darcs-2.12.1: a distributed, interactive, smart revision control system

Safe HaskellNone




fetchFilePS :: String -> Cachable -> IO ByteString Source #

fetchFile fileOrUrl cache returns the content of its argument (either a file or an URL). If it has to download an url, then it will use a cache as required by its second argument.

We always use default remote darcs, since it is not fatal if the remote darcs does not exist or is too old -- anything that supports transfer-mode should do, and if not, we will fall back to SFTP or SCP.

fetchFileLazyPS :: String -> Cachable -> IO ByteString Source #

fetchFileLazyPS fileOrUrl cache lazily reads the content of its argument (either a file or an URL). Warning: this function may constitute a fd leak; make sure to force consumption of file contents to avoid that. See "fetchFilePS" for details.

copyFileOrUrl Source #


:: String

remote darcs executable

-> FilePath

path representing the origin file or URL

-> FilePath

destination path

-> Cachable

tell whether file to copy is cachable

-> IO ()