csound-sampler- A musical sampler based on Csound

Safe HaskellNone




The sampler



data Sample a Source

The generic type for samples.

type Sam = Sample Sig2 Source

The main type. A stereo sample.

type Bpm = D Source

The Beats Per Minute measure (BPM). Almost all values are measured in BPMs.


mapBpm :: (Bpm -> Sig2 -> Sig2) -> Sam -> Sam Source

Transforms the sample with BPM.

bindSam :: (Sig2 -> SE Sig2) -> Sam -> Sam Source

Lifts bind on stereo signals to samples.

bindBpm :: (Bpm -> Sig2 -> SE Sig2) -> Sam -> Sam Source

Lifts bind on stereo signals to samples with BPM.

liftSam :: Sample (SE a) -> Sample a Source

Hides the effects inside sample.


sig1 :: D -> Sig -> Sam Source

Constructs sample from limited mono signal (duration is in seconds)

sig2 :: D -> Sig2 -> Sam Source

Constructs sample from limited stereo signal (duration is in seconds)

infSig1 :: Sig -> Sam Source

Constructs sample from mono signal

infSig2 :: Sig2 -> Sam Source

Constructs sample from stereo signal

fromSig1 :: D -> Sig -> Sam Source

Constructs sample from limited mono signal (duration is in BPMs)

fromSig2 :: D -> Sig2 -> Sam Source

Constructs sample from limited stereo signal (duration is in BPMs)

rest :: D -> Sam Source

Constructs silence. The first argument is length in BPMs.

class ToSam a where Source


toSam :: a -> Sam Source


limSam :: ToSam a => D -> a -> Sam Source


wav :: String -> Sam Source

Constructs sample from wav or aiff files.

wavr :: String -> Sam Source

Constructs sample from wav that is played in reverse.

seg :: D -> D -> String -> Sam Source

Constructs sample from the segment of a wav file. The start and end times are measured in seconds.

seg begin end fileName

segr :: D -> D -> String -> Sam Source

rndWav :: D -> String -> Sam Source

Picks segments from the wav file at random. The first argument is the length of the segment.

rndWavr :: D -> String -> Sam Source

Picks segments from the wav file at random. The first argument is the length of the segment.

rndSeg :: D -> D -> D -> String -> Sam Source

Constructs random segments of the given length from an interval.

rndSegr :: D -> D -> D -> String -> Sam Source

Constructs reversed random segments of the given length from an interval.

ramWav :: LoopMode -> Sig -> String -> Sam Source

Reads a sample from the file in RAM.

ramWav loopMode speed fileName


wav1 :: String -> Sam Source

Constructs sample from mono wav or aiff files.

wavr1 :: String -> Sam Source

Constructs sample from mono wav that is played in reverse.

seg1 :: D -> D -> String -> Sam Source

Constructs sample from the segment of a mono wav file. The start and end times are measured in seconds.

seg begin end fileName

segr1 :: D -> D -> String -> Sam Source

rndWav1 :: D -> String -> Sam Source

Picks segments from the mono wav file at random. The first argument is the length of the segment.

rndWavr1 :: D -> String -> Sam Source

Picks segments from the mono wav file at random. The first argument is the length of the segment.

rndSeg1 :: D -> D -> D -> String -> Sam Source

Constructs random segments of the given length from an interval.

rndSegr1 :: D -> D -> D -> String -> Sam Source

Constructs reversed random segments of the given length from an interval.

ramWav1 :: LoopMode -> Sig -> String -> Sam Source

Reads a sample from the mono file in RAM.

ramWav1 loopMode speed fileName


linEnv :: D -> D -> Sam -> Sam Source

A linear rise-decay envelope. Times a given in BPMs.

linEnv rise dec sample

expEnv :: D -> D -> Sam -> Sam Source

An exponential rise-decay envelope. Times a given in BPMs.

expEnv rise dec sample

hatEnv :: Sam -> Sam Source

Parabolic envelope that starts and ends at zero and reaches maximum at the center.

decEnv :: Sam -> Sam Source

Fade out linear envelope.

riseEnv :: Sam -> Sam Source

Fade in linear envelope.

edecEnv :: Sam -> Sam Source

Fade out exponential envelope.

eriseEnv :: Sam -> Sam Source

Fade in exponential envelope.


del :: D -> Sam -> Sam Source

Delays a sample by the given amount of BPMs.

str :: D -> Sam -> Sam Source

Stretches the BPM measure.

