{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveAnyClass #-}

Module      : Data.CuckooFilter.Internal
Description : Internal functions and data types for Data.CuckooFilter
Copyright   : (c) Chris Coffey, 2018
License     : MIT
Maintainer  : chris@foldl.io
Stability   : experimental

This is the internal API and implemntation of 'Data.CuckooFilter'. It is subject to
change at any time and should not be used. Instead, use the exports from 'Data.CuckooFilter'.

module Data.CuckooFilter.Internal (
    -- * Constructing a Cuckoo Filter

    -- * Fingerprints

    -- * Working with indices

    -- ** Bucket Cells,
) where

import Data.Aeson (ToJSON, FromJSON)
import Data.Bits (xor, (.&.), (.|.), shiftR, shiftL)
import Data.Foldable (foldl')
import qualified Data.IntMap.Strict as IM
import Data.Hashable (Hashable, hash)
import Data.Serialize (Serialize)
import Data.Word (Word32, Word8)
import GHC.Generics (Generic)
import Numeric.Natural (Natural)

-- | A non-zero natural number. Generally this is a power of two, although there's no hard requirement
-- for that given the current implementation.
newtype Size = Size Natural
    deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
    deriving stock Generic
    deriving newtype (Serialize, ToJSON, FromJSON)
-- | Safely make a 'Size' or fail if a 0 is provided.
makeSize :: Natural -> Maybe Size
makeSize n
    | n == 0 = Nothing
    | otherwise = Just . Size $ fromIntegral n

class Index a where
    toIndex :: Natural -> a -> Int

-- | An Index represents the keys into buckets
newtype IndexA = IA Word32
    deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Generic)
    deriving newtype (ToJSON, FromJSON, Hashable)
    deriving anyclass Serialize
instance Index IndexA where
    toIndex numBuckets (IA n) = fromIntegral n `mod` fromIntegral numBuckets

newtype IndexB = IB Word32
    deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Generic)
    deriving newtype (ToJSON, FromJSON, Hashable)
    deriving anyclass Serialize
instance Index IndexB where
    toIndex numBuckets (IB n) = fromIntegral n `mod` fromIntegral numBuckets

-- | A FingerPrint is an 8 bit hash of a value
newtype FingerPrint = FP Word8
    deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Generic)
    deriving newtype (ToJSON, FromJSON, Hashable)
    deriving anyclass Serialize
emptyFP :: FingerPrint
emptyFP = FP 0
-- | A Bucket is a statically sized list of four FingerPrints.
newtype Bucket = B Word32
    deriving (Show, Ord)
    deriving stock Generic
    deriving newtype (ToJSON, FromJSON, Eq)
    deriving anyclass Serialize
emptyBucket :: Bucket
emptyBucket = B 0

getCell ::
    -> Natural -- Really just 0-3. Is it worth creating a custom datatype for this?
    -> FingerPrint
getCell (B bucket) cellNumber =
    FP . fromIntegral $ (bucket .&. mask) `shiftR` offset
        offset = (fromIntegral cellNumber) * 8
        mask = (255 :: Word32) `shiftL` offset

setCell ::
    -> Natural
    -> FingerPrint
    -> Bucket
setCell (B bucket) cellNumber (FP fp) =
    B $ zeroed .|. mask
        offset = (fromIntegral cellNumber) * 8
        zeroed = (bucket .|. zeroMask) `xor` zeroMask
        zeroMask = (255 :: Word32) `shiftL` offset
        mask = (fromIntegral fp :: Word32) `shiftL` offset

-- | A Cuckoo Filter with a fixed size. The current implementation uses 8 bit fingerprints
-- and 4 element buckets.
data Filter a = F {
    buckets :: IM.IntMap Bucket, -- size / 4.
    numBuckets :: !Natural, -- Track the number of buckets to avoid a length lookup
    size :: !Size -- The number of buckets
    deriving (Show, Eq, Generic, Serialize, ToJSON, FromJSON)

-- | Creates a new & empty 'Filter' of size s
empty ::
    Size -- ^ The initial size of the filter
    -> Filter a
empty (Size s) = F {
    -- By using an empty map, we're able to avoid allocating any memory for elements that aren't stored.
    -- If the filter is packed densely the additional memory for the IntMap hurts quite a bit, but at load
    -- factors
    buckets = IM.empty,
    numBuckets = numBuckets,
    size = Size s
        numBuckets = s `div` 4

-- Working with Buckets
insertBucket ::
    -> Bucket
    -> Maybe Bucket
insertBucket fp bucket =
    case (a,b,c,d) of
        (True, _, _, _) -> Just $ setCell bucket 0 fp
        (_, True, _, _) -> Just $ setCell bucket 1 fp
        (_, _, True, _) -> Just $ setCell bucket 2 fp
        (_, _, _, True) -> Just $ setCell bucket 3 fp
        _ -> Nothing
        -- TODO factor out all of this duplicated code
        a = emptyFP == getCell bucket 0
        b = emptyFP == getCell bucket 1
        c = emptyFP == getCell bucket 2
        d = emptyFP == getCell bucket 3

replaceInBucket ::
    -> (FingerPrint -> Bucket -> (Bool, Bool, Bool, Bool)) -- ^ Bucket predicate
    -> Bucket -- existing bucket
    -> (FingerPrint, Bucket) -- Removed fingerprint and latest bucket state
replaceInBucket fp predicate bucket = let
    results = predicate fp bucket
    in case results of
        (True, _, _, _) -> (getCell bucket 0, setCell bucket 0 fp)
        (_, True, _, _) -> (getCell bucket 1, setCell bucket 1 fp)
        (_, _, True, _) -> (getCell bucket 2, setCell bucket 2 fp)
        (_, _, _, True) -> (getCell bucket 3, setCell bucket 3 fp)
        _ -> (fp, bucket)

-- Index and hashes

-- | hash a % 255. Fingerprints are 8 bits each, and completely opaque to the
-- lookup algorithm.
makeFingerprint :: Hashable a =>
    -> FingerPrint
makeFingerprint a = FP . max 1 $  fromIntegral (abs $ hash a) `mod` 255

-- | (hash a) % numBuckets
primaryIndex :: Hashable a =>
    -> Natural
    -> IndexA
primaryIndex a numBuckets =
    IA . fromIntegral $ hash a

-- | (indexA `xor` hash fp) % numBuckets
secondaryIndex ::
    -> Natural
    -> IndexA
    -> IndexB
secondaryIndex fp numBuckets (IA primary) =
    IB (primary `xor` fpHash)
        fpHash = fromIntegral $ hash fp

kickedSecondaryIndex ::
    -> Natural
    -> IndexB
    -> IndexB
kickedSecondaryIndex fp numBuckets (IB alt) =
    secondaryIndex fp numBuckets (IA alt)