{-# LANGUAGE DeriveLift       #-}
{-# LANGUAGE InstanceSigs     #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell  #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-}

-- | Defines a 'D10' type as a newtype for 'Char', where the
-- values are restricted to characters between @'0'@ and @'9'@.
-- The following modules define @D10@ types in different ways
-- but are otherwise very similar to this one:
-- * "Data.D10.Num"
-- * "Data.D10.Safe"

module Data.D10.Char
    -- * Type
      D10 (..)
    -- $bounded
    -- $enum

    -- * Quasi-quoters
    , d10
    , d10list

    -- * Splice expressions
    , d10Exp
    , d10ListExp

    -- * Splice patterns
    , d10Pat
    , d10ListPat

    -- * Converting between D10 and Char
    , d10Char
    , charD10Maybe
    , charD10Either
    , charD10Fail

    -- * Converting between D10 and String
    , d10Str
    , strD10Maybe
    , strD10Either
    , strD10Fail
    , isD10Str

    -- * Converting between [D10] and String
    , strD10ListMaybe
    , strD10ListEither
    , strD10ListFail

    -- * Converting between D10 and Natural
    , d10Nat
    , natD10Maybe
    , natD10Either
    , natD10Fail
    , natMod10

    -- * Converting between D10 and Integer
    , d10Integer
    , integerD10Maybe
    , integerD10Either
    , integerD10Fail
    , integerMod10

    -- * Converting between D10 and Int
    , d10Int
    , intD10Maybe
    , intD10Either
    , intD10Fail
    , intMod10

    -- * Converting between D10 and general numeric types
    , d10Num
    , integralD10Maybe
    , integralD10Either
    , integralD10Fail
    , integralMod10

    ) where

import Data.D10.Predicate

-- base
import Control.Monad      ((>=>))
import Control.Monad.Fail (MonadFail (fail))
import Data.Char          (chr, ord)
import Data.Monoid        (Endo (..))
import GHC.Generics       (Generic)
import Numeric.Natural    (Natural)
import Prelude            hiding (fail)

-- template-haskell
import Language.Haskell.TH.Quote  (QuasiQuoter (..))
import Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax (Exp (..), Lift (lift), Lit (..), Pat (..), Q)

-- $setup
-- >>> :set -XQuasiQuotes
-- >>> :set -XTemplateHaskell


-- | A 'Char' value between @'0'@ and @'9'@.
-- The "Data.D10.Char" module provides many functions for
-- constructing 'D10' values, including:
-- * @'integerD10Maybe' :: 'Integer' -> 'Maybe' 'D10'@
-- * @'integerMod10' :: 'Integer' -> 'D10'@
-- With the @QuasiQuotes@ GHC extension enabled, you can write
-- 'D10' literals using the quasi-quoters 'd10' and 'd10list'.

newtype D10 =
    D10_Unsafe Char
      -- ^ The constructor's name include the word "unsafe" as a reminder
      --   that you should generally avoid using it directly, because it
      --   allows constructing invalid 'D10' values.
    deriving (Eq, Ord, Lift)

-- $bounded
-- ==== Bounded
-- >>> minBound :: D10
-- [d10|0|]
-- >>> maxBound :: D10
-- [d10|9|]

instance Bounded D10
    minBound = D10_Unsafe '0'
    maxBound = D10_Unsafe '9'

-- $enum
-- ==== Enum
-- >>> [ [d10|5|] .. ]
-- [d10list|56789|]
-- >>> [ [d10|4|] .. [d10|7|] ]
-- [d10list|4567|]
-- >>> [ [d10|5|], [d10|4|] .. ]
-- [d10list|543210|]
-- >>> [ [d10|1|], [d10|3|] .. ]
-- [d10list|13579|]
-- >>> [ minBound .. maxBound ] :: [D10]
-- [d10list|0123456789|]

instance Enum D10
    fromEnum :: D10 -> Int
    fromEnum = d10Int

    toEnum :: Int -> D10
    toEnum = either error id . intD10Either

    enumFrom :: D10 -> [D10]
    enumFrom x = enumFromTo x maxBound

    enumFromThen :: D10 -> D10 -> [D10]
    enumFromThen x y = enumFromThenTo x y bound
        bound | fromEnum y >= fromEnum x = maxBound
              | otherwise                = minBound

    succ :: D10 -> D10
    succ (D10_Unsafe '9') = error "D10 overflow"
    succ (D10_Unsafe x) = D10_Unsafe (succ x)

    pred :: D10 -> D10
    pred (D10_Unsafe '0') = error "D10 underflow"
    pred (D10_Unsafe x) = D10_Unsafe (pred x)


