-- Copyright (C) 2002-2004,2007-2008 David Roundy
-- Copyright (C) 2005 Juliusz Chroboczek
-- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-- the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
-- any later version.
-- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-- GNU General Public License for more details.
-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-- along with this program; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to
-- the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
-- Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.

{-# LANGUAGE ForeignFunctionInterface #-}

module Darcs.Repository.Job
    ( RepoJob(..)
    , IsPrimV1(..)
    , withRepoLock
    , withOldRepoLock
    , withRepoLockCanFail
    , withRepository
    , withRepositoryLocation
    , checkRepoIsNoRebase
    , withUMaskFlag
    ) where

import Prelude ()
import Darcs.Prelude

import Darcs.Util.Global ( darcsdir )

import Darcs.Patch.Apply ( ApplyState )
import Darcs.Patch.V1 ( RepoPatchV1 )
import Darcs.Patch.V2 ( RepoPatchV2 )
import qualified Darcs.Patch.V1.Prim as V1 ( Prim(..) )
import qualified Darcs.Patch.V2.Prim as V2 ( Prim(..) )
import Darcs.Patch.Prim ( PrimOf )
import Darcs.Patch.Prim.V1 ( Prim )
import Darcs.Patch.RepoPatch ( RepoPatch )
import Darcs.Patch.RepoType
  ( RepoType(..), SRepoType(..), IsRepoType
  , RebaseType(..), SRebaseType(..), IsRebaseType
  , singletonRepoType

import Darcs.Repository.Flags
    ( UseCache(..), UpdateWorking(..), DryRun(..), UMask (..)
import Darcs.Repository.Format
    ( RepoProperty( Darcs2
                  , RebaseInProgress
                  , HashedInventory
    , formatHas
    , writeProblem
import Darcs.Repository.Identify ( identifyRepository )
import Darcs.Repository.Hashed( revertRepositoryChanges )
import Darcs.Repository.InternalTypes
    ( Repository
    , repoFormat
    , repoLocation
import Darcs.Repository.Rebase
    ( RebaseJobFlags
    , startRebaseJob
    , rebaseJob
import qualified Darcs.Repository.Rebase as Rebase ( maybeDisplaySuspendedStatus )
import Darcs.Util.Lock ( withLock, withLockCanFail )

import Darcs.Util.Progress ( debugMessage )

import Control.Monad ( when )
import Control.Exception ( bracket_, finally )
import Data.Coerce ( coerce )
import Data.List ( intercalate )

import Foreign.C.String ( CString, withCString )
import Foreign.C.Error ( throwErrno )
import Foreign.C.Types ( CInt(..) )

import Darcs.Util.Tree ( Tree )

getUMask :: UMask -> Maybe String
getUMask (YesUMask s) = Just s
getUMask NoUMask = Nothing

withUMaskFlag :: UMask -> IO a -> IO a
withUMaskFlag = maybe id withUMask . getUMask

foreign import ccall unsafe "umask.h set_umask" set_umask
    :: CString -> IO CInt
foreign import ccall unsafe "umask.h reset_umask" reset_umask
    :: CInt -> IO CInt

withUMask :: String
          -> IO a
          -> IO a
withUMask umask job =
    do rc <- withCString umask set_umask
       when (rc < 0) (throwErrno "Couldn't set umask")
           (return ())
           (reset_umask rc)

-- |A @RepoJob@ wraps up an action to be performed with a repository. Because repositories
-- can contain different types of patches, such actions typically need to be polymorphic
-- in the kind of patch they work on. @RepoJob@ is used to wrap up the polymorphism,
-- and the various functions that act on a @RepoJob@ are responsible for instantiating
-- the underlying action with the appropriate patch type.
data RepoJob a
    -- = RepoJob (forall p wR wU . RepoPatch p => Repository p wR wU wR -> IO a)
    -- TODO: Unbind Tree from RepoJob, possibly renaming existing RepoJob
    -- |The most common @RepoJob@; the underlying action can accept any patch type that
    -- a darcs repository may use.
      RepoJob (forall rt p wR wU . (IsRepoType rt, RepoPatch p, ApplyState p ~ Tree)
               => Repository rt p wR wU wR -> IO a)
    -- |A job that only works on darcs 1 patches
    | V1Job (forall wR wU . Repository ('RepoType 'NoRebase) (RepoPatchV1 V1.Prim) wR wU wR -> IO a)
    -- |A job that only works on darcs 2 patches
    | V2Job (forall rt wR wU . IsRepoType rt => Repository rt (RepoPatchV2 V2.Prim) wR wU wR -> IO a)
    -- |A job that works on any repository where the patch type @p@ has 'PrimOf' @p@ = 'Prim'.
    -- This was added to support darcsden, which inspects the internals of V1 prim patches.
    -- In future this should be replaced with a more abstract inspection API as part of 'PrimPatch'.
    | PrimV1Job (forall rt p wR wU . (IsRepoType rt, RepoPatch p, ApplyState p ~ Tree, IsPrimV1 (PrimOf p))
               => Repository rt p wR wU wR -> IO a)
    -- A job that works on normal darcs repositories, but will want access to the rebase patch if it exists.
    | RebaseAwareJob RebaseJobFlags (forall rt p wR wU . (IsRepoType rt, RepoPatch p, ApplyState p ~ Tree) => Repository rt p wR wU wR -> IO a)
    | RebaseJob RebaseJobFlags (forall p wR wU . (RepoPatch p, ApplyState p ~ Tree) => Repository ('RepoType 'IsRebase) p wR wU wR -> IO a)
    | StartRebaseJob RebaseJobFlags (forall p wR wU . (RepoPatch p, ApplyState p ~ Tree) => Repository ('RepoType 'IsRebase) p wR wU wR -> IO a)