wide :: D -> Sam -> Sam Source

Makes the sampler broader. It's reciprocal of str

wide k = str (1 / k)

flow :: [Sam] -> Sam Source

Plays a list of samples one after another.

pick :: Sig -> [Sam] -> Sam Source

Picks samples at random. The first argument is the period ofmetronome in BPMs. The tick of metronome produces new random sample from the list.

pickBy :: Sig -> [(D, Sam)] -> Sam Source

Picks samples at random. We can specify a frequency of the occurernce. The sum of all frequencies should be equal to 1.

lim :: D -> Sam -> Sam Source

Limits the length of the sample. The length is expressed in BPMs.

atPan :: Sig -> Sam -> Sam Source

Panning. 0 is all left and 1 is all right.

atPch :: Sig -> Sam -> Sam Source

Scales sample by pitch in tones.

atCps :: Sig -> Sam -> Sam Source

Scales sample by pitch in factor of frequency.

atPanRnd :: Sam -> Sam Source

Applies random panning to every sample playback.

atVolRnd :: (D, D) -> Sam -> Sam Source

Applies random amplitude scaling to every sample playback.

atVolGauss :: D -> Sam -> Sam Source

Applies random amplitude scaling with gauss distribution with given radius (centered at 1).


loop :: Sam -> Sam Source

Plays sample in the loop.

rep1 :: D -> Sam -> Sam Source

Plays the sample at the given period (in BPMs). The samples don't overlap.

rep :: [D] -> Sam -> Sam Source

Plays the sample at the given pattern of periods (in BPMs). The samples don't overlap.

pat1 :: D -> Sam -> Sam Source

Plays the sample at the given period (in BPMs). The overlapped samples are mixed together.

pat :: [D] -> Sam -> Sam Source

Plays the sample at the given pattern of periods (in BPMs). The overlapped samples are mixed together.

pat' :: [D] -> [D] -> Sam -> Sam Source

Plays the sample at the given pattern of volumes and periods (in BPMs). The overlapped samples are mixed together.

pat' volumes periods


type Chord = [D] Source

The tones of the chord.

arpUp :: Chord -> [D] -> Sam -> Sam Source

Plays ascending arpeggio of samples.

arpDown :: Chord -> [D] -> Sam -> Sam Source

Plays descending arpeggio of samples.

arpOneOf :: Chord -> [D] -> Sam -> Sam Source

Plays arpeggio of samles with random notes from the chord.

arpFreqOf :: [D] -> Chord -> [D] -> Sam -> Sam Source

Plays arpeggio of samles with random notes from the chord. We can assign the frequencies of the notes.

arpUp1 :: Chord -> Sig -> Sam -> Sam Source

Plays ascending arpeggio of samples.

arpDown1 :: Chord -> Sig -> Sam -> Sam Source

Plays descending arpeggio of samples.

arpOneOf1 :: Chord -> Sig -> Sam -> Sam Source

Plays arpeggio of samles with random notes from the chord.

arpFreqOf1 :: [D] -> Chord -> Sig -> Sam -> Sam Source

Plays arpeggio of samles with random notes from the chord. We can assign the frequencies of the notes.

Misc patterns

wall :: D -> Sam -> Sam Source

Constructs the wall of sound from the initial segment of the sample. The segment length is given in BPMs.

wall segLength

forAirports :: [(D, D, D)] -> Sam -> Sam Source

The pattern is influenced by the Brian Eno's work "Music fo Airports". The argument is list of tripples:

(delayTime, repeatPeriod, pitch)

It takes a Sample and plays it in the loop with given initial delay time. The third cell in the tuple pitch is a value for scaling of the pitch in tones.

genForAirports :: [(D, D, Sam)] -> Sam Source

The pattern is influenced by the Brian Eno's work "Music fo Airports". It's more generic than pattern forAirport The argument is list of tripples:

(delayTime, repeatPeriod, Sample)

It takes a list of Samples and plays them in the loop with given initial delay time and repeat period.

arpy :: (D -> SE Sig2) -> D -> D -> Int -> [[D]] -> Sam Source

The arpeggiator for the sequence of chords.

arpy instrument chordPeriod speedOfTheNote accentNumber chords 

The first argument is an instrument that takes in a frequency of the note in Hz. The second argument is the period of chord change (in beats). The next argument is the speed of the single note (in beats). The integer argument is number of notes in the group. Every n'th note is louder. The last argument is the sequence of chords. The chord is the list of frequencies.


toSec :: Bpm -> D -> D Source