn1Container ty (alg . gBitString ba)
    alg = asn1Container Sequence (gOID idEcPublicKey . gMany asn1)

parseOriginatorPublicKey :: Monoid e
                         => ASN1ConstructionType
                         -> ParseASN1 e OriginatorPublicKey
parseOriginatorPublicKey ty =
    onNextContainer ty $ do
        asn1 <- onNextContainer Sequence $ do
                    OID oid <- getNext
                    guard (oid == idEcPublicKey)
                    getMany getNext
        BitString ba <- getNext
        return (OriginatorPublicKeyEC asn1 ba)

-- | Union type related to identification of the originator.
data OriginatorIdentifierOrKey
    = OriginatorIASN IssuerAndSerialNumber  -- ^ Issuer and Serial Number
    | OriginatorSKI  ByteString             -- ^ Subject Key Identifier
    | OriginatorPublic OriginatorPublicKey  -- ^ Anonymous public key
    deriving (Show,Eq)

instance ASN1Elem e => ProduceASN1Object e OriginatorIdentifierOrKey where
    asn1s (OriginatorIASN iasn)   = asn1s iasn
    asn1s (OriginatorSKI  ski)    = asn1Container (Container Context 0)
                                       (gOctetString ski)
    asn1s (OriginatorPublic pub)  =
        originatorPublicKeyASN1S (Container Context 1) pub

instance Monoid e => ParseASN1Object e OriginatorIdentifierOrKey where
    parse = parseIASN <|> parseSKI <|> parsePublic
      where parseIASN = OriginatorIASN <$> parse
            parseSKI  = OriginatorSKI  <$>
                onNextContainer (Container Context 0) parseBS
            parseBS = do { OctetString bs <- getNext; return bs }
            parsePublic  = OriginatorPublic <$>
                parseOriginatorPublicKey (Container Context 1)

-- | Union type related to identification of a key-agreement recipient.
data KeyAgreeRecipientIdentifier
    = KeyAgreeRecipientIASN IssuerAndSerialNumber  -- ^ Issuer and Serial Number
    | KeyAgreeRecipientKI   KeyIdentifier          -- ^ Key identifier
    deriving (Show,Eq)

instance ASN1Elem e => ProduceASN1Object e KeyAgreeRecipientIdentifier where
    asn1s (KeyAgreeRecipientIASN iasn) = asn1s iasn
    asn1s (KeyAgreeRecipientKI   ki)   = asn1Container (Container Context 0)
                                            (asn1s ki)

instance Monoid e => ParseASN1Object e KeyAgreeRecipientIdentifier where
    parse = parseIASN <|> parseKI
      where parseIASN = KeyAgreeRecipientIASN <$> parse
            parseKI   = KeyAgreeRecipientKI   <$>
                onNextContainer (Container Context 0) parse

-- | Encrypted key for a recipient in a key-agreement RI.
data RecipientEncryptedKey = RecipientEncryptedKey
    { rekRid :: KeyAgreeRecipientIdentifier -- ^ identifier of recipient
    , rekEncryptedKey :: EncryptedKey       -- ^ encrypted content-encryption key
    deriving (Show,Eq)

instance ASN1Elem e => ProduceASN1Object e RecipientEncryptedKey where
    asn1s RecipientEncryptedKey{..} = asn1Container Sequence (rid . ek)
      where rid = asn1s rekRid
            ek  = gOctetString rekEncryptedKey

instance Monoid e => ParseASN1Object e RecipientEncryptedKey where
    parse = onNextContainer Sequence $ do
        rid <- parse
        OctetString ek <- getNext
        return RecipientEncryptedKey { rekRid = rid, rekEncryptedKey = ek }

findRecipientEncryptedKey :: SignedCertificate
                          -> [RecipientEncryptedKey]
                          -> Maybe EncryptedKey
findRecipientEncryptedKey cert list = rekEncryptedKey <$> find fn list
    c = signedObject (getSigned cert)
    matchIASN iasn =
        (iasnIssuer iasn, iasnSerial iasn) == (certIssuerDN c, certSerial c)
    matchSKI ski   =
        case extensionGet (certExtensions c) of
            Just (ExtSubjectKeyId idBs) -> idBs == ski
            Nothing                     -> False
    fn rek = case rekRid rek of
                 KeyAgreeRecipientIASN iasn -> matchIASN iasn
                 KeyAgreeRecipientKI   ki   -> matchSKI (keyIdentifier ki)