-- | Shows base-10 digits using the quasiquoters defined in
-- "Data.D10.Char". A single digit is displayed using 'd10'.
-- A list of digits is displayed using 'd10list'.

instance Show D10 where
    showsPrec _ x = showString "[d10|"     . showsChar x . showString "|]"
    showList xs   = showString "[d10list|" . showsStr xs . showString "|]"

showsChar :: D10 -> ShowS
showsChar (D10_Unsafe x) = showChar x

showsStr :: [D10] -> ShowS
showsStr = appEndo . foldMap (Endo . showsChar)


-- | Convert a 'D10' to its underlying 'Char' representation.
-- >>> d10Char [d10|7|]
-- '7'

d10Char :: D10 -> Char
d10Char (D10_Unsafe x) = x

-- | Convert a 'D10' to a 'String'.
-- @'d10Str' x = ['d10Char' x]@
-- >>> d10Str [d10|7|]
-- "7"

d10Str :: D10 -> String
d10Str (D10_Unsafe x) = [x]

-- | Convert a 'D10' to a 'Natural'.
-- 'd10Num' is a more general version of this function.
-- >>> d10Nat [d10|7|]
-- 7

d10Nat :: D10 -> Natural
d10Nat (D10_Unsafe x) = fromIntegral (ord x - ord '0')

-- | Convert a 'D10' to an 'Integer'.
-- 'd10Num' is a more general version of this function.
-- >>> d10Integer [d10|7|]
-- 7

d10Integer :: D10 -> Integer
d10Integer (D10_Unsafe x) = toInteger (ord x - ord '0')

-- | Convert a 'D10' to an 'Int'.
-- 'd10Num' is a more general version of this function.
-- >>> d10Int [d10|7|]
-- 7

d10Int :: D10 -> Int
d10Int (D10_Unsafe x) = ord x - ord '0'

-- | Convert a 'D10' to any kind of number with a 'Num' instance.
-- Specialized versions of this function include 'd10Nat',
-- 'd10Integer', and 'd10Int'.
-- >>> d10Num [d10|7|] :: Integer
-- 7

d10Num :: Num a => D10 -> a
d10Num (D10_Unsafe x) = fromIntegral (ord x - ord '0')


-- | The 'D10' which is uniquely congruent modulo 10 to the given 'Natural'.
-- 'integralMod10' is a more general version of this function.
-- >>> natMod10 56
-- [d10|6|]

natMod10 :: Natural -> D10
natMod10 x = D10_Unsafe (chr (ord '0' + fromIntegral (x `mod` 10)))

-- | The 'D10' which is uniquely congruent modulo 10 to the given 'Integer'.
-- 'integralMod10' is a more general version of this function.
-- >>> integerMod10 56
-- [d10|6|]
-- >>> integerMod10 (-56)
-- [d10|4|]

integerMod10 :: Integer -> D10
integerMod10 x = D10_Unsafe (chr (ord '0' + fromInteger (x `mod` 10)))

-- | The 'D10' which is uniquely congruent modulo 10 to the given 'Int'.
-- 'integralMod10' is a more general version of this function.
-- >>> intMod10 56
-- [d10|6|]
-- >>> intMod10 (-56)
-- [d10|4|]

intMod10 :: Int -> D10
intMod10 x = D10_Unsafe (chr (ord '0' + (x `mod` 10)))

-- | The 'D10' which is uniquely congruent modulo 10 to the given number
-- (whose type must have an instance of the 'Integral' class).
-- Specialized versions of this function include 'natMod10',
-- 'integerMod10', and 'intMod10'.
-- >>> integralMod10 (56 :: Integer)
-- [d10|6|]
-- >>> integralMod10 ((-56) :: Integer)
-- [d10|4|]

integralMod10 :: Integral a => a -> D10
integralMod10 x = D10_Unsafe (chr (ord '0' + fromIntegral (x `mod` 10)))


-- | Convert a 'Char' to a 'D10' if it is within the range
-- @'0'@ to @'9'@, or produce 'Nothing' otherwise.
-- @'Data.D10.Predicate.isD10Char' x = 'Data.Maybe.isJust' ('charD10Maybe' x)@
-- 'charD10Fail' is a more general version of this function.
-- >>> charD10Maybe '5'
-- Just [d10|5|]
-- >>> charD10Maybe 'a'
-- Nothing

charD10Maybe :: Char -> Maybe D10
charD10Maybe x
        | isD10Char x  =  Just (D10_Unsafe x)
        | otherwise    =  Nothing

