{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}


Types and routines for constructive solid geometry.

This module provides constructors for complex solids as well as
membership predicates and routines to compute intersections of such
solids with a ray.


module Data.CSG
    ( -- * Examples
      -- $examples
      -- * Solids
      -- ** Primitives
    , plane
    , sphere
    , cylinder
    , cone
      -- ** Complex solids
    , cuboid
    , coneFrustum
    , cylinderFrustum

      -- ** Operations
    , intersect
    , unite
    , complement
    , subtract

      -- * Ray casting
    , Point
    , Vec3
    , Ray(..)
    , HitPoint(..)
    , HitSegment
    , Trace
    , trace
    , cast

      -- * Membership
    , inside

    , module V3


import Prelude hiding (Just, Nothing, Maybe, subtract)

import Data.Strict.Maybe
import Data.Strict.Tuple
import Test.QuickCheck (Arbitrary(..), frequency, sized)

import Data.Vec3 hiding (Vec3, Matrix)
import qualified Data.Vec3 as V3

-- $examples
-- "Data.CSG" uses 'Vec3' to represent vectors and points:
-- >>> let p1 = fromXYZ (5, -6.5, -5)
-- >>> toXYZ (origin :: Point)
-- (0.0,0.0,0.0)
-- Define some solids:
-- >>> let s = sphere origin 5.0
-- >>> let b = cuboid (fromXYZ (-1, -1, -1)) (fromXYZ (1, 1, 1))
-- See "Data.CSG.Parser" for a non-programmatic way to define solids.
-- Test if a point is inside the solid:
-- >>> origin `inside` (s `intersect` b)
-- True
-- >>> origin `inside` (s `subtract` b)
-- False
-- Find the distance to the next intersection of a ray with a solid, along with the
-- surface normal:
-- >>> let axis = fromXYZ (1, 2, 10)
-- >>> let solid = cylinder origin axis 2.0 `intersect` sphere origin 3.5
-- >>> let ray = Ray (p1, origin <-> p1)
-- >>> ray `cast` solid
-- Just (HitPoint 0.7422558525331708 (Just (CVec3 0.7155468474912454 (-0.6952955216188516) 6.750441957464598e-2)))
-- Load a solid definition from a file:
-- >>> import Data.CSG.Parser
-- >>> Right solid2 <- parseGeometryFile "examples/reentry.geo"
-- >>> ray `cast` solid2
-- Just (HitPoint 10.877824491509912 (Just (CVec3 (-0.5690708596937849) 0.7397921176019203 0.3589790793088691)))

type Vec3   = TVec3
-- | We use 'CVec3' as a simple replacement for @(Double, Double,
-- Double)@. 'CVec3' implements a contiguous storage scheme for
-- Unboxed and Storable vectors which shows better performance.
-- Compile this package with @triples@ flag and run benchmarks to see
-- the difference.
type Vec3   = CVec3
type Point  = Vec3
type Matrix = V3.Matrix Vec3

-- | A ray described by the equation @p(t) = p_0 + v * t@ with an
-- initial point @p_0@ and a direction @v@. Substituting a specific
-- time @t'@ in the equation yields a position of a point @p(t')@ on
-- the ray. For negative values of @t'@, position precedes the initial
-- point.
newtype Ray = Ray (Point, Vec3)

-- | A point at which a ray intersects a surface, given as a distance
-- from the ray's initial point and an outward normal to the surface
-- at the hit point. If hit is in infinity, then normal is 'Nothing'.
-- If the hit occures on the same line but precedes the initial point
-- of the ray, the distance is negative.
-- Note that this datatype is strict only on first argument: we do not
-- compare normals when combining traces and thus do not force
-- calculation of normals.
data HitPoint = HitPoint !Double (Maybe Vec3)
                deriving (Eq, Show)

instance Ord HitPoint where
    compare (HitPoint t1 _) (HitPoint t2 _) = compare t1 t2

-- | A segment of ray inside a solid.
type HitSegment = (Pair HitPoint HitPoint)