-- | Additional information in a 'KeyIdentifier'.
data OtherKeyAttribute = OtherKeyAttribute
    { keyAttrId :: OID    -- ^ attribute identifier
    , keyAttr   :: [ASN1] -- ^ attribute value
    deriving (Show,Eq)

instance ASN1Elem e => ProduceASN1Object e OtherKeyAttribute where
    asn1s OtherKeyAttribute{..} = asn1Container Sequence (attrId . attr)
      where attrId = gOID keyAttrId
            attr   = gMany keyAttr

instance Monoid e => ParseASN1Object e OtherKeyAttribute where
    parse = onNextContainer Sequence $ do
        OID attrId <- getNext
        attr <- getMany getNext
        return OtherKeyAttribute { keyAttrId = attrId, keyAttr = attr }

-- | Key identifier and optional attributes.
data KeyIdentifier = KeyIdentifier
    { keyIdentifier :: ByteString         -- ^ identifier of the key
    , keyDate :: Maybe DateTime           -- ^ optional timestamp
    , keyOther :: Maybe OtherKeyAttribute -- ^ optional information
    deriving (Show,Eq)

instance ASN1Elem e => ProduceASN1Object e KeyIdentifier where
    asn1s KeyIdentifier{..} = asn1Container Sequence (keyId . date . other)
        keyId = gOctetString keyIdentifier
        date  = optASN1S keyDate $ \v -> gASN1Time TimeGeneralized v Nothing
        other = optASN1S keyOther asn1s

instance Monoid e => ParseASN1Object e KeyIdentifier where
    parse = onNextContainer Sequence $ do
        OctetString keyId <- getNext
        date <- getNextMaybe dateTimeOrNothing
        b <- hasNext
        other <- if b then Just <$> parse else return Nothing
        return KeyIdentifier { keyIdentifier = keyId
                             , keyDate = date
                             , keyOther = other

-- | Recipient using key transport.
data KTRecipientInfo = KTRecipientInfo
    { ktRid :: RecipientIdentifier                 -- ^ identifier of recipient
    , ktKeyTransportParams :: KeyTransportParams   -- ^ key transport algorithm
    , ktEncryptedKey :: EncryptedKey               -- ^ encrypted content-encryption key
    deriving (Show,Eq)

-- | Recipient using key agreement.
data KARecipientInfo = KARecipientInfo
    { kaOriginator :: OriginatorIdentifierOrKey           -- ^ identifier of orginator or anonymous key
    , kaUkm        :: Maybe UserKeyingMaterial            -- ^ user keying material
    , kaKeyAgreementParams :: KeyAgreementParams          -- ^ key agreement algorithm
    , kaRecipientEncryptedKeys :: [RecipientEncryptedKey] -- ^ encrypted content-encryption key for one or multiple recipients
    deriving (Show,Eq)

-- | Recipient using key encryption.
data KEKRecipientInfo = KEKRecipientInfo
    { kekId :: KeyIdentifier                        -- ^ identifier of key encryption key
    , kekKeyEncryptionParams :: KeyEncryptionParams -- ^ key encryption algorithm
    , kekEncryptedKey :: EncryptedKey               -- ^ encrypted content-encryption key
    deriving (Show,Eq)

-- | Recipient using password-based protection.
data PasswordRecipientInfo = PasswordRecipientInfo
    { priKeyDerivationFunc :: KeyDerivationFunc     -- ^ function to derive key
    , priKeyEncryptionParams :: KeyEncryptionParams -- ^ key encryption algorithm
    , priEncryptedKey :: EncryptedKey               -- ^ encrypted content-encryption key
    deriving (Show,Eq)

-- | Information for a recipient of an 'EnvelopedData'.  An element contains
-- the content-encryption key in encrypted form.
data RecipientInfo = KTRI KTRecipientInfo
                     -- ^ Recipient using key transport
                   | KARI KARecipientInfo
                     -- ^ Recipient using key agreement
                   | KEKRI KEKRecipientInfo
                     -- ^ Recipient using key encryption
                   | PasswordRI PasswordRecipientInfo
                     -- ^ Recipient using password-based protection
    deriving (Show,Eq)

instance ASN1Elem e => ProduceASN1Object e RecipientInfo where
    asn1s (KTRI KTRecipientInfo{..}) =
        asn1Container Sequence (ver . rid . ktp . ek)
        ver = gIntVal (getKTVersion ktRid)
        rid = asn1s ktRid
        ktp = algorithmASN1S Sequence ktKeyTransportParams
        ek  = gOctetString ktEncryptedKey