-- | Convert a 'String' to a 'D10' if it consists of exactly one
-- character and that character is within the range @'0'@ to @'9'@,
-- or produce 'Nothing' otherwise.
-- @'Data.D10.Predicate.isD10Str' x = 'Data.Maybe.isJust' ('strD10Maybe' x)@
-- 'strD10Fail' is a more general version of this function.
-- >>> strD10Maybe "5"
-- Just [d10|5|]
-- >>> strD10Maybe "a"
-- Nothing
-- >>> strD10Maybe "58"
-- Nothing

strD10Maybe :: String -> Maybe D10
strD10Maybe [x] = charD10Maybe x
strD10Maybe _   = Nothing

-- | Convert a 'String' to a list of 'D10' if all of the characters
-- in the string are within the range @'0'@ to @'9'@, or produce
-- 'Nothing' otherwise.
-- @'Data.D10.Predicate.isD10Str' x = 'Data.Maybe.isJust' ('strD10ListMaybe' x)@
-- 'strD10ListFail' is a more general version of this function.
-- >>> strD10ListMaybe "5"
-- Just [d10list|5|]
-- >>> strD10ListMaybe "a"
-- Nothing
-- >>> strD10ListMaybe "58"
-- Just [d10list|58|]

strD10ListMaybe :: String -> Maybe [D10]
strD10ListMaybe = traverse charD10Maybe

-- | Convert a 'Natural' to a 'D10' if it is less than 10,
-- or produce 'Nothing' otherwise.
-- @'Data.D10.Predicate.isD10Nat' x = 'Data.Maybe.isJust' ('natD10Maybe' x)@
-- 'integralD10Maybe', 'natD10Fail', and 'integralD10Fail'
-- are more general versions of this function.
-- >>> natD10Maybe 5
-- Just [d10|5|]
-- >>> natD10Maybe 12
-- Nothing

natD10Maybe :: Natural -> Maybe D10
natD10Maybe x
        | isD10Nat x  =  Just (D10_Unsafe (chr (fromIntegral x + ord '0')))
        | otherwise   =  Nothing

-- | Convert an 'Integer' to a 'D10' if it is within the range 0 to 9,
-- or produce 'Nothing' otherwise.
-- @'Data.D10.Predicate.isD10Integer' x = 'Data.Maybe.isJust' ('integerD10Maybe' x)@
-- 'integralD10Maybe', 'integerD10Fail', and 'integralD10Fail'
-- are more general versions of this function.
-- >>> integerD10Maybe 5
-- Just [d10|5|]
-- >>> integerD10Maybe 12
-- Nothing
-- >>> integerD10Maybe (-5)
-- Nothing

integerD10Maybe :: Integer -> Maybe D10
integerD10Maybe x
        | isD10Integer x  =  Just (D10_Unsafe (chr (fromInteger x + ord '0')))
        | otherwise       =  Nothing

-- | Convert an 'Int' to a 'D10' if it is within the range 0 to 9,
-- or produce 'Nothing' otherwise.
-- @'Data.D10.Predicate.isD10Int' x = 'Data.Maybe.isJust' ('intD10Maybe' x)@
-- 'integralD10Maybe', 'intD10Fail', and 'integralD10Fail'
-- are more general versions of this function.
-- >>> intD10Maybe 5
-- Just [d10|5|]
-- >>> intD10Maybe 12
-- Nothing
-- >>> intD10Maybe (-5)
-- Nothing

intD10Maybe :: Int -> Maybe D10
intD10Maybe x
        | isD10Int x  =  Just (D10_Unsafe (chr (x + ord '0')))
        | otherwise   =  Nothing

-- | Construct a 'D10' from any kind of number with an 'Integral'
-- instance, or produce 'Nothing' if the number falls outside the
-- range 0 to 9.
-- @'Data.D10.Predicate.isD10Integral' x = 'Data.Maybe.isJust' ('integralD10Maybe' x)@
-- Specialized versions of this function include 'natD10Maybe',
-- 'integerD10Maybe', and 'intD10Maybe'.
-- 'integralD10Fail' is a more general version of this function.
-- >>> integralD10Maybe (5 :: Integer)
-- Just [d10|5|]
-- >>> integralD10Maybe (12 :: Integer)
-- Nothing
-- >>> integralD10Maybe ((-5) :: Integer)
-- Nothing

integralD10Maybe :: Integral a => a -> Maybe D10
integralD10Maybe x = integerD10Maybe (toInteger x)


