-- |
-- Module      :  Text.CueSheet.Render
-- Copyright   :  © 2016–2019 Mark Karpov
-- License     :  BSD 3 clause
-- Maintainer  :  Mark Karpov <markkarpov92@gmail.com>
-- Stability   :  experimental
-- Portability :  portable
-- The module contains a CUE sheet render. You probably want to import
-- "Text.CueSheet" instead.

{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts  #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards   #-}

module Text.CueSheet.Render
  ( renderCueSheet )

import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.State
import Control.Monad.Writer.Lazy
import Data.Char (isSpace, chr)
import Data.Maybe (catMaybes)
import Data.Text (Text)
import Numeric.Natural
import Text.CueSheet.Types
import Text.Printf (printf)
import qualified Data.ByteString         as B
import qualified Data.ByteString.Builder as BB
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy    as BL
import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty      as NE
import qualified Data.Text               as T
import qualified Data.Text.Encoding      as T

-- | Render a CUE sheet as a lazy 'BL.ByteString'. All 'Text' values in the
-- 'CueSheet' will be UTF-8 encoded.

  :: Bool              -- ^ Use CRLF sequence as “end of line” separator
  -> CueSheet          -- ^ The 'CueSheet' to render
  -> BL.ByteString     -- ^ The result
renderCueSheet csrf CueSheet {..} =
  BB.toLazyByteString . execWriter . flip evalStateT (max cueFirstTrackNumber 1) $ do
    let eol        = tell (if csrf then "\r\n" else "\n")
        tellText x =
          let raw = T.encodeUtf8 x
          in tell . BB.byteString $
             if B.any (isSpace . chr . fromIntegral) raw || B.null raw
               then "\"" <> raw <> "\""
               else raw
    forM_ cueCatalog $ \x -> do
      tell "CATALOG "
      tellText (unMcn x)
    forM_ cueCdTextFile $ \x -> do
      tell "CDTEXTFILE "
      tellText (T.pack x)
    forM_ cuePerformer $ \x -> do
      tell "PERFORMER "
      tellText (unCueText x)
    forM_ cueTitle $ \x -> do
      tell "TITLE "
      tellText (unCueText x)
    forM_ cueSongwriter $ \x -> do
      tell "SONGWRITER "
      tellText (unCueText x)
    forM_ cueFiles $ \CueFile {..} -> do
      tell "FILE "
      tellText (T.pack cueFileName)
      tell " "
      tellText (renderFileType cueFileType)
      forM_ cueFileTracks $ \CueTrack {..} -> do
        currentTrack <- get
        modify succ
        tell "  TRACK "
        tellText (formatNat currentTrack)
        tell " "
        tellText (renderTrackType cueTrackType)
        let flags = catMaybes
              [ if cueTrackDigitalCopyPermitted then Just "DCP"  else Nothing
              , if cueTrackFourChannelAudio     then Just "4CH"  else Nothing
              , if cueTrackPreemphasisEnabled   then Just "PRE"  else Nothing
              , if cueTrackSerialCopyManagement then Just "SCMS" else Nothing ]
        unless (null flags) $ do
          tell "    FLAGS "
          (tell . BB.byteString) (B.intercalate " " flags)
        forM_ cueTrackIsrc $ \x -> do
          tell "    ISRC "
          tellText (unIsrc x)
        forM_ cueTrackTitle $ \x -> do
          tell "    TITLE "
          tellText (unCueText x)
        forM_ cueTrackPerformer $ \x -> do
          tell "    PERFORMER "
          tellText (unCueText x)
        forM_ cueTrackSongwriter $ \x -> do
          tell "    SONGWRITER "
          tellText (unCueText x)
        forM_ cueTrackPregap $ \x -> do
          tell "    PREGAP "
          tellText (showMmSsFf x)
        forM_ cueTrackPregapIndex $ \x -> do
          tell "    INDEX 00 "
          tellText (showMmSsFf x)
        forM_ (NE.zip (NE.fromList [1..]) cueTrackIndices) $ \(n, index) -> do
          tell "    INDEX "
          tellText (formatNat n)
          tell " "
          tellText (showMmSsFf index)
        forM_ cueTrackPostgap $ \x -> do
          tell "    POSTGAP "
          tellText (showMmSsFf x)

-- Helpers

-- | Format a 'Natural' padding it with zeros to 2 digits.

formatNat :: Natural -> Text
formatNat = T.pack . printf "%02d"

-- | Render a 'CueFileType' as per the CUE specs.

renderFileType :: CueFileType -> Text
renderFileType Binary   = "BINARY"
renderFileType Motorola = "MOTOROLA"
renderFileType Aiff     = "AIFF"
renderFileType Wave     = "WAVE"
renderFileType MP3      = "MP3"

-- | Render a 'CueTrackType' as per the CUE specs.

renderTrackType :: CueTrackType -> Text
renderTrackType CueTrackAudio      = "AUDIO"
renderTrackType CueTrackCdg        = "CDG"
renderTrackType CueTrackMode1_2048 = "MODE1/2048"
renderTrackType CueTrackMode1_2352 = "MODE1/2352"
renderTrackType CueTrackMode2_2336 = "MODE2/2336"
renderTrackType CueTrackMode2_2352 = "MODE2/2352"
renderTrackType CueTrackCdi2336    = "CDI/2336"
renderTrackType CueTrackCdi2352    = "CDI/2352"