-- | Trace of a ray/line on a solid is a list of segments
-- corresponding to the portions of the ray inside the solid.
-- >                       O - ray
-- >                        \
-- >                         \
-- >                          +------------
-- >                      ---/ *           \---
-- >                    -/      *              \-
-- >                   /         *               \
-- >                  (           *  - trace      )
-- >            solid -\           *             /
-- >                    -\          *          /-
-- >                      ---\       *     /---
-- >                          --------+----
-- >                                   \
-- >                                    \
-- >                                    _\/
-- >                                      \
-- Each 'HitSegment' is defined by a pair of 'HitPoint's on the ray
-- line.
-- Ends of segments or intervals are calculated by intersecting the
-- ray and the surface of the primitive. This is done with 'trace',
-- which substitutes the equation of ray @p(t) = p_o + v * t@ into the
-- equation which defines the surface and solves it for @t@.
-- Hit points may in lie in infinity. For example, because a ray
-- intersects a plane only once, a half-space primitive defined by
-- this plane results in a half-interval trace of a ray:
-- >                                          /
-- >                                         /
-- >                                        /
-- >              O========================+*****************>
-- >              |                       /                  |
-- >             ray                     /            goes to infinity
-- >                                    /
-- >                                   /
-- >                                  /
-- >                                 / - surface of half-space
-- If the solid is a composition, traces from primitives are then
-- combined according to operations used to define the solid (union,
-- intersection or complement).
-- Although only convex primitives are used in the current
-- implementation, operations on solids may result in concave solids,
-- which is why trace is defined as a list of segments.
-- In this example, solid is a sphere with a cutout:
-- >                        -------------
-- >                   ----/             \----
-- >                 -/                       \-
-- >               -/                           \-
-- >             -/          -----------          \-
-- >            /         --/           \--         \
-- >           /        -/                 \-        \
-- >          /        /                     \        \
-- >         /        /                       \        \
-- >         |  hs1  |                         |  hs2  |
-- >    - - -+*******+- - - - - - O============+*******+=========>
-- >         |       |            |            |       |
-- >         \        \          ray          /        /
-- >          \        \                     /        /
-- >           \        -\                 /-        /
-- >            \         --\           /--         /
-- >             -\          -----------          /-
-- >               -\                           /-
-- >                 -\                       /-
-- >                   ----\             /----
-- >                        -------------
-- Here, the full trace contains two segments: @hs1@ and @hs2@.
-- Moreover, 'trace' treats ray as a line with a designated point on
-- it, in reference to which distances to hit points are calculated.
-- This means that @hs1@ will have negative distances from the initial
-- point as that segment precedes it.
type Trace = [HitSegment]

-- | IEEE positive infinity.
infinityP :: Double
infinityP = (/) 1 0

-- | Negative infinity.
infinityN :: Double
infinityN = -infinityP

-- | Hit in negative infinity.
hitN :: HitPoint
hitN = HitPoint infinityN Nothing

-- | Hit in positive infinity.
hitP :: HitPoint
hitP = HitPoint infinityP Nothing

-- | CSG solid is a recursive composition of primitive objects or other
-- solids.
data Solid = Plane !Vec3 !Double
          -- ^ Half-space defined by a unit outward normal and a
          -- distance of boundary plane from the origin.
          | Sphere !Vec3 !Double
          -- ^ Sphere defined by a center point and a radius.
          | Cylinder !Vec3 !Point !Double
          -- ^ Infinite circular cylinder defined by a normalized axis
          -- vector, a point on axis and a radius.
          | Cone !Vec3 !Point !Double !Matrix !Double !Double
          -- ^ Cone defined by an inward axis direction, a vertex and
          -- a cosine to the angle h between the axis and the
          -- generatrix.
          -- Additionally, a transformation matrix $n * n - cos^2 h$,
          -- tangent of angle and odelta are stored for intersection
          -- calculations.
          | Union !Solid !Solid
          | Intersection !Solid !Solid
          | Complement !Solid
            deriving (Eq, Show)