-- | Convert a 'Char' to a 'D10' if it is within the range
-- @'0'@ to @'9'@, or 'Left' with an error message otherwise.
-- >>> charD10Either '5'
-- Right [d10|5|]
-- >>> charD10Either 'a'
-- Left "d10 must be between 0 and 9"

charD10Either :: Char -> Either String D10
charD10Either x
        | isD10Char x  =  Right (D10_Unsafe x)
        | otherwise    =  Left "d10 must be between 0 and 9"

-- | Convert a 'String' to a 'D10' if it consists of a single
-- character and that character is within the range @'0'@ to
-- @'9'@, or 'Left' with an error message otherwise.
-- >>> strD10Either "5"
-- Right [d10|5|]
-- >>> strD10Either "a"
-- Left "d10 must be between 0 and 9"
-- >>> strD10Either "58"
-- Left "d10 must be a single character"

strD10Either :: String -> Either String D10
strD10Either [x]         =  charD10Either x
strD10Either _           =  Left "d10 must be a single character"

-- | Convert a 'String' to a 'D10' if all of the characters in
-- the string fall within the range @'0'@ to @'9'@, or 'Left'
-- with an error message otherwise.
-- >>> strD10ListEither "5"
-- Right [d10list|5|]
-- >>> strD10ListEither "a"
-- Left "d10 must be between 0 and 9"
-- >>> strD10ListEither "58"
-- Right [d10list|58|]

strD10ListEither :: String -> Either String [D10]
strD10ListEither = traverse charD10Either

-- | Convert a 'Natural' to a 'D10' if it is less than 10,
-- or 'Left' with an error message otherwise.
-- >>> natD10Either 5
-- Right [d10|5|]
-- >>> natD10Either 12
-- Left "d10 must be less than 10"

natD10Either :: Natural -> Either String D10
natD10Either x =
    case (natD10Maybe x) of
        Just y  -> Right y
        Nothing -> Left "d10 must be less than 10"

-- | Convert an 'Integer' to a 'D10' if it is within the
-- range 0 to 9, or 'Left' with an error message otherwise.
-- >>> integerD10Either 5
-- Right [d10|5|]
-- >>> integerD10Either 12
-- Left "d10 must be between 0 and 9"
-- >>> integerD10Either (-5)
-- Left "d10 must be between 0 and 9"

integerD10Either :: Integer -> Either String D10
integerD10Either x =
    case (integerD10Maybe x) of
        Just y  -> Right y
        Nothing -> Left "d10 must be between 0 and 9"

-- | Convert an 'Int' to a 'D10' if it is within the range
-- 0 to 9, or 'Left' with an error message otherwise.
-- >>> intD10Either 5
-- Right [d10|5|]
-- >>> intD10Either 12
-- Left "d10 must be between 0 and 9"
-- >>> intD10Either (-5)
-- Left "d10 must be between 0 and 9"

intD10Either :: Int -> Either String D10
intD10Either x =
    case (intD10Maybe x) of
        Just y  ->  Right y
        Nothing ->  Left "d10 must be between 0 and 9"

-- | Convert a number of a type that has an 'Integral' instance
-- to a 'D10' if it falls within the range 0 to 9, or 'Left'
-- with an error message otherwise.
-- >>> integralD10Either (5 :: Integer)
-- Right [d10|5|]
-- >>> integralD10Either (12 :: Integer)
-- Left "d10 must be between 0 and 9"
-- >>> integralD10Either ((-5) :: Integer)
-- Left "d10 must be between 0 and 9"

integralD10Either :: Integral a => a -> Either String D10
integralD10Either x = integerD10Either (toInteger x)


-- | Convert a 'Char' to a 'D10' if it is within the range
-- @'0'@ to @'9'@, or 'fail' with an error message otherwise.
-- 'charD10Maybe' is a specialized version of this function.
-- >>> charD10Fail '5' :: IO D10
-- [d10|5|]
-- >>> charD10Fail 'a' :: IO D10
-- *** Exception: user error (d10 must be between 0 and 9)

charD10Fail :: MonadFail m => Char -> m D10
charD10Fail x
        | isD10Char x  =  return (D10_Unsafe x)
        | otherwise    =  fail "d10 must be between 0 and 9"

