{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor #-}

module Cursor.List
  ( ListCursor(..)
  , emptyListCursor
  , makeListCursor
  , makeListCursorWithSelection
  , rebuildListCursor
  , listCursorNull
  , listCursorLength
  , listCursorIndex
  , listCursorSelectPrev
  , listCursorSelectNext
  , listCursorSelectIndex
  , listCursorSelectStart
  , listCursorSelectEnd
  , listCursorPrevItem
  , listCursorNextItem
  , listCursorInsert
  , listCursorAppend
  , listCursorRemove
  , listCursorDelete
  , listCursorSplit
  , listCursorCombine
  , traverseListCursor
  , foldListCursor
  ) where

import GHC.Generics (Generic)

import Data.Validity

import Cursor.Types

data ListCursor a =
    { listCursorPrev :: [a] -- ^ In reverse order
    , listCursorNext :: [a]
  deriving (Show, Eq, Generic, Functor)

instance Validity a => Validity (ListCursor a)

emptyListCursor :: ListCursor a
emptyListCursor = ListCursor {listCursorPrev = [], listCursorNext = []}

makeListCursor :: [a] -> ListCursor a
makeListCursor as = ListCursor {listCursorPrev = [], listCursorNext = as}

makeListCursorWithSelection :: Int -> [a] -> Maybe (ListCursor a)
makeListCursorWithSelection i as
  | i < 0 = Nothing
  | i > length as = Nothing
  | otherwise =
        {listCursorPrev = reverse $ take i as, listCursorNext = drop i as}

rebuildListCursor :: ListCursor a -> [a]
rebuildListCursor ListCursor {..} = reverse listCursorPrev ++ listCursorNext

listCursorNull :: ListCursor a -> Bool
listCursorNull ListCursor {..} = null listCursorPrev && null listCursorNext

listCursorLength :: ListCursor a -> Int
listCursorLength = length . rebuildListCursor

listCursorIndex :: ListCursor a -> Int
listCursorIndex = length . listCursorPrev

listCursorSelectPrev :: ListCursor a -> Maybe (ListCursor a)
listCursorSelectPrev tc =
  case listCursorPrev tc of
    [] -> Nothing
    (c:cs) ->
        ListCursor {listCursorPrev = cs, listCursorNext = c : listCursorNext tc}

listCursorSelectNext :: ListCursor a -> Maybe (ListCursor a)
listCursorSelectNext tc =
  case listCursorNext tc of
    [] -> Nothing
    (c:cs) ->
        ListCursor {listCursorPrev = c : listCursorPrev tc, listCursorNext = cs}

listCursorSelectIndex :: Int -> ListCursor a -> ListCursor a
listCursorSelectIndex ix_ lc =
  let ls = rebuildListCursor lc
   in case splitAt ix_ ls of
        (l, r) -> ListCursor {listCursorPrev = reverse l, listCursorNext = r}

listCursorSelectStart :: ListCursor a -> ListCursor a
listCursorSelectStart tc =
  case listCursorSelectPrev tc of
    Nothing -> tc
    Just tc' -> listCursorSelectStart tc'

listCursorSelectEnd :: ListCursor a -> ListCursor a
listCursorSelectEnd tc =
  case listCursorSelectNext tc of
    Nothing -> tc
    Just tc' -> listCursorSelectEnd tc'

listCursorPrevItem :: ListCursor a -> Maybe a
listCursorPrevItem lc =
  case listCursorPrev lc of
    [] -> Nothing
    (c:_) -> Just c

listCursorNextItem :: ListCursor a -> Maybe a
listCursorNextItem lc =
  case listCursorNext lc of
    [] -> Nothing
    (c:_) -> Just c

listCursorInsert :: a -> ListCursor a -> ListCursor a
listCursorInsert c lc = lc {listCursorPrev = c : listCursorPrev lc}

listCursorAppend :: a -> ListCursor a -> ListCursor a
listCursorAppend c lc = lc {listCursorNext = c : listCursorNext lc}

listCursorRemove :: ListCursor a -> Maybe (DeleteOrUpdate (ListCursor a))
listCursorRemove tc =
  case listCursorPrev tc of
    [] ->
      case listCursorNext tc of
        [] -> Just Deleted
        _ -> Nothing
    (_:prev) -> Just $ Updated $ tc {listCursorPrev = prev}

listCursorDelete :: ListCursor a -> Maybe (DeleteOrUpdate (ListCursor a))
listCursorDelete tc =
  case listCursorNext tc of
    [] ->
      case listCursorPrev tc of
        [] -> Just Deleted
        _ -> Nothing
    (_:next) -> Just $ Updated $ tc {listCursorNext = next}

listCursorSplit :: ListCursor a -> (ListCursor a, ListCursor a)
listCursorSplit ListCursor {..} =
  ( ListCursor {listCursorPrev = listCursorPrev, listCursorNext = []}
  , ListCursor {listCursorPrev = [], listCursorNext = listCursorNext})

listCursorCombine :: ListCursor a -> ListCursor a -> ListCursor a
listCursorCombine lc1 lc2 =
    { listCursorPrev = reverse $ rebuildListCursor lc1
    , listCursorNext = rebuildListCursor lc2

traverseListCursor :: ([a] -> [a] -> f b) -> ListCursor a -> f b
traverseListCursor = foldListCursor

foldListCursor :: ([a] -> [a] -> b) -> ListCursor a -> b
foldListCursor func ListCursor {..} =
  func (reverse listCursorPrev) listCursorNext