onRepoJob :: RepoJob a
          -> (forall rt p wR wU . (RepoPatch p, ApplyState p ~ Tree) => (Repository rt p wR wU wR -> IO a) -> Repository rt p wR wU wR -> IO a)
          -> RepoJob a
onRepoJob (RepoJob job) f = RepoJob (f job)
onRepoJob (V1Job job) f = V1Job (f job)
onRepoJob (V2Job job) f = V2Job (f job)
onRepoJob (PrimV1Job job) f = PrimV1Job (f job)
onRepoJob (RebaseAwareJob flags job) f = RebaseAwareJob flags (f job)
onRepoJob (RebaseJob flags job) f      = RebaseJob flags (f job)
onRepoJob (StartRebaseJob flags job) f = StartRebaseJob flags (f job)

-- | apply a given RepoJob to a repository in the current working directory
withRepository :: UseCache -> RepoJob a -> IO a
withRepository useCache = withRepositoryLocation useCache "."

-- | This is just an internal type to Darcs.Repository.Job for
-- calling runJob in a strongly-typed way
data RepoPatchType p where
  RepoV1 :: RepoPatchType (RepoPatchV1 V1.Prim)
  RepoV2 :: RepoPatchType (RepoPatchV2 V2.Prim)

-- | This type allows us to check multiple patch types against the
-- constraints required by most repository jobs
data IsTree p where
  IsTree :: (ApplyState p ~ Tree) => IsTree p

checkTree :: RepoPatchType p -> IsTree p
checkTree RepoV1 = IsTree
checkTree RepoV2 = IsTree

class ApplyState p ~ Tree => IsPrimV1 p where
  toPrimV1 :: p wX wY -> Prim wX wY
instance IsPrimV1 V1.Prim where
  toPrimV1 = V1.unPrim
instance IsPrimV1 V2.Prim where
  toPrimV1 = V2.unPrim

-- | This type allows us to check multiple patch types against the
-- constraints required by 'PrimV1Job'
data UsesPrimV1 p where
  UsesPrimV1 :: (ApplyState p ~ Tree, IsPrimV1 (PrimOf p)) => UsesPrimV1 p

checkPrimV1 :: RepoPatchType p -> UsesPrimV1 p
checkPrimV1 RepoV1 = UsesPrimV1
checkPrimV1 RepoV2 = UsesPrimV1

-- | apply a given RepoJob to a repository in a given url
withRepositoryLocation :: UseCache -> String -> RepoJob a -> IO a
withRepositoryLocation useCache url repojob = do
    repo <- identifyRepository useCache url

        rf = repoFormat repo
        startRebase =
            case repojob of
                StartRebaseJob {} -> True
                _ -> False

        -- in order to pass SRepoType and RepoPatchType at different types, we need a polymorphic
        -- function that we call in two different ways, rather than directly varying the argument.
          :: IsRebaseType rebaseType
          => SRebaseType rebaseType -> Repository rtDummy pDummy wR wU wR -> RepoJob a -> IO a
        runJob1 isRebase =
          if formatHas Darcs2 rf
          then runJob RepoV2 (SRepoType isRebase)
          else runJob RepoV1 (SRepoType isRebase)

        runJob2 :: Repository rtDummy pDummy wR wU wR -> RepoJob a -> IO a
        runJob2 =
          if startRebase || formatHas RebaseInProgress rf
          then runJob1 SIsRebase
          else runJob1 SNoRebase

    runJob2 repo repojob

  :: forall rt p rtDummy pDummy wR wU a
   . (IsRepoType rt, RepoPatch p)
  => RepoPatchType p
  -> SRepoType rt
  -> Repository rtDummy pDummy wR wU wR
  -> RepoJob a
  -> IO a
runJob patchType (SRepoType isRebase) repo repojob = do

