-- | The Csound types.
-- There are several primitive types:
-- * @Sig@ - signals
-- * @D@ - numbers
-- * @Str@ - strings
-- * @Tab@ - 1-dimensional arrays
-- * @Spec@ and @Wspec@ - sound spectrums
--  A signal is a stream of numbers. Signals carry sound or time varied
--  control values. Numbers are constants. 1-dimensional arrays contain some useful
--  data which is calculated at the initial run of the program.
-- There is only one compound type. It's a tuple of Csound values. The empty tuple
-- is signified with special type called @Unit@.
module Csound.Types(
    -- * Primitive types
    Sig, D, Tab, Str, Spec, Wspec,
    BoolSig, BoolD, Val(..), SigOrD,

    Sig2, Sig3, Sig4, Sig5, Sig6, Sig8,
    Sig2_2, Sig2_3, Sig2_4, Sig2_5, Sig2_6, Sig2_7, Sig2_8,
    -- ** Constructors
    double, int, text,

    -- ** Constants
    idur, getSampleRate, getControlRate, getBlockSize,

    -- ** BPM
    getBpm, setBpm, syn, takt,

    -- ** Converters
    ar, kr, ir, sig,

    -- ** Init values
    withInits, withDs, withSigs, withTabs,
    withD, withSig, withTab, withSeed,

    -- ** Numeric functions
    quot', rem', div', mod', ceil', floor', round', int', frac',

    -- ** Logic functions
    boolSig, when1, whens, whenElse, whenD1, whenDs, whileDo, untilDo, whileDoD, untilDoD, whenElseD, compareWhenD,
    equalsTo, notEqualsTo, lessThan, greaterThan, lessThanEquals, greaterThanEquals,

    -- ** Aliases
    -- | Handy for functions that return tuples to specify the utput type
    -- > (aleft, aright) = ar2 $ diskin2 "file.wav" 1
    -- or
    -- > asig = ar1 $ diskin2 "file.wav" 1
    ar1, ar2, ar4, ar6, ar8,

    -- * Tuples
    Tuple(..), makeTupleMethods, Unit, unit, atTuple,
    -- *** Logic functions
    ifTuple, guardedTuple, caseTuple,

    -- * Instruments

    -- | An instrument is a function that takes a tpule of csound values as an argument
    -- and returns a tuple of signals as an output. The type of the instrument is:
    -- > (Arg a, Out b) => a -> b

    -- ** Arguments
    Arg, atArg,
    -- *** Logic functions
    ifArg, guardedArg, caseArg,

    -- ** Monophonic arguments
    MonoArg(..), MonoAdsr, adsrMonoSynt, monoAdsr,

    -- ** Outputs

    -- * Arrays
    Arr, newLocalArr, newGlobalArr, newLocalCtrlArr, newGlobalCtrlArr,
    writeArr, readArr, modifyArr, mixArr,
    -- ** Type inference helpers
    Arr1, DArr1, Arr2, DArr2, Arr3, DArr3,
    arr1, darr1, arr2, darr2, arr3, darr3,

    -- ** Traverse and fold
    foreachArr, foreachArrD, forRowArr, forColumnArr, forRowArrD, forColumnArrD,
    foldArr, foldRowArr, foldColumnArr, foldRowsArrD, foldColumnsArrD,

    -- ** Array opcodes
    fillLocalArr, fillGlobalArr, fillLocalCtrlArr, fillGlobalCtrlArr,
    maparrayNew, lenarray, copyf2array, copya2ftab, minarray, maxarray, sumarray,
    scalearray, slicearrayNew,

    maparrayCopy, slicearrayCopy,

    -- ** Spectral opcodes

    fftNew, fftinvNew, rfftNew, rifftNew, pvs2tab, tab2pvs, cmplxprodNew,
    rect2polNew, pol2rectNew, pol2rect2New, windowArrayNew,
    r2cNew, c2rNew, magsArrayNew, phsArrayNew,

    fftCopy, fftinvCopy, rfftCopy, rifftCopy, cmplxprodCopy,
    rect2polCopy, pol2rectCopy, pol2rect2Copy, windowArrayCopy,
    r2cCopy, c2rCopy, magsArrayCopy, phsArrayCopy
) where

import Data.Boolean
import Csound.Typed.Types
import Csound.Typed.Control
import Csound.Control.SE

-- | Gets an init-rate value from the list by index.
atArg :: (Tuple a, Arg a) => [a] -> D -> a
atArg as ind = guardedArg (zip (fmap (\x -> int x ==* ind) [0 .. ]) as) (head as)

-- | Gets an control/audio-rate value from the list by index.
atTuple :: (Tuple a) => [a] -> Sig -> a
atTuple as ind = guardedTuple (zip (fmap (\x -> sig (int x) ==* ind) [0 .. ]) as) (head as)

whenElseD :: BoolD -> SE () -> SE () -> SE ()
whenElseD cond ifDo elseDo = whenDs [(cond, ifDo)] elseDo

whenElse :: BoolSig -> SE () -> SE () -> SE ()
whenElse cond ifDo elseDo = whens [(cond, ifDo)] elseDo

-- | Performs tree search f the first argument lies within the interval it performs the corresponding procedure.
compareWhenD :: D -> [(D, SE ())] -> SE ()
compareWhenD val conds = case conds of
    [] -> return ()
    [(cond, ifDo)] -> ifDo
    (cond1, do1):(cond2, do2): [] -> whenElseD (val `lessThan` cond1) do1 do2
    _ -> whenElseD (val `lessThan` rootCond) (compareWhenD val less) (compareWhenD val more)
        (less, more) = splitAt (length conds `div` 2) conds
        rootCond = fst $ last less

-- | It's used to synchronize changes with BPM.
-- Useful with LFO's or delay times.
syn :: Sig -> Sig
syn x = (bpm / 60) * x
    where bpm = getBpm

-- | Calculates seconds in ratio to global BPM.
-- It measures time according to changes in the BPM.
-- It's reciprocal to @syn@.
takt :: Sig -> Sig
takt = recip . syn