-- | Convert a 'String' to a 'D10' if it consists of a single
-- character and that character is within the range @'0'@ to
-- @'9'@, or 'fail' with an error message otherwise.
-- 'strD10Maybe' is a specialized version of this function.
-- >>> strD10Fail "5" :: IO D10
-- [d10|5|]
-- >>> strD10Fail "a" :: IO D10
-- *** Exception: user error (d10 must be between 0 and 9)
-- >>> strD10Fail "58" :: IO D10
-- *** Exception: user error (d10 must be a single character)

strD10Fail :: MonadFail m => String -> m D10
strD10Fail [x]         =  charD10Fail x
strD10Fail _           =  fail "d10 must be a single character"

-- | Convert a 'String' to a 'D10' if all of the characters in
-- the string fall within the range @'0'@ to @'9'@, or 'fail'
-- with an error message otherwise.
-- 'strD10ListMaybe' is a specialized version of this function.
-- >>> strD10ListFail "5" :: IO [D10]
-- [d10list|5|]
-- >>> strD10ListFail "a" :: IO [D10]
-- *** Exception: user error (d10 must be between 0 and 9)
-- >>> strD10ListFail "58" :: IO [D10]
-- [d10list|58|]

strD10ListFail :: MonadFail m => String -> m [D10]
strD10ListFail = traverse charD10Fail

-- | Convert a 'Natural' to a 'D10' if it is less than 10,
-- or 'fail' with an error message otherwise.
-- 'natD10Maybe' is a specialized version of this function.
-- 'integralD10Fail' is a more general version of this function.
-- >>> natD10Fail 5 :: IO D10
-- [d10|5|]
-- >>> natD10Fail 12 :: IO D10
-- *** Exception: user error (d10 must be less than 10)

natD10Fail :: MonadFail m => Natural -> m D10
natD10Fail x =
    case (natD10Maybe x) of
        Just y  -> return y
        Nothing -> fail "d10 must be less than 10"

-- | Convert an 'Integer' to a 'D10' if it is within the
-- range 0 to 9, or 'fail' with an error message otherwise.
-- 'integerD10Maybe' is a specialized version of this function.
-- 'integralD10Fail' is a more general version of this function.
-- >>> integerD10Fail 5 :: IO D10
-- [d10|5|]
-- >>> integerD10Fail 12 :: IO D10
-- *** Exception: user error (d10 must be between 0 and 9)
-- >>> integerD10Fail (-5) :: IO D10
-- *** Exception: user error (d10 must be between 0 and 9)

integerD10Fail :: MonadFail m => Integer -> m D10
integerD10Fail x =
    case (integerD10Maybe x) of
        Just y  -> return y
        Nothing -> fail "d10 must be between 0 and 9"

-- | Convert an 'Int' to a 'D10' if it is within the range
-- 0 to 9, or 'fail' with an error message otherwise.
-- 'intD10Maybe' is a specialized version of this function.
-- 'integralD10Fail' is a more general version of this function.
-- >>> intD10Fail 5 :: IO D10
-- [d10|5|]
-- >>> intD10Fail 12 :: IO D10
-- *** Exception: user error (d10 must be between 0 and 9)
-- >>> intD10Fail (-5) :: IO D10
-- *** Exception: user error (d10 must be between 0 and 9)

intD10Fail :: MonadFail m => Int -> m D10
intD10Fail x =
    case (intD10Maybe x) of
        Just y  ->  return y
        Nothing ->  fail "d10 must be between 0 and 9"

-- | Convert a number of a type that has an 'Integral' instance
-- to a 'D10' if it falls within the range 0 to 9, or 'fail'
-- with an error message otherwise.
-- 'natD10Maybe', 'integerD10Maybe', 'intD10Maybe',
-- 'integralD10Maybe', 'natD10Fail', 'integerD10Fail', and
-- 'intD10Fail' are all specialized versions of this function.
-- >>> integralD10Fail (5 :: Integer) :: IO D10
-- [d10|5|]
-- >>> integralD10Fail (12 :: Integer) :: IO D10
-- *** Exception: user error (d10 must be between 0 and 9)
-- >>> integralD10Fail ((-5) :: Integer) :: IO D10
-- *** Exception: user error (d10 must be between 0 and 9)

integralD10Fail :: (Integral a, MonadFail m) => a -> m D10
integralD10Fail x = integerD10Fail (toInteger x)


-- | Produces an expression of type 'D10' that can be used
-- in a Template Haskell splice.
-- >>> d10Nat $(d10Exp 5)
-- 5
-- >>> d10Nat $(d10Exp 12)
-- ...
-- ... d10 must be between 0 and 9
-- ...
-- You may also be interested in 'd10', a quasi-quoter which
-- does something similar.