  -- The actual type the repository should have is only known when
  -- when this function is called, so we need to "cast" it to its proper type
    therepo = coerce repo :: Repository rt p wR wU wR

    patchTypeString :: String
    patchTypeString =
      case patchType of
        RepoV2 -> "darcs-2"
        RepoV1 -> "darcs-1"

    repoAttributes :: [String]
    repoAttributes =
      case isRebase of
        SIsRebase -> ["rebase"]
        SNoRebase -> []

    repoAttributesString :: String
    repoAttributesString =
      case repoAttributes of
        [] -> ""
        _ -> " " ++ intercalate "+" repoAttributes

  debugMessage $ "Identified " ++ patchTypeString ++ repoAttributesString ++
                 " repo: " ++ repoLocation repo

  case repojob of
    RepoJob job ->
      case checkTree patchType of
        IsTree ->
          job therepo
              Rebase.maybeDisplaySuspendedStatus isRebase therepo

    PrimV1Job job ->
      case checkPrimV1 patchType of
        UsesPrimV1 -> do
          job therepo
              Rebase.maybeDisplaySuspendedStatus isRebase therepo

    V2Job job ->
      case (patchType, isRebase) of
        (RepoV2, SNoRebase) -> job therepo
        (RepoV1, _        ) ->
          fail $    "This repository contains darcs v1 patches,"
                 ++ " but the command requires darcs v2 patches."
        (RepoV2, SIsRebase) ->
          fail "This command is not supported while a rebase is in progress."

    V1Job job ->
      case (patchType, isRebase) of
        (RepoV1, SNoRebase) -> job therepo
        (RepoV2, _        ) ->
          fail $    "This repository contains darcs v2 patches,"
                 ++ " but the command requires darcs v1 patches."
        (RepoV1, SIsRebase) ->
          fail "This command is not supported while a rebase is in progress."

    RebaseAwareJob flags job ->
      case (checkTree patchType, isRebase) of
        (IsTree, SNoRebase) -> job therepo
        (IsTree, SIsRebase) -> rebaseJob job therepo flags

    RebaseJob flags job ->
      case (checkTree patchType, isRebase) of
        (_     , SNoRebase) -> fail "No rebase in progress. Try 'darcs rebase suspend' first."
        (IsTree, SIsRebase) -> rebaseJob job therepo flags

    StartRebaseJob flags job ->
       case (checkTree patchType, isRebase) of
         (_     , SNoRebase) -> impossible
         (IsTree, SIsRebase) -> startRebaseJob job therepo flags

-- | apply a given RepoJob to a repository in the current working directory,
--   taking a lock
withRepoLock :: DryRun -> UseCache -> UpdateWorking -> UMask -> RepoJob a -> IO a
withRepoLock dry useCache uw um repojob =
    withRepository useCache $ onRepoJob repojob $ \job repository ->
    do maybe (return ()) fail $ writeProblem (repoFormat repository)
       let name = "./"++darcsdir++"/lock"
       withUMaskFlag um $
         if dry == YesDryRun
           then job repository
           else withLock name (revertRepositoryChanges repository uw >> job repository)

-- | run a lock-taking job in an old-fashion repository.
--   only used by `darcs optimize upgrade`.
withOldRepoLock :: RepoJob a -> IO a
withOldRepoLock repojob =
    withRepository NoUseCache $ onRepoJob repojob $ \job repository ->
    do let name = "./"++darcsdir++"/lock"
       withLock name $ job repository

-- | Apply a given RepoJob to a repository in the current working directory,
-- taking a lock. If lock not takeable, do nothing. If old-fashioned
-- repository, do nothing. The job must not touch pending or pending.tentative,
-- because there is no call to revertRepositoryChanges. This entry point is
-- currently only used for attemptCreatePatchIndex.
withRepoLockCanFail :: UseCache -> RepoJob () -> IO ()
withRepoLockCanFail useCache repojob =
    withRepository useCache $ onRepoJob repojob $ \job repository ->
    let rf = repoFormat repository in
    if formatHas HashedInventory rf then do
       maybe (return ()) fail $ writeProblem rf
       let name = "./"++darcsdir++"/lock"
       eitherDone <- withLockCanFail name (job repository)
       case eitherDone of
         Left  _ -> debugMessage "Lock could not be obtained, not doing the job."
         Right _ -> return ()
      else debugMessage "Not doing the job because this is an old-fashioned repository."

-- | If the 'RepoType' of the given repo indicates that we have 'NoRebase',
-- then 'Just' the repo with the refined type, else 'Nothing'.
-- NB The amount of types we have to import to make this simple check is ridiculous!
checkRepoIsNoRebase :: forall rt p wR wU wT. IsRepoType rt
                    => Repository rt p wR wU wT
                    -> Maybe (Repository ('RepoType 'NoRebase) p wR wU wT)
checkRepoIsNoRebase repo =
  case singletonRepoType :: SRepoType rt of
    SRepoType SNoRebase -> Just repo
    SRepoType SIsRebase -> Nothing