csound-expression-4.1.0: library to make electronic music

Safe HaskellNone




We can convert notes to sound signals with instruments. An instrument is a function:

 (Arg a, Sigs b) => a -> SE b

It takes a tuple of primitive Csound values (number, string or array) and converts it to the tuple of signals and it makes some side effects along the way so the output is wrapped in the SE-monad.

There are only three ways of making a sound with an instrument:

  • Suplpy an instrument with notes (Mix-section).
  • Trigger an instrument with event stream (Evt-section).
  • By using midi-instruments (see Csound.Control.Midi).

Sometimes we don't want to produce any sound. Our instrument is just a procedure that makes something useful without being noisy about it. It's type is:

 (Arg a) => a -> SE ()

To invoke the procedures there are functions with trailing underscore. For example we have the function trig to convert event stream to sound:

 trig :: (Arg a, Sigs b) => (a -> SE b) -> Evts (D, D, a) -> b 

and we have a trig with underscore to convert the event stream to the sequence of the procedure invkations:

 trig_ :: (Arg a) => (a -> SE ()) -> Evts (D, D, a) -> SE () 

To invoke instruments from another instrumetnts we use artificial closures made with functions with trailing xxxBy. For example:

 trigBy :: (Arg a, Arg c, Sigs b) => (a -> SE b) -> (c -> Evts (D, D, a)) -> (c -> b)

Notice that the event stream depends on the argument of the type c. Here goes all the parameters that we want to pass from the outer instrument. Unfortunately we can not just create the closure, because our values are not the real values. It's a text of the programm (a tiny snippet of it) to be executed. For a time being I don't know how to make it better. So we need to pass the values explicitly.

For example, if we want to make an arpeggiator:

 pureTone :: D -> SE Sig
 pureTone cps = return $ mul env $ osc $ sig cps
    where env = linseg [0, 0.01, 1, 0.25, 0]
 majArpeggio :: D -> SE Sig
 majArpeggio = return . schedBy pureTone evts
     where evts cps = withDur 0.5 $ fmap (* cps) $ cycleE [1, 5/3, 3/2, 2] $ metroE 5
 main = dac $ mul 0.5 $ midi $ onMsg majArpeggio

We should use schedBy to pass the frequency as a parameter to the event stream.



We can invoke instrument with specified notes. Eqch note happens at some time and lasts for some time. It contains the argument for the instrument.

We can invoke the instrument on the sequence of notes (sco), process the sequence of notes with an effect (eff) and convert everything in the plain sound signals (to send it to speakers or write to file or use it in some another instrument).

The sequence of notes is represented with type class CsdSco. Wich has a very simple methods. So you can use your own favorite library to describe the list of notes. If your type supports the scaling in the time domain (stretching the timeline) you can do it in the Mix-version (after the invokation of the instrument). All notes are rescaled all the way down the Score-structure.

class Functor f => CsdSco f where


toCsdEventList :: f a -> CsdEventList a

singleCsdEvent :: CsdEvent a -> f a


data Mix a

sco :: (CsdSco f, Arg a, Sigs b) => (a -> SE b) -> f a -> f (Mix b)

mix :: (Sigs a, CsdSco f) => f (Mix a) -> a

eff :: (CsdSco f, Sigs a, Sigs b) => (a -> SE b) -> f (Mix a) -> f (Mix b)

type CsdEvent a = (Double, Double, a)

mixLoop :: (CsdSco f, Sigs a) => f (Mix a) -> aSource

Mixes the scores and plays them in the loop.

sco_ :: (CsdSco f, Arg a) => (a -> SE ()) -> f a -> f (Mix Unit)

mix_ :: CsdSco f => f (Mix Unit) -> SE ()

mixLoop_ :: CsdSco f => f (Mix Unit) -> SE ()Source

Mixes the procedures and plays them in the loop.

mixBy :: (Arg a, Sigs b, CsdSco f) => (a -> f (Mix b)) -> a -> b



trig :: (Arg a, Sigs b) => (a -> SE b) -> Evt (D, D, a) -> bSource

Triggers an instrument with an event stream. The event stream contains triples:

 (delay_after_event_is_fired, duration_of_the_event, argument_for_the_instrument)

sched :: (Arg a, Sigs b) => (a -> SE b) -> Evt (D, a) -> bSource

It's like the function trig, but delay is set to zero.

schedHarp :: (Arg a, Sigs b) => D -> (a -> SE b) -> Evt a -> bSource

An instrument is triggered with event stream and delay time is set to zero (event fires immediately) and duration is set to inifinite time. The note is held while the instrument is producing something. If the instrument is silent for some seconds (specified in the first argument) then it's turned off.

schedUntil :: (Arg a, Sigs b) => (a -> SE b) -> Evt a -> Evt c -> bSource

Invokes an instrument with first event stream and holds the note until the second event stream is active.

schedToggle :: Sigs b => SE b -> Evt D -> bSource

Invokes an instrument with toggle event stream (1 stands for on and 0 stands for off).

trig_ :: Arg a => (a -> SE ()) -> Evt (D, D, a) -> SE ()Source

Triggers a procedure on the event stream.