d10Exp :: Integral a => a -> Q Exp
d10Exp = integralD10Fail >=> lift @D10

-- | Produces an expression of type @['D10']@ that can be used
-- in a Template Haskell splice.
-- >>> d10Nat <$> $(d10ListExp "")
-- []
-- >>> d10Nat <$> $(d10ListExp "5")
-- [5]
-- >>> d10Nat <$> $(d10ListExp "58")
-- [5,8]
-- >>> d10Nat <$> $(d10ListExp "a")
-- ...
-- ... d10 must be between 0 and 9
-- ...
-- You may also be interested in 'd10list', a quasi-quoter which
-- does something similar.

d10ListExp :: String -> Q Exp
d10ListExp = strD10ListFail >=> lift @[D10]


-- | Produces a pattern that can be used in a splice
-- to match a particular 'D10' value.
-- >>> :{
--       case (charD10Maybe '5') of
--         Just $(d10Pat [d10|4|]) -> "A"
--         Just $(d10Pat [d10|5|]) -> "B"
--         _                       -> "C"
-- >>> :}
-- "B"
-- You may wish to use the 'd10' quasi-quoter instead.

d10Pat :: D10 -> Q Pat
d10Pat x =
    return (ConP 'D10_Unsafe [LitP (CharL (d10Char x))])

-- | Produces a pattern that can be used in a splice
-- to match a particular list of 'D10' values.
-- >>> :{
--       case (strD10ListMaybe "56") of
--         Just $(d10ListPat [d10list|42|]) -> "A"
--         Just $(d10ListPat [d10list|56|]) -> "B"
--         _                                -> "C"
-- >>> :}
-- "B"
-- You may wish to use the 'd10list' quasi-quoter instead.

d10ListPat :: [D10] -> Q Pat
d10ListPat xs =
    pats <- traverse d10Pat xs
    return (ListP pats)


-- | A single base-10 digit.
-- This quasi-quoter, when used as an expression, produces a
-- value of type 'D10'.
-- >>> d10Nat [d10|5|]
-- 5
-- >>> d10Nat [d10|a|]
-- ...
-- ... d10 must be between 0 and 9
-- ...
-- >>> d10Nat [d10|58|]
-- ...
-- ... d10 must be a single character
-- ...
-- This quasi-quoter can also be used as a pattern.
-- >>> :{
--       case (charD10Maybe '5') of
--         Just [d10|4|] -> "A"
--         Just [d10|5|] -> "B"
--         _             -> "C"
-- >>> :}
-- "B"
-- >>> :{
--       case (charD10Maybe '5') of
--         Just [d10|x|] -> "A"
--         Just [d10|5|] -> "B"
--         _             -> "C"
-- >>> :}
-- ...
-- ... d10 must be between 0 and 9
-- ...

d10 :: QuasiQuoter
d10 = QuasiQuoter
    { quoteExp  = strD10Fail >=> lift
    , quotePat  = strD10Fail >=> d10Pat
    , quoteType = \_ -> fail "d10 cannot be used in a type context"
    , quoteDec  = \_ -> fail "d10 cannot be used in a declaration context"

-- | A list of base-10 digits.
-- This quasi-quoter, when used as an expression, produces a
-- value of type @['D10']@.
-- >>> d10Nat <$> [d10list||]
-- []
-- >>> d10Nat <$> [d10list|5|]
-- [5]
-- >>> d10Nat <$> [d10list|58|]
-- [5,8]
-- >>> d10Nat <$> [d10list|a|]
-- ...
-- ... d10 must be between 0 and 9
-- ...
-- This quasi-quoter can also be used as a pattern.
-- >>> :{
--       case [d10list|56|] of
--         [d10list|41|] -> "A"
--         [d10list|56|] -> "B"
--         _             -> "C"
-- >>> :}
-- "B"
-- >>> :{
--       case [d10list|56|] of
--         [d10list|4x|] -> "A"
--         [d10list|56|] -> "B"
--         _             -> "C"
-- >>> :}
-- ...
-- ... d10 must be between 0 and 9
-- ...

d10list :: QuasiQuoter
d10list = QuasiQuoter
    { quoteExp  = strD10ListFail >=> lift
    , quotePat  = strD10ListFail >=> d10ListPat
    , quoteType = \_ -> fail "d10list cannot be used in a type context"
    , quoteDec  = \_ -> fail "d10list cannot be used in a declaration context"