-- | Hyper vectorial synthesis
module Csound.Air.Hvs(
        HvsSnapshot, HvsMatrix1, HvsMatrix2, HvsMatrix3,
        hvs1, hvs2, hvs3,

        -- | Csound functions
        csdHvs1, csdHvs2, csdHvs3
) where

import Control.Applicative hiding ((<*))
import Control.Monad.Trans.Class
import Csound.Dynamic hiding (int)
import Csound.Typed

import Csound.Typed.Opcode hiding (hvs1, hvs2, hvs3)
import qualified Csound.Typed.Opcode as C(hvs1, hvs2, hvs3)

import Csound.Tab

-- | Hvs vector
type HvsSnapshot = [Double]

-- | 1D matrix
type HvsMatrix1 = [HvsSnapshot]

-- | 2D matrix (grid of vecotrs)
type HvsMatrix2 = [HvsMatrix1]

-- | 3D matrix (cube of vectors)
type HvsMatrix3 = [HvsMatrix2]

-- Hyper Vectorial Synthesis.

-- | 
-- Allows one-dimensional Hyper Vectorial Synthesis (HVS) controlled by externally-updated k-variables.
-- hvs1 allows one-dimensional Hyper Vectorial Synthesis (HVS) controlled by externally-updated k-variables.
-- >  hvs1  kx, inumParms, inumPointsX, iOutTab, iPositionsTab, iSnapTab [, iConfigTab]
-- csound doc: <http://www.csounds.com/manual/html/hvs1.html>
csdHvs1 ::  Sig -> D -> D -> Tab -> Tab -> Tab -> SE ()
csdHvs1 b1 b2 b3 b4 b5 b6 = SE $ (depT_ =<<) $ lift $ f <$> unSig b1 <*> unD b2 <*> unD b3 <*> unTab b4 <*> unTab b5 <*> unTab b6
    where f a1 a2 a3 a4 a5 a6 = opcs "hvs1" [(Xr,[Kr,Ir,Ir,Ir,Ir,Ir,Ir])] [a1,a2,a3,a4,a5,a6]

-- | 
-- Allows two-dimensional Hyper Vectorial Synthesis (HVS) controlled by externally-updated k-variables.
-- hvs2 allows two-dimensional Hyper Vectorial Synthesis (HVS) controlled by externally-updated k-variables.
-- >  hvs2  kx, ky, inumParms, inumPointsX, inumPointsY, iOutTab, iPositionsTab, iSnapTab [, iConfigTab]
-- csound doc: <http://www.csounds.com/manual/html/hvs2.html>
csdHvs2 ::  Sig -> Sig -> D -> D -> D -> Tab -> Tab -> Tab -> SE ()
csdHvs2 b1 b2 b3 b4 b5 b6 b7 b8 = SE $ (depT_ =<<) $ lift $ f <$> unSig b1 <*> unSig b2 <*> unD b3 <*> unD b4 <*> unD b5 <*> unTab b6 <*> unTab b7 <*> unTab b8
    where f a1 a2 a3 a4 a5 a6 a7 a8 = opcs "hvs2" [(Xr,[Kr,Kr,Ir,Ir,Ir,Ir,Ir,Ir,Ir])] [a1

-- | 
-- Allows three-dimensional Hyper Vectorial Synthesis (HVS) controlled by externally-updated k-variables.
-- hvs3 allows three-dimensional Hyper Vectorial Synthesis (HVS) controlled by externally-updated k-variables.
-- >  hvs3  kx, ky, kz, inumParms, inumPointsX, inumPointsY, inumPointsZ, iOutTab, iPositionsTab, iSnapTab [, iConfigTab]
-- csound doc: <http://www.csounds.com/manual/html/hvs3.html>
csdHvs3 ::  Sig -> Sig -> Sig -> D -> D -> D -> D -> Tab -> Tab -> Tab -> SE ()
csdHvs3 b1 b2 b3 b4 b5 b6 b7 b8 b9 b10 = SE $ (depT_ =<<) $ lift $ f <$> unSig b1 <*> unSig b2 <*> unSig b3 <*> unD b4 <*> unD b5 <*> unD b6 <*> unD b7 <*> unTab b8 <*> unTab b9 <*> unTab b10
    where f a1 a2 a3 a4 a5 a6 a7 a8 a9 a10 = opcs "hvs3" [(Xr
                                                          ,[Kr,Kr,Kr,Ir,Ir,Ir,Ir,Ir,Ir,Ir,Ir])] [a1,a2,a3,a4,a5,a6,a7,a8,a9,a10]