sched_ :: Arg a => (a -> SE ()) -> Evt (D, a) -> SE ()Source

Triggers a procedure on the event stream. A delay time is set to zero.

schedUntil_ :: Arg a => (a -> SE ()) -> Evt a -> Evt c -> SE ()Source

Invokes an instrument with first event stream and holds the note until the second event stream is active.

trigBy :: (Arg a, Sigs b, Arg c) => (a -> SE b) -> (c -> Evt (D, D, a)) -> c -> bSource

A closure to trigger an instrument inside the body of another instrument.

schedBy :: (Arg a, Sigs b, Arg c) => (a -> SE b) -> (c -> Evt (D, a)) -> c -> bSource

A closure to trigger an instrument inside the body of another instrument.

schedHarpBy :: (Arg a, Sigs b, Arg c) => D -> (a -> SE b) -> (c -> Evt a) -> c -> bSource

A closure to trigger an instrument inside the body of another instrument.

withDur :: D -> Evt a -> Evt (D, a)Source

Sets the same duration for all events. It's useful with the functions sched, schedBy, sched_.


trigs :: (Arg a, Sigs b) => (a -> SE b) -> Evt [(D, D, a)] -> b

scheds :: (Arg a, Sigs b) => (a -> SE b) -> Evt [(D, a)] -> b

schedHarps :: (Arg a, Sigs b) => D -> (a -> SE b) -> Evt [a] -> b

schedUntils :: (Arg a, Sigs b) => (a -> SE b) -> Evt [a] -> Evt c -> bSource

Invokes an instrument with first event stream and holds the note until the second event stream is active.

trigs_ :: Arg a => (a -> SE ()) -> Evt [(D, D, a)] -> SE ()

scheds_ :: Arg a => (a -> SE ()) -> Evt [(D, a)] -> SE ()

schedUntils_ :: Arg a => (a -> SE ()) -> Evt [a] -> Evt c -> SE ()Source

Invokes an instrument with first event stream and holds the note until the second event stream is active.

trigsBy :: (Arg a, Sigs b, Arg c) => (a -> SE b) -> (c -> Evt [(D, D, a)]) -> c -> b

schedsBy :: (Arg a, Sigs b, Arg c) => (a -> SE b) -> (c -> Evt [(D, a)]) -> c -> b

schedHarpsBy :: (Arg a, Sigs b, Arg c) => D -> (a -> SE b) -> (c -> Evt [a]) -> c -> b

withDurs :: D -> Evt [a] -> Evt [(D, a)]Source

Sets the same duration for all events. It's useful with the functions scheds, schedsBy, scheds_.


Converters to make it easier a construction of the instruments.

class Sigs (SigOuts a) => Outs a whereSource

Associated Types

type SigOuts a :: *Source


toOuts :: a -> SE (SigOuts a)Source


Outs Sig 
Outs (SE (Sig, Sig)) 
Outs (SE (Sig, Sig, Sig, Sig)) 
Outs (SE Sig) 
Outs (Sig, Sig) 
Outs (Sig, Sig, Sig, Sig) 

onArg :: Outs b => (a -> b) -> a -> SE (SigOuts b)Source

class AmpInstr a whereSource

Constructs a drum-like instrument. Drum like instrument has a single argument that signifies an amplitude.

Associated Types

type AmpInstrOut a :: *Source


onAmp :: a -> D -> SE (AmpInstrOut a)Source


class CpsInstr a whereSource

Constructs a simple instrument that takes in a tuple of two arguments. They are amplitude and the frequency (in Hz or cycles per second).

Associated Types

type CpsInstrOut a :: *Source


onCps :: a -> (D, D) -> SE (CpsInstrOut a)Source


CpsInstr ((Sig, Sig) -> (Sig, Sig)) 
CpsInstr ((Sig, Sig) -> Sig) 
CpsInstr ((Sig, Sig) -> SE (Sig, Sig)) 
CpsInstr ((Sig, Sig) -> SE Sig) 
CpsInstr ((Sig, D) -> (Sig, Sig)) 
CpsInstr ((Sig, D) -> Sig) 
CpsInstr ((Sig, D) -> SE (Sig, Sig)) 
CpsInstr ((Sig, D) -> SE Sig) 
CpsInstr ((D, Sig) -> (Sig, Sig)) 
CpsInstr ((D, Sig) -> Sig) 
CpsInstr ((D, Sig) -> SE (Sig, Sig)) 
CpsInstr ((D, Sig) -> SE Sig) 
CpsInstr ((D, D) -> (Sig, Sig)) 
CpsInstr ((D, D) -> Sig) 
CpsInstr ((D, D) -> SE (Sig, Sig)) 
CpsInstr ((D, D) -> SE Sig) 
CpsInstr (Sig -> (Sig, Sig)) 
CpsInstr (Sig -> Sig) 
CpsInstr (Sig -> SE (Sig, Sig)) 
CpsInstr (Sig -> SE Sig) 
CpsInstr (D -> (Sig, Sig)) 
CpsInstr (D -> Sig) 
CpsInstr (D -> SE (Sig, Sig)) 
CpsInstr (D -> SE Sig)