    asn1s (KARI KARecipientInfo{..}) =
        asn1Container (Container Context 1) (ver . ori . ukm . kap . reks)
        ver  = gIntVal 3
        ori  = asn1Container (Container Context 0) (asn1s kaOriginator)
        kap  = algorithmASN1S Sequence kaKeyAgreementParams
        reks = asn1Container Sequence (asn1s kaRecipientEncryptedKeys)

        ukm = case kaUkm of
                  Nothing -> id
                  Just bs -> asn1Container (Container Context 1) (gOctetString bs)

    asn1s (KEKRI KEKRecipientInfo{..}) =
        asn1Container (Container Context 2) (ver . kid . kep . ek)
        ver = gIntVal 4
        kid = asn1s kekId
        kep = algorithmASN1S Sequence kekKeyEncryptionParams
        ek  = gOctetString kekEncryptedKey

    asn1s (PasswordRI PasswordRecipientInfo{..}) =
        asn1Container (Container Context 3) (ver . kdf . kep . ek)
        ver = gIntVal 0
        kdf = algorithmASN1S (Container Context 0) priKeyDerivationFunc
        kep = algorithmASN1S Sequence priKeyEncryptionParams
        ek  = gOctetString priEncryptedKey

instance Monoid e => ParseASN1Object e RecipientInfo where
    parse = do
        c <- onNextContainerMaybe Sequence parseKT
             `orElse` onNextContainerMaybe (Container Context 1) parseKA
             `orElse` onNextContainerMaybe (Container Context 2) parseKEK
             `orElse` onNextContainerMaybe (Container Context 3) parsePassword
        case c of
            Just val -> return val
            Nothing  -> throwParseError "RecipientInfo: unable to parse"
        parseKT = KTRI <$> do
            IntVal v <- getNext
            when (v `notElem` [0, 2]) $
                throwParseError ("RecipientInfo: parsed invalid KT version: " ++ show v)
            rid <- parse
            ktp <- parseAlgorithm Sequence
            (OctetString ek) <- getNext
            return KTRecipientInfo { ktRid = rid
                                   , ktKeyTransportParams = ktp
                                   , ktEncryptedKey = ek

        parseKA = KARI <$> do
            IntVal 3 <- getNext
            ori <- onNextContainer (Container Context 0) parse
            ukm <- onNextContainerMaybe (Container Context 1) $
                       do { OctetString bs <- getNext; return bs }
            kap <- parseAlgorithm Sequence
            reks <- onNextContainer Sequence parse
            return KARecipientInfo { kaOriginator = ori
                                   , kaUkm = ukm
                                   , kaKeyAgreementParams = kap
                                   , kaRecipientEncryptedKeys = reks

        parseKEK = KEKRI <$> do
            IntVal 4 <- getNext
            kid <- parse
            kep <- parseAlgorithm Sequence
            (OctetString ek) <- getNext
            return KEKRecipientInfo { kekId = kid
                                    , kekKeyEncryptionParams = kep
                                    , kekEncryptedKey = ek

        parsePassword = PasswordRI <$> do
            IntVal 0 <- getNext
            kdf <- parseAlgorithm (Container Context 0)
            kep <- parseAlgorithm Sequence
            (OctetString ek) <- getNext
            return PasswordRecipientInfo { priKeyDerivationFunc = kdf
                                         , priKeyEncryptionParams = kep
                                         , priEncryptedKey = ek

isVersion0 :: RecipientInfo -> Bool
isVersion0 (KTRI x)       = getKTVersion (ktRid x) == 0
isVersion0 (KARI _)       = False      -- because version is always 3
isVersion0 (KEKRI _)      = False      -- because version is always 4
isVersion0 (PasswordRI _) = True       -- because version is always 0

isPwriOri :: RecipientInfo -> Bool
isPwriOri (KTRI _)       = False
isPwriOri (KARI _)       = False
isPwriOri (KEKRI _)      = False
isPwriOri (PasswordRI _) = True

-- | Enveloped content information.
data EnvelopedData content = EnvelopedData
    { evOriginatorInfo :: OriginatorInfo
      -- ^ Optional information about the originator
    , evRecipientInfos :: [RecipientInfo]
      -- ^ Information for recipients, allowing to decrypt the content
    , evContentType :: ContentType
      -- ^ Inner content type
    , evContentEncryptionParams :: ContentEncryptionParams
      -- ^ Encryption algorithm
    , evEncryptedContent :: content
      -- ^ Encrypted content info
    , evUnprotectedAttrs :: [Attribute]
      -- ^ Optional unprotected attributes
    deriving (Show,Eq)

instance ProduceASN1Object ASN1P (EnvelopedData (Encap EncryptedContent)) where
    asn1s EnvelopedData{..} =
        asn1Container Sequence (ver . oi . ris . eci . ua)
        ver = gIntVal v
        ris = asn1Container Set (asn1s evRecipientInfos)
        eci = encryptedContentInfoASN1S
                  (evContentType, evContentEncryptionParams, evEncryptedContent)
        ua  = attributesASN1S (Container Context 1) evUnprotectedAttrs

        oi | evOriginatorInfo == mempty = id
           | otherwise = originatorInfoASN1S (Container Context 0) evOriginatorInfo

        v | hasChoiceOther evOriginatorInfo = 4
          | any isPwriOri evRecipientInfos  = 3
          | evOriginatorInfo /= mempty      = 2
          | not (null evUnprotectedAttrs)   = 2
          | all isVersion0 evRecipientInfos = 0
          | otherwise                       = 2

instance ParseASN1Object [ASN1Event] (EnvelopedData (Encap EncryptedContent)) where
    parse =
        onNextContainer Sequence $ do
            IntVal v <- getNext
            when (v > 4) $
                throwParseError ("EnvelopedData: parsed invalid version: " ++ show v)
            oi <- parseOriginatorInfo (Container Context 0) <|> return mempty
            ris <- onNextContainer Set parse
            (ct, params, ec) <- parseEncryptedContentInfo
            attrs <- parseAttributes (Container Context 1)
            return EnvelopedData { evOriginatorInfo = oi
                                 , evRecipientInfos = ris
                                 , evContentType = ct
                                 , evContentEncryptionParams = params
                                 , evEncryptedContent = ec
                                 , evUnprotectedAttrs = attrs

-- | Function able to produce a 'RecipientInfo'.
type ProducerOfRI m = ContentEncryptionKey -> m (Either StoreError RecipientInfo)

-- | Function able to consume a 'RecipientInfo'.
type ConsumerOfRI m = RecipientInfo -> m (Either StoreError ContentEncryptionKey)

-- | Generate a Key Transport recipient from a certificate and
-- desired algorithm.  The recipient will contain certificate identifier.
-- This function can be used as parameter to 'Crypto.Store.CMS.envelopData'.
forKeyTransRecipient :: MonadRandom m
                     => SignedCertificate -> KeyTransportParams -> ProducerOfRI m
forKeyTransRecipient cert params inkey = do
    ek <- transportEncrypt params (certPubKey obj) inkey
    return (KTRI . build <$> ek)
    obj = signedObject (getSigned cert)
    isn = IssuerAndSerialNumber (certIssuerDN obj) (certSerial obj)

    build ek = KTRecipientInfo
                  { ktRid = RecipientIASN isn
                  , ktKeyTransportParams = params
                  , ktEncryptedKey = ek

-- | Use a Key Transport recipient, knowing the private key.
-- This function can be used as parameter to
-- 'Crypto.Store.CMS.openEnvelopedData'.
withRecipientKeyTrans :: MonadRandom m => PrivKey -> ConsumerOfRI m
withRecipientKeyTrans privKey (KTRI KTRecipientInfo{..}) =
    transportDecrypt ktKeyTransportParams privKey ktEncryptedKey
withRecipientKeyTrans _ _ = pure (Left RecipientTypeMismatch)

-- | Generate a Key Agreement recipient from a certificate and
-- desired algorithm.  The recipient info will contain an ephemeral public key.
-- This function can be used as parameter to 'Crypto.Store.CMS.envelopData'.
-- To avoid decreasing the security strength, Key Encryption parameters should
-- use a key size equal or greater than the content encryption key.
forKeyAgreeRecipient :: MonadRandom m
                     => SignedCertificate -> KeyAgreementParams -> ProducerOfRI m
forKeyAgreeRecipient cert params inkey = do
    ephemeral <- ecdhGenerate (certPubKey obj)
    case ephemeral of
        Right pair -> do
            let pt = ecdhPublic pair
                aPub = OriginatorPublicKeyEC [] (toBitArray pt 0)
            ek <- ecdhEncrypt params Nothing pair inkey
            return (KARI . build aPub <$> ek)
        Left err -> return $ Left err
    obj = signedObject (getSigned cert)
    isn = IssuerAndSerialNumber (certIssuerDN obj) (certSerial obj)

    makeREK ek = RecipientEncryptedKey
                     { rekRid = KeyAgreeRecipientIASN isn
                     , rekEncryptedKey = ek

    build aPub ek =
            { kaOriginator = OriginatorPublic aPub
            , kaUkm = Nothing
            , kaKeyAgreementParams = params
            , kaRecipientEncryptedKeys = [ makeREK ek ]

-- | Use a Key Agreement recipient, knowing the recipient private key.  The
-- recipient certificate is also required to locate which encrypted key to use.
-- This function can be used as parameter to
-- 'Crypto.Store.CMS.openEnvelopedData'.
withRecipientKeyAgree :: MonadRandom m => PrivKey -> SignedCertificate -> ConsumerOfRI m
withRecipientKeyAgree priv cert (KARI KARecipientInfo{..}) =
    case kaOriginator of
        OriginatorPublic (OriginatorPublicKeyEC _ ba) ->
            case findRecipientEncryptedKey cert kaRecipientEncryptedKeys of
                Nothing -> pure (Left RecipientKeyNotFound)
                Just ek ->
                    let pub = bitArrayGetData ba
                     in pure (ecdhDecrypt kaKeyAgreementParams kaUkm priv pub ek)
        _ -> pure (Left UnsupportedOriginatorFormat)
withRecipientKeyAgree _ _ _        = pure (Left RecipientTypeMismatch)

-- | Generate a Key Encryption Key recipient from a key encryption key and
-- desired algorithm.  The recipient may identify the KEK that was used with
-- the supplied identifier.
-- This function can be used as parameter to 'Crypto.Store.CMS.envelopData'.
-- To avoid decreasing the security strength, Key Encryption parameters should
-- use a key size equal or greater than the content encryption key.
forKeyRecipient :: MonadRandom m
                => KeyEncryptionKey
                -> KeyIdentifier
                -> KeyEncryptionParams
                -> ProducerOfRI m
forKeyRecipient key kid params inkey = do
    ek <- keyEncrypt key params inkey
    return (KEKRI . build <$> ek)
    build ek = KEKRecipientInfo
                   { kekId = kid
                   , kekKeyEncryptionParams = params
                   , kekEncryptedKey = ek

-- | Use a Key Encryption Key recipient, knowing the key encryption key.
-- This function can be used as parameter to
-- 'Crypto.Store.CMS.openEnvelopedData'.
withRecipientKey :: Applicative f => KeyEncryptionKey -> ConsumerOfRI f
withRecipientKey key (KEKRI KEKRecipientInfo{..}) =
    pure (keyDecrypt key kekKeyEncryptionParams kekEncryptedKey)
withRecipientKey _ _ = pure (Left RecipientTypeMismatch)

-- | Generate a password recipient from a password.
-- This function can be used as parameter to 'Crypto.Store.CMS.envelopData'.
forPasswordRecipient :: MonadRandom m
                     => Password
                     -> KeyDerivationFunc
                     -> KeyEncryptionParams
                     -> ProducerOfRI m
forPasswordRecipient pwd kdf params inkey = do
    ek <- keyEncrypt derived params inkey
    return (PasswordRI . build <$> ek)
    derived = kdfDerive kdf len pwd :: EncryptedKey
    len = fromMaybe (getMaximumKeySize params) (kdfKeyLength kdf)
    build ek = PasswordRecipientInfo
                   { priKeyDerivationFunc = kdf
                   , priKeyEncryptionParams = params
                   , priEncryptedKey = ek

-- | Use a password recipient, knowing the password.
-- This function can be used as parameter to
-- 'Crypto.Store.CMS.openEnvelopedData'.
withRecipientPassword :: Applicative f => Password -> ConsumerOfRI f
withRecipientPassword pwd (PasswordRI PasswordRecipientInfo{..}) =
    pure (keyDecrypt derived priKeyEncryptionParams priEncryptedKey)
    derived = kdfDerive priKeyDerivationFunc len pwd :: EncryptedKey
    len = fromMaybe (getMaximumKeySize priKeyEncryptionParams)
                    (kdfKeyLength priKeyDerivationFunc)
withRecipientPassword _ _ = pure (Left RecipientTypeMismatch)