-- | One dimensional Hyper vectorial synthesis. 
-- We can provide a list of vectors (of lists but the same length for all items is assumed)
-- and a signal that ranges from 0 to 1. It interpolates between vectors in the list.
-- As a result we get a n interpolated vector. It's a list but the actual length
-- equals to the length of input vectors.
-- An example. We can set the center frequency and resonance of the filter with the single parameter:
-- > let f = hvs1 [[100, 0.1], [300, 0.1], [600, 0.5], [800, 0.9]]
-- >  dac $ lift1 (\x -> fmap (\[cps, q] -> mlp cps q (saw 110)) $ f x) (uknob 0.5)
-- Notice the exact pattern match with the list in the argument of the lambda function:
-- > \[cps, q] -> mlp cps q (saw 110)) $ f x
-- It's determined by the length of the items in the input list.
hvs1 :: HvsMatrix1 -> Sig -> SE [Sig]
hvs1 as x = do
        outTab <- newTab (int numParams)
        csdHvs1 x (int numParams) (int numPointsX) outTab positionsTab snapTab
        return $ fmap (kr . flip tab outTab . sig . int) [0 .. numParams - 1]
                numParams  = length $ head as
                numPointsX = length as

                positionsTab = doubles $ fmap fromIntegral [0 .. numPointsX - 1]
                snapTab = doubles $ concat as

-- | Two dimensional Hyper vectorial synthesis. 
-- Now we provide a list of lists of vectors. The length of all vectors should be the same 
-- but there is no limit for the number! So that's how we can control a lot of parameters
-- with pair of signals. The input 2D atrix is the grid of samples.
-- It finds the closest four points in the grid and interpolates between them (it's a weighted sum).
-- > hvs2 matrix (x, y)
-- The usage is the same as in the case of @hvs1@. An example:
-- > g = hvs2 [[[100, 0.1, 0.3], [800, 0.1, 0.5], [1400, 0.1, 0.8]], 
-- > 		  [[100, 0.5, 0.3], [800, 0.5, 0.5], [1400, 0.5, 0.8]], 
-- > 		  [[100, 0.8, 0.3], [800, 0.8, 0.5], [1400, 0.8, 0.8]]]
-- > 
-- > main = dac $ do
-- > 	(g1, kx) <- uknob 0.5
-- > 	(g2, ky) <- uknob 0.5
-- > 	[cfq, q, w] <- g (kx, ky)
-- > 	panel $ hor [g1, g2]
-- > 	at (mlp cfq q) $ fmap (cfd w (saw 110)) (white)
hvs2 :: HvsMatrix2 -> Sig2 -> SE [Sig]
hvs2 as (x, y) = do
        outTab <- newTab (int numParams)
        csdHvs2 x y (int numParams) (int numPointsX) (int numPointsY) outTab positionsTab snapTab
        return $ fmap (kr . flip tab outTab . sig . int) [0 .. numParams - 1]
                numParams  = length $ head $ head as
                numPointsX = length $ head as
                numPointsY = length as

                positionsTab = doubles $ fmap fromIntegral [0 .. (numPointsX * numPointsY - 1)]
                snapTab = doubles $ concat $ concat as

-- | The three dimensional 
hvs3 :: HvsMatrix3 -> Sig3 -> SE [Sig]
hvs3 as (x, y, z) = do
        outTab <- newTab (int numParams)
        csdHvs3 x y z (int numParams) (int numPointsX) (int numPointsY) (int numPointsZ) outTab positionsTab snapTab
        return $ fmap (kr . flip tab outTab . sig . int) [0 .. numParams - 1]
                numParams  = length $ head $ head $ head as
                numPointsX = length $ head $ head as
                numPointsY = length $ head as
                numPointsZ = length as

                positionsTab = doubles $ fmap fromIntegral [0 .. (numPointsX * numPointsY * numPointsZ) - 1]
                snapTab = doubles $ concat $ concat $ concat as