instance Arbitrary Solid where
  -- There's got to be a nicer way to write this.
  -- We can't use generic-random here because Solid fields must be
  -- populated by smart constructors. Generating them independently
  -- will break internal assumptions (such as normals being unit
  -- vectors or the way matrix field for Cone is populated).
  arbitrary = sized $ \n ->
    frequency $
    [ (4, sphere <$> arbitrary <*> arbitrary)
    , (4, cuboid <$> arbitrary <*> arbitrary)
    , (3, cylinder <$> arbitrary <*> arbitrary <*> arbitrary)
    , (3, cone <$> arbitrary <*> arbitrary <*> arbitrary)
    , (3, cylinderFrustum <$> arbitrary <*> arbitrary <*> arbitrary)
    , (3, coneFrustum <$> arbitrary <*> arbitrary)
    ] ++
    -- Recurse
    if n == 0 then [] else
      [ (8, unite <$> arbitrary <*> arbitrary)
      , (3, intersect <$> arbitrary <*> arbitrary)
      , (3, complement <$> arbitrary)

-- | A half-space defined by an arbitary point on the boundary plane
-- and an outward normal (not necessarily a unit vector).
plane :: Point -> Vec3 -> Solid
plane p n = Plane nn (p .* nn)
              nn = normalize n

-- | A sphere defined by a center point and a radius.
sphere :: Vec3 -> Double -> Solid
sphere = Sphere

-- | A rectangular cuboid with faces parallel to axes, defined by two
-- opposite vertices.
cuboid :: Point -> Point -> Solid
cuboid p1 p2 =
  plane p1' (fromXYZ (1, 0, 0))
  plane p1' (fromXYZ (0, 1, 0))
  plane p1' (fromXYZ (0, 0, 1))
  plane p2' (fromXYZ (-1, 0, 0))
  plane p2' (fromXYZ (0, -1, 0))
  plane p2' (fromXYZ (0, 0, -1))
    (x1, y1, z1) = toXYZ p1
    (x2, y2, z2) = toXYZ p2
    p2' = fromXYZ (min x1 x2, min y1 y2, min z1 z2)
    p1' = fromXYZ (max x1 x2, max y1 y2, max z1 z2)

-- | An infinite circular cylinder defined by two arbitary points on
-- axis and a radius.
cylinder :: Point -> Point -> Double -> Solid
cylinder p1 p2 = Cylinder (normalize $ p2 <-> p1) p1

-- | A finite right circular cylinder defined by two points on its top
-- and bottom and a radius.
cylinderFrustum :: Point -> Point -> Double -> Solid
cylinderFrustum pb pt r =
    plane pt axis
    plane pb (invert axis)
    cylinder pb pt r
      axis = pt <-> pb

-- | An infinite right circular cone defined by an outward axis
-- vector, an apex point and an angle between the generatrix and the
-- axis (in degrees, less than 90).
cone :: Vec3 -> Point -> Double -> Solid
cone a o h =
        rads = h * pi / 180
        h' = cos rads
        n = normalize $ invert a
        gamma = diag (-h' * h')
        m = addM (n `vxv` n) gamma
        ta = tan rads
        odelta = n .* o
      Cone n o h' m ta odelta

-- | A conical frustum defined by two points on its axis with radii at
-- that points. One of radii may be zero (in which case one of frustum
-- ends will be the apex).
coneFrustum :: (Point, Double) -> (Point, Double) -> Solid
coneFrustum (p1, r1) (p2, r2) =
        -- Direction from pb to pt is towards apex. Corresponding
        -- radii are rb > rt.
        (pb, rb, pt, rt) = if r1 < r2
                           then (p2, r2, p1, r1)
                           else (p1, r1, p2, r2)
        -- Cone axis and frustum height
        gap =  pt <-> pb
        height = norm gap
        axis = normalize gap
        -- Calculate distance from pt to apex.
        dist = if rt == 0
               then 0
               else height / (rb / rt - 1)
        apex = pt <+> (axis .^ dist)
        -- Angle between generatrix and axis
        degs = atan (rb / (dist + norm (pt <-> pb))) * (180 / pi)
      plane pt axis
      plane pb (invert axis)
      cone axis apex degs

-- | Intersection of two solids.
intersect :: Solid -> Solid -> Solid
intersect !b1 !b2 = Intersection b1 b2

-- | Union of two solids.
unite :: Solid -> Solid -> Solid
unite !b1 !b2 = Union b1 b2

-- | Complement to a solid (normals flipped).
complement :: Solid -> Solid
complement !b = Complement b

-- | Subtract a solid from another.
subtract :: Solid -> Solid -> Solid
subtract !b1 !b2 = intersect b1 $ complement b2

-- | Trace of a ray on a solid.
trace :: Solid -> Ray -> Trace
{-# INLINE trace #-}

trace b@(Plane n d) (Ray (pos, v)) =
        !f = -(n .* v)
      if f == 0
          -- If ray is parallel to plane and is inside, then trace is
          -- the whole timeline.
          [hitN :!: hitP | inside pos b]
              !t = (pos .* n - d) / f
            if f > 0
            then [HitPoint t (Just n) :!: hitP]
            else [hitN :!: HitPoint t (Just n)]

trace (Sphere c r) (Ray (pos, v)) =
          !d = pos <-> c
          !roots = solveq (v .* v) (v .* d * 2) (d .* d - r * r)
          normal !u = normalize (u <-> c)
        case roots of
          Nothing -> []
          Just (t1 :!: t2) ->
              [HitPoint t1 (Just $ normal $ moveBy pos v t1) :!:
               HitPoint t2 (Just $ normal $ moveBy pos v t2)]

trace (Cylinder n c r) (Ray (pos, v)) =
        d = (pos <-> c) >< n
        e = v >< n
        roots = solveq (e .* e) (d .* e * 2) (d .* d - r * r)
        normal u = normalize $ h <-> (n .^ (h .* n))
            where h = u <-> c
      case roots of
        Nothing -> []
        Just (t1 :!: t2) ->
            [HitPoint t1 (Just $ normal $ moveBy pos v t1) :!:
                      HitPoint t2 (Just $ normal $ moveBy pos v t2)]

trace (Cone n c _ m ta odelta) (Ray (pos, v)) =
      delta = pos <-> c
      c2 = dotM v     v     m
      c1 = dotM v     delta m
      c0 = dotM delta delta m
      roots = solveq c2 (2 * c1) c0
      normal !u = normalize $ nx .^ (1 / ta) <-> ny .^ ta
          where h = u <-> c
                -- Component of h parallel to cone axis
                ny' = n .^ (n .* h)
                ny = normalize ny'
                -- Perpendicular component
                nx = normalize $ h <-> ny'
      case roots of
        Nothing -> []
        Just (t1 :!: t2) ->
                pos1 = moveBy pos v t1
                pos2 = moveBy pos v t2
              case ((pos1 .* n - odelta) > 0, (pos2 .* n - odelta) > 0) of
                (True, True) -> [HitPoint t1 (Just $ normal pos1) :!:
                                 HitPoint t2 (Just $ normal pos2)]
                (True, False) -> [hitN :!:
                                  HitPoint t1 (Just $ normal pos1)]
                (False, True) -> [HitPoint t2 (Just $ normal pos2) :!:
                (False, False) -> []

trace (Intersection b1 b2) !p =
    intersectTraces tr1 tr2
          tr1 = trace b1 p
          tr2 = trace b2 p

trace (Union b1 b2) !p =
    uniteTraces tr1 tr2
          tr1 = trace b1 p
          tr2 = trace b2 p

trace (Complement b) !p =
    complementTrace $ trace b p

-- | Find the next point where a ray hits a solid, if any.
-- Here we consider only future intersections: the 'HitPoint' is
-- guaranteed to have non-negative distance (unlike when using
-- 'trace').
-- This means that if the ray starts inside the solid the only way to
-- tell that from 'cast' result is to compare it's direction and the
-- surface normal at the hit point.
cast :: Ray -> Solid -> Maybe HitPoint
cast r b =
  case intersectTraces onlyFutureHits (trace b r) of
    (:!:) hp@(HitPoint _ (Just _))                        _ : _ -> Just hp
    (:!:)     (HitPoint _ Nothing) hp@(HitPoint _ (Just _)) : _ -> Just hp
    _                                                           -> Nothing
      onlyFutureHits = [HitPoint 0 Nothing :!: HitPoint infinityP Nothing]

-- | Union of two traces.
uniteTraces :: Trace -> Trace -> Trace
uniteTraces u [] = u
uniteTraces u (v:t2) =
      uniteTraces (unite1 u v) t2
        merge :: HitSegment -> HitSegment -> HitSegment
        merge (a1 :!: b1) (a2 :!: b2) = min a1 a2 :!: max b1 b2
        {-# INLINE merge #-}
        unite1 :: Trace -> HitSegment -> Trace
        unite1 [] hs = [hs]
        unite1 t@(hs1@(a1 :!: b1):tr') hs2@(a2 :!: b2)
            | b1 < a2 = hs1:unite1 tr' hs2
            | a1 > b2 = hs2:t
            | otherwise = unite1 tr' (merge hs1 hs2)
        {-# INLINE unite1 #-}
{-# INLINE uniteTraces #-}

-- | Intersection of two traces.
intersectTraces :: Trace -> Trace -> Trace
intersectTraces tr1 tr2 =
        -- Overlap two overlapping segments
        overlap :: HitSegment -> HitSegment -> HitSegment
        overlap (a1 :!: b1) (a2 :!: b2) = max a1 a2 :!: min b1 b2
        {-# INLINE overlap #-}
      case tr2 of
        [] -> []
        (hs2@(a2 :!: b2):tr2') ->
            case tr1 of
              [] -> []
              (hs1@(a1 :!: b1):tr1') | b1 < a2 -> intersectTraces tr1' tr2
                                     | b2 < a1 -> intersectTraces tr1 tr2'
                                     | otherwise -> overlap hs1 hs2:intersectTraces tr1' tr2
{-# INLINE intersectTraces #-}

-- | Complement to a trace (normals flipped).
complementTrace :: Trace -> Trace
complementTrace ((sp@(HitPoint ts _) :!: ep):xs) =
    start ++ complementTrace' ep xs
      flipNormals :: HitSegment -> HitSegment
      flipNormals (HitPoint t1 n1 :!: HitPoint t2 n2) =
          HitPoint t1 (invert <$> n1) :!: HitPoint t2 (invert <$> n2)
      {-# INLINE flipNormals #-}
      -- Start from infinity if first hitpoint is finite
      start = if isInfinite ts
              then []
              else [flipNormals $ hitN :!: sp]
      complementTrace' :: HitPoint -> Trace -> Trace
      complementTrace' c ((a :!: b):tr) =
          -- Bridge between the last point of the previous segment and
          -- the first point of the next one.
          flipNormals (c :!: a):complementTrace' b tr
      complementTrace' a@(HitPoint t _) [] =
          -- End in infinity if last hitpoint is finite
          [flipNormals (a :!: hitP) | not (isInfinite t)]
complementTrace [] = [hitN :!: hitP]
{-# INLINE complementTrace #-}

-- | True if the point is in inside the solid.
inside :: Point -> Solid -> Bool
{-# INLINE inside #-}

inside !pos (Plane n d) = (pos .* n - d) < 0

inside !pos (Sphere c r) = norm (pos <-> c) < r

inside !pos (Cylinder n c r) =
    norm (h <-> (n .^ (h .* n))) < r
      h = pos <-> c

inside !pos (Cone n c a _ _ _) =
    n .* normalize (pos <-> c) > a

inside !p (Intersection b1 b2) = inside p b1 && inside p b2

inside !p (Union b1 b2) = inside p b1 || inside p b2

inside !p (Complement b) = not $ inside p b

-- | Move point by velocity vector for given time and return new
-- position.
moveBy :: Point
       -- ^ Current position.
       -> Vec3
       -- ^ Velocity.
       -> Double
       -- ^ Time step.
       -> Point
moveBy !p !v !t = p <+> (v .^ t)
{-# INLINE moveBy #-}

-- | Solve quadratic equation @ax^2 + bx + c = 0@.
-- If less than two roots exist, Nothing is returned.
solveq :: Double
       -- ^ a
       -> Double
       -- ^ b
       -> Double
       -- ^ c
       -> Maybe (Pair Double Double)
solveq !a !b !c
    | d > 0     = Just $ min r1 r2 :!: max r1 r2
    | otherwise = Nothing
      d  =   b * b - 4 * a * c
      q  =   sqrt d
      t  =   2 * a
      r  = - b / t
      s  =   q / t
      r1 =   r - s
      r2 =   r + s
{-# INLINE